Chapter 1: Cherry On Top

Innocently, Sweetly


"Cherry On Top"

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Life is not that sweet. That’s what my father taught me back then when I was a kid. And that’s the very reason why my father liked pastries because he thinks that making sweets can help people forget the bitterness of life even for just a bit but even if he believes on that, he still couldn’t take it when he learned his trusted friend ran away with the company’s money. From then on, I never saw a hint of sweetness from my father not only towards his business partners or friends but on his own family also. Father changed and that’s something that changed me as a person too. I grew up hating pastries yet it’s the only thing that reminds me of the time when my life was sweet.


“Lady Taeyeon, your father requests your presence in his office immediately.” The maid called from the other side of the door. The lady stood up from writing her journal and went for the ingress.

“I’ll be there in a second.” She said as she quickly closed the door again to hide her journal properly so that no one can ever read it. Before going out, she took once glance of her reflection from the mirror. There, a girl with skin as white as snow and has an expression as cold as the winter tale. She fixed her hair and swiftly ambled out of her room.

Not a while later, she reached the office and knocked before coming in.

“How long does it take for you to come to my office? It’s been 15 minutes since I sent the maid for you.” Her father reprimanded Taeyeon.

“I’m sorry.” Taeyeon mumbled before placing herself on the sofa in front of him. She waited for her father to finish pouring wine into his glass before speaking again. “So what do you want, father?” She curtly asked.

“Your cousin is coming back here in Korea and your auntie asked a favor for us to shortly welcome her here in the household.” He said.

“Does that mean she’ll be staying here with us? For how long?” She asked again, this time with gritted teeth.

“For a whole school year. She’ll go to the same school as yours.” Her father replied, this time in a firmer voice. Knowing that his daughter doesn’t like the situation and in the verge of throwing a fit, he sternly showed dominance.

“Does this mean I have to be with her twenty-four hours? Oh my God! For once why can’t you think of my circumstance and not just the business? I know that Auntie’s company helps in advertising ours but clearly, their just using us to boost the popularity of her own. Who knows she might be conniving something to ruin our image this time. Last time she tried to write an article how pastries are not that healthy and should not be patronized as a conventional food. Can’t you see? She’s trying to bring us down!” Taeyeon shouted at the top of her lungs. She’s too full of loathe towards her cousin that she wouldn’t be able to stay within 100 m radius with her. She looked at her father while catching her breathe but her breathing hitched as soon as she saw her father’s eyes, stone cold and angry.

“You think I don’t know what she’s scheming?” He smirked as he reached for his glass of wine. “That’s the very reason why we should let her daughter stay here. That way, we can gather some information too and I’m assigning that to you.” He ordered.


“What?!” I clearly feel like getting a heart attack right now. My father is asking for something impossible. I can’t stand that girl for God’s sake. She gets on my nerves with everything she does.

“You know I hate her ego as much as I hate the pastries you bake. You’re just asking for the impossible.” I stated with conviction. This plan will just make me suffer. That bitch is a devil incarnate and as sly as a fox.

BAM! “Kim Taeyeon, this is not a favor. This is an order and I want you to do it successfully.” I looked at the broken glass and drips of wine scattered all over the carpet. Yes, the man who bakes sweets isn’t sugary at all. I just nodded and got out of the room. Any longer in there I will suffocate in my own anger. Well, there’s no choice anymore, I have to do this. I swear I can’t handle her rotten personality. Her sweet façade surely hides her foul character.


Taeyeon walked back into her room and sat in front of her mirror. She sighed as she plopped her head down to think of the things she would do while her cousin stays there with them. Right then, an idea came to her and a sly grin flashed across her face.

“Well, well, I could just establish the hierarchy as soon as she arrives here so she wouldn’t have the guts to irritate me. I’m the master here anyway she’s just a guest. What’s there to worry about?” She smirked as she reached for her phone on her bed and proceeded to dial a number.

“Hello? Yes, this Taeyeon. I would like you to prepare a cake since Miss Irene will be visiting. Yeah, make sure there are cherries on top. She likes cherries, very much. And oh, I have another request…” She ended the call after giving out instructions for the welcome she prepared for Irene.


Welcome to hell, my sweet cousin. I’ll make sure your time here would be a fun experience with cherry on top. Taeyeon thought impishly as she waits for her cousin’s appearance.





Image result for red velvet irene


" You'll never know the taste of victory. What can I say, this is just the icing of the cake."

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I'm sorry I haven't updated the story right away and this chapter is too short. But I promise the next one will be longer. Thank you for subscribing to my story and the two upvotes. Please bear with me, I love you all <3


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tyeam0309 #1
Chapter 2: I hope in this story Taeyeon is brave and not weak since most of the story about her is weak, pls. Let her win always.