Your hands (MiNayeon AU)


There's blood on your hands.

You have blood all over your elegant clothes that you wore for your little sister's wedding anniversary party.

There is noise in your ears, your head is clouded from an explosion, sudden, loud.

But your posture is straight.

Your gaze is cold.

Your steps are clearly and firmly heard on the gravel, approaching your partner’s arriving car, which rushed in as soon as you heard it on the radio.

You take special clothes from his hands, put on gloves, tie your long dark brown hair in a ponytail, pick up the phone, where you hear the boss’s voice:

-Can you do your job, Detective Im?

- Yes, sir. I immediately commit a crime.

- Gather all the information before the “TV people” and “cleaners” rush in, - he ordered.

You didn’t answer, because your boss might not have ordered the obvious.

You'll get to the bottom of it.

You will find out everything and punish everyone who was involved in the attack of 20 invited guests, among whom there was one death, an innocent waiter serving them.

- Detective Yoo, unhook the perimeter and interview all personnel. I will go inside, to the place where the crime was committed.

- Detective Im, I called our employees, and here they are, waving to the approaching car, from which two more plainclothes detectives ran out. I just can’t get through to the medical examiner.

- You know what to do, - you said as you walked, going to your family, throwing away all your daughter’s feelings, ready to ask everything. – The forensic expert came with me, she is in the hall, or rather in what is left of it.


Your hands are stained with blood.

It's not your blood, no, you weren't hurt, just small cuts at the base of your fingers and on the back of your hand.

You are unharmed, just a little immobilized due to the loud noise filling the small space where there used to be a buffet hall intended for your little sister's wedding anniversary.

The blast wave threw you against the nearest wall, hitting you painfully on the back.

You are disoriented , for some time you cannot assess the situation, hearing nothing but your heartbeat.

Little by little your vision returns, the tinnitus becomes louder, now you hear panic, screams, the voices of your parents, your sister’s crying.

You are moving.

You lean on your hands, rising up.

You lean against the wall with your own hands, trying to gain balance.

Your breathing is labored.

Wheezing instead of breathing.

Your mouth feels like you've swallowed dust.

You're coughing.

Some strange lump is stuck in your throat, you are hunched over, holding onto the wall, coughing, and your eyes are watering.

When you feel that you can breathe normally, you raise your head and look around.

Half of the buffet hall was destroyed, the surviving wall was the one you were holding on to, the chandelier hanging on the ceiling fell and broke, its small fragments crunched underfoot when one of the survivors walked on them.

The daughter and older sister fade into the background, and the police dog preparing for the hunt comes to the fore.


In one hand you hold a glass of wine, just poured from a bottle by the waiter.

The waiter seems vaguely familiar to you, but you don’t remember where you saw this face.

You take a sip from your glass.

Sweet taste, you like it.

You listen with half an ear to your father as he reminisces about Gia’s first meeting with Mino.

You are waiting for your plus one, who a minute ago asked for time off and went to the ladies' room.

Your eyes catch some movement from the side of the door leading to the “personal staff” room.

A flash of orange, like a flame of fire.

Hmm, strange, none of the guests or staff wore such colors.

You followed with your gaze, squinted, in the place where you stood, you could only see a vague silhouette.

Although you understood one thing for sure - you are not a girl, the dimensions are not the same.

It means a guy or a man.

This man walked quickly, as if he was running away.

You tried to determine when the click sounded, and a second later - boom!


You are holding her hand in yours.

Your hands are still connected.

None of you were in a hurry to separate.

You talked about everything, partially touching on the very process of preparing for the festive evening.

Your gaze kept stopping at the girl’s lips, imagining how they would feel under your lips.

- Nayeon, I'm sorry, but I need a couple of minutes and I'll be back.


You raised your hand, bowing slightly forward, looking at the black-haired girl in front of you with a cheerful smile.

She is gorgeous.

Miyu Mina, in appearance, could be a prima ballerina or the CEO of a multi-million dollar company, but certainly not a forensic scientist in their division.

A gorgeous girl instantly filled the lonely gaps in your heart.

You immediately found a common language.

You could not be called a couple, but a couple at the same time.

No, you weren’t asleep yet, but the tense atmosphere between you, that spark that always flew between you, as soon as you met each other’s eyes.

You walked on the edge of a knife, at a crossroads, without bending to either side.

You liked this game.

- Don’t tell me that you want to ask me to dance, Nayeon? – taking your hand, gently placing his palm on top of yours, allowing his fingers to intertwine.

- You’re smart, Mina, - you winked, leading the girl to the center of the dance floor, where, in addition to them, the main couple of the evening was dancing. – You remember that I’m not much of a dancer, right?

- How can you forget, - Mina grinned, - you constantly step on my toes.

- But I try, with each dance it gets better and better, don’t argue - pressing the girl’s body closer so that she doesn’t collide with the guest quickly walking towards the exit.

He walked rather strangely, staggering, as if he had had too much to drink.

You also noticed that instead of a suit, the guest was wearing jeans and a T-shirt of some strange color.

Your attention was completely focused on Mina, but the police brain processed the information, hiding the results in the depths of memory.

- He didn’t smell of alcohol, - Mina shared her observation, nevertheless not moving away from you, on the contrary, even closer.

- Sorry, I didn't...

- No need, everything is fine, - Mina reassured you, - let’s better enjoy the dance.

“And each other’s company” hung in the air.


With one hand you open doors.

Your other hand is busy, holding a bottle of wine bought especially for your wedding anniversary.

A bottle of semi-sweet red wine, that same taste, must be a pleasant reminder of the day Mino proposed to your little sister.

You looked for it for a long time until you found it in one online wine forum for a decent price.

You spent almost all your savings, but you bought it.

For your beloved little sister, you can spend some money.

You half-turn at your companion, “plus one,” as it was written in the invitation.

Your smile itself becomes wider and softer:

- Thank you for helping me convey this, - pointing to the bag of cakes you specially ordered the night before.

- I'm glad you invited me, Detective Im - holding the door, entering after you.

- Who else should I invite, if not you, forensic expert Miyu.


You open the car door, offering your hand to your companion as she gets out.

Your ear picks up the signal from the car.

You turn around for a second, looking back at the signal.

You see a couple - a young man and a man arguing near the car.

The young man is wearing black trousers, a white shirt and a gray jacket.

The man is wearing jeans and an orange T-shirt.

Quite a strange color for a middle-aged man ( does he want to look younger than his age? )

You see a man grab the young man’s jacket by the lapels, pull him towards him and say something threateningly.

You see the young man push the man away, straighten his jacket, point his finger at his chest and say something.

You don’t hear the voice, because the noise of the streets drowns out, but from the situation it is clear that they are having a major quarrel.

The policeman wakes up, but you are stopped by the sweet aroma of the perfume of your companion passing by.

The light chuckle from her completely drowns out the policeman inside.

- Don't forget the gifts, Detective Im.


Your finger taps the steering wheel.

You've been waiting in the car for 10 minutes.

You drove up to the specified address, given to you by an employee of the special department, where you work as a detective.

Not to say that this is a date, but with your work, such a trip is also suitable.

You were incredibly happy that the “plus one” agreed.

If only your date knew how nervous you were about inviting her.

Many people wanted her, but she preferred you.

She always agreed to any adventures that you proposed, she went everywhere you took.

You think it's fate.

You hoped that this evening would inspire the idea of real dates, where you can openly voice your feelings.

You've been beating around the bush for almost a year now, ever since the new medical examiner transferred to your department.

As soon as she crossed the threshold of the special department “for special cases,” it felt as if Cupid’s arrow had shot through your heart.

You were captivated from the first minute.

You heard the sound of the door of the house you were waiting in front of opening.

In the entrance doorway stood an elegant figure in a black ankle-length dress with an open neckline.

You swallowed.

Your heart fluttered.

You jumped out of the car and ran around it, gallantly opening the door in front of her, voicing a compliment:

-You look great. I didn't know you liked dresses like this.

- You don’t know a lot about me, even though we’ve been working for a year now.

- Wow, were you really counting the days? – slamming the doors, returned to her driver’s seat, buckled up, and started the engine.

- Perhaps, -  she answered playfully, also fastening her seat belts. - Is there anything I need to know other than it’s your sister’s party?

- Just one thing, don’t promise anyone a dance, all the dances today are mine.


You hesitate to knock on the door of the office leading to forensic scientist Miyu Mina.

Your colleagues, passing by, jokingly push, tease, and encourage you.

So cool while working and such a near the girl's office that you like it.

How long you would have stood there is unknown if the doors had not opened on their own and Miyu Mina looked out from there.

- How long will it take to wait for you, Nayeon-chan? – she asked in a gentle voice, looking at you softly. “Come in, detective, the coffee is almost cold.”

You walk by, sit down on the offered chair, and look around.

Everything is so familiar, although there are small additions in the form of pictures hanging on the wall and a couple of personal photographs on the table. Also added here are two flowers standing on the windowsill.

- You’ve been looking at my office for so long, as if you’ve never come here, Detective Im, - Mina grinned, still with the same affection in her voice.

- I just really like the current situation, - you said, sat up straighter in your chair, folded your arms over your chest, and looked at Mina.

- Did you come with a specific question or just to chat?

How to ask without getting a negative answer?

You were undecided.

Then, gathering all your courage, you moved closer to the table and asked straight to the forehead:

-Would you like to be my plus date for my little sister's wedding anniversary party on Saturday?

- Oh, what an unusual invitation, - Mina said thoughtfully, biting her lower lip, leaning closer to you for her part. – What do you think I will answer?

- I will accept any answer you give, Mina, but I will be happy if you answer “yes.”

- I like straightforward people, okay, when will you pick me up? – Mina wrinkled her nose coquettishly, grinning wider, showing you that same sticky smile that makes all her colleagues swoon.

You could have grinned flirtatiously in response, but instead a long exhale escaped from your chest.

And you, without fear of being disgraced, simply voiced everything honestly:

- I was so worried that you would refuse me, Mina.

- Did you have anyone else in mind? – she asked, without affectionate banter in her voice.

- Nobody, only you, forensic expert Miyu, - you were embarrassed, it’s not typical for you.


You picked up a toothbrush, brought it to your mouth, looking at yourself in the mirror after a restless sleep, and began to brush your teeth.

Dull, still-unawakened eyes squinted in the bright light of the LED lamp hanging above you.

But despite this, your brain was already working, making a plan to ask the medical examiner on a date, under the guise of a Saturday night in honor of your little sister's wedding anniversary.

In a split second, he worked out all the pros and cons in one part or another.

- It’s better to speak directly, be honest from the very beginning and then perhaps she will agree. If “no”, then give all the advantages associated with me. You still have a day to persuade her, if not agree.


As you get out of bed, you feel something underneath you.

You can tell by the texture that you are holding a postcard.

So lazy to turn on the light and look at what exactly you are holding.

So you put your find aside, put on your slippers, throw on your robe and leave the bedroom.


You sleepily extend your hand to the beeping phone lying on the nightstand near the bed.

The time on the clock face is about 6 am.

It's time to get ready for work.

It's surprising that no one woke you up in the middle of the night demanding your presence at the crime scene.

Thank you, killers, for letting me sleep at least one day.


Your phone is clutched between your forearm and your ear as you rummage through the refrigerator, trying to find something edible for dinner.

On the phone you hear the voice of your younger sister, in the background the voice of your mother, telling you not to forget to invite the pretty forensic scientist to the party.

- I was going to do this myself, without your prompting, mom, - you said louder so that she could hear.

- Invite her, I will finally meet the one who stole your heart. Can you imagine, Nabongie, we’ve been married for 5 years already! 5 years, mind boggling! He is still the same fool in love with me as before.

- I’m glad to hear that he follows all my instructions,-  you said in a satisfied voice, taking out some kind of sandwich that had been lying around for a long time, slamming the refrigerator door with your elbow. – I’ll tell you personally when we meet.

- Oh, just don’t intimidate my husband, Nabongie.

-Who is intimidating him? I'm sure you'll be the same when I introduce you to my colleague.

- I will, - my sister agreed, - not only me, but my parents too. Don't lose your invitation, sister.

- How can you lose him here... okay, listen, don’t worry, we’ll meet on Saturday.

After talking a little more, promising that you wouldn't be late for Saturday night, you started eating what you found for dinner.


“Nabongi, come to my anniversary.

Date: this Saturday.

Time: 19:00.

“Plus one” is a must! I am waiting".

You were twirling in your hands an invitation from your sister that arrived by courier to you not for work.

You knew exactly who the “plus one” would be, all you had to do was invite her.

There is time until Saturday, so you put the invitation in your pocket, completely forgetting about it, because at the same time the signal to go to the crime scene sounded.


Your hands... grinding, hubbub, some kind of screeching, ringing in your ears.


You shudder, shake your head back and forth, everything is so confused.

Where are you?

Vague... becomes clearer.

You hear distant voices, one of them is clearer, you listen.

You feel warmth on your cheeks, on your shoulders, a light touch on your palms.

- Nayeon...can you move? Detective, can you hear me?

There is a sharp pain in your eyes, you squint.

Your body feels like it's in a vacuum.

You feel sick, they help you, tilt you to the side, and you vomit.

Nasty taste.

They give you a bottle of water, someone softly asks:

- One sip, carefully.

You take a sip, the ringing in your ears subsiding a little.

Someone is blocking the light from you, you are trying to open your eyes.

- Everything will be fine, Nayeon, I’m with you.

One eye is slightly open, you look forward through a small slit, you meet a concerned dark gaze.

You your lips and find it difficult to say:

- Mina.

- Hush, hush, don't talk.

- Where…

- We’re taking you to the hospital, - Mina whispered without leaving me, so that you wouldn’t question further, she added: - There was another explosion, it happened immediately as you approached the destroyed hall.” Your family is fine, your sister and husband are too. Everything will be fine with you too, I promise. You’ll quickly get back on your feet, and when you get better, I’ll agree to go on a date with you, - Mina smiled weakly, extending her hand to touch your temple with tenderness.

- Do you promise?

- Let's see, first you need to get better...

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