Flying Feelings

A Favor for a Favor

A/N: This is a fic based off of Full House and also my very first story! Thanks, please enjoy, subscribe, and upvote!

Tzuyu exited the dance studio into the florescent lit lobby. With a towel around her neck she dabbed away the remaining sweat on her forehead. Chatting filled the once quiet lobby as several girls trailed behind the tall instructor, all finished with their evening dance lesson for the day. Returning to their parents and saying their goodbyes with a quick, "Thanks Ms. Tzuyu!" they left the building through the tall glass doors. Watching her students go, Tzuyu sighed and finally allowed herself to relax. As much as she loved being a dance instructor, the work was far from easy. She sat herself on one of the stools at the lobby check in counter, earning herself a look from the short haired girl standing on the other side.

"You know this counter is for people checking in for lessons right? Not for tired instructors." the girl teased as Tzuyu rolled her eyes.

"Jeongyeon please shut up. I'm already sitting. Just tell me, when's my next class."

Jeongyeon only smiled at the younger girl's annoyance as she pulled up the schedule on her computer. "You're clear for the week."

Tzuyu rested her head on the cool marble countertop, her eyebrows knit in confusion. "I'm clear... for the week?".  

As if on cue, another girl walked out of her own lesson flashing a big bunny smile. “Guess what Tzu! Jeongyeon and I convinced the boss to clear your schedule for the week!” she exclaimed. Her demeanor contrasted how tired she looked after teaching and she was suprisingly chipper for someone who had just dealt with teaching kids for an hour and a half. 

Tzuyu grimaced at the girl’s loud voice, “Nayeon unnie, how are you this loud? It’s a miracle Jeongyeon puts up with you and all your noise.”

Jeongyeon shrugged, “What can I say, I’ve loved her for 4 years. At this point it’s just habit ignoring the annoying parts, and trust me there's a lot- Yah! Nayeon, you're all sweaty!”, Jeongyeon complained as Nayeon embraced her from behind, whining. 

Tzuyu laughed as Nayeon grumbled at her girlfriend’s insults. Tzuyu wasn't one to always vocalize her feelings, but she really did care about her unnies. They had taken care of her ever since she started teaching at the same studio as them and they always had her back when things got tough. Tzuyu knew them well. Well enough to be suspicious they went through all this trouble.

Her eyes narrowed. "So why’d you two clear my schedule?” Nayeon flashed her another cheeky smile and slid an envelope across the counter, teasing another befuddled expression from the raven-haired girl across from her. Tzuyu cocked an eyebrow as she opened the envelope, revealing an airplane ticket. 

“What is this?” Tzuyu asked, her voice laced with confusion. 

Jeongyeon cleared and entertwined her fingers with Nayeon's, “We got you a little gift. There's this class in Japan for performers that I think you'd fit right in at. It's like, top notch with all sorts of professional instructors. You've always talked about wanting to become a singer ."

“And you're a great dancer!” Nayeon added, leaning her head to rest on Jeongyeon’s shoulder."I really think that you could become a full time performer if you had the chance to."

Tzuyu shook her head. No matter how wonderful the trip sounded, she couldn’t believe the couple had spent all this money on her. “You guys... You know I can’t accept this. ” The young girl stared at the ground sheepishly, fiddling with the ticket in her hands.  

Jeongyeon's eyes flickered to Nayeon before focusing back to Tzuyu, “Dreams are important Tzu. Trust me when I say we understand. I mean, we have dreams of our own and we know they’re not worth giving up on.” she said solemnly.

Tears sprang into Tzuyu's eyes, "I don't even know what to say. Tha-"

She was cut off by Nayeon before she could finish, "No need to thank us Tzuyu.", she said quietly with a smile. She walked around the counter to give the younger girl a hug as Jeongyeon followed suit. Tzuyu could only hold back tears and hug her friends back. 


It wasn't her first time on a plane, but man did Tzuyu feel nervous. It wasn't until she had finally boarded that the whole situation really sunk in. 

I'm actually going to Japan... she thought as she took her seat.

Since she was a kid, it had always been her dream to be a famous singer. In an attempt to break her out of her shell, her mom had signed her up for dance lessons when Tzuyu was 5, and before she knew it she was hooked. Performing left her with a confidence and thrill she couldn't find anywhere else. It gave her a space to just be herself and cast aside any troubles she had. Thankfully, her parents supported her dream wholeheartedly. And as a gift for graduating college, her father had given her the keys to her grandfather's ancesteral house in Korea, the hub for up and coming idols. Tzuyu had been staying there for almost 2 years now, still waiting for her career to take off and teaching at the dance studio to make ends meet. It was hard for her not to lose hope, but the thought of her parents' beaming faces when they finally watched her onstage always gave her the courage she needed. 

I swear I'll make you proud one day.

Tzuyu looked about the cabin to distract herself from her own, depressing thoughts. Nayeon and Jeongyeon had booked her a first class ticket, so the cabin was spacious with only two seats in each row. Though she argued against the expensive first class ticket, 2yeon insisted. She was still in shock they managed to convince her to leave, much less fly first class. Her doubt permeated as she festered in her seat. Maybe picking everything up and just leaving for the week was a bit rash. 

In a vain attempt to relax, she leaned back into her plush chair and picked up the magazine in the pocket in front of her. She might as well enjoy first class while she could. Per usual, the front cover was dominated by a gorgeous girl with cascading, blonde hair accompanied by bold text outlining the newest girl the singer had decided to add to her ever growing list of scandals. Tzuyu had heard of Sana Minatozaki before. Flirtatious playgirl and famous singer who was lucky enough to rise to fame with the rest of Twice. 

She scoffed as she flipped through the pages. Some people really didn't know how good they had it. She could only wonder why someone would risk their whole career just for some meaningless flings. Nevertheless, it was hard not to be impressed at how the singer kept her career afloat despite all of the nasty breakups frequently displayed on every tabloid and internet gossip column. It was proof of Sana's undeniable natural talent and charm. Tzuyu had listened to Twice as they were rising in popularity and admittedly, Sana's voice was amazing. 

As she lingered on a photo of the singer smiling with her newest "flavor of the week", Tzuyu couldn't help but marvel at the girl's beauty. She was stunning. Everything from her striking, brown eyes to her perfect hair, was captivating. Tzuyu was so immersed in the magazine, she didn't even notice when someone took the seat beside her. And it was only after smelling the sweet scent of perfume that she finally looked up to see who had sat down.

Nothing could have prepared her to come face to face with the blonde she had just been reading about. Sana Minotozaki. As the two locked eyes, Tzuyu felt her heartbeat quicken, but the moment ended as quickly as it began as the singer moved her attention away to her phone. 

Tzuyu's eyes snapped back to the magazine photo and then to the fragrant, dazzling woman sitting beside her. Damn. Photos did not do her justice. She was much more beautiful in real life than any photo. Sana Minatozaki was sitting right next to her, and her presence seemed to fill the near empty cabin. Needless to say, Tzuyu was speechless. 

Noticing the pair of eyes locked on her, Sana looked up from her phone. "Do you need something?", she asked, a frown on her face. She was used to people staring but most at least tried to hide it. She wasn't having a great day and she wasn't in the mood to deal with some stranger ogling her as soon as she sat down.

Tzuyu felt her cheeks heat up. Strangely, it seemed her usual cheeky wit took the day off, and all she could manage was a quick, "S-sorry! I didn't mean to stare." The younger girl pressed herself into her chair, avoiding looking towards the girl beside her, as she tried to keep her embarrassment from showing. She wasn't trying to make the blonde feel uncomfortable, but she had just never seen someone so beautiful in person. Normally, Tzuyu would have ignored the stranger and kept quiet to herself, but something about her new seatmate was enchanting. She found herself wanting to know more about the mysterious Sana Minotozaki. 

"Get it together. You're not a child." Tzuyu mumbled to herself. Being in her early 20's, she chastised herself for being so flustered in the singer's presence. She sighed, it was going to be one long flight. 

Sana giggled as she watched the other girl avoid eye contact. Seeing her act so sheepish almost made Sana forget all of her past annoyance. Now that she finally got a good look, plane stranger was kinda cute, even if she was staring. If Sana had met her under different circumstances, she probably would have tried to take her home, but today was not the day. The last thing Sana needed was another lecture from Momo.


"Sana!", the older girl exclaimed as she threw her arms around the smaller blonde. "You're back!"

Momo engulfed Sana in a tight hug, and proceeded to lift her off the ground in a spin. Or, at least attempt to. Momo, unable to complete the spin whilst holding Sana, only succeeded in making both of them unbalanced. As Momo fell with Sana still ensnared in her hug, the two crashed down into a heap on the floor.

"Yah Momo, that hurt!" Sana laughed, as she feigned annoyance.

Both singers in Twice, the two Japanese girls were rarely apart. But with the group on break, it had been months since they had last seen each other. Initially, they both traveled to Japan to see their respective families, but Momo returned to Korea after the first few months. Unsurprisingly, not long after, Sana did too. The two were inseparable, and the months without seeing Momo made Sana restless. She missed moments like these where Momo could make her laugh with anything she did. 

"Whatever Sana, it was your fault we fell! Why did you keep holding onto me!"  Jokingly, Momo pushed Sana's arm and the two laughed about the fall together on the floor. Noticing Sana's tousled hair, Momo moved closer, tucking the stray hairs behind the blonde's ear, oblivious to the warm flush that spread across Sana's cheeks.

"I missed you Momoring" 

Momo smiled, "I missed you too Sattang! We have so much to catch up on!"

The brunette sprang up and lent a hand to help Sana, who could only pray the older girl wouldn't see how flustered she was at the contact. Still holding hands, she let Momo lead her to the living room. While Sana flicked through the various dramas and variety shows on TV, Momo ran to the kitchen. It was almost comical the way she returned carrying an armful of various snacks and candies, dropping one every couple of steps on her way back to the couch. Giggling, Sana pat the empty seat next to her, signaling Momo to sit beside her. 

Finally settled and wrapped underneath the same blanket, Momo sidled up next to Sana, who put her arm around the older girl. Whenever they got the chance to take a break during their busy schedules, they would always eat snacks and watch TV together. It quickly became one of Sana's favorite things to do, and waking up on the couch next to Momo the next morning after a late night binge was becoming a habit.

Leaning her head against the younger girl, Momo nuzzled into Sana's neck. It wasn't unusual for them to be affectionate, but the way Momo was snuggling up against her was making Sana dizzy. The scent of her sweet shampoo was intoxicating and Sana could barely focus on what was on the TV. She hoped Momo couldn't hear how fast her heart was beating. 

"Hey", Momo said, playfully kicking Sana with her foot.

"What is it?", Sana asked, snapping out of her trance.

"Who was that girl I saw you in the magazine with? I like her she's super pretty!" Momo wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. 

"She's no one... It's not important." Sana huffed as Momo giggled, which sent Sana's heart into overdrive.

"I'd want to know my best friend's girlfriend-"

"She's not my girlfriend!", Sana abruptly interjected. Her face reddened as Momo went quiet at her outburst. 

"Sana...", Momo started, moving her head to look Sana in the eyes. "It's okay that she wasn't the one. I know you're going to find someone you really like one day." 

The only person I really like is you. Sana thought to herself. 

"I worry about you Sattang, I don't like seeing you lonely. I love you, you know that?" Momo wrapped Sana in another hug.

"I love you too Momoring" 

Sana knew Momo didn't mean it that way, and the melancholy feeling in her chest left her bitter. When they were both new to JYPE, they only had each other. Instant best friends. When did she start feeling like best friends wasn't enough? Now she'd get flustered at actions that she used to dismiss. Now she would catch herself looking at Momo whenever they were in the same room together. Now she couldn't get Momo out of her head.

Momo spoke again, pulling Sana's attention from her thoughts, "Any news on Mina? She's got to come back and complete the J-line now!", she said, half-joking, half-serious.

Though she tried to act casual, Sana could see the longing behind her best friend's eyes. She couldn't fool Sana. Momo never had to say it. It was always so goddamn obvious.  

"She's not coming, Momo", the blonde stated dismissively.

For as long as Sana could remember, Momo had always felt a special way about Mina. Mina was the girl who was always protecting and taking care of Momo. There were no responsibilties with Mina. Momo never had to be a reliable unnie or crack jokes to lighten the mood around Mina. It was easy to be herself because she knew without fail, Mina would always be there to make her feel safe. 

Momo bit her lip, "I'm sure we could convince her, right? It'd be more fun if it were the three of us here and-"

So goddamn obvious. Sana didn't know what Mina didn't see. Momo was the kindest, purest, and most lovable person anyone could ever meet. She wished she could make Mina see Momo in her eyes. See how lucky she was that Momo was willing to wait so patiently. She just wanted her to be happy.

"Being with her family is really important to Mina right now."

"I know that Sana but-"

"I'm going back to Japan at the end of the week." Sana blurted. "I-I'm just here to pick up some things to bring back with me. Mina's things too. So when I see her I'll try to talk to her."

It was a lie. She didn't mean to, but the longer their conversation dragged on, the more she couldn't stand it. Seeing Momo sad over Mina. Getting caught up in her own relationship with the brunette and hiding her feelings. The whole love triangle with her two best friends. It was all becoming too much for Sana. She didn't think she was strong enough.

Momo let the silence linger before she spoke. "Can you at least... when you see her tell her I say hi? And tell her that I miss her too, okay?"

Sana deflated. "I'll do my best but you know she's really busy. She's out volunteering teaching classes or something." 

Sana loved Momo. And that's exactly why she had to leave.



Halfway to Japan with a box of her and Mina's thing's in the overhead compartment, Sana wasn't feeling too hot recalling her conversation with Momo. As she mulled over her rash decision to leave Momo alone, she found herself unable to think properly. Feeling a pair of eyes on her again, Sana groaned and faced the girl beside her.

"I get it, but could you please stop the staring." Sana snapped. 

Tzuyu jumped at the singer's sharp voice. "Sorry... again.", she mumbled. After waking up from a nap on the flight, she automatically found herself looking at the blonde again. Probably to confirm that the memory of the singer wasn't just a dream. Feeling the icy glare coming from Sana, Tzuyu hastily turned away.

"Could I get you two girls something to drink?"

Sana’s demeanor flipped almost instantly upon hearing the flight attendant. “Just water please.” She smiled sweetly at the attendant, who handed her a plastic water bottle

Tzuyu noted how white Sana’s teeth were when she smiled. It was dazzling and Tzuyu only wished she had seen it sooner. How does someone even get their smile to look like that?

"Miss? A drink?”

Tzuyu frantically brought her attention back to the concerned flight attendant. 

"Coke! Just, a coke is fine, thank you.”

Sana, who was sitting aisle seat, accepted the can and handed it to Tzuyu. For a brief moment during the exchange, their hands met and Tzuyu, already nervous, was clumsy enough to drop the can. Sana scoffed at Tzuyu's mistake, this whole "starstuck" thing was starting to get on her nerves.

Frantically, Tzuyu snatched the can up from off of the ground, but not before the damage was already done. As soon as she opened it, the soda sprayed from the can, its contents shaken from the fall. Tzuyu didn't even have to look to feel the daggers coming from the soda drenched girl beside her.

"Are you kidding me?" Sana said, hastily trying to mop up the coke from her clothes. 

Tzuyu's faced burned from the embarrassment "It was an accident! I didn't know it wo-" 

Sana didn't let her finish. Instead, she grabbed her purse and marched to the bathroom, glad she had brought a change of clothes with her on the flight for the airport. After putting on a pair of jeans, Sana paused in front of the mirror and sighed. It seemed as though she couldn't catch a break lately. 

Suddenly, the door to the bathroom was opened, revealing Tzuyu with several napkins. Apparently, Sana had forgotten to lock the door.

"I don't know if you still need these but-" Tzuyu's eyes widened seeing Sana without a shirt, still in the midst of changing. 

Embarrassed, the singer quickly put on her white sweater. Not wanting to cause a scene in front of the flight attendants, she yanked Tzuyu into the bathroom and closed the door behind her. "What exactly are you trying to do! Embarrass me? See me ?" Sana hissed at the raven-haired girl. 

Her face flushed at the singer's question. "What! No!" she squeaked, cowering under the blonde's glare. 

"Yeah right! I know your whole sheepish thing was an act. Are you some deranged fan? Did you plan all this?" 

Tzuyu's soft face changed in an instant to a menacing scowl. "Who do you think I am? What do you take me for?" She didn't like being accused like Sana knew everything about her. Heated, Tzuyu landed a sharp slap across Sana's face. 

The singer winced and grit her teeth. "You know I might have believed you if you weren't leering at me at every opportunity." 

"Oh my god. Grow up!" Tzuyu scoffed. "It really was an accident! It had nothing to do with you!" She knew it was her fault for spilling the soda, but she couldn't believe the blonde had to make it all about her. 

Tzuyu quickly left the bathroom, and returned back to her seat. She was still seething at the blonde and her anger was driving her close to tears. It was times like these she wished she wouldn't cry so easily. As she sat, her mind wandered back to Sana's face when she had first been doused in soda. The disdain on the singer's face was priceless and it brought a smile to Tzuyu's face knowing she got some sort of revenge. 

Meanwhile, Sana took a second in the bathroom to recuperate. She gathered up her things and glanced in the mirror, massaging her cheek which was still red from the slap.

Ouch. Plane stranger was stronger than she looked.

Exiting the bathroom, she found several flight attendants whispering amongst themselves. Sana rolled her eyes. They must have overheard her argument, but she was too exasperated to care. Sitting back in her seat, she wasn't surprised to see the other girl giving her the cold shoulder. 

They ignored each other for the rest of the flight. 



Tzuyu was passing time before her first class, taking in the sights and drinking coffee at a shop nearby the lesson. The best part of it all was that she was finally free from any sort of celebrity or airplane. Sipping her coffee, she dialed Jeongyeon's phone for the umpteenth time. Voicemail again. Sighing in frustration, Tzuyu tossed her phone onto the table. The couple had volunteered to house sit while she was away, and Tzuyu was eager to catch up. And though she chalked it up as them just being busy at work, her patience was thinning.  

Occupying a coffee table outside, Tzuyu soaked in the scenery surrounding her. Japan was breathtaking. Everything from the trees to the convenience stores contained some sort of wonder to be explored and she wasted no time experiencing every facet. It was like a breath of fresh air to take this trip away from it all, but Tzuyu couldn't help but feel that lingering ache of loneliness. She never minded being alone, but she found herself wishing for some company to relish in the new experiences with her. To warm her bed at night. To keep her company. The young girl could barely remember the last time she had even dated someone. 

It must have been Elkie, though it seemed so long ago. The beautiful musician whom Tzuyu had encountered when she first moved to Korea. Having an ally in the foreign country was a big help and Elkie was the one who really helped her learn Korean. It was an innocent relationship, with mutual feelings growing over coffee dates, trips to the pound to visit the dogs, holding hands. Before she knew it they were dating, moving in together, ...proposing.

Tzuyu shook her head as if to scatter the bombarding thoughts. The memories were fresh in her mind. Back then she really believed they would make it and get married. But things just didn't work out. Elkie was going places, joining CLC, and everything was moving so fast. It was hard for either of them to be there for each other, much less be together. She'd never forget the look on Elkie's face when they split.  

"Penny for your thoughts?"'

A soft voice drew Tzuyu's attention to a pair of warm, mocha eyes. Standing near her table was an attractive woman with auburn hair. She carried her own to-go cup and was dressed in a loose, blue sweater, a warm, inviting smile on her face. Tzuyu would have guessed she had boatloads of women swooning over her.

She took in the woman's porcelain skin and soft features complemented by a small mole on the woman's nose. As Tzuyu studied her, the woman quickly turned bashful. "Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude, you just looked so focused... Do you mind if I sit with you?" 

"Please, sit." The younger girl gestured towards the empty chair across from her. Tzuyu clammed up around strangers, awkward and clumsy with conversation. But this was different. Tzuyu didn't feel shy and the woman didn't seem threatening. In fact, she seemed extremely sweet. 

Taking a seat, the girl took a sip of her coffee. "It really is a nice day today. Someone as beautiful as you should be doing something exciting."

Tzuyu blushed at the compliment. The woman wasn't trying to hide her advances and Tzuyu wasn't complaining. "I'd say talking with a pretty stranger in Japan is plenty exciting."

The older girl laughed. "Pretty stranger? Please, call me Mina. Mina Myoui." She extended a slim, perfectly manicured hand out.

Tzuyu's eyes widened in surprise. She had heard that name before. This was Twice's Mina Myoui. The coincidence of meeting two Twice members in one day didn't go unnoticed by her. But Mina had radiated such a different aura than that of Sana, Tzuyu could hardly believe they were apart of the same group.

She quickly shook Mina's hand. "Tzuyu Chou"

"You're a foreigner right? What brings you to Japan, Tzuyu?"

Her name had never sounded prettier than when Mina said it. Tzuyu had no doubt in her mind that Mina was one of the most attractive people she had ever met, but she managed to quell her awestruck feelings. 

"Some friends recommended a class to me here in Japan. I'm Taiwanese, but I've actually been living in Korea for the last couple of years. " 

Mina smiled over the lid of her coffee, listening intently. "Really? I've been living in Korea as well for work, but nothing beats home. What part of Korea do you live in?" 

The younger girl opened to reply, but was cut off by a vibration from her phone.

Checking it, she frowned. "I should to get going... that class I mentioned is starting soon." 

Mina pouted, genuine disappointment on her face. "Oh...  I guess I should go too. Maybe I'll see you around?"

Tzuyu nodded and the two exchanged shy smiles before Tzuyu took off in the direction of her class. 

When she finally arrived, she stared apprehensively at the large building that loomed in front of her. It was a dance studio similar to the one she worked at, only much bigger. She entered and checked in with the woman at the front desk, who directed her to the room her class would take session in. Taking a deep breath outside the door to calm her sudden nerves, she quickly opened the door and stepped onto the wooden floors. 


For the second time that day, Tzuyu found herself questioned by that gentle voice.


Mina ran a hand through her long, dark hair. "Talk about coincidence. I'm actually a volunteer in the class you're taking." She spoke excitedly and smiled brightly at the young girl.

For the first time in what seemed like forever, Tzuyu felt like giddy. She couldn't contain her smile the rest of class.


Sana mindlessly paced across the living room. She had gone back to her parents house in Japan after landing, and needless to say her mom was surprised to see her back so soon. Sana jumped as she felt her phone play Meghan Trainor's "All About that Bass". She didn't even have to look to know that Jihyo was calling. But why? Sana hadn't done anything. At least not yet.

"Hey God Jihyo!" Sana answered sweetly. She tried to mask the uneasiness in her voice, the last thing she needed was Jihyo picking up on it and grilling her. She didn't feel like talking about why she went back to Japan or why she was in a bad mood. No one, not even the rest of Twice, knew how she felt about Momo. Apparently, not even Momo herself.

"Congrats on making it into the Mile High Club!" Jihyo replied sarcastically. Anger dripped from her voice.

"Who, me?" Sana didn't have the slightest idea what her friend was talking about.

"Can you at least wait until you get off the plane before you get into a girl's pants, Sana?"

Sana stopped pacing, incredulous. "Woah wait, slow down. I don't even know what you're talking about!"

"Come on Sana! A source spilled to Dispatch that you left the bathroom with some beautiful girl and that there wasn't any doubt about what you two were doing in there. Tousled hair. Muffled yells. And you hogged the bathroom for more than 30 minutes!"

Sana pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes. She racked her brain trying to figure out what Jihyo meant, when it hit her. 

Those goddamn flight attendants.

"No! Jihyo, no! I didn't go into the bathroom to have  with that girl! I went in there to yell at her without causing a scene! She was an idiot who spilled soda all over me during the flight and then walked in on me in the bathroom! Then, she slapped me!" Sana huffed as she heard her friend's laugh on the other side.

When her laughter finally subsided, Jihyo spoke again. "Oh my god Sana! I can't believe it. You dragged some poor girl into a bathroom just to yell at her?" She stifled another chuckle, forgetting she was just yelling at Sana herself. "Not only that, but you got your handed to you!"

Sana pouted. "At least tell me it wasn't posted anywhere else."

"It wasn't. JYP was able to do damage control and silence other sites. Just, try to keep your cool over there. And if you ever do try anything up in the air like that, make sure you're discreet!" Jihyo teased. 

"Haha very funny." Sana heard the doorbell ring and quickly checked the time. ", gotta go Jihyo. I think Mina's here." 

Jihyo responded as Sana approached the door. "Alright, let's talk again soon. Oh yeah, before I forget. The managers got you a house in Korea just like you asked for. It's all set up and ready for you to move into. I still don't understand why you'd want to move out from the dorm though. Anyways, have fun and tell Mina I say hi! Bye bye!"

Sana sighed. She told her managers she was just looking for a place to relax with some peace and quiet. She couldn't explain that it was less about moving out of the dorm and more about getting away from its inhabitants. Specifically one. 

Either way she bought the house. It's not like she could change her decision. 

Opening the door quickly, Sana was greeted by her longtime friend, dressed in dance clothes. 

"Mina!" Sana smiled warmly and quickly wrapped the younger girl in a hug. 

Despite her resentment towards Mina when it came to Momo, the two girls had still been friends for a long time. Sana loved Mina, it was just unbearable to be around her when Momo was added to the equation. 

"Hey Sana unnie." Mina flashed her signature gummy smile and followed Sana to her white couch. 

Sitting across from her, Sana took note of the younger girl's appearance. "I'm liking the lighter hair!"

Mina blushed. "Oh this? I just thought I'd try something new. It's good for business you know?"

The two friends giggled as they wondered aloud how Onces would react to the slight change in her hair color. Their conversation flowed so naturally, Sana almost forgot why she was dreading seeing Mina at all. 

Momo. Mina was the one causing all this sadness in Momo's life and Sana found it hard to not place the blame on Mina. 

Mina smiled, interrupting Sana's thoughts. "I feel like it's been so long since we've seen each other." 

"Yeah, it has... Momo really misses you already." Sana returned the smile, her lips a thin line. As much as she didn't want to say it, she felt like she owed it to Momo to at least relay her message. 

"Really? How is she doing?" 

"She's alright. You should call her sometime soon...I'm sure she'd love to hear from you." The last part was hard to say, but Sana felt even worse knowing it was true.

Mina considered it. "Maybe I will call."

Sana didn't know whether to be happy or not. 

Mina spoke again. "Maybe I'll just talk to her when I see her in person when I come back to Korea in a few days." 

Sana's eyebrows raised. "You're coming back to Korea?" She couldn't keep all of the shock out of her voice.

Mina frowned. "You don't seem excited about that." 

Sana shook her head. "What about dance classes? Volunteering? Seeing your family? I thought that was important to you." She couldn't believe Mina, who consistently stayed in Japan for long breaks, would be coming back.

Right back into Momo's life.

Mina's concern deepened. "I'm want to come back, Sana. My classes end soon and my family is doing fine. I just feel like I never get to see other members during our breaks. At least now we'll finally be in the same country. I thought you'd be more happy. " Her eyebrows creased and she stood up. Gazing at the older girl, she tried to gauge her reaction. 

Sana tried to keep her expressions neutral, but she knew she had hurt Mina by being so aggressive with her questions. "I guess I'll go back too. I have to check up on some things in Korea." 

"Why did you even come to Japan, Sana? Was it really to see me? Is it your Dad?" Mina's words were laced with worry, but she quickly regreted saying anything at all after seeing the anger wash over Sana's face. Her dad was a touchy subject and Mina should have known better than to bring it up. 

"Don't you have somewhere to be Mina." The blonde's sharp words didn't go unnoticed by Mina, who made her way towards the door.

"I guess I'll see you in Korea, Sana." Mina's words were quiet and solemn, upset and confused by Sana's sudden outburst.

As she left, she shut the door behind her and Sana didn't even bother to watch her go.

Life at the dorm was about to get a lot more complicated with both Mina and Momo back. Sana was just glad she got her new house when she did.


Tzuyu knew her instincts were right. After her week of lessons in Japan, she had returned to find a big, red "SOLD", sign staked on her lawn in front of her house. The locks had been changed and it was beginning to make sense why 2yeon wasn't answering any of her calls. She had even tried calling the dance studio, but apparently the couple was completely MIA. Her patience had worn out. 

"Look, sir. Please, I need you to help me." Tzuyu had been pleading with the real-estate agent who sold the house, for almost 10 minutes. 

The balding man adjusted his glasses with pudgy fingers. "Is there a problem I'm not seeing about the sale, ma'am?"

"Well, that house you just sold. The ancestral one here? That's my house!" Tzuyu huffed, exasperated. She tried to be nice, but the two had been talking in circles.

"Okay, and?" The stout man stated dismissively, seemingly disinterested in the entire conversation.

"I wasn't really selling it."

The agent rolled his eyes. "I told you this already! The house is sold. The papers are finalized and the new owner is supposed to come inspect their new property very soon. She even paid well, cash actually, so I don't understand the whole-"

Tzuyu interrupted as she could finally take no more of his mumblings.  "What are you not getting! I'm not selling the house! You were conned by my two ex-best friends who sent me on a vacation to sell my house!"

A perplexed expression found itself onto the agent. "Wait. Who are you again?

"Tzuyu Chou."

His eyes widened. "No. No, you're not Ms. Chou. She's the owner of the house."

Tzuyu scoffed. "Do you need to see my license? Passport? I'm telling you this is my house!"

"Then who was that couple with the deed? The woman with the short hair?"

Fighting the urge to pull her hair out, Tzuyu replied, anger seeping into her voice. "Obviously not me! Please! Just please help me. I need my house back!" Her hands were balled into fists and she felt tears of frustration coming. It was taking all she had to remain even slightly composed.

The man gulped. Tzuyu was a lot taller than him, and it didn't seem like she was all that weak. He was beginning to see how serious the situation was. "I'm so very sorry Ms. Chou, but there's nothing that I can do. Do you think you can you get the money back from your friends and contact the owner to buy the house back?"

Tzuyu sighed, defeated. The whole situation was exhausting. "Can I at least know who bought the house?" She wasn't able to find Nayeon and Jeongyeon right now, but maybe she'd be able to work something out with the owner. They had to understand. She had nowhere else to go. She'd need a miracle for the owner to agree, but it was better than sleeping on the street. 

"The owner is someone by the name of Savely?"

"What? Savely? Is that for real?" The name was unlike any Tzuyu had ever heard.

"I don't know. I didn't really meet the woman. Just her staff."

"Well whatever, thanks anyways." 

With that, Tzuyu drove up to her house and parked outside. As she looked at the exterior, she felt the emptiness encompass her heart. What if she couldn't get her house back? Though she was born in Taiwan, this place was still home to her. She couldn't imagine leaving it to some stranger, especially not after her father had gifted it to her. The memories she had here, would they all be lost?

She'd do anything in her power to get it back. No matter how much work they asked of her, Tzuyu was sure she could pay back any demand. Taking in a deep breath, she summoned the courage to walk up the stairs and knock on the door. 

As she heard footsteps approach, she prepared to let the waterworks fly. Ready to give the speech of her life, groveling at the feet of some stranger to help her. 

Finally, the door opened and Tzuyu's jaw dropped. 

"No way... You?" She stared in disbelief.

"And I guess you." A voice replied in return.

It seemed as though misfortune was out to get her today because the person standing in her doorway was probably the last person she wanted to see. 

Sana Minatozaki. 

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Hey everyone! For the past couple of months, I've been studying for some finals and testing for school and have just been generally too busy to write. However, I am excited to say F4F will be back on track by August 10! Love you all <3 and thanks for the nice comments


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Chapter 2: Goshhh the story is so good to read, and welp a little cliffhanger there😅 Oh and btw will this still be updated if you don't mind me asking?
crisgarcia36 #2
Chapter 2: OMG! I need more
kennjoy02 #3
Please update
Buddygooo #4
Pls update. I reread this again.
tatangerine #5
Chapter 2: update pls
yoda_16 #6
No update? :((
18 streak #7
Chapter 2: Tzuyu: Yes I do the cooking. Yes I do the cleaning. Lol, I'm starting to love this, please continue <3
LeYaoguai #8
wow sounds good already
pearswitch #9
Chapter 2: i can't wait to see how things turn out! sana's so natural during the conference, and tzuyu is babie like always (except when she's beating up 2yeon lol)
kennjoy02 #10
Chapter 2: I love the story :)