You and their secret (MiHyun AU)


It was unusual to hear her voice in the performance of the song that you yourself wrote just a couple of hours ago. You did not expect to be asked to sing, although you hoped. You looked at her, enjoying the look of a slender figure in a school uniform, and imagined that no one else was in this room, only you and she.

Miyu Mina. The president of the school board a light- haired girl with a calm character and an aura of modesty. You admired her for a long time, only of far away. No one thought that there would be such a chance to be with her.

You're jealous, when I heard that she had a younger sister, but all of jealousy gone, cost you your item about a closer look at DaHyun.

They were not sisters, but half-sisters, their parents got married.

You immediately found a common language with her, your friendship was as important as your love for Mina.

Therefore, when it became known the election results on the writing of lyrics, you appealed to DaHyun.

I heard that you performed at concerts in the old school; I would like to ask, help me.

“ With pleasure. What will your song be about?”

“Probably about love, I do not know.”

“ Love, hmm? Mutual, inseparable, love for animals, love for loved ones or love of friendship?”


“And what kind of help do you expect from me?”

“ Help me with the script so that I can decide how to write. I beg you!”

“ I already have one. Scenario. And just about unrequited love. Just don’t think that I am involved in this story, no, no, in no case, I have nothing to do with it!”

“ I didn’t think about anything like that.”

“Come on, only after school, the call will now ring, but I can’t be late at all.”

You met her after school; you were waiting for her across from the school, on a bench. From here, a beautiful view was opened, both of the school itself and of the park, which was specially made for students to walk.

You were constantly looking towards the school, and when the door opened and two people came out, you wanted to hide from them for some reason, than to show your location.

Two sisters, Mina and DaHyun, they walked home together. DaHyun, as usual, slightly ahead of her sister, was talking animatedly about something, while Mina silently listened to her. Then you saw that they were simpler and were, and the brunette went to you.

“Hello, have you been waiting for a long time? Sorry, Mina was detained today, and I wanted to talk to her.”

“You told her about ...”

"No, no, of course not. Too early to tell her, she better not know yet. Where do we start?”

“If you don't mind, let's go to the cafe.”


It was not a date.

You didn’t even think so, but the views that students threw at you said the opposite.

Of course because you go with a beautiful girl. But, alas, your heart is given to another sister.

You went to a cafe; you ordered a cup of coffee and two pieces of cake, sat down by the window, the only place that was not taken. Your conversation proceeded calmly, you often laughed at jokes or from thorium that occurred during or after the lesson. When your bellies were full, you ave and stepped to the point, why you are going.

The scenario of unhappy love.

“Uh, wait, unrequited love.”

“I said unhappy, sorry. Stay here or ...”

“We’ll stay here, it’s warm and comfortable.”

“And noisy.”

“It's okay. Let's start, I can give you at least another 2 hours, and then they will look for me and worry. Mini does not like when I linger. Especially when the parents are not home”.

“So, can we postpone our meeting? The lyrics are not as important as ...”

“It's okay, I'm telling you. The time is not yet late, besides it is useful for us to be at a distance from each other, or else ... Hm, so ...”

“I'm waiting for your story, DaHyun.”

“Yeah. Only this is about my girlfriend, not about me.”

“I got it. Do not rush.”

“Then listen.”

2 hours passed quickly.

You listened to everything the girl wanted to tell you.

You listened carefully; her voice was soft and gentle when she talked about the first kiss.

The first kiss was stolen by another girl, but you were not too surprised. You, however, knew that everything was going to this. There is nothing surprising in our society, you always thought so and, as always, you were right.

After the first kiss, followed by a second, which makes the heart sick, and I want to s about it and be. In order to repay the same coin, that girl herself kissed the offender, but instead of rejoicing in the victory, she felt uneasy.

The confrontation went on for two long months, until once the heart of the first girl gave slack and those kisses that were disgusting to her became irreplaceable. The heart began to respond to every touch, every look and every word. And not only her, both of them.

“And what now with them?”

“Who knows. Did my story help you?”

“And how. I already know what I will write about.”

“Be sure to show after writing, okay?”

You said goodbye to her.

Your eyes followed her silhouette for a long time until it disappeared.

Yes, you knew what to write about.

And you knew who we were talking about. The girl herself, without realizing n th number of times to give your name and the name of St. about her sister.

You were touched that you got such a secret.

You must keep everything secret.

You worked hard for a long time to write the words for the song, you did not sleep all night, you twisted all the moments with those two in your thoughts, crossing out one word, replacing it with another, more accurate and ideal. After a nightly session with a piece of paper and a pen, you could finally breathe freely.

A song about unrequited love was written.

You loved this text.

You wanted to show her, first to her, about that headman and teachers.

You rushed to school, hoping that you would meet in front of it than at recess.

And you were not mistaken.

In front of you three steps ahead, were two girls, blonde something chirped and brunette ignore.

You looked closely, yes, you were not mistaken.

Her gaze said a lot.

Undivided love did not exist here.

You smiled, quickened your pace, said hello.

“Oh, hi! Mina- unnie, I told you about him yesterday. Well? Are you done? Will you show?”

“As agreed. Hold on.”

“Now we read what you wrote”.


You are my mystery

You are my dream to me,

Which I would like to implement.

You are my sin, but I am ready to wear it in my soul.

You are my modesty

You are my hopelessness

My heart loses control when you touch me

Kiss; let me feel a piece of your warmth.


You watched her eyes slip over a piece of paper. You looked at the expression on her face, slowly starting to get nervous. The girl was still reading, and then after reading those for a hundred, she looked at the letters for a long time.

You saw her cheeks turn red and her breathing was torn.

Have you made a mistake somewhere? Something is pr and correctly understood?

Did you not like it?”

She did not answer; just patted your shoulder, and then she took your sister's hand and hurried to school, because the bell rang for the lessons.

If you could hear, you would hear:

“DaHyun, what's wrong with you? You're all red and your palms are sweating.”

“He knows everything.”

“Who? What are you talking about?”

“But our secret will be kept.”

“Explain, I do not understand.”

“Your kiss was especially hot today. I would like to repeat ...”

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