
Best Friend
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BOLD is "English" - "English"
Normal is "Korean" - "Korean"
Italic with no quotation mark is Thoughts.

There'll be a slight OOC-ness (Out-of-Character-ness). Parts of this story was taken from the characters in that anime and a bit of scene from the anime itself was being put in here. If you want to know the anime, it was: K-ON! And the story is still up in FFN site where I posted it years ago with the same title. This story is using Seulgi's POV, even though the story is told from a third-person POV (me, as the narrator).

DISCLAIMER: I do not own: Red Velvet! (the group belongs to SM Entertainment under the written contract). I do not own the song I'm basing this story on (the song belongs to Jason Chen), but I do own this story.

It is one afternoon; a certain brunette was looking for something in the drawer - a special black baseball hat. She is pretty much making a little mess around the room. Her name is Kang Seulgi; a 24-year-old woman who was once a drummer in her band back in High School, an easy-going individual and pretty much friendly since she gets along with people easily. It's been a few months since her graduation from college and she had already moved in to a new living place - an apartment.

Since it's a new place, Seulgi still trying to fit in. No, the neighbors around them are not bothered and she's not even making efforts to annoy anyone around. She was just pretty often losing things. Maybe this place is cursed. She thought, but it wasn't. Seulgi was just being Seulgi, lazy and loves to put stuff anywhere she wanted then forgetting it the next morning (or the next fifteen minutes, really).

Seulgi sighed, she almost gives up in searching until she found something. A box. "Wait, I don't remember keeping something like this." Frowning, she examined the box a little and thought maybe her baseball hat is in the box. She stood up from the floor, leaving all the mess she made with her drawer and proceed to the couch in the living room. She put the box on the table and wastes no time to open it.

Her frowns deepened, "What? VHS?" Certainly, Seulgi didn't find what she was looking for inside the box nor her drawer. Inside the box is a few VHS tapes and she figured those things must be pretty old and when she meant by that is: "Who's still even using VHS tape? Ah," She took out one of the tapes and there's actually a hand-writing on one of the sides of the tape.

She cleared the dust with her hand and take a better look at it. A little surprised after seeing it, "Childhood, huh?" Written there: 1# Childhood!. Seulgi thought maybe it was one of her mother's documentary when she was a child and probably her mom put it along with her belongings before she moved in to the apartment. Feeling curious, she looked at the other tapes and names written on it. It was numbered. "Well, better watch this before someone else sees this!"

Seulgi hurried herself to the TV and something snapped in her mind. "Crap. I don't have the player for these tapes." She slapped her forehead then put the tapes back on the table. "Should I ask all the neighbors if they have it?" She asked the question to herself just to make sure about her idea. She sighs, there's nothing faster or easier than that. Besides, Seulgi was just too lazy to go back to her parents' house to watch the old tapes.

It didn't take long as the fifth neighbor actually has the player. It was a guy and he kind of likes to collect old - vintage - stuff. Be it an old camera, music player and such. Seulgi had also knew this guy is a bit of a photographer, only by judging at how his walls decorated with artistic photos. His name is Sebastian and he's a good guy to be honest, but Seulgi can't help feeling a little weird with his interests or maybe it’s the way he’s looking at her. "Oh well, I guess it's actually a good weird." After all, he lends Seulgi his VHS player for free.

Although Seulgi had prepared a few bucks just in case her neighbor wants her to pay to borrow the player. She felt a little grateful though. No, she’s very grateful that he even included a small old thick TV along because he said Seulgi won’t be able to connect it to modern days TVs. Something about it having different connectors and all.

It didn't take that long for her to connect the VHS player with the small TV. "Man, this thing sure is old!" While finishing the setup, she was quite surprised feeling her heart began to beat more furiously than it usually does. It was like she was going to time-travel to the past of her life - that, if the tape is really her mother's documentary of Seulgi's childhood. She smiles as she put the first tape, 1# Childhood, into the player. It started to load the tape, little by little.

Seulgi thought the delay was normal, maybe it's because both the player and the tape and the tv are all old. She waited and after a few seconds, it shows up a scene. Seulgi frowns, she's watching a little kid, brown-haired and it's short, it must be herself. Then another little girl shows up on the screen, black-haired and it's unlike her hair, it's actually long.

She formed a little smile, remembering the scene. "Man, how cute!" She can't believe as she keeps watching the tape.

The tape shows a video of two little girls playing in the park and it seems that one of their parents was there to record every moment of their daughter. Seulgi knew it wasn't her little sister or big sister - the girl is slightly taller and bigger than her child form and Seulgi only has one big brother for as long as she can remember. So, who's that girl in the video other than Seulgi? That's her best friend, "Good god, Joohyun, how cute you are!" She squeals at the sight of her best friend many years ago.

The smile never left her lips. "How long has it been?"

Timeline: Childhood | ~15 Years Ago | Tape: 1# Childhood!

"Joohyunnie!" The little, brown-haired kid shouted her friend's name excitingly from above a slide. "Let's play this slide!"

They're in the park nearby their neighborhood and they're having a good time playing with her new friend, Joohyunnie - or so she usually calls her. Joohyun's parents asked Seulgi to keep Joohyun companied at the park since her parents decided to have a small picnic there. For once or twice or even more, Joohyun's mom and dad will take turns and go to record the two friends while they play. Joohyun's parents seemed to want to keep memories of their daughter at all time, if it's possible enough.

It's not a surprise since Joohyun is a single daughter. She's a friend of Seulgi at school and she is a very shy little girl and also a scaredy-cat. Also, she has a really long hair and it's really black. Seulgi was more than surprised and interested in her in an instant. It gets more interesting for Seulgi when she found out that Joohyun is so very pretty like an actual princess.

It was embarrassing for Joohyun since Seulgi dragged quite an attention, but she actually was feeling glad, but still, she can't suppress her embarrassment.

"O-okay." She got up to the slide and met Seulgi who waited there with a big grin on her face.

"You go first and I'll go second!" Joohyun got nervous and shook her head from side to side in disagreement and fidgeting her fingers. "Okay then, I'll go first and I'll try to catch you when you go down!" It made her relieved, both of them. Joohyun was relieved that her friend understands what she meant and didn't push her, while Seulgi was glad Joohyun smiles at her brave and genius idea - or so Seulgi thought.

Seulgi was always, always can easily read her friend.

There was also that time, when Joohyun is very nervous to read her story in front of the whole class. She can't stand with people watching her at the same time, it was too intense she couldn't take such tension. She was scared and she knew she might fail the task when she did something wrong. Seulgi was a whole different matter, it was a total opposite. Seulgi had to teach her to become more confident. She was never that good with pep-talk, so she advised one thing at her friend.

"Just imagine them as pineapples!" Seulgi said back then while mimicking and trying to look more like a pineapple as she holds her bangs up in the air. It works, although, it almost fails in the middle of it but she made it through when Seulgi reminded her what she had told her from behind the class. She was grinning and again, pulling up her bangs, acting like a pineapple. Joohyun thanked Seulgi for the help.

That moment and so on makes them always together and became best friends.

"Eeek!" Joohyun closed her eyes shut, but she was surprised feeling the wind brushes on her face softly as she slides down, it was pleasant. She was spacing out from the feeling and snapped out once she felt a hand grasp hers. Seulgi catches her hand once she hit the bottom end of the slide. She's grinning again. "Seulgi-yah, I want to play the slide again!" Seulgi was more than glad to take her for another round. It lasts for a few minutes, around fifteen minutes until Seulgi suggested Joohyun to play with other things around the park.

She started with the swing, "C'mon let's try the swing now, Joohyunnie!" It was just like the slide, Seulgi had to be the one who tried it first to convince Joohyun that it's harmless and it's fun. Again, Joohyun asks for more rounds. Joohyun asked her parents to help Seulgi so the two can enjoy the swing together without having to take turns. Then again, after a few moments, Seulgi wants to try something else. "Joohyunnie!" She got off the swing and ran to pile of dry leafs. "Leaf rain!" She shouted as Joohyun ran towards her and she poured some dry leafs over Joohyun's head.

"Y-yah!" She grabs a hand of leafs and pouring it on Seulgi for revenge. Joohyun's parents decided to leave the two kids while they prepare the picnic for lunch. "Seulgi-yah!" Joohyun suddenly tripped and almost fell on her face until Seulgi hold her wrist to keep Joohyun's balance steady. She blushes, both Joohyun and Seulgi did.

"Hehehe" Seulgi broke it with her laughter as she scratches the back of her neck. "Hey, Joohyunnie, let's pray Princesses."

"Okay, but how? Are we going to be two princesses?"

The brown-haired girl pouted her lips cutely. "Um, wait… What if… I'll be a knight for Princess Joohyun!" She grins at her friend after claiming herself to be a knight rather than a princess or a prince. "Okay, from now on I am your knight, Joohyunnie! I'll never leave your side." She saluted her friend and quickly grabbed Joohyun's hand, dragging Joohyun with her. Joohyun is happy, spending time with her friend and she hoped for what Seulgi had said earlier was not only because they were playing pretend.

Timeline: Present | Year 2019

"Maybe about fifteen years ago, huh?" Seulgi chuckled and grabbed another tape on the table. This time, it's written: 2# Junior High School! Then pressed the play button. The video starts, showing the older Joohyun in her new school uniform. "Thank god my mom didn't have this kind of tape of me." She can't help but laugh, she was imagining how Joohyun would react if she's watching this tape with her.

"Ah, is this when I asked her to make a band with me?" She asked herself, trying to remember the timeline in the video was taken. It was skipped to the time when Seulgi had a sleep-over at Joohyun. The video doesn't last that long, it stopped and played itself again, skipped to the time when they are about to graduate. "Ah, yeah… It's a year before graduation… I borrowed the camera." She finally remembered.

"Joohyuuuun?" She could hear herself talking behind the camera. It was shooting her friend from behind. After those years, Joohyun was still a little shy. "C'mon, Joohyun! It's not every time I get to hold the camera myself. Turn around a little, please?" Joohyun groaned in the video, but she turned around in the end. Along with that a-little-annoyed-face.

"Seulgi, what are you doing anyway?" The camera was not focused for a little. Seulgi blamed herself that time that she at recording a video. "Shouldn't you prepare for the upcoming exam?" Joohyun is doing her thing again to remind Seulgi that she needs to keep up with her grades - or at least get better. It was also for the best since Joohyun and Seulgi had been together since a little and they always ended up in one school and in the same class.

Joohyun had never imagined to be in a different class without Seulgi.

"Hey, Joohyun?"

"What, Seulgi?"

"Remember that time when I asked you to join with me in a band?"

"Mm, what about it?" There was a little pause there, "Wait, are you really serious?"

"Mm-hm… When we enter SM High, I'll form a band! I'll be the drummer and also the leader!"

"Seulgi, you need more than yourself to make a band."

"I know, I know, but I'm not starting it alone." The black-haired girl turned around to the camera. "Aren't you going to be the bassist, Joohyun?" Yes, it was actually looking back a few years ago when Seulgi watched a concert of a band called, The Who, on TV and it amazed her in an instant. Seulgi admires the drummer of The Who, Keith Moon, and she was feeling motivated to form a band together with Joohyun.

She asked her best friend about what instrument would she be playing. Seulgi had decided to be the drummer and Joohyun was left with options other than the drum. It wasn't that hard when she finally told Seulgi that she will choose the bass. Seulgi agreed, with Joohyun's personality and all, she would fit being a bassist. In truth, one reason Joohyun choose it was because the bassist always seemed to get less attention on stage and just fit her somehow.

"Bass suit her perfectly."

Then it was skipped to the time when Joohyun first got her new bass for the band, she and Seulgi had decided to form. "Ah, I only bought my drumsticks." Back then, Seulgi decided to purchase the pair of drumsticks before she could afford the used drum kit. Joohyun, on the other side, already bought her own bass. She was struggling a little to choose which guitar she should buy until she decided to buy a Fender Korea '62 Reissue Jazz Bass.

Seulgi chuckles as the video ended. She remembered when Joohyun got her bass guitar scratched for the first time. The girl was coming to Seulgi's house, crying. "Well, she's still a crybaby now." She joked and grabbed another tape on the table. This time it's written: 3# High School! She sat back down on the couch and press the play button. "Oh, the first school festival?"

Timeline: High School | ~8 Years Ago | Tape: 3# High School!

Joohyun and Seulgi got accepted at the same High School, SM High School. Surprisingly, since they were a child, they're always end up in the same class with each other. Joohyun was glad, so did Seulgi. At the start of the school, Joohyun almost join the choir club, but Seulgi rejected it. Seulgi ripped off Joohyun's paper to apply at the choir club. It causes her a good cranial eruption on top of her head.

It was always like that, Seulgi got on Joohyun's nerves by her jokes, puns or pranks, but she will later get a hit on the head by Joohyun for causing too much problem or for teasing her too much. Joohyun was forced to join in a band club Seulgi had been dreaming about in the last two years. It was a little hard at first, since there are a few issues here and there, especially, when they need more than two people to form a band.

Seulgi needed more members. Surprisingly, she got two more people to join her band. The two girls are Park Sooyoung and Son Seungwan. It was quite a miracle that Seulgi and Joohyun made it and they finally formed a band, which they hadn't decide on the name yet. The rest of their first high school year was more than a pleasure and Joohyun had managed to get more friends, too.

"Seulgi, stop reading that." Joohyun said, ordering her best friend. "I thought you said you wanted to study for the exam. Do you want to end up being in a different class?" She asked again, her head and eyes were still on the book. Joohyun heard Seulgi sighed. "Seulgi?"

"Don't worry, Joohyun! I'll pass the exam just fine!" Seulgi said confidently and begin to read the manhwa again. Ignoring Joohyun's order.

Their exam eventually came up and Seulgi wasn't very happy with the result. She began feeling a little scared about it. "You know it's your own fault for not taking it seriously, Seulgi." Joohyun didn't help her feeling any better either. As they are about to turn into second year students, Seulgi was afraid that she failed her exam and ended up in a different class as Joohyun.

That day when the class arrangement is announced, it answered Seulgi's nightmare. For the very first time, Joohyun was not in the same class with Seulgi. "Noooooo!" Seulgi ended up in the same class with Sooyoung and Seungwan, while Joohyun ended up in the same class with Hayoung, Sooyoung’s childhood friend.

Much to her disappointment, Seulgi and her band still need to think of getting new members - at least one member to join the club. That is when they met such live saver, Kim Yerim, a first year. The girl looks a bit like Joohyun, especially when it comes to something strict. Other than that, Joohyun was more mature than the rest of the members. Although, they can be mature some times.

Yerim could easily be tempted with puppies or fried chicken but not as horrible as Sooyoung’s issue with puppies.

It was very fun, there are ups and downs at school, but they're having fun and enjoy each other's company. Always hanging together during lunch break and having tea time after school ended. Until they decided to join as performer in the school's festival. Jennie, as a part of the student council, has been told to collect all the form for the school festival's performers, but Seulgi, as the ever-responsible leader, had forgotten to fill it out.

When the time comes to fill it, they had no idea what to write - or what should their band be called. They had never thought about the band's name and every one of the club members, have different ideas for the band's name. While struggling with the band's name, there comes another issue for Seulgi. After taking care of Sooyoung’s guitar for maintenance, Joohyun was completely stuck with one bass guitar at the store and had objected Seulgi in leaving the store.

Seulgi chuckled and decided to just drag her out of the store. "Joohyun~" She grabbed the girl's collar from the back and started dragging her slowly away from the bass. Joohyun struggled from her best friend's grip on her collar and it causes her to lose her balance, then fell on her . "Eh? Joohyun, what are you doing there?" Seulgi awkwardly asked and wondered a little if Joohyun was upset and hurt.

"Enough, Seulgi." Joohyun stood up and dusted off her skirt. “Pabo Seulgi." She muttered and left the store. They all left the store and Sooyoung said she needs to go ahead because she needs to buy something else, Joohyun asked her if Jennie was coming along as well and when Sooyoung said yes to it, Joohyun decided to tag along with them. Seulgi frowns at the sight, Joohyun seems like she was completely ignoring her.

Feeling uneasy with her feelings, Seulgi told Yerim and Seungwan to follow her spying on Joohyun and Sooyoung. They agreed and ended up being at the same cafe as Joohyun, Sooyoung and Jennie. Seulgi saw a chance to barge into their conversation and she did. She jumped and shoulder-bumped Joohyun who sat alone. The three were surprised seeing Seulgi at the same cafe.

"Oh wow, thank you for taking care of my Joohyun." Seulgi was feeling weird, she was a little upset with Joohyun and yet she has no reason to. The issue went on until the next day, she caught Joohyun having lunch together with Jennie - again, it's Jennie. Seulgi put on a smile and said to Joohyun that they're going to practice during all lunch breaks until the school festival come.

Joohyun was about to object when Seulgi already grab her hand, dragging her to the club room.

When they're already in the club room, preparing the instruments, Seulgi won't stop bugging on Joohyun. She keeps putting on jokes at Joohyun and even their band mates starting to worry about Seulgi's behavior. Seulgi doesn't even know, she just wanted to have her best friend but still feeling kind of upset of what happened between Joohyun and Jennie. "Seulgi, you said we're going to practice." Seulgi ignored her.

She started to try and scare Joohyun. "Oh, I brought some of the horror movies I got yesterday." Hearing that, Joohyun flinched a little. The puzzling act Seulgi put on and shows everyone annoys Joohyun and she got a bit tired of it, "If we're not going to practice then I'm going back to my room."

"Go ahead then." Joohyun was surprised by that answer. Even the tone Seulgi used, it was very unlike her, it felt too distant and cold. Seulgi turns around at her while saying, "I'm sorry I ruined your precious lunch time with Jennie." Her face was clearly annoyed with Joohyun. It got more tensed, even her friends are trying to make the atmosphere feel better. Jennie, Jennie, Jennie, always Jennie…

Yerim even try to joke to ease the heavy tension, hoping it will helps making them feel a little better. Seulgi and Joohyun noticed it and they felt guilty for shouting at each other earlier. Seulgi gave in and sighed. "Let's just go and practice now." She weakly said, Joohyun said the same thing with the same worried yet sad expression. This feeling… Dammit…

Seulgi then made her way to her drum kit. Starting it with the usual countdown, but as the song started, something was off.

They all stopped playing and turned around to the drummer. "Seulgi, I know it's good that you didn't rush but don't you think your drum is too powerless?" Joohyun asked, worried. When her best friend didn't answer but instead only looking straight at nothing, she tried again. "Seul? Are you okay?" Again, no respond. "Yah, Seul -"

Seulgi suddenly got up from her seat, sighing soundly. "Sorry, it just didn't feel right. See you after school." With that, Seulgi grabbed her bag and went outside the club room. Everyone was worried, even Sooyoung was about to chase Seulgi out but Joohyun told her not to and just let her be.

"Pabo, Seulgi." Joohyun mutters again.

Seulgi didn't come back to the club room even after school ends and goes the same for the next two days. Joohyun and the rest of the band mates got even more worried with her best friend. On the third day, Joohyun decided to look for Seulgi in her class, but again her best friend is not present. Seungwan and Sooyoung told her that Seulgi called in sick for the day. Without thinking further, she decided to visit Seulgi at her house.

"Joohyun?" She almost hesitated at the front door of Seulgi's room. Her best friend recognized her already. Joohyun opened the door and asked, "Are you a physic?"

"I recognized your footsteps." Seulgi answered her weakly under the blanket and gave Joohyun another weak smile.

"Why don't you tell me you're sick?" Seulgi only shrugged inside the blanket. "They're looking for you."

"Are they mad at me?"

"No, they're not mad at you."

"How about Joohyun?"

"I'm not mad at you either." Joohyun smiles and she was glad seeing her best friend. "It felt different without you." She pauses a bit and continue, "I miss your drumming." By the time Joohyun say those words, Seulgi was feeling a bit flustered with Joohyun's words. Joohyun notice that Seulgi was giggling, but when she's about to react, Seulgi react faster.

"Alright! I feel better now! A- Achoo!" Seulgi hadn't felt that better, but she is feeling better. It's her best friend, after all, Joohyun. She should have known that she would still have Joohyun for herself; she admits it was selfish of her, but she didn't care. Her feelings confused her mind, Joohyun confused her mind and sure there are lots of things would confuses her later on, but Seulgi don't want to think that far.

Joohyun stood up and is about to excuse herself to go home, but Seulgi grabbed her wrist and begged her not go home until she falls asleep. Seeing Seulgi's expression, Joohyun gave in to her as she sat back and let her best friend sleep. Maybe I do like you… More than as a best friend… As long as Joohyun was by her side now, she'll be really grateful. Seulgi squeezes Joohyun's hand gently.

Seulgi had realized and decided to stop denying herself. She likes her best friend, she wants her best friend more than just best friends, and she loves her best friend.

As time passes by and everything went on pretty well. Seulgi keeps her secret to herself, there's just no way could she confess, having Joohyun around is more than enough already. All her teases, her puns and pranks on Joohyun are pretty much meant something else to Seulgi. It was the closest thing she could possibly do to Joohyun.

Scaring Joohyun and comforted her afterwards seems to be the best idea. Letting Joohyun sleep and have her as Joohyun's human-pillow seems to be a better idea. Everything went on just like what Seulgi wanted, having Joohyun just for the time she needs to be. Until one day, Joohyun sent her a lyric she wrote in winter that Seulgi had mistaken it to be a love-letter. Even when Joohyun already told her what it really was, Seulgi still think that there's a deeper meaning than it just being a random corny lyric.

The content and everything seem like something that could relate to Joohyun and herself. Her hopes went high and higher, but then it crashes down. Joohyun got herself a date, a guy date. It broke Seulgi's heart into tiny pieces, it pierces through her chest like an arrow full of desperation. "Those songs are probably meant for that guy." Seulgi were in a state that she could easily decides to just suicide, but no, she can't.

Not yet. Joohyun needs her, she knew Joohyun needs her to stay by her side. Besides, I promised her to stay by her side... She knew how much it pains her he

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71 streak #1
Chapter 1: Nice! I thought I'm gonna cry but I didn't!
71 streak #2
Lezgo read this
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #3
Chapter 1: 🫶🏼🩷🩷🩷
Chapter 1: THIS IS INCREDIBLE. Thank you for writing this incredible story. I love K-On! so much and I'm so glad this is like the second seulrene fic i've read based around it. Your writing is just perfect. I hope your well!
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #5
Chapter 1: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 1: I'm happy is a happy ending. So cute and so fluffy :)
shane137 #8
Chapter 1: Waaaaa so cuteeeeeee
cupcaketree123 #9
Chapter 1: Aww that was sweet. And the tapes were such a cute and nostalgic idea :)
Emjey012 #10
Chapter 1: Wow, never thought about a RV and K-On crossover, haha! It's easy to fit Mio's character with Irene. Great job author-nim!