pls read.

not a story. please read.
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hello to my readers.


as you may know, i’ve recently posted a saida oneshot with futa sana. now, a couple people have requested this and i thought that i should do it because why not. i had no idea that many...people...didn’t like it. now, had they nicely told me that many didn’t like it, there wouldn’t be an issue. but no, they’ve left ruse messages on my wall, the story, and even in my PM. i’m writing this to tell you all to leave me alone. if you don’t like what i write, that’s fine. i’m not forcing you to like it. but taking it upon yourself to leave me rude messages? do you know how shattering that is? i won’t spend much time speaking on this subject but please leave me alone. if you send me rude messages anywhere on my account, you will be blocked and your message will be deleted.


as for my readers who liked it or even pretended to like it, thank you. i really appreciate your kind words. thank you for reading and liking my posts. 


with that that being said, i will continue to post on this account. i’ve thought about going on another hiatus until the hate died down but that’s just giving into what they want. the next oneshot im working on should be up shortly. 


thank you for reading.


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i can’t guarantee that my next message on this topic will be this nice and professional. take this as your final warning and BACK. OFF.


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Twice_bibimbap #1
Chapter 1: Don't listen to the haters, i really like your stories!
Chapter 1: please don't listen to the hate comments. your stories are amazing and i loved each and every single one of them.
Your story and that's the truth
Chapter 1: don't mind the other people who doesn't like it, it's their fault at the very start on why they read it. you may have left messages at the forword to not read if they don't feel comfortable. writers are here to deliver what other readers want. it's other readers choice if they wanted to read it. they like it, they like it and if they don't like it then it up
Chapter 1: Sooo many annoying people these days. *sighs*

To those annoyance: Let the authors write what they want jfc. They’re writing for FREE. They’re not doing this for you -_-
They don’t NEED your pathetic whining about why you do not like their story, to write a fic. Just say thank you or ignore and leave.

To the author-nim: i’m one of those reader who genuinely liked your fic. Every single one of your works, especially the SaiDa fics, are deeply appreciated, author-nim! Keep up the good work! Can’t wait to hear more from you :)
Don’t listen to hate comments