Midnight in the garden of OliYves

Midnight in the garden of OliYves



“ Quite simply. I do not. Care!” snarled Hyejoo with emphasis added on the word care, and with that she walked back to her bunk. Heejin was perplexed. ‘Why on earth is she so mad literally over spilled milk?’ she thought. Heejin cleaned up the mess and went to her English lesson. Hyejoo noticed she got riled up again over something trivial.

It’s becoming more frequent isn’t it? I’m worried I will make a fool of myself sooner rather than later, she thought to herself.

Hyejoo is upset recently over frustrations she has with her obsession with Sooyoung. It started innocently enough. Ha Sooyoung was generous to her when she didn’t have to be about a month ago. Hyejoo, was taken with her generosity and vowed to herself that she’d repay her unnie with the same kindness she was shown. Those feelings however have become fixated on all things Sooyoung, and conversely she’s been snapping at her other members for no good reason. She has tried to relax her mind, but all roads lead to Sooyoung. All thoughts linger over getting closer to Sooyoung. Even Sooyoung’s name calms her, and frustrates her.

In due course, Hyejoo has also become rather protective over her private area, and has reinforced the request to others to respect her privacy. Hyejoo will always pull her bunk blinds tight and even closes the buttons she personally sewed onto it. At the end of another long day, as they all lay down to sleep, Hyejoo keeps a dim light lit, and replaces the physical print photo she has of Sooyoung onto the top of the bunk above. She knows it’s creepy but she wants Sooyoung to be the last thing she sees before going to sleep. Hyejoo, s one side and looks over at Sooyoung’s bed. She’s semi laid down, reading a book.


She looks so peaceful. I wonder what she’s reading? Maybe I could get her a gift.


Sooyoung lifts her head to see Hyejoo staring at her. She smiles at Hyejoo but is also curious, and she wonders what is so fascinating about reading that Hyejoo needs to look. Hyejoo notices and mouths the words “goodnight” to her and closes her blind once again. Hyejoo is absolutely red faced now Sooyoung knows she saw her. As punishment she hides the picture above her head. A moment later Hyejoo hears a soft Knock Knock sound on the side of her bed which scares her half to death. Hyejoo once again opens the blind and it’s Sooyoung, right in her face!

Even with a bare face, she looks like an angel’ is all that comes to Hyejoo’s mind

“Problem?” Hyejoo says curiously.

“Hmm, not really. You’ve been acting weird lately. Are things ok? I mean if you don’t mind me asking?” says Sooyoung.

“Oh. Heh I heard someone turning pages. What are you reading, if you don’t mind me asking?” they both had a subdued giggle at that.

“It’s a love story, but tragic rather than y. A young girl is trying to get a boy to notice her but the boys sister notices her instead and she has to hide her feelings, and … Got’cha!” Hyejoo almost has a cold sweat right there and then. Sooyoung continues “… It’s Harry Potter! Haha I thought I’d give it a read finally”

“Oh……….. Heh. Haha you almost had me there. You should be an actress because I totally believed you!”

‘Oh? Would you rather I was reading a steamy lesbian novel?” Pouts Sooyoung. A part of Hyejoo want to scream YES! Her logical side, yet panicked side however answers otherwise

“No! I mean that’s’s not what I mean. I mean whatever you want to read is up to you!” Hyejoo exclaimed, blushing her cheeks

“Calm down Hyejooah.. Just a question” Sooyoung replied, then leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead, said goodnight and went back to her own bunk


The next day rolls in, with members going in every direction. Some to school lessons, some to speech lessons, instrument practice or dance practice in studio. After vocal lessons, Sooyoung returns to the dorm with croissants she bought to share with whoever is home. She looks around only finding Chaewon doing a laundry run. She leaves the pastries on the kitchen table and goes to change. Sooyoung, spacing out is staring at Hyejoo’s bunk, and then it hits her.

‘Just go over and look for one second. When you find nothing close her blind again. No harm done’. While not really ethical, she can live with it.

She quickly opens blind, has a look, sees nothing but a cute setup, some books and a pencil case. Sooyoung, her curiosity satisfied, places everything how it was, and as she pulls on the blinds, notices a framed photo between the books, which catches her attention. To her astonishment, it’s her! There’s a small hand drawn heart in the middle, and “Body goals” and “beauty goals” written faintly to the sides.

“Aww Hyejooah, do you have a crush on me?” Sooyoung whispers to the photo. A warm smile rests on her face and she goes back to her own bed to lay down. After some time other members return and soon it’s time for dinner. They order in, and while waiting Hyejoo has a shower. Sooyoung, Seeing Hyejoo put her phone down on the table and when Hyejoo has gone long enough, takes her phone out of sight into the bedroom which of course is empty. She records a charming short video message about how she likes Hyejoo too, and hopes they can become closer friends without giving much away, and then returns with everyone to eat.


Three weeks pass and then one cold morning Hyejoo without saying anything, runs into Sooyoung’s arms so happy she could burst. Everyone ooh’s and aww’s without knowing why, all except Sooyoung. Hyejoo looks up, with a rare type of smile

“Me too, unnie” and hugs her tight again



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rebelGG #1
Chapter 1: Thanks for writing this! I also find it more challenging to write for rare pairs, at the same time it's more interesting because there is more to explore.
Chapter 1: awww, are they finally together?? this is so cuute