Today, for the first time, she performed on stage without Nayeon, and she felt as if she was surrounded by emptiness. There were many cases in the lives of girls when they performed without their members. Nevertheless, there was always Sika with her sweet voice.

She lacked her voice right after her party. JiHyo liked how their voices sounded together, an incomparable sensation, and fans were delighted with their voices. Today, Nayeon took Jeongyeon (where you need to sound loud) and Mina, where you need to sound soft.

They could not reach her, but her manager said that Nayeon would not be able to attend for two weeks. Now JiHyo performed solo, sang together with members of other groups a cover song performed by Kim Taeyeon, I love you, I miss you. Speaking clearly the words of the song, a recent telephone conversation with Nayeon flashed through his thoughts. She called Jeongyeon, but then asked her phone, JiHyo.


They were preparing to perform on stage with their title song “Fancy You,” in addition today JiHyo performed solo with the new song “You Are My Angel ” with JB ( GOT 7) and Yerin ( GFRIEND ) . The first was JiHyo, dressed in a simple black dress, she looked into the starry ocean, so the audience created lights from the lanterns, and sang in a sad voice, giving a part of herself in each syllable. She immediately agreed, as she was offered to sing this part in the song , because there are so many similar moments from her personal life.

"Far from you, I still feel you

This is called love! ”

So it was.

Now Nayeon was far from her, she hadn’t called for 3 days, she didn’t even send SMS and made her worry. According to the manager, she just has a lot of work when she gets a little free call. In addition, from the words of the manager, the girls learned that from the very moment, the script changed constantly, and they had to re-shoot the first scene numerous times. Thinking of her, JiHyo finished the lyrics, even more romantically:

Step by step, approaching you

I was drowning in the abyss of immense fear

But nothing can shake my love.

To loud applause, she went downstage to where all members except Nayeon we’re waiting for her. As usual, they encouraged her, we were only present and the tears themselves disappeared into the depths of the heart. She smiled, hurried to change into the stage costume “Fancy you”.

She didn’t ask in a rumor, but her eyes begged to say that she called Nayeon. Then, as if hearing her prayers, Jeongyeon sang a telephone. The name “Nabong ” appeared on the screen . There were 15 minutes before their performance, enough time to find out how she was doing.

- Nayeon-unnie ...

-Hi, Jeong, - she sighed wearily at her friend's name, appearing on the video screen. - How are you there?

- We’re getting ready to speak, but without you, it’s boring. How do you? How is your scenario? - The heart contracted, seeing the tired face of a loved one.

“And don't ask.” From the first minute, as it turned out there, we were taken into circulation. Now they gave us a break for ... how much? - She asked somewhere to the side, from there the girls heard the same tired voice: “15 minutes” - 15 minutes. Thanks.

-Who are you talking to like that? The girl who plays the "best friend"? What is her name?

- Is JiHyo nearby? Can you call her? - changing the subject, asked Nayeon .

She straightened her hair behind her back, made her hair like braids, and then straightened them. Jeongyeon had just noticed, Nayeon sat wearing a bikini, and a robe on top. Feeling that she was blushing, the girl tried to look away, but as if with a magnet he was chained to her collarbones.

All members recognized for her, for Nayeon, the beauty of the body, especially after they saw all the majestic beauty during a joint bath. If her legs were still not so angular, thank heaven she learned to walk not like a guy, although the guy’s habits remained, she would be ideal.

- Why are you in the same swimsuit? Sana inquired, peering over Jeongyeon's shoulder. -Who are you already seducing there? Us?

- I seduce a roommate, and after 15 minutes and all those who are on the set. What a stupid question, Sana ? JiHyo there, she already performed?

-I'm here, Nayeon - taking away the phone from Jeongyeon, - JiHyo said quietly, meeting with the girl’s gaze. - What happened? - When the eldest friend demanded someone so, something happened. JiHyo usually did a better job of this.

- Jisoo! - Nayeon held out plaintively, pouting her lips and almost crying. - Help me, Jisoo! I don’t have enough energy do not share a lot? Sing me that song.

- Now?! But ... - she looked around at the girls, they nodded their heads in agreement, showing her hands to answer "yes."

- Please, I want to hear her in the original, and not on the record, - Nayeon asked her, folding her hands in front of her in prayer.

“... notes ...” JiHyo repeated dumbfounded . “She recorded my voice,” a thought flashed through her head, but was lost in a routine of words, penetrating warmth into her heart.

- Yeah, I wrote it down in the car, and when I need to make a sad face, I listen to it. But that does not help. Please only once.

-Do you listen to our voices when you are sad?! - asked members, looking into the phone.

They first heard this from Nayeon; she never recorded their voices on the player. She always said that she did not need it. She has enough of the time that they spend together. Then it turns out that she misses them.

“I have little time and will not answer your questions,” the girl blushed, embarrassed, wrapping herself in a dressing gown, closing such a charming look from her gaze.


Her eyes, her deep dark eyes, a bewitching picture. Her face was so close, so close that one could touch him. Touch and do not feel the familiar warmth from touch. Nayeon did not blink, watching her moving lips with the color of pale pink lipstick.

She loved listening to JiHyo's voice. Her voice, filled with a wealth of emotion, encouraged her every minute, second. He especially gave strength to express this or that emotion in the frame when they shot a too emotional scene, with a false kiss. After talking with the girls, she returned to the set, ready to dive again into the fairyland of feelings.

Script clipping:

They were invited by mutual friends to the water park, which opened just two days ago. The company gathered cheerful, Li Ha knew almost all of them. Friends and girlfriends from the same swimming club where Eunji went and friends from the drawing club where Lee Ha went.

The day was wonderful, sunny and windless, just such as to spend a long time on the beach. They came first, there weren’t a lot of people, 15 people were already enjoying the water procedures. Well, there are 15 of them, so not much. The people changed quickly, that they should change there, take off their trousers and a T-shirt or T-shirt, and the girls need more time.

Locker room for girls. Lockers nearby. Girl's twitter, jokes, funny laughter. Free and sincere atmosphere. So it was for all but one girl that she had already changed into a separate swimsuit the color of aqua, and was waiting for her friend.

LiEn could not explain the reason why her legs were buckled by the sight of her friend alone. Why, seeing the ideal proportions of the inflated body, practically revealing all the splendors of a tall figure, was dry? Why did the air suddenly become unbearably hot when she touched her forehead with her hand, checking the temperature?

They stood very close to each other. So close that LiEN felt skin emanating heat from a nearby body. They always always stood close to each other before, but something has changed since last summer.

Somehow they were left alone in the locker room. Their breathing was mixed, LiEn could not budge, realizing that if she took a step back, she would still have to touch the bare skin of her friend.

Eunji was worried about her friend, who suddenly blushed like a cancer and was silent, as if she had taken water in . She did not understand the situation, why the room became so tense and why did she suddenly want to hide from her too close gaze?

Their eyes attracted with a magnet, their faces came close, they almost touched each other. Not many more, and their lips would have closed in an awkward kiss ...


- Hey! You are there for a long time! LiEn! Eunji! We are waiting only for you!

A knock frightened them away, they quickly jumped away from each other, looking away to the side.

- We are already going! - Eunji coughed a couple of times, despite her friend; she was the first to leave the locker room. LiEn followed her like a machine gun. There was still a veil in her eyes, and the brain did not want to work. What could just happen? What was it?

They tried to smooth out the awkwardness that stood between them. However, the water park is not the best place to build relationships. It should be a place where there are no provocative actions, that for a moment neither my heart nor eyes let go. ”

They shot and shot, from every angle, the scriptwriters changed and changed the words of the main characters, after 30 takes, finally the girls could breathe freely. They did it. It turned out to be very difficult to show what I did not feel. They did not have such situations in life to understand how a girl felt with a nascent incomprehensible feeling.

- If the script goes in this direction, I’m afraid to show my eyes to the girls - sitting in the dining room, which was allocated for the film crew, Nayeon poked a fork in pasta. - Do you think the Internet is already writing about us?

-I already have a thought, why am I here at all? Mina calls, every half hour and asks me. I can’t lie to her, but every time I’m lying - biting off a piece of fried meat and drinking everything with plain water, said Una. - Yes, on the Internet we already have a separate web page about us. Suzi wrote that they write about some kind of kiss ...

- There will be no kiss, but there will be many scenes foreshadowing this kiss. So my manager told me when I asked if I would agree or not. I didn’t think that the scenes would be so frank!

- I also. Yet I like to play such a role. This is new to me as an actress. I know that many great actors went through this, and each time they won with those roles.

- Maybe we will receive awards only then how to explain to members? - Nayeon finished breakfast, ran a hand through her hair, straightening them. A script lay in front of her, and a scriptwriter and a director sat next to their table, writing down something, deleting something from the script, adding something.

Over the past hour, they have corrected the script 5 times, at least. They want to show in the next scene, a water marathon, where by chance, by chance Eunji kisses his girlfriend's neck. The girls were waiting, talking, doing everything so as not to feel embarrassed.

-They should take our side as well, - Una continued, her hand reaching out to wipe her pencil trail near her eyes. It was at that moment that the scriptwriter shouted:

-Eunji, don’t take your hands off ... Quietly ...


to be continued...

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