chapter 11

Here We Go Again


Dahyun couldn’t stop thinking of Sana ever since after their escape. Sana’s voice that echoed in her head, ‘I will just kiss your mouth’ made her heart race in her chest every time she is reminded. It’s been three days after the runaway, yet Dahyun is still unable to process her thoughts and her feelings about it. Just like any other those days that has passed, she hasn’t been herself. Even her date, Nayeon who came to school to pick her up for their usual evening stroll at the park didn’t help her cease her distracted mind. As bad as it sound, she just wanted to be with Sana at the moment. . .


“Dahyun, are you okay?” Nayeon asked in the car. Dahyun jumped a little before she faced to Nayeon.


“Huh? Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” Dahyun asked back.


“You just seem a little off lately. Is the school stressing you? Or is it your parents? You know you can tell me, right?” Nayeon is obviously concerned.


“Don’t worry, Nayeon. I’m fine. I’m just...” Dahyun stopped in the middle of her sentence, not really knowing what to tell Nayeon.


For sure, she couldn’t possibly tell her that she is thinking of another woman- let alone, her own close friend. So Dahyun knew she shouldn’t say anything to Nayeon even though Nayeon could’ve helped her with her messy state of mind- like she always do. But then Dahyun realized that she can’t always rely on Nayeon to fix her problem because there are things that she need to figure out by herself. She obviously didn’t want to hurt Nayeon too because- well, she like her a lot.


“What is it?” Nayeon asked again.


“Oh, um. Nothing.” Dahyun tried to smile.


“Are you sure?” Nayeon just wanted to make sure Dahyun is not hurting. The irony is that she could be the one who is hurting- which is something Dahyun wanted to avoid at the moment.


“Yeah, totally.” Dahyun smiled again, only this time is more reassuring.


As soon as they arrived to their destination, Nayeon swooped her hand in Dahyun’s hand as they walk together towards the entrance of the park. Nayeon kept looking at Dahyun with loving eyes, smiling in front of Dahyun while she lead their way to the bridge crossing the pond. They had their usual small talk and Dahyun filled in Nayeon with her school’s activity, the upcoming Sport Festival- informing her that she won’t be able to go out with her for a while due to her busy schedule. Nayeon took it well and even offered her help for the event. This is what Dahyun like about her, Nayeon is pretty much chill with everything which made it easier for Dahyun. But sometimes she is making it too easy for Dahyun to escape from her.

They decided to rest under the tree nearby the pond. They sit on the freshly sprinkled grass while Nayeon rest her head on Dahyun’s shoulder. By now, Dahyun is already used to their physical contact. It doesn’t scare her anymore because she is very comfortable around Nayeon now. Each day, she learned new things about Nayeon like her music taste, her preference in clothing and most importantly, her favorite food. Nayeon like to snack despite always complaining about the fear of gaining weight. Truth to be told, her body is perfect just the way it is and that’s what Dahyun has been telling her.


“Anyway, I’m having a party next weekend and I’m inviting you over.” Nayeon told. “I know you will be very busy and tired by next week but think of it like a reward after the event, okay?”


“But I have never attend a college party before.” Dahyun is a little worried of what Nayeon’s friends would think of her. She might get intimidated by everyone and that will certainly not be fun for her.


“Relax, college party is just like any other party but with more drinks and well… some substances.” Nayeon told.


“Are you talking about drugs?” Dahyun almost yelled with her usual dramatic big eyes.


“Babe, keep it down. It’s only weed, nothing heavier than that… I think. Well, I certainly hope so because I don’t want to go to jail.” Nayeon said.


“Nayeon, you’re only giving me more reasons not to come.” Dahyun freaked out a little.


“Relax. Oh my god, you are so adorable when you freaked out.” Nayeon started laughing.


“I’m serious.” Dahyun’s eyes widened even more.


“And I’m joking. I’m just teasing you. There will be some drinks and some weeds, but trust me, it’s all going to be safe.” Nayeon wiped the tears from her eyes after laughing for so much.


Dahyun sighed. “Can I really trust you on that? Because I have to keep myself a clean record in order to go to your university.”


“Yes Kim Dahyun, you are safe in my hand. Don’t worry about it, okay?” Nayeon pinched her cheek before she start standing up to stretch her body.


“Now let’s get the hell out of here. It’s getting late, you don’t want your parents to get worried.” Nayeon held out her hand for Dahyun. Dahyun took her hand and continue walking back to Nayeon’s car.




The next day inside the campus house, Sana went up very early to have a morning jog. It’s very unlikely of her to go outside this morning- let alone, jogging when she personally hated exercising. But something changed her mind that morning. She couldn’t sleep at all last night because her brain won’t let her. Her mind is all tangled up with so many thoughts and it messes with her emotion. While her brain is still active, she decided to go for a run to make her body tired enough to sleep. Since she doesn’t have any classes today, she decided to sleep the whole morning after the jog. While jogging, she tried ignoring her mind as she hummed to the songs on her playlist. She jogged for thirty minutes straight before she decided to head back to the house. When she came back, she met the early bird Nayeon in the kitchen making pancakes for breakfast.


“You’re up early.” Morning Sana astonished her because she knew her friend is never a morning person. “And you are exercising.” Nayeon wowed at her again.


“Don’t get too excited. It’s only for today.” Sana huffed while sitting on the kitchen island table.


“So this isn’t a change?” Nayeon said teasingly. “I still can’t ask you to jog with me in the morning?”


“Correct.” Sana answered as she take a piece of honey-buttered pancake from Nayeon’s dish.


“I’d say, it’s a progress.” Nayeon smiled at the blondy.


“Sure, whatever you say.” She mumbled while gnawing her food.


“Are you okay?” Nayeon begin to feel something is off with Sana, she furrowed her brows at her.


“Yeah, I am. I’m sorry, I'm just tired after the run.” Sana smiled awkwardly. The truth is, Nayeon is one of the reason why she can’t sleep last night.


“Okay. So anyway, I’m inviting Dahyun to our party this weekend.” Nayeon told her.


“This weekend? I thought it’s next weekend.” Sana look confused.


“Yeah, I decided to change it to this weekend. I’ve already talked about this with Momo, and she is fine with it. I hope you are too.” Nayeon explained.


“Okay, but why?” Sana asked out of curiosity.


“The high school girls are having their sport festival preparation next weekend. I want them to have fun before their training and stuff.” Nayeon said.


“But they will get tired, no?” Sana asked.


“One party won’t be so tiring, Sana. Plus I want to meet some of Dahyun’s friends.” Nayeon answered.


“You really like her a lot, don’t you?” Her heart suddenly acting up even though she was the one who asked Nayeon.


“Yeah of course. I mean, technically we are dating.” Nayeon responded like it was easy for Sana to read her mind.


“So what you are trying to say is that this might be going somewhere?” Sana asked again. The more she ask, the more her heart begin to break.


“Hell yeah, I am winning this one from you Missy.” Nayeon answered with a smirk on her face. Sana knew she was supposed to feel triggered by that- but she isn’t. Instead, she feel like she want to jump off a building. This stupid game again, Sana thought as she trailed her fingers around her mug. 


“Whatever.” Sana dismissed the topic with a smug on her face and left the kitchen to go upstairs to shower.



Few hours later, Sana is still asleep after her morning run but Nayeon and Momo are in the university for their morning lecture. They were the first to show up in the lecture hall because Nayeon insisted on coming early in order to get the best seat which is in the middle row.


“Why is everyone acting so weird lately?” Nayeon suddenly asked Momo who is already daydreaming before the class even started. Nayeon had to nudge her friend on the elbow to grab her attention.


“Hm?” Momo look confused.


“Dahyun has been acting weird. It’s like something is bothering her but she won’t tell me. She usually does, you now. But now she isn’t telling me. What is it that she is not telling? Is she perhaps.. done with me?” Nayeon told, only making Momo felt more confused about everything she said.


“What are you talking about?” Momo is still not understanding the situation.


“And this morning, Sana seems a little off. Again, it’s like something is bothering her too…” Nayeon paused. “OMG, I’ve connected the dots!” She said in astonishment.


“What dots? Nayeon, what the hell are you talking about?” Momo furrowed her brows even deeper than before.


“Momo, we need to talk to Sana. I need to talk to Sana.” Nayeon said.


“Okay okay but about what?” Momo asked.


“About Dahyun…” Nayeon told.

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wow look at all these dust! it's been sooooo long, phew. but guess what? CHAPTER 10 IS UPDATED!! thank you for the wait!! I owe you guys big apologies for not updating for the couple of months TwT ❤️


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Chapter 11: still waiting for you to come back (ಡ᎔ಡ)
Mineminer92 #2
Chapter 11: These rascals! Playing with their own hearts 😅💞 Can’t wait to see what will happen close to the party and how Nayeon and Sana’s talk will turn out!
Wolfdemongod8 #3
Chapter 11: Just found this and I'm loving it please update soon
Chapter 11: Niceeee!! Can't wait to you're next update... i hopefully you will update soon Author-nim. ?
Chapter 11: Dun dun duuuuunnn.... :)))
Chapter 9: I can see why most people get attracted to the "bad boy/girl" type. They make you do things you're not supposed to do, they take you out of your comfort zone and it is wonderfully exhilarating. Don't play too rough though Sana-chan. You already got our little Dubu wrapped. :D
Dannahlyn #7
Chapter 11: ❤️
Asianfanficreader1 #8
Chapter 11: D:
16 streak #9
Chapter 10: Cute
Asianfanficreader1 #10
Chapter 10: awwwww soft