Chapter 1

Dream Glow

I don’t know how I got here.

I only know that I am running fast and hard. Slashing through branches with this sword that I don’t know how I got. Coursing through this dark and damp forest.

Why am I running? Am I scared?

I hear roars and thuds and slashes from behind me.

Okay, I think I am supposed to be scared.                                                                                                                             .

I feel like my lungs are going to give out any minute now. I try to scream for help. No voice escapes my mouth. I can’t even open my mouth. I try to stop running, but my legs continue to move. That’s when I realize I can’t control my body. I continue to run until I reach a vast clearing.

I want to turn around to see what’s behind me. Am I being chased? What’s chasing me? Am I going to die? I am starting to feel lightheaded. I want a burrito. I know I am supposed to have one today, but my dormmates just had to eat the one that I bought for lunch. They’ll be sorry—

I felt myself fall face first to the ground, tasting grass and dirt. My ears are ringing. My eyes slowly open to see clouds of dust.

The ringing slowly died down. I can hear thuds of heavy feet. The roars are now crisper and more terrifying than earlier. Whatever is chasing me, I know it’s now ahead of me.

I feel a shooting pain from my right knee. I look down and see that it’s dislocated. I try to get up, my arms shaking. I feel a warm stream on my cheek as drops of scarlet fall to the ground. I slowly look up.

The dust has now settled, but I still can’t figure out what is in front of me. My vision is still a blur.

The figure is a few feet away from me—a creature of some sorts that has two legs that arch like parentheses, a torso that seems as round as a wine barrel, and a long snout. It’s now roaring and banging its fists on its chest, like an ape claiming its victory.

This must be it. I must be dying tonight. Whoever ate my burrito, you will feel sorry.

I closed my eyes.

The next thing I know, I am lying on the ground, my vision still hazy. A woman is staring at me. Her bangs covered her forehead to her eyebrows. Her hair seems like a myriad of colors (I don’t know what myriad means. I just hear Namjoon hyung use it. It sounds like a good word.)

As she moved closer, I can’t help but get fixated at her doe eyes. Then she whispered.

Wake up.

The world crumbled.

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This story draws inspiration from all the cartoons, anime, and fantasy stories I have watched and read my entire life. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I have fun writing it. Please give it a shot. If you like it, let me know my subscribing and leaving a comment. Thank you!


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chelsiedavis42 #1
Chapter 3: can u do more chapters?
Nehal_xvi #2
Chapter 3: are there only 3 chapters??