XVI. Good Looks That Can't Be Denied

Distant Torment
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Eunwoo nodded, “I can’t say I’m surprised.” Then he walked to the front door and began tracing the steps Dohyun could’ve possibly have taken – from the front door, to the living room where there were empty cans of beer strewn about, and finally to the kitchen.

“The victim knew and trusted the murderer enough to let them into the house. They drank. Dohyun drank enough to start feeling tipsy and not quite himself, so Dohyun went into the kitchen to get some water,” he dictated, pointing to an empty glass that looked like it had the remnants of water. Baekhyun picked up the glass and tipped it to see if there were lip marks on the side. They could pull prints and DNA off the glass to see who’s it was just in case it wasn’t Dohyun’s. “Then the murderer came up to him from on his left side, knowing that Dohyun was a right-handed person, and injected him.”

“Dohyun really must’ve been intoxicated if he hadn’t noticed someone trying to inject him with something.”

“Weed and alcohol can do that to you. Not to mention the oxycontin.” Baekhyun gave the glass of water to CSI to tag and bag. The two of them walked around the house for a bit longer, looking for the murder weapon, but even after talking to CSI, no one had found the syringe that had been used to kill Dohyun. There wasn’t anything out of place, either. 

“If it was made to look like an overdose, why not leave the syringe?” Eunwoo pondered on their way out of the apartment.

Baekhyun shrugged and looked just confused. “Prints? Maybe the killer didn’t wear gloves and realized if they left the syringe there, their prints would be all over it? Maybe they just threw it out?” 

“It wasn’t in the trash,” Eunwoo responded.

“Did anyone check the apartment’s trash?”

Eunwoo turned around to go tell an officer to do just that. “I’ll have them check.”

Once Eunwoo was back, Baekhyun knocked on the apartment right next door to Dohyun’s. Dohyun’s apartment was closer to one end of the hallway, being one apartment from the end of the hallway. They figured they’d start at one end and go till the other. After Wendy and Chanyeol were done talking to the landlord, they were supposed to come up and help with the rest of the apartments, so Baekhyun and Eunwoo could take their time. 

Knocking on the first door, Baekhyun called out towards the door, “Seoul PD, we have some questions.”

A minute later, a female face opened the door a crack, the chain still connecting the door to the wall. “Yes?” 

Baekhyun showed his badge. “We have a few questions regarding Cha Dohyun. He lived next door to you.” Recognition at the name filled her face.

“Ah, yes. Poor thing. He was such a bright soul,” she spoke sadly, opening the door further after removing the chain from the door. She was in her pajamas, and her black hair framed her face.

“Did you know him well?” Baekhyun asked, trying to not lean against the door frame.

“Somewhat. I used to see him with his boyfriend quite a bit in the hallways. We’d pass by each other and say hello, but we never really talked too much.” Baekhyun sent a look to Eunwoo. They hadn’t heard about a boyfriend from Dohyun’s parents - unless they hadn’t known.

“Boyfriend?” Eunwoo asked. The woman nodded.

“Dohyun was arguing with him last night. Quite loudly, if I may add.”

“What time was this?”

“Uh, maybe 7 last night,” she replied, a finger tapping her chin.

“Do you know why?” he asked.

“Nope,” she replied, shaking her head. “All I know is that they were arguing from before they got into the apartment. I bet the entire floor heard them yelling.” 

“You didn’t go outside to check on them?” Baekhyun asked, tilted his head slightly. She shrugged.

“I had no reason to.” The one time Baekhyun needed a neighbor to be nosy, and they weren’t. They’d have to hope that someone else had overheard them.

“Do you know his name?” The girl shrugged, again.

“Nope. If you’re done, I have a drama to get back to,” she spoke, pointing her thumb towards the inside of her apartment. 

“Yeah, we’re done. Thank you for your time,” Eunwoo responded. She closed the door on them, and they just looked at each other.

“This is probably the worst part of the job,” Baekhyun spoke. Eunwoo raised an eyebrow.

“You mean besides the murders, right?”

“Yeah that too.” They moved to the door on the other side of Dohyun’s apartment and repeated the same process. A woman opened the door. She seemed to be in her late sixties and was using a cane to support her. An old man was standing behind her, not far away. Baekhyun’s phone buzzed, and he stepped away for a moment to check. 

It was a message from Chanyeol saying that Dohyun’s financials had come through, so Wendy and he were heading back to the precinct to look into that, and that there was nothing of importance that came out of talking with the landlord. He quickly replied and turned his attention to the old lady at the door. 

“Hello,” greeted Eunwoo, showing his badge. “We’re from Seoul PD - we wanted to ask you some questions about your neighbor, Cha Dohyun.”

“Oh, that kid! Yes, what about him?” she asked pleasantly. Baekhyun had the sinking suspicion that she had no idea what had happened even though there were still cops standing outside the apartment. 

Baekhyun cautiously started speaking. “Well, he was murdered last night.”

“Murdered?” she asked with a gasp, a hand on her heart. The old man, who Baekhyun assumed was her husband, walked away from the door and out of sight. Baekhyun figured that he could care less about what was going on.

“We were wondering if you had heard or seen anything strange last night.” The lady composed herself for a moment, but her hand that was resting on the cane trembled slightly. “Actually, maybe we could come in and talk?” She opened the door wider for the two of them to come in, and she led them to the living room where the old man was sitting in a recliner, staring at the TV. They sat down on a loveseat sofa while the old lady sat in a chair across from them.

“Yes, in fact I did. He was arguing with Minjoon just last night. From what I saw, it sounded like they were arguing over money,” she spoke, and towards the end of her sentence her voice barely dropped to a whisper, as if she were telling them a secret. The entire time, her husband’s attention never left the TV.

“Minjoon – his boyfriend?” asked Baekhyun, als

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189 streak #1
Chapter 48: Loved it again!👍
189 streak #2
Chapter 41: 💜
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Chapter 37: 🥰
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Chapter 31: 👍
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Chapter 29: 🌹
961 streak #6
Chapter 57: Chapter 57: I reread this chapter.
I love how Haeun thought about Kai and having a kid with a pet. I would say that it is quite typical for a person with a pet. When I had to put our cat to sleep because of his cancer last year, I felt that I couldn't have another cat again. I still haven't taken another cat yet.
Thank you so much for this bonus. I wouldn't mind more bonus chapters with time skips. Hehehe!
Alisa290 #7
Chapter 57: Wow I just read this whole story and its amazing!! Love the bonus chapters as well 🥰
The plot is so interesting and different and even the way you presented the soulmate bond is really different compared to other soulmate stories I've read. It made for an awesome read and I will definitely be coming back to read it again sometime 💕💕💕
Chapter 57: ^^
Chapter 57: Ahh very sweet hihi thank you for the bonus chapters authornim!
Chapter 56: Haha yes I thought it’d first date with baek but ah now it explained the beginning hihi