5 Seconds

Start Your Engines

Nayeon lost. It’s Saturday night, there’s music in the air and the bass is making her ears ring. Everyone is yelling around her, jumping up and down. Im Nayeon was beaten? Im Nayeon, Myoui Mina’s right hand? Nayeon, the person who was known as one of the best racers in Asia, after Mina, lost.  Write this one down as one of the greatest events in drag race history.

Mina and Nayeon had built a racing empire from the basis that they just don’t lose. From Japan, to China, all the way down to Indonesia, they were at the top of the list. But a week in South Korea and Nayeon’s reputation takes a hit. This wasn’t just any other race anymore.

“You lost.”

“I know.”

“By 5 seconds. I counted”

“So did I.”

Then Mina smirks. And Nayeon knows what’s coming. She can feel it in her bones. Nayeon is sitting on one of the chairs in their private booth. Her head is in her hands. She can feel it coming.

“I’m calling Jihyo. She’s never going to believe this . I can’t believe you lost to some ing random, this is the best day of my life,” says Mina.

She’s laughing so hard that she has to hold the table to be able to keep up right. Her phone is in her hand ready to make the call. Nayeon is 98% sure there are tears coming out of her eyes. She needs like 20 shots of vodka a day to make it through the rest of her life. She’s never going to live this one down if Mina has any say on it.

“I can’t ing breathe Jihyo. Please get Jeong and Sana on the line they’ll love this .” Okay. First of all, what an . Second, Nayeon is 100% sure there are tears streaming from Mina’s face at this point. Because whatever Jihyo has said to Mina has her sliding out of her chair and wheezing.

“Are you done yet? Because I think you’re done.”

“No wait, Sana asked me to send the video. She’s losing it”

“Hang up. Please, for the love of god, please hang up”

Mina hasn’t hung up yet, she’s giggling to herself and has the phone on speaker. Nayeon can hear Jeong’s coughing up a lung in the background. Mina sent something, she can see the group chat from where she’s sitting. Whatever it was, Nayeon doesn’t want to see because she’s pretty sure she heard someone (probably Sana) fall to the floor and Jihyo is screeching with laughter.


It’s been 30 minutes, Mina is finally off the phone with the three married rats. them and their relationship. (Not really, she loves them but those three just love to give her .) Nayeon has had 4 shots and another round is coming to their table. She can still hear the occasional chuckle from Mina. But Nayeon can see her face. Mina is calmer and it’s time to talk business.

“I want her on my roster. 5 seconds on my top racer is impressive.” Mina has the biggest grin on her face when she says it, but otherwise, her tone is sharp. She’s sometimes a huge , but she’s been Nayeon’s since they become pen pals so many years ago.

“She drove the 1969 Chevrolet Camaro, right?” At Mina’s nod, Nayeon looks around the lot. This wasn’t as big of an event as they were used to. Just a small one to see what the racing scene was like in South Korea.

“There, do you see it? On the other side, past the starting line,” Nayeon points in the direction and Mina’s gaze follows. She doesn’t see the driver; the windows are tinted just enough to show the figure, not the face. But she does see her. Bent over looking into the engine with a rag in hand. Mina doesn’t think she has seen someone with a face like that. Then her head turns and Mina just, falls.

Literally, Nayeon has taken the chair from under her, and she falls to the floor.

“I don’t know what you’re staring at but seriously, now’s our chance to go ask, looks like the giant is finally getting out of her car.” Nayeon’s right, Mina finally notices that the driver’s door is open and the figure is finally getting out.

“Holy ,” Mina agrees with Nayeon, but probably for different reasons. Her reason is that something the driver said made the girl laugh and she’s pretty sure that her heart fell out of her . If the girl turned her head just a little bit, then it would seem like she was staring at Mina. At the thought, Mina’s face flares up because, what the was that. She runs a multi-million dollar “business” (legitimacy of said business will be further explored) and she is acting like this? It feels like when she was back in high school and she had that small, tiny, miniscule crush on Sana.

(It was a big one. Never went anywhere because Sana was in a long-distance relationship with her two pen pals from South Korea. Mina’s ended up being Nayeon. Life just seemed a bit unfair back then.)

Nayeon, on the other hand, feels like she’s shaking. Is she shaking? Who cares because holy she’s pretty sure that God has an angel to come down and beat her in drag racing. The driver’s lips were in a slight pout after the girl said something to her. Nayeon wants to both squish her cheeks then kiss her, and also possibly wreck her until she can’t stand. But details, details, there is a job still to be done after all.


“Um, hello, excuse me, can we, um, please talk to you guys for a s-second?” Three gazes fall upon Mina and she feels like digging her grave then and there. Nayeon is just staring at Mina. Seriously, same girl who just made fun of Nayeon for 30 minutes and single-handily conquered the racing scene in Japan just stuttered?

“I, uh, I guess?” The driver looks confused but she holds her hand out anyways. The girl next to her has since then dropped her smile and is looking at Mina and Nayeon with a cold stare. Nayeon is a bit creeped out. Mina thinks she’s in love.

“I’m Momo and this is Tzuyu. What can we do for you?” She has a firm grip Nayeon notices. As much as she would like to test that out more, she and Mina have a business to run.

“Nayeon and Mina. Pleased to meet the person who bested me,” Nayeon gives Tzuyu a polite nod. Her stare gives off a vibe that she wants to punch her in the face but she’s only 60% sure. Mina, however, offers her hand and Tzuyu shakes it. Everyone can see a new glint in Mina’s eyes as Tzuyu gives her a smirk in greeting. (They have gathered a crowd. Most well-known racers in Asia and the best racer of Seoul and her personal mechanic talking? A sight to see). Well, everyone but Tzuyu it seems. Who keeps silent as she waits for Momo’s cue.

“Oh, that was you? Nice race. But I don’t think you’re here for the pleasantries. Again, what can we do for you?” Momo looks directly into her eyes, not the least bit intimidated by the people she is talking with. Nayeon knows she shouldn’t bring up the job offer now. Especially with Tzuyu and the crowd looking on. Mina can’t even look Tzuyu in the eye, let alone back her up in this situation. It seems Nayeon is alone for this one.

“I was just wondering if I could buy you a drink? It’s not every day that I can meet someone who actually beat me” Nayeon gives her the best, friendly, smile she can muster. Bunny teeth and all.

Momo looks to Tzuyu, who gives her a nod surprisingly. Mina seems to be taking up most of her attention though. Momo smiles, they’re a little cute. She won’t hesitate to beat her if Tzuyu has even one tear in her eye though.

“I guess, but I have to be back here in a couple of hours to take Tzuyu home. I’m her ride,” Nayeon wants to snort but doesn’t out of respect. Can the girl not drive herself? Who goes to a race like this and can’t drive? But anyways, if Nayeon wants this to go as well as she needs it to, she’ll need Momo to be with her for the rest of the night. And perhaps the weekend too if it goes really well.

“I can drive her home, I don’t mind,” Mina speaks, to everyone’s surprise. They all thought she had died when Tzuyu told her she liked her jacket. Mina looks at Nayeon in the eyes to rely her message, whatever you do, I want her on the team. Okay, so maybe Mina isn’t that distracted. Nayeon gives a subtle glance to Tzuyu, asking without making a sound. With a subtle shake of her head, it’s decided that Tzuyu will in fact, not be needed in this type of business.

“You can go have fun Momo, I think I’ll be just fine with Mina here,” There’s a glint her eyes that Momo hasn’t seen in a while. It’s enough to sway her decision.

“If you’re sure, then I guess I can have a few drinks tonight. But you have to text me when you get home and call me in the morning if you don’t see me,” Tzuyu salutes with a faux serious expression. Mina giggles at her, Momo gives her a small smile, and Nayeon focuses on the last part of Momo’s statement. Call in the morning if she doesn’t see her? Maybe this will be easier than she thought.

She also decides at this moment that Tzuyu is not a hard , but extremely precious. She will also be willing to beat Mina’s if she sees Tzuyu frown ever again. In her head, Tzuyu just became her child. Whether or not Momo or Tzuyu likes it.


A few drinks later and some number of hours later, Nayeon is having to fight Momo off her back while she fishes out her keys.

“Jesus, can you give me a minute I can’t focus,” She hears Momo chuckle into her neck and she can feel her knees go weak.

“Sorry, I can be a bit impatient,”

“You’re telling me, I think it took me 15 minutes just to get my door open.”

Clothes are getting ripped off and Nayeon is being pushed backwards onto her bed. Yet, she can’t fully commit until she asks the question. There is a reason for this wonderful, and she means wonderful, escapade after all.

“I wanted to ask you a question and you don’t have to answer right away, if that’s okay with you,” she asks between kisses. She can barely think but she needs to do this now or she’ll forget about it. Then Mina will be mad at her. Nayeon really doesn’t want to deal with a mad Mina ever again.

(One time, Nayeon had slept with someone in Mina’s bed while she was drunk. It was an honest mistake. Mina’s apartment was the door before hers, anyone could have gotten it wrong, really. Long story short, Mina had made her not only clean her house and buy her a new bed, but she switched out all her ingredients in the kitchen. She didn’t notice until she made herself a coffee with extra sugar and it tasted like she just drank all of the salt content from the entire Pacific Ocean.)

“Sure anything, and then after you have to put that mouth of yours to better use,”

“Will you consider being a part of mine and Mina’s crew? With talents like yours, I wouldn’t mind having you stick around. Racing and otherwise activities,” Nayeon doesn’t expect the next question. Because honestly, she really, really, can’t think that hard at this moment, with Momo slowly inching down her body.

“Is this offer extended to Tzuyu as well?” Seriously, who thinks about someone else while they’re in bed with Im Nayeon? Jesus Christ Nayeon needs to talk to Momo about bedroom behavior when she joins.

“Well no, as there seems to be no use for her. What does she even do? Wipe your sweat off when your done racing? She is cute though and like a tiny little baby. She’s great at keeping Mina company so there is maybe she can do something. Though, she isn’t needed for our type of business,” She closes her eyes to prepare herself for what’s to come. Her head in the pillows and moans already beginning to come out from , “You don’t have to let me know now. Anyways, we can focus on other things instead.”

Nayeon doesn’t see, but Momo’s eyes harden at that. She has her answer, and she knows that neither Mina nor Nayeon won’t like it. She can have some fun for tonight though, but tomorrow morning, she’ll be back at Tzuyu’s garage. Where it’s safe from people like them.


This is single-handedly the best night of Mina’s life. She has a pretty girl in her car, wind in her hair, and food in the backseat. Everything in her life pales in comparison to right here and now. If she could stop time, she would.

“Take a left here, you should pull up soon,” Tzuyu directs her. When they saw Nayeon and Momo participate in drinking games, they both decided that it might be best to leave. To Mina’s pleasant surprise, Tzuyu also doesn’t very much like the college frat party aesthetic that the events seem to take on after the races finish. So, they grabbed some food and Tzuyu offered to show Mina the better parts of Seoul. Also, the better parts of Tzuyu it seems.

Tzuyu tells her that she and Momo have known each other for a very, very long time. Having met while Momo’s family took a trip to Taiwan, they have been taking care of each other since they both made the move to South Korea at 17 and 15, where they found Chaeyoung who helped them get back on their feet. Tzuyu wouldn’t say why they moved so young, but Mina didn’t push. They’d only known each other for so long. She didn’t want to ruin her chance already. If I had one chance at all, Mina thinks, she’s probably just doing this because Nayeon ditched me. 

(She had one, Mina just can’t look at Tzuyu in the eyes long enough to see the affection she had for her.)

Mina learned a lot that night. She now knows that her full name is Chou Tzuyu. She learns that Tzuyu works at a garage and helps Momo with her car when she can. She learns she dropped out of school at 14. She learns that Tzuyu is both a puppy, and loves puppies. She also learns that her eyes shine so bright when the sun hits them at the right angle. That Tzuyu has the softest voice she has ever heard. That when she laughs, Mina feels like making a fool out of herself just to hear it again. She learns what it is like to look at someone and feel every emotion coursing through their veins. Mina learns that when she looks into Tzuyu’s eyes, she can say she is home.

“Gosh, it’s beautiful here, how did you find this place?” Mina looks around in awe, there’s a beach and small shops, and everything that quiet peaceful beach town would have. She loves it. When she looks to the right, she sees Tzuyu, with the food in one hand, holding out the other. Maybe she can find another thing to love if all goes well.

“When Momo has races in other cities that I don’t feel like going to, Chaeyoung drives with me to as many places as we can go to discover what South Korea has to offer. It beats staying at the shop while Momo is gone.” Tzuyu leads her to an area near the water, where benches are set up with a great view of the sunset. Mina doesn’t know, but when Tzuyu looks at her, all she can think is that if she could stop time, she would. Because she has a pretty girl next to her, the ocean breeze in her hair, and food in her stomach. Life was good for the moment.


When Mina drops Tzuyu off at her garage (her apartment is above it apparently) she sees Chaeyoung. She also sees Chaeyoung’s gun, with her hand resting on it. But reality is, Mina isn’t that intimidated. Chaeyoung is kind of small and from Tzuyu’s stories, Mina can only see her as a big baby that is also a Tumblr art hoe. She has a feeling she knows what Chaeyoung is really there for, and Mina needs to be intimidated. Because if she isn’t, that means Tzuyu isn’t safe. Mina needs to Momo to do better with Tzuyu’s protection. Because she deserves better

With a kiss on the Mina’s cheek, Tzuyu exits the car. Blushing, Mina watches as Tzuyu gives her friend a quick hug and waves her goodbye before going inside. Mina returns the nod that Chaeyoung sends her way.

Once she’s sure that Tzuyu is inside, Mina drives off, phone in hand, calling a friend of hers. Dahyun owed her a favor and Tzuyu is important enough to Mina to cash it in already. While she may look soft and unsuspecting, Mina knows that Tzuyu will be safest with Dahyun’s watchful eye around her.


When Nayeon wakes up, it’s to the sound of Mina dancing and singing in the apartment. Weirdness of that aside, she turns to apologize to Momo for the noise, hoping her best friend didn’t just annoy the crap out of who Nayeon could only describe as the person responsible for the best night she ever had.

But Momo wasn’t there. They went to bed at around 4am and according to Nayeon’s clock, it was only 9:30. Unless Mina changed it, which really, Nayeon wouldn’t put it past her. That . However, Mina seemed to be in too good of a mood, if her song choice was any indication, to be messing with her this early in the morning. (She was singing Sunset, by the sounds of it. Nice rendition too. Maybe Nayeon will join her once she figures this whole thing out).

Combing back her hair with her hand, Nayeon looks around and sees it. A small note with what looks like chicken scratch. Despite the fact that Nayeon had to decipher the poor spelling of the Korean language, she got the gist of the message. And she was not happy.




“God what do you want?” Mina asks. Then suddenly she has a face full of paper and Nayeon’s angry face right in front of her. Reading it, Mina seems to be a bit baffled.

“Why should I care about what your capades write to you and how well you can ‘do it’. Which honestly, seems like pretty valid complaints” she asks.

“No, not that part dip, I meant the PS part. And shut the up, that is a complete defamation of my character and if I technically wasn’t a criminal I would be suing her right now.”

Mina reads on and her amused expression drops. And she’s frowning. Of course, the best friend of the girl she likes has to make an enemy out of her. Of ing course.

“Get dressed, we have some we need to do,” With that, Mina turns on her heel and leaves Nayeon to change. Letting the note fall to the ground, Nayeon hardens her expression and gets ready for the day. She didn’t care that much about what Mina cares about. But the minute you insult HER, Im Nayeon, there was going to be an army your front door.


When Momo gets to Tzuyu’s she finally relaxes. Honestly, it was a long night and she only got 3 hours of sleep due to the fact she had to book it out of Nayeon’s so quick. Following the aroma in the air, she finds herself in the kitchen.

Tzuyu is at the stove making pancakes with Chaeyoung in front of her, coffee in hand, looking dead to the world.

“Good morning! Pancakes with extra syrup and extra bacon?” Tzuyu hands her a plate and Momo is ready to begin inhaling everything on it.

“You know if we lived different lives, I would 100% wife you up right now.” And she means it. Tzuyu has been all the good in Momo’s life and in all honesty, there were moments she wished that they could have loved each other. Maybe in a different world, where they could have it all. But they have this one, and Momo is just fine with it as well.

“I would second that, but my I’m out of coffee and someone has yet to give me a refill,”

“Go get yourself coffee, or better yet, eat my Chaeng,”

“I can’t believe you interrupted us just to say some stupid like that,”

“You see this is why I couldn’t love either you. You guys just don’t appreciate me,”

“Because you ,”

“No, you !”



“Can you guys shut up and enjoy your meal? Honestly, it’s a nice morning. Everyone seems to have had a good night last night and I just want to enjoy my time with you guys” Tzuyu mumbles, as she is busy shoveling food into .

That was the end of it. With Momo, Tzuyu, and Chaeyoung eating breakfast together as a family. It was the little things they enjoyed for and with one another. For everything they went through, peace was what they truly appreciated.



  • The Note:

Hey Nayeon,

4/5 stars: You could use some work, but overall, I had a relatively good time. Would have given you the fifth star if you had a bigger bed and more stamina. Towards the end you sounded like my first car when the engine finally gave out. I guess that’s fitting given our jobs.

L8r sk8r,


P.S. I would like to take your offer of me joining your crew and promptly shove it up your . Do not reach out to me or Tzuyu again. That goes for Mina as well. We do not mix well with those who only see others as tools, not as people. You stay in your lane and we’ll stay in ours. Hope you enjoy your time in South Korea, but please, don’t make it permanent if you know what’s best for you.


  • The Beach

“One time, Chaeng gifted me a picture of the characters from my favorite k-drama with the words ‘S(H)OULD(E)R (SHOULD)ER S(HO)U(LD)ER S(H)OULD(ER)’ on it. I didn’t know any English at the time so I was really confused”

“I mean I know some but what the does that mean”

“I honest to god have no idea still. I just don’t have the heart to tell her that that picture has no meaning to me whatsoever”

“Maybe it’s supposed to have a deeper meaning”

“Momo thinks she might have dyslexia”

“Yeah, I could agree with that”

  • The Call

“Hey, I need to cash in my favor. Can you please reach out and look after someone by the name of Chou Tzuyu? She lives nearby you actually,”

“I’ll watch out for her, but what’s in it for me to do a good job? What’s my incentive to get close enough to her for proper protection? I need the motivation, the DRIVE, if you catch my drift”

“She has a friend named Chaeyoung and she’s kinda cute if I’m being honest”

“I’ll be there tomorrow morning don’t you worry”


Author's Note: Hello, everyone! This is my first fanfiction, so please, go easy on me. I got some courage to post from twitter user sunsetmina, so if you liked it, please thank her. She's great. (Also the reason for all the Mina's cactus tweets during the whole momo dating fiasco. Qualité) This will be a bit lengthy note, but the others will be much shorter, just have to get some things out of the way.


-  I don't exactly have a public Twitter, but maybe oneday who knows? If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment or send me a message and I will answer as quickly as I can.

- I will be cross-posting this on AO3 so if you prefer to read stories on there (I do, since the formatting is better), please wait about a week while I get everything set up with my account (I can't get into my old one, need to get a new one); by then I should have the next chapter/one shot ready

- I wanted to try out outtakes, if there was a scene you would have liked to see in a certain chapter but didn't, feel free to ask for it! I will be putting outtakes of scenes I wanted to write but didn't know how to fit in the story, at the end of each shot. I can add scenes you wanted to see from previous ones into the outtakes if you would like me to.

- This story will be written through "one-shot" form. So if you have any prompts, feel free to send them.

Until next time, JM

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Inisolation #1
Chapter 2: MoTzu is *heart*
And with MiTzu thrown in? I'm sold!
Plus NaMo!
Inisolation #2
Chapter 1: Wow! I'm liking what I'm reading so far! Nice! :)
Chapter 4: This is the funniest! hahaha
Chapter 4: uno can really ruin friendships lmao
Chapter 4: I'm dying Mina dead bought Tzuyu a whole as pet store xD
Chapter 4: "Love that supreme thot to death."

Yes. Please. I need more.
1412_kid #7
Chapter 4: Yeahh i already forgot that this is a racing story xD
babibu #8
first of all a big thanks to deborah, now I have respected deborah more than karen
19 streak #9
Chapter 4: I must say that this is one of the cutest fanfic ever!!! Really love it <3