
If It's For You, I'm Alright
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“So who are your guy’s crushes?” Sungah asks. She was new to our school this year and we befriended her almost immediately. Sekyung, Jiahn, and I have been friends since middle school. So we all three were close, so I knew Sungah felt out of palce.

This was the first time the four of us had actually gotten together outside of school since Sungah became our friend.

“You asked, so you go first!” Jiahn nudges Sungah.

Sungah smiles softly causing us all to smile. “I kind of might have a crush on Lee Taeyong.”

Immediately all of our smiles drop. It had to be him didn't it?

Sungah notices glancing towards me. “What? What’s wrong? Is he bad?”

Sekyung takes notice of the fact that I don’t speak up so she does instead. “No he’s not bad, it’s just he’s been Jungyeon’s crush since middle school.”

Sungah‘s eyes widen. “Oh, I’m so sorry.” She quickly puts her hands together like she was sorry.

I quickly gesture aimlessly trying to get her to not feel bad, it's not like she knew. “No, no, it’s okay. It’s not like I own him or anything.” I dismiss her negative thoughts. “Besides I would choose my friends over a one-sided crush any day.”

Sungah smiles. “So it’s alright if I pursue him then?”

I was hoping she too would give up on him but I can’t make her do anything. But if it'll make her happy then I guess I could let her go for him.

I would do anything to see my friends and family smile.

I force a small smile, even if that meant hurting myself. “Yeah of course.”

Sekyung and Jiahn glance at me, worried expressions on their faces. Everything would be okay. It’s not like Taeyong was the only boy on this planet.




Sungah completely changed after that, she went from the innocent and kind girl I became friends with to demanding and rude. I don’t know what happened to her since then but she’s been determined to make Taeyong her’s and she wasn't the nicest about it either. 

“Hey, Jungyeon.” Sungah comes up to my locker before our chemistry class. Sekyung who was standing next to me rolls her eyes and takes off to her history class before anything more comes out of . Sekyung had distanced herself from her a couple weeks ago. She wasn’t the type to be bossed around. Apparently Jiahn and I were though.

“Yeah?” I sigh, grabbing my chem book and slipping it into my backpack my eyes raising to her.

“Ask Taeyong if he’s going to the party at Jaehyun’s tonight.” She leans up against a random locker staring at her nails.

“Why can’t you?” I ask her raising an eyebrow confused.

She snorts looking up towards me. “I’m skipping chemistry, plus you sit next to him. I also don’t want to seem desperate.” She leans forward placing her hand on my shoulder. “Just ask him, it’s what a friend would do.”

I groan. “Fine whatever.” Like I said before, I'd do anything to make a friend happy even if it's frustrating.

She hums happily, patting my shoulder as she walks off.

I run a hand through my hair annoyed, shutting my locker I head into the chemistry room sitting down at my lab table. I drop my bag to the ground and rest my head on top of my hands.

“Having a bad day?” I felt Taeyong sit down beside me.

I sigh lifting my head up to face him. “You could say that.”

He laughs lightly. “What could’ve happened to you since last period? You seemed happy then?”

I wanted to pour my heart out to him about how much a living hell it is trying to hook him up with Sungah but I couldn’t. Or I wouldn’t anyways. I didn't want to ruin her chances with him.

I glance away from him. “Friend stuff, that’s all.”

“Isn’t it always friend stuff?” He asks referring to the multiple times this month I've been like this. “Maybe you should look into getting new friends if they are causing you all this drama?”

I shrug, yeah, maybe he was right but I was too nice for that. “I wouldn’t be much of a friend then would I?”

He shrugs. “Depends on the situation.”

I let my head fall into my arms again to sulk some more. Taeyong giggles at my exaggerated moves. He pats my back lightly before I hear him getting his book out of his bag.

‘Ask him if he’s going to Jaehyun’s party.’

I groan to myself. I pull my arm away from face, keeping my head resting on the table.

“Hey, Taeyong.”

“Hmm?” He moves to rest his elbow on the table, his chin sitting on his palm looking down at me.

“Are you going to Jaehyun’s party tonight?”

He lays his head down on the table similiar to how I was, to where he’s facing me. “Why?”

I make my best attempt at a shrug.

“Probably not.” He clicks his tongue, his eyes darting away. “Are you going?”

“I’m sure I’ll be drug there somehow.” I mumble with a huff.

He smirks, a snort coming out of his nose his eyes darting back to me. “Maybe I’ll go then.”

I wasn’t sure that was the answer Sungah was looking for but it’d have to do because I wouldn't be fishing for more.

“Jungyeon, Taeyong, heads up please.” Mr. Do calls out as he enters the classroom.

Taeyong snorts at how we got called out. “I swear he hates us.”

“Right?” I mutter back.




“So is he coming?” Sungah asks over the phone.

“He said maybe.” I reply glancing at Sekyung and Jiahn who sat on my bed. Sekyung was rolling her eyes and Jiahn was biting her lip.

“What do you mean maybe?” She growls. “You should’ve got a definite answer from him.”

I take a deep breath. “If you wanted a legit answer then you should’ve asked him yourself.”

“Don’t get snippy with me, Jungyeon. You’re just mad because he doesn’t like you.” She harps and my mouth drops open. Sekyung opens to make a smart remark but Jiahn quickly covers .

“Are you serious right now?” I pick up the phone off my mattress, taking it off speaker placing it on my ear.

“Yeah I am.” She smarts off. “You are being selfish, I thought you didn’t want to keep him to yourself?”

“I'm not keeping him to myself. I can’t force him to say what you want okay?” I exclaim bewildered by how she thinks I would do that.

“Whatever, he better be there.”

I hang up on her and fall back against my pillows groaning.

“Why do you let her treat you like that?” Sekyung asks throwing Jiahn’s hand away from , shaking her head.

I pout to myself. “I brought it on myself didn’t I?” I was the one who said it was alright for her to try and go out with him. I sit up and shake my head. “I made my bed so now I have to lay in it.”

“Or you could not?” Sekyung shrugs, moving to rest on her hands.

Jiahn sighs. “I really didn’t expect this turn of events though. She wasn’t like this before?”

“I know.” I move closer to the edge of the bed. “We better get ready for the party.”




The three of us arrive at the party a few minutes late. There is a decent amount of people here when we step inside but not near as much that were bound to come. Jaehyun is quick to come to Sekyung’s side. The two have openly flirted at every one of his parties the past year and a half, I was just waiting for the two to admit they were dating.

Jaehyun leads us to the kitchen and my eyes find Taeyong almost immediately. He’s leaning against the counter talking to his friend Doyoung. They glance over stopping their conversation noticing Jaehyun has entered the room. Taeyong eyes dart to me, he smiles and waves at me.

I wave back and he comes forward to stand in front of me. “I see you were drug here after all?” He glances over my appearance and I glance over his as well.

I laugh. “And I see you decided to come too?”

He nods and smiles. “Well you said you’d be here, figured I’d have to come then.”

I squint slightly confused, my heart pounds in my chest and Jiahn suddenly is moving away from the two of us leaving us alone.

“Why is that?”

He awkwardly rubs at the back of his head. “Well you see-.”

“Hey guys!” Sungah cuts between the two of us placing her hand on Taeyong's shoulder as she does.

I tear my gaze off Taeyong to glance at Sungah who is dressed like she was going clubbing not to some high school party. She seemed out of place but still looked great in her attire.

“Oh hey, Sungah.” I clear my throat backing up from Taeyong a bit. I hadn’t realized we were so close earlier.

“Hey uh-Jungyeon do you think you could leave Taeyong to me for a bit? I need to ask him something.” She smiles almost innocently at me before looking towards Taeyong.

I glance at him and he was staring at me.

“Actually we were-.” Taeyong starts out gesturing out towards me.

“No it’s okay.” I reassure the both of them cutting him off. “Taeyong we can continue our conversation later.” I smile and wave goodbye to the both of them. My smile drops immediately once I'm out of their field of vision.

I find Jiahn in the living room and I plop down next to her on the couch, a frown on my face.

“What’s wrong?” She asks turning towards me. “You and Taeyong were just all flirty? What could’ve happened in the twenty seconds I was gone?”

“Sungah.” I mutter under my breath.

“Oh.” She hums staring out at a couple who was getting awfully close before looking back at me. “Do you want to go home?”

“Kind of. You can stay though, I don’t want to ruin your night.” I stand up but she is quickly on her feet too.

“No, no, I want to go too. If you go I won’t have anyone to hang out with because I’m pretty sure Jaehyun and Sekyung disappeared shortly after we came into the living room and I don’t really want to risk going to find them in fear of what I’ll walk in on.” She shivers disgusted.

I laugh tugging her after me. “Let’s go then!”

But on our way out we run into Doyoung. “Hey guys! We’re getting ready to play spin the bottle and we need more players.”

“We were actually just leaving.” I point to the door.

Doyoung pouts slapping his two hands together pleading with us. “Please just play for a little bit. I don’t want to play either but I have to.”

Jiahn sighs nudging me. “We can spare a half hour that’s it.”

My shoulders slouch, I hated this game.

Doyoung leads us back past the living room and kitchen to what looks to be an office. Inside sat six other people. One of those people was Taeyong and another was Sungah. She eyes me as I come to sit down beside her.

“What are you doing here?” She leans closer to me.

“Doyoung asked us to play.” I shrug looking towards him.

She rolls her eyes. “Great.”

A younger boy known as Wong Yukhei stands up and claps his hands together. “Alright now that everyone’s here. Here are the rules, when a player spins the bottle and it lands on someone you have to kiss them for ten seconds. However, you can always opt out by drinking whatever concoction I come up with.”

Yukhei glances at Jiahn. “You’re up first.”

Jiahn swallows and hesitantly spins the bottle. It spins around only a couple of times before it lands on an underclassmen. I think her name was Im Hana, but I’m not sure?

Despite Jiahn seeming nervous this was a game and she never lost a game. So she's up and planting her lips on the girl’s for the designated ten seconds before moving back to her seat amused at everyone’s shocked reactions.

Yukhei gives her a high-five before spinning the bottle, it lands on himself so he just sighs. He looks at me, it was my turn.

Did I mention I hated this game? There was a reason I avoided playing it before today.

I spin the bottle and it goes around exactly three times before it finally stops in front of Doyoung. I swallow glancing over to the liquor and hot sauce that sat behind Yukhei seriously contemplating drinking whatever he could mix up.

“Come on, don’t be a chicken, Jungyeon.” Sungah nudges me a smirk on her face. “It’s just a game.”

I glance at her, she just wanted me to kiss him in front of Taeyong. I internly groan turning back around, she was right, this was just a game. I could do it, even if this would be my first kiss.

So take a deep breathe leaning across the circle closing the distance between me and Doyoung. Counting to ten in my head as our lips touched. Which was all that was happening, we weren’t really kissing. Our lips were kind of just touching, awkwardly. Kind of like how you’d kiss your mom? So I guess it was still considered a kiss?

I pull away at ten seconds and lower my head, sitting back down. God please can I just leave now?

It’s not that I didn’t like Doyoung either. He was handsome and a great guy but like he’s sitting right next to Taeyong. The guy I most certainly still liked even if my friend did.

Sungah spins the bottle and it conveniently lands between Taeyong and Hana. She smiles softly, “Does that mean I get to choose between the two?”

Yukhei snorts obviously knowing who she’d pick. “No it means spin again.”

Sungah pouts and spins again, this time it lands on the boy who hasn’t talked since we arrived, his name is escaping me. He was sitting beside Doyoung.

“Yukhei make me a drink.” Sungah sighs.

“But Sungah, it’s just a game. Why not kiss him?” Taeyong speaks up causing Jiahn to snort, a smirk forming on her lips.

Sungah blinks and I can tell she’s slightly peeved but it was Taeyong who said it so she bites back her anger. “You’re right, Yukhei never mind.”

Sungah moves across the circle to kiss the boy for the ten seconds she has to before she makes her dramatic walk back to her spot. Plopping down next to me with a groan.

Hana spins next and it lands on Yukhei. She ends up drinking one of his concoctions because she claims it’s a blow to his ego if she doesn’t kiss him.

Taeyong places his hand on the bottle spinning it and I swear I feel my heart drop down into my stomach. Please let it be anyone but Sungah. Actually maybe I'm being selfish, it would make her happy if it landed on her.

I start sweating bullets as it starts to slow down and I couldn't help but be selfish for once. Come on, land on Jiahn or Doyoung or even Hana. It slowly passes by Jiahn, then Yukhei and suddenly stops.

It didn’t stop on Sungah!


I follow the cap of the bottle to the person and holy it stopped on me? My eyes widen. I quickly look up noticing everyone is staring at me.

I felt a nudge from my right, it was Sungah. “Drink.” She mutters.

I don’t even bother glancing at her. “It’s just a game.” I mumble back. She would understand right?

Taeyong leans forward across the circle, one of his fingers grazing against my cheek as his hand cups my cheek. My god my heart was pounding as his eyes met mine. This was so much more nerve-wracking than the kiss with Doyoung.

I scoot a tad bit closer.

“What are you doing?” I hear Sungah growl quietly.

Taeyong moves to where his knees are on the ground making him stand a ways taller than me since I was still sitting. He leans down his eyes shutting which causes me to shut my eyes too. Dear god don’t let me royally this up. At least when I kissed Doyoung I didn’t have to actually do anything, ur-well I guess I didn’t have to this time either? I didn’t really know what to do and I wasn’t expecting this so I didn’t like look anything up online? I wasn't prepared!

Like dear god how does someone even kiss properly?

I feel his lips brush against mine and it almost takes my breath away out of shock but then he's pressing them onto mine fully and the hand he has on my face tilts me back and to the side, I’m guessing for him to get a better angle. One, two, three, four,-this was the longest ten seconds of my life-eight, and then he lightly parts his lips, my upper lip slightly fitting between his causing my lower lip to part from my upper. And the kiss continues that way, sort of open-mouthed but not really. I lost count I realized whenever Taeyong’s other hand grazes past my hip up to my neck tilting my head even further.

“Yah, are you guys gonna go at it right here in front of us?” Yukhei’s voice interrupts us. I quickly back up blinking confused. Holy hell, that was way longer than ten seconds. Jiahn sends me a wink from her seat.

“Please get a room.” Doyoung murmurs from his front row seat to our kiss.

My cheeks quickly heat up. God damn it, I got carried away. What if he knows now? What if Sungah is sad now?

I glance back at Taeyong who smiles down at me before moving back to his seat.

I’m not okay.

The game continues with Doyoung spinning the bottle and it landing on Jiahn. The two share a small kiss but other than that the kiss between Taeyong and I was the hot one tonight.

And just like that the game ends because Yukhei got bored since he wasn't getting kissed.

Jiahn is quick to get up and grab me. Together we discreetly head out of the room. We end up down the hall near the rear exit of the house.

“Oh my god.” She squeals. “How was it? It looked hot!”

I squeal too and hide my face into her shoulder. She quickly pats my back out of sympathy.

“I’m so embarrassed.” I groan into her shoulder.

Someone clears their throat from behind me. I instantly spin around and I’m surprised to see Doyoung standing there. He waves awkwardly.

“Did you need something?” Jiahn speaks up.

“Uh-yeah, to talk to Jungyeon real quick.” He shrugs, again his stance his awkward.

“Go on, anything you have to say I’m sure it would be fine for her to hear it too.” I shrug moving closer to him.

“Are you sure?” He glances like he's concerned between the two of us.

I nod slowly. What’s with him?

“I’m sorry, but I don’t like you back.” He quickly says causing my forehead to scrunch up confused. “I wanted to tell you now before you got in too deep.”

“I’m sorry I’m confused?” I reply glancing at Jiahn who was also confused.

“You like me.” He says gesturing towards me.

“No I don’t?” I say back. “Not that you aren’t a great guy or anything but I don’t.”

“Yeah she doesn’t like you like that?” Jiahn steps in to back me up.

“Huh?” His eyes widen. “But..?”

“How did you even come to that conclusion?” Jiahn asks crossing her arms over her chest.

“Your friend Sungah told all of us back there." He gestures his thumb over his shoulder towards the office. "She said that you were too scared to tell me?” He was so confused now too.

“Believe me when I say that I don’t like you like that. I’d be happy to be friends though. I thought it would’ve been clear that I don’t like you like that based off the kiss?” I reply with a snort.

He nods with a sheepish shrug. “I took it as you were nervous but I guess I can see it the other way too.” He quickly shakes his head. “Regardless this is good news for me as Tae-.” His eyes widen and he covers his mouth. “I got to go!”

“He’s so weird.” Jiahn mutters once he’s gone.

“I’m so pissed.” I huff turning around towards her. “She only said that so Taeyong would hear.”

“You know this wouldn’t happen if you would actually go after Taeyong yourself.” Jiahn rolls her eyes. “I mean Sungah isn’t a great friend. Give her up for Taeyong. It seems he likes you too.”

My cheeks redden. “What makes you think that?” I shove her lightly. “He doesn’t like me. Why would he like me? She’s so much prettier than me. Plus she’s so much better at flirting and she’s experienced and I know underneath whatever has changed her that she's such a great person. And ugh-I’m such a loser.” I lean against the wall. “Plus she still considers us her friends.”

“Let’s be real Jungyeon, she treats us all like . You especially.” She gives me a knowing look. "I don't care what's going on in her life, it doesn't mean she can treat us like this."

“I just-.” I groan. “I’m trying to understand her, why did she change so much? Is there something drastic going on in her home life that changed her?”

“Or she was just a to begin with?” Jiahn mutters under her breath.

“Maybe she was, I just don’t want to judge her without knowing. Plus I don’t believe Taeyong likes me even for a minute so I’m not going to force her not to flirt with him even if it upsets me.” I such shrugging turning away from her. “I don’t want to act just like her.”




The next time I see Taeyong is the last time. He sits at our lab table in chemistry his head in hands seeming not at all like himself. It was odd seeing him this way as he was usually happy.

I rest my hand on his arm. “Taeyong, are you okay?”

It has only been two days since our kiss, the weekend flew by since I was worrying over it. I even waited until the last minute to come to class because I was nervous to see him.

He hums. “Not really.”

“What’s wrong? If it’s alright I ask that.” I pull my hand back from his arm and let it rest in my lap with my other one.

He sighs pulling his hands from his face. He glances at me and his eyes are bloodshot like he had stayed up all night or maybe cried?

“My dad, he got a new job,” He glances away. “So now we’re moving.”

My eyes widen. He’s moving?

“Like homes? Or schools?” I say quickly.

“Both.” He runs a hand through his hair.

“I’m sorry.” I murmur quietly.

“It’s not your fault. It just . I’m so close to graduating here, and I don’t want to leave all of my friends.” He shakes his head and his eyes move back to me.

“Where are you moving?” I ask him.

“Not too far away, Doyoung says he’ll come visit every now and then so it won’t be too bad. It’s just-.” He stops biting his lip. “Will you come too if he comes?”

My eyes widen wider. “Yeah of course, if you want me to. We’re friends after all.”

He smiles looking away as Mr. Do comes into the classroom. “Yeah, friends.”




Doyoung never ends up going to visit Taeyong because his parents sent him off to study abroad the last semester of school. So I didn’t have a ride or Taeyong’s address to even begin to try and visit him.

Just like that graduation happens and Sungah returns to her nice self, she heads off to her fashion school and gets a boyfriend three weeks in. Sekyung, Jiahn, and I all end up at Seoul’s most popular college NCTU. We also end up running into Doyoung, who we found out also came here after his return from studying abroad.

The four of us hung out often and became really close friends. Or well Jiahn and Doyoung started dating so they were more than friends.

Sekyung's put her past with Jaehyun behind her as he was still in high school, a senior this year. She felt he was a bit immature for her even if he totally wasn’t. She just wanted to be free it seems to me.

That’s when we also met Johnny and Ten. Our newest friends. They were a hilarious duo let me tell you and were constantly getting into trouble.

The first semester passes by quickly and second semester starts off before I know it.

“Anyways I’ll talk to you again later.” Sungah says through the phone. “Kun just got here, we have a date tonight.”

I smile at how she sounded happy through the phone. “Have fun!”

I hang up on her and notice Sekyung is staring at me. “What?”

“I still can’t believe you’re still friends with her.” She sighs, shaking her head glancing at Johnny who is suddenly interested in our conversation.


“This named Sungah.” Sekyung mutters looking up from her phone already knowing who Jiahn was refering to.

“What happened?” Johnny coos, he loves gossiping, I swear.

Jiahn notices my lack of a reply. “She was our friend back in high school and she totally treated Jungyeon like because they both liked the same guy. Yet Jungyeon let her walk all over her.”

Johnny nods a smirk forms on his face. “Whoa Jungyeon liked someone?”

“Yeah I’m capable of that you douche.” I huff, sticking my tongue out at him.

“What’d he look like?” Ten is now also suddenly interested in our conversation. Lifting his head from his nap he was supposed to be taking.

“None of your business.” I cross my arms over my chest.

“He was handsome.” Jiahn adds in a smile on her face.

A tray is sat down in the only empty seat left at our table and Doyoung is sitting down with a sigh. He just got out of his last class for the day.

Johnny and Ten share an evil look.

“Shut up!” I beat them to whatever they were about to ask him.

“Was it Doyoung you liked then?” Ten raises an eyebrow. "Jiahn said he was handsome."

I scoff. “Hell no, I couldn’t put up with that sassy . I don’t know how Jiahn does it.”

Doyoung glares at me. “Excuse you. We had our first kiss together so put up with that.” He jabs back at me.

“Ew, don’t remind me.” I whine disgusted. I wish they didn't bring this up because bringing up memories of the night I kissed Doyoung brings up the memories of the only other kiss I’ve had in my life, the one with Taeyong.

Jiahn laughs leaning forward onto the table. “It was one hella awkward kiss, let me tell you!”

Johnny laughs leaning in as well. “Like how?”

Jiahn smirks towards Doyoung. “All they did was touch lips for ten seconds.”

Ten and Johnny cackle while Doyoung and I cower away embarrassed.

“Man I so wish I could’ve been there to see that.” Sekyung pulls her face from her phone to smirk towards me. “Or well I would’ve loved to see the hot kiss you had afterwards more.”

“Too bad you were doing god knows what with Jaehyun at the time.” I fake a gasp, trying to shift the subject away from the next kiss.

“Oh please honey, do you really want to know what we were doing while y’all 'seniors' were playing your middle school game of spin the bottle.” She raises her eyebrow.

“Not really.” Jiahn and Doyoung both mutter, I think all of us would rather not hear what they did.

Sekyung laughs. “We were playing Mario Brothers, you erted s.”

“Why do I not believe that?” Jiahn mutters towards me and I nod agreeing with her.

“So wait, who was her second kiss of the night from? The hot one?” Ten brings up what I was trying to avoid, I send him a glare for doing so.

Sekyung hums satisfied the conversation’s back on track, raising her eyebrows suggestively.

“It was with my best friend at the time, Lee Taeyong.” Doyoung interrupts smiling smuggly towards me.

“Jungyeon’s long time crush at the time.” Sekyung coughs teasing me.

I shove her. “Jerk.”

Doyoung gasps completely shocked. “You liked Taeyong?”

I groan leaning back in my chair, “Why’d you have to tell him?”

Doyoung pulls back with wide eyes. “Whoa that’s insane since-.” He stops himself shaking his head. “And to think I believed Sungah when she told me you liked me.”

“Idiot.” Jiahn wraps her arm around Doyoung’s arm tugging him closer to her.

He pouts at her name calling before she presses a kiss to his cheek. Gross, affection. If only I could find a decent guy around here that doesn’t instantly become a friend, like Johnny and Ten had. Then I could have some gross affection too.

“So, are you guys going to Yuta’s party tonight?” Johnny pulls his phone out checking the time.

“I am.” Sekyung raises her hand before going back to phone.

“He’s having a party already?” I roll my eyes. Yuta was the party animal on campus, but only when it wasn't soccer season.

“You know Yuta, I’m surprised he hasn’t already had one?” Johnny says standing up. “Come out for once!” He gestures to me, Jiahn, and Doyoung. “Don’t be a wet blanket.”

“Just because we don’t party doesn’t mean we are wet blankets!” Doyoung sasses back.

“Whatever you say DoBunny.” Johnny laughs as Doyoung chucks a handful of green beans at him but he jumps back avoiding them. “See you there!” Johnny yells over his shoulder as he runs off.

Ten scoots over into Johnny’s seat. “You know there’s a guy in my dance class named Taeyong. Wouldn’t it be funny if it was your old crush?”

“No it wouldn't be funny!” I glare at him.

But I would like to see him again once. I’m sure the feelings for him are still there. I’m sure they’d bubble up as soon as I saw him.

I wonder what he's doing right now? If he looks older now? If he looks any different? 




Somehow Johnny manages to drag me, Jiahn, and Doyoung to the party. Ten and Sekyung had already been here for an hour apparently and I just knew those two were up to no good. Ten was probably making someone do weird dares and Sekyung, well she may be finding her next Jaehyun or she was completely wasted already, it’s a 50-50 chance with her.

Johnny wouldn’t let the three of us out of the house in regular clothes so he went into each of our closets and picked out clothing he thought looked best on us.

I ended up in a short light pink dress of Jiahn’s since apparently I didn’t own anything appealing in Johnny’s eyes and Jiahn ended up in a short green one to match Doyoung’s green shirt that Johnny made him wear.

I honestly thought I’d feel uncomfortable walking in in a dress but surprisingly we weren’t the best dressed here. I felt super relieved. I guess Johnny does know his stuff after all.

Johnny leads us to the kitchen and starts mixing up some drinks for us. I glance at Doyoung and Jiahn who looked just as thrilled as I was that we were here.

Jiahn leans over from the other side of Doyoung. “Why’d we agree to come again?”

Doyoung leans in from the middle of us. “So we aren’t wet blankets?”

I snort. “No, so we can say that we’ve went at least once. Now we don’t have to come again.”

They both nod and back up pretending we never had the conversation in the first place.

Johnny turns from the counter shoving a drink in each of our hands. “Now let loose!”

I take a whiff of whatever he’s mixed up and my nose curls at the smell. “What is this?”

“It’s my specialty, just drink it.” He smiles glancing around the kitchen. Yuta, the owner of the apartment and the one throwing this party passes through the kitchen, nodding towards the four of us before rushing down the hall. Seems like something’s happening down there but I’d rather not find out.

“I have to pee I’ll be back.” Jiahn says handing her cup to Doyoung and rushing over to the bathroom right next to the kitchen.

“Hey guys!” Ten stumbles into view in front of us. “You’ll never believe it, guess what?”

Was he drunk already?

“What?” Johnny replies sipping on his drink. I glance at the drink in my hand again and shrug finally taking a sip as I wait for Ten to continue.

“You know that Taeyong guy in my dance class, he's here!” Ten points at us. "Now's our chance to see if you know him!"

My eyes widen. “Ten, are you sure you're not drunk?”

He laughs waving his hand dismissively. “No not yet, unfortunately.”

“Where is he?” Doyoung speaks up his interest piqued.

“Follow me!” Ten cheers.

There’s no way it’s the actual Taeyong we know from high school. I down the rest of the cup throwing it into the trash as we pass

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I have started a Jaehyun-Sekyung oneshot. However, don’t grt too excited as I have no idea when and if I’ll ever finish it! I’m such a slow writer, plus this week is a busier week for me, I got a meeting to prepare for on Friday and on Wednesday I’m going to look for an apartment!


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RinaBelle #1
Chapter 1: OMG, I loved what Taeyong said to get the sober confession out of her. So loveable.
Chapter 1: I wanna bang her head if it for real but then again her friends make her realize so all good 🤣
blue_izce8 #3
Chapter 1: This is sooo cute. Thanks for sharing.
JiLin1998 #4
Chapter 1: What a her friend was.
1881 streak #5
Chapter 1: I'm glad that tae and her ended up together uwu♡
Chapter 1: Aww so cute~~ but dang I didn't realize Sungah would really turn out like that.
Chapter 1: uwu
Chapter 1: sungah needs to chill like?¿¿???¿
also jungyeon is too sweet i feel like i want to bundle her up like a burrito and keep her from everything bad :'D this was great! lmao drunk sekyung tho,,, really want to see wht goes on between her and jaehyun!