Chapter 1 -Wedding?

For You

Me and Krystal had arrived at villa in gyeonggi do. Today is our friends wedding and she invited both of us freaking last minute. I mean what friend that told her friends that she held a wedding in a short time period. Anyway we had arrived and take a little rest, both of us really tired and just sleep at villa that we booked yesterday. 

"yah Krys, look at the view isnt that beautiful?" I was squeal beside her loudly 

"aigoo this monkey, yeah yeah its beautiful. Now please don't disturb my beauty sleep because I need to be pretty for tomorrow wedding". 

"what did you call me? You big whale". I tickle her stomach until she laughing out loud and cries 

"yah!! please stop. I'm sorry.. I am-ahhahahahaha". I just laughing at her and stop tickling. 

Krystal took a deep breath before continue talk "you animal".

"bwahahaha I am.. hoohohoho thats what you get when you called me monkey just now"

I wearing blue pastel dress with Krystal who is wearing pink pastel dress and yeah both of us didn't even be a bridesmaid to our friend because she said that her sister and cousin want to be her bridesmaid. Anyway, both of me and Krystal didn't even mind about it. What more important that Illa having fun and happy on her big day. Eventually me and Krystal really woke up late and we rush to the altar to see Illa's wedding. When we arrived, we open the door and saw Illa is going to say 'I do'. I was so shock and look at Illa. Not because of anything, but the groom apparently the guy that I've been missing for 2 weeks. My boyfriend Oh Jinwoo. He said to me that he was having meeting at Japan and couldn't meet me. Tears start b in my eyes and I ran away with my heels and didn't even care about everyone who look at me strangely. 

"eunjung, wait for me"

I was so shock and unable to stand up properly, I lean on back of my door and crying out loud. Krystal keep on knocking the door repeatedly "yah, eunjung ah! Open the door". I keep on crying and didn't even bother to open the door as she know that I might need to be alone. I cant handle the news as my boyfriend get married to my friend which is my enemy right now. I cant understand why she keep on interesting with my boyfriend. No wonder even when we had vacay together, she keep on asking on my boyfriend. Now I know the truth, to be honest that its hurts as hell when the person that you trust is turning your life upside down. Where trust and honesty not worthy anymore.

For the past 3 weeks I've been sad and cant over with this stuff, I still cant believe the most person that I trust all this time is betrayed me and the love of my life. Well used to be the love of my life hurts me in this way by marry with my own ing best friend. He left me because of her. Am I not good enough to him and why this ing is happening to me ? why me? I keep questioning to myself. I didn't even eat properly and whenever anyone or krystal trying to talk to me, I just keep quiet all by myself. Its like that I cant trust anyone right now. 

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