Masquerade ball ( MiNayeon AU)


Mina had no intention of doing this.

And yet, out of pure curiosity, she picked up the invitation lying on the table in her father’s office.

How many times did Mina prove to herself that she definitely did not intend to do this.

And yet, it (the invitation) just begged to be picked up, printed and read:

Mr. Miyu invites you and your family to a fabulous ball in honor of my son's engagement.

Elegant suits with bow ties.

Elegant dresses decorated with precious stones.



Masks covering faces.

All this was so reminiscent of a fairytale Masquerade Ball, where the prince must find his bride in a round dance.

It's like the cartoon Cinderella came to life.

Why not go there?

Why didn't the father say anything about it (the ball) during the family dinner?

Why did you go out to meet friends and not accept the invitation?

He didn’t refuse such an invitation?!

Mina really wanted to go there, and if she went there without asking, what harm could it cause?

For the first time in her life, she wanted to become an independent Cinderella, go against family traditions and simply enjoy the evening, a magical ball. Her heart so wanted to dance those dances that were banned at home.

Ballet for the first time, Mina wanted to try her dancing skills in other directions.

Everything that doesn't relate to ballet.

So why not take the chance, go to the Ball, and learn something new?

When will this opportunity present itself?


Today. She's free until midnight. No one will notice that she went to bed so early. For a future ballerina, sleep is the most important.

Therefore, having hidden the invitation card, Mina hurried to her room, to the closet where all the clothes were hanging, to find a suitable dress for the Ball.


By the time she arrived, the masquerade ball was already in full swing.

Luxury decoration.

Etiquette at the highest level.

Elegance, a little stiffness.

The guests who were inside the hall where the engagement was celebrated were wearing masks.

Most of the male guests wore tuxedos, with a black bow tie adorning the throat.

As soon as she crossed the threshold, a slow melody began to sound, Mina felt as if she was in a fairy tale, when the gentlemen gallantly invited the ladies to dance and began to circle around the hall, showing wonderful dance moves.

She stood a little to the side, not daring to show herself publicly, simply admiring everything that was happening, when her view was blocked by a girl dressed in a gentleman’s tuxedo, only instead of a bow tie, the corner of a blue scarf peeked out prettily from behind her chest pocket.

“Accept my dance, lady,” it didn’t even sound like a question, but simply an offer, in accordance with the outstretched hand.

“I don’t know how to dance these movements,” Mina said shyly, nevertheless taking the outstretched hand, watching as her thin palm disappeared into the wide, warm palm of the stranger.

ЭDon't worry, there is nothing complicated in these movements. Besides, I’ll lead you, and if we look funny on the floor, just point at me,” the girl smiled friendly, easily leading Mina out of hiding, leading her to the center of the hall and joining the dancing.


They danced close to each other. All fears disappeared as soon as Mina’s body, out of habit, began to follow unfamiliar movements, instantly memorizing it. Her “gentleman” skillfully stepped on her feet with complete confidence, apologizing with a wide smile, the one where little smiley eyes showed.

Not knowing the reason, but Mina’s heart melted from this smile.


Over the course of the evening, she learned so many different dance moves that her legs were tired of doing tricks. Mina decided to rest a little before saying goodbye to the stranger.

Yes, don’t be surprised, but all this time Mina never found out the girl’s name.

Just as she was about to ask what the new melody sounded like, she dragged her onto the dance floor and twirled her around in the dance again.

Now, her polite and attentive “gentleman” sat her down on a bench, not far from the exit, and left:

" I'll bring drinks to quench your thirst. I soon."

Mina enjoyed the peace, feeling the muscles in her legs buzzing from overwork. She planned to stay here a little longer before saying goodbye and going home.

It's almost midnight, and as befits Cinderella, she needs to disappear before her carriage turns into a pumpkin.

But I really didn’t want to get up, I really didn’t want to say goodbye to the “gentleman”.

A couple of minutes doesn't change anything, does it?

"I’ll wait for her, and then I’ll say goodbye, ” Mina thought, turning her head just at the moment when the girl returned with the drinks.

“I’m glad that you didn’t disappear without waiting for me,” the stranger smiled at her, sitting down next to her and handing her a glass of drink.

Mina sniffed suspiciously, but did not smell anything other than the smell of freshly squeezed orange juice. She took a sip, then took a long sip, the pleasant freshness soothing her thirsty throat.

“I really need to leave, besides, the ball is coming to an end,” Mina said apologetically after finishing the entire glass of juice.

“I would like to accompany you, lady, but I’m afraid we are not on the same path,” the stranger said, gallantly extending her hand and helping her rise from the chair, slowly leading her towards the exit. “So let me at least catch a carriage for you,” she winked at Mina, the girl smiled brightly, showing two front teeth, which caused a change in the rhythm of Mina’s heart.

At the very end of the farewell, when the stranger was helping her up the steps to the carriage, she said a mysterious thing:

" See you tomorrow, Lady Miyu. I hope that then we can talk longer, and you will not rush to run away like Cinderella at the ball."

Mina thought all the way home, remembering when she managed to voice her name. No matter how she thought, she could not let it slip anywhere.

Then how does she know who I am?

Mina returned secretly, easily went up to her room, took off her clothes, changed into her favorite pajamas with penguins, as soon as her head touched the pillow, she immediately fell asleep.

She dreamed of dancing and warm arms hugging her waist.


Mina woke up suddenly, the question was spinning in her thoughts:

Why didn't I recognize her name? Was this really our first and last meeting?

Maybe Mina would have gone to bed again, because it was just blossoming outside the window, but a light knock on the door did not allow her to do this. Mom went inside and was delighted when she saw her daughter wake up. From behind the doors of the room some kind of fuss and whispering could be heard, Mina became curious why, so she asked her mother such a question.

"We were notified yesterday that the eldest daughters of the countess would come to visit us, your father is worried, thinking that this is connected with his refusal to attend yesterday’s ball."

Ball? Have I really been found out? Oh no, what should I do? Tell? No, I’ll wait, what if it’s a false alarm?


The guests arrived closer to 9 am, but the entire Miyu family gathered and waited for their arrival. The carriage stopped just near the entrance to the house, the doors opened and a girl jumped out with a bright smile, showing the whole Miyu family her front “rabbit” teeth.

Mina would never mistake that smile.

My heart shuddered treacherously and fluttered in my chest.

That's her!

" Oh, how formal" she waved her hand shyly, then, remembering etiquette, made a gallant bow, putting her hand to her chest, and politely greeted her. “Thank you for allowing me to visit you early in the morning, Mr. Miyu. Sorry if my request seemed strange to you."

"No, no, no, I’m glad to see you, lady Im. But I thought that your mother and your sisters would arrive,” Mina’s father hastened to assure her.

"They took a long time to prepare for the trip, so they will arrive a little later. You know, you have a very beautiful site. Around my house there is mostly emptiness, so there is greenery all around, it’s just a rest for the eye,” the guest continued to rant, exchanging glances with Mina, who smiled shyly from the close attention to her person.

" If you want, you can take a walk while waiting for your family. My daughter Mina will be happy to show you our site."

“Thank you, mail, for the honor of accompanying such a beautiful girl as your daughter,” the girl winked at Mina, unnoticed by the head of the family.


“You know, it’s not fair, you know my name, but I still don’t know yours,” Mina said, walking slowly along the alley, looking askance at the girl walking next to her.

"I apologize for the rudeness on my part. Nayeon, my name is Nayeon" slightly bowed her head in greeting, Nayeon, folding her hands behind her back, slowed down her steps. “I’m sorry that I dared to come without your invitation—however, there was no regret in voice—I just didn’t want to put off our acquaintance until the next ball.”

“Ah, but let me ask how you knew my last name, I didn’t tell you,” Mina asked, slightly ahead of the girl who had slowed down.

“I knew who you were as soon as you crossed the threshold,” Nayeon said mysteriously, meeting her gaze, holding her gaze longer than the allowed 3 seconds. “I’ll tell you after we get to know each other better, Lady Miyu.”

Get to know each other better? Does she only mean friendship or...

Mina was so lost in thought that she paused her step, did not even notice how Nayeon came closer to her, leaned towards her ear (although there was no one around them), and whispered:

“I don’t mean just friendship, Lady Mina. I want to know all of you", Mina shuddered when Nayeon’s lips tenderly touched her ear, kissing it. “And I hope that I interested you for the same purpose.”

Mina's heart fluttered with anticipation, the heat of recognition colored her cheeks, a quiet groan involuntarily escaped her lips as she boldly met Nayeon's inquisitive gaze, thus answering her.


Yes, their story was just beginning.

There was not a day when each of them did not thank fate for bringing them together at a masquerade ball in honor of their engagement.

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