Brand New Girl

Red is the Devil's Color

Mina hurried back to the car with Jeongyeon and Momo in tow, Tzuyu already left them to start on the autopsy report for the bodies they recently recovered.

"Woah, woah, what do you mean we have more bodies to find?" Jeongyeon said trying to catch Mina.

"X, IX, VIII? It's clear isn't it.?" Mina said placing her hands on her hips, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, oh Roman numerals!" Momo exclaimed. "The X is ten, IX is nine, and VIII is eight."

"Right," Mina said fishing her phone out of her pocket. "We need to get back, Dahyun found something."

"Welcome back losers, you won't believe what I found out." Dahyun said taking off her earphones.

"Well?" Mina asked her now thinning patience evident in her voice.

"Oh right, sorry" Dahyun said typing away. "Okay, so you know how there wasn't any reports of the girls you found missing? Well I ID'd the other girls and looked back at their social networking sites like one month before we found them."She displayed one of the girl's page. "Here's Riley Kang's, recently posted the day we found her "back packing In Brazil! what a Rush! glad to get Away" That was September, or this one from Cathy Jung "alaska is so cold at this time Of Year! shoulda brought My jacket.brrrr away From every One""

Mina squinted her eyes, when an idea struck her. "It's all about travelling and getting away from their families." She shook her head. "Dahyun, look at the posts about six months ago, and let's have a side by side of the post from last month." Dahyun did as she was told, "Okay, this is last March, "My mom is the best she's a pro cuddler! Love her." and this is from Riley Kang. And this "My boss just gave me two days leave! Time to visit poppop :)" is from our Cathy Jung last July."

"Alright, now put them side by side." Jeongyeon re-instructs. Mina re-reads all of the posts side by side.

"Look at the recent posts. The last letters in every sentence is capitalized, no proper punctuation."

"What do you mean Minari?" Jeongyeon asked.

"She's right, look at these posts before too. Same as the old format she types. Proper capitalization, punctuation, and they look happy staying at home. But now it's like even when they're dead they don't want to be with them. Why keep updating their social networks if they were gonna kill them any ways?" Dahyun asked.

"Because they want to keep them alive even if their dead." Someone said plopping down on a chair.

"Sana-ya" Jeongyeon greeted.

"I'm up to speed Jeongyeonnie, it looks like our perp has a thing for pretty ones." Sana explained.

"I looked at their files and found something a little interesting."

"What do you mean Sana?" Mina asked approaching the chair Sana was sitting at. "

I mean.. Dahyunnie just put this up the screen. All of our girls profile, from all our missing person's report. Alright, so estimate age is around twenty-five up to thirty-five, medium built short shoulder length hair, local university graduate, and single." Sana sighed waving to Dahyun to put all the information she mentioned on the big screen. Dahyun complied, listing all of the parameters that Sana mentioned, they watched the list of missing person narrow from a hundred, to eighty, to forty-eight, to twenty, to just the last eight girls, of the same description.

"Alright, we have our girls here, Christy missing the longest, her sister filed a missing person's report January of this year. No report or follow up what so ever after." Dahyun said, arranging the photos from the oldest to most recent missing girls.

"Okay, so talk to me about our latest girl." Jeongyeon asked her hands on her hips.

"Well she was abducted at a local supermarket, her mom filed a missing person's report when she didn't come home for three days in a row, but the detective that handled the case said in their report that the supermarket footage was too grainy to analyze." Dahyun spun in her chair.

All of them sighed, when Dahyun smiled. "Luckily, I took the liberty to get the footage and enhanced the footage just right now. And now, please meet our abductor friend, Ahn Songjoo, graduated the same university as our missing girls, and most of them a sister in a sorority at their school. I also had the search warrant made up for her last known address and it is within her file. You're welcome." Dahyun said shooting finger guns at Mina and Jeongyeon.

"Great, Mina let's go. Momo, contact all of the relatives of these missing girls, get a statement, we'll take a look on Songjoo."


The address to which Songjoo was last spotted living was very easy to find the. A good neighborhood with lots of kids hanging around in their bikes, visiting each other to play.
Mina took out her phone to re-check the address Dahyun sent them, "This is our house." Mina said ringing the bell at the gate.

"W-who is it?" A woman answered the intercom.

"This is detective Myoui Mina, I'm with detective Yoo Jeongyeon. Miss Ahn, we just have a few questions regarding your sister Songjoo. Mind letting us in?" Mina said shooting nervous looks at Jeongyeon.

"Y-yeah. Please come in." Miss Ahn said as she buzzed them in the door.

Mina and Jeongyeon entered the house, miss Ahn invited them to sit down on the couch.

Miss Ahn sat on the couch opposite to Mina and Jeongyeon with pursed lips. "This is about my sister?"

"Yes, Miss Ahn." Jeongyeon said lacing her fingers together. "We have security footage of your sister carrying out a kidnapping." she said as she laid the printed snaps of the video of Songjoo. "This is her in a car when she dragged out a victim in to her car."

"When have you last seen your sister?" Mina asks.

"Please call me Jiwoon. I haven't seen my sister in two years." Jiwoon says fidgeting with her fingers.

"Tell me something about Songjoo." Mina said leaning forward, her chin on her hands.

Jiwoon smiled, "She was a great sister, we got into fights a lot when our parents died. She was in college that time, she went through a lot when we were kids. She was ually abused when she was nine. Mom cried so hard because it was our neighbor who did it and well dad.." She paused. "He was very hard on himself."

Mina handed the tissues in front of her.

Jiwoon dabbed her eyes. "She was missing for one year and ten months. We searched and searched for her. Local neighbors, family, and friends. We found her right under our noses. She was abducted by our neighbor, kept her in an underground room."

Mina and Jeongyeon shared a look. "What happened afterwards?"

"When we got her back all she wanted was to see that creep. She was undergoing psychotherapy for all the trauma. At first she really resisted the treatment. Months and months of resist, but one day she got better and it stayed that way. Until three years ago, we got notified that, that son of a got stabbed to death, bastard didn't even get the damn full punishment, the judge should've gone to the death penalty. What that bastard did to my sister is the work of a devil. She snapped again and she was a loopy roller coaster ride for a year. After that she left and that was the last time I saw her." She finishes her eyes swollen and red.

"I'm so sorry that happened." Mina offered.

"I just wish I know where she is. She doesn't have to be alone like this." Jiwoon sniffed.

"We'll do our best to find her. But she's our primary suspect right now. Thank you for your time, we'll keep you updated. Hopefully she turns out." Jeongyeon said as she stood up to shake Jiwoon's hand.


Mina and Jeongyeon headed back to their car, "I got a text from Dahyun, all of the relatives Momo talked to said the same thing. Our missing girls got up and left voluntarily. They said something about a friend coming over and saying they're going on a vacation. Aside from the last girl."

Mina stopped in her tracks. "Jeong, we're being watched" She said her head on a suddenly on a swivel, circling once in her spot then another. When she noticed someone in the corner of her eyes by the treeline some distance away from the house, her hand instinctively grabbing her gun, finger standing by to pull the trigger be it a threat to them.

"Show yourself." Mina demanded, cautiously walking to the spot where she saw a figure.

Slowly the figure showed herself. A woman in a red dress, strikingly familiar to Mina.

"D-don't shoot." The woman said, soft yet stern, mellow yet there is a certain air of command.

Mina lowered her gun a little, Jeongyeon doing the still wary if she could become a possible threat to them.

"Raise both your hands where we can see them and walk slowly to us." Mina instructed, sweat dripping down her back, very unnatural of her she mentally noted.

The girl did as she was told, she raised her hands above her head, relaxed but also cautious. Her shoulder length hair swaying a little in the light breeze, a nauseating feeling spreading in Mina's body.

"Mina you okay?" Jeongyeon said tapping her on the shoulder.

"I-Yeah. I am." She said holstering her gun. "Where's the girl?"

"By the car, I told her to wait there, she seemed unarmed." Jeongyeon said nodding to the direction of the girl. "Come on let's go ask her some questions, maybe she knows something."


The ride back to HQ was certainly eventful. The silence killing Jeongyeon, Mina on the other hand still reeling from the feeling of vomiting the moment the walked past her and the cold sweat she feels every time she talks.

"So, you have a name girly? You keep asking about us." Jeongyeon glanced at the rear view mirror.

"Jihyo, Park Jihyo." Jihyo said, looking out the window.

Mina decided to chime in, ignoring the new wave of nausea hitting her, the bruises on her thigh feels like it's being pressed. "S-so what are you doing in the tree line?"

"I'm actually following you." Jihyo said, her eyes still trained outside.

Jeongyeon hit the breaks hard. Her eyes trained on Jihyo.

"I mean I saw you guys at the murder house, and police work looked fun. So I followed. Chill, I won't murder you guys." Jihyo smirked.

"T-that's why you kinda look familiar." Mina interrupted, still trying to calm her nerves for some reason were more shaky than ever.

Jihyo's jaw dropped for a split second, but she resumed staring out the window. "Really now detective?" Jihyo said low enough for only Mina to catch.

Mina gulped, luckily she was saved by the familiar building of their HQ in sight.

"Welp, this is where we take off Miss Park." Jeongyeon said parking near the curb.

"Thank you detectives." Jihyo grinned. "See you around." She said so curtly that Mina's stomach spun again, as she turned around to leave. "Oh, and Detective Myoui, get something for that stomach ache, you look gastly. Goodbye." she turned again her heels clicking on the pavement as she walks away.

Mina and Jeongyeon looked at each other, they glanced back to watch Jihyo leave safely but she was already no longer in sight.


By the time they got up to the cyber floor Mina's nerves had already calmed down, her cold sweats gone and the heavy nauseating feeling vanishing with the wind.

"You look better." Jeongyeon smiled walking into the cyber room. "Alright where are we at?" She said to Dahyun who was busy talking to Sana.

"Well Jeongyeonnie we interviewed all the relatives like you asked, and nothing stood up apart from everyone saying that most of our missing girls were picked up by a friend." Sana said getting up from Dahyun's desk.

"But," Dahyun interrupted. "We asked most of the relatives to describe this friend to our sketch artist, and we got mostly same results of our kidnapping perp Songjoo."

"Also we got a call about a possible tip on where Songjoo is, someone sent us a footage of her in an elevator of some hotel uptown. I called up the hotel to confirm, if there is someone called Ahn Songjoo checked-in the hotel and fortunately for us," Dahyun smiled. "She checked in under Ahn Songjoo. She's at room eight-two-seven, do you want back up?"

"Thank you Dahyun." Mina said, dragging Jeongyeon and Mom to the other room. "Let' set up eyes at the hotel, Sana, Jeong, Momo, briefing room."


They arrived at the hotel and proceeded to sweep the perimeter of the floor.

"Momo, go with Jeong. You have the ground floor up to fifth floor door duty. I'll cover the upper floors." She placed her wrist next to her lips. "Dahyun you got eyes on all floors?"

"I got you girls. I have every corridor on cam, if she moves we have her." Dahyu voice coming from their earpiece.

"Great, we have the perimeter covered." Mina said. "Keep comms on and let's just find her and bring her in."

The search for Songjoo was on, Momo and Jeongyeon searched the lobby first, then it's door duty for them.

By the time they arrived at the third floor, Jeongyeon bumped into someone familiar. "Miss Park Jihyo?"


Mina searched the floors pretty quickly, a bunch of college sorority girls occupying the rooms on one floor, something about a slumber party. Proceeding to the next floors, Mina caught a glimpse of Songjoo going to the elevator, she darted for her but she lost her when the doors closed going up the floors.


"Hello detectives." Jihyo greeted, her red dress seemingly redder than the last time Jeongyeon saw her. "What brings you to my hotel?"

Jeongyeon blinked rapidly. "Your hotel?"

"Yes, welcome to Le Chateu Annie." Jihyo said, her arm welcoming them to the floor. "Are you looking for someone detectives?"

"I-uh. Yes." Momo answered. "We're actually looking for this person." She said showing the still from the video in the security footage.

"Ahh, I actually bumped into her earlier by the pool lounge." Jihyo said looking at Jeongyeon and walking away.

"Thank you Miss Park. We'll make sure to look for her there." Jeongyeon thanks her, making their way up another level.


Mina continued her pursuit via the stairs, exiting at the top floor where the elevator stopped. She peeked from the door, the pool lounge almost empty, what caught Mina's eyes was the only girl .

Mina approached Songjoo, "Miss Ahn Songjoo, detective Myoui Mina. Can I invite you to sit down?"

Songjoo nodded and Mina guided her to a more secluded area of the lounge.

"Miss Ahn, I'd like to talk about this." Mina laid her phone with the surveillance video on play.

Songjoo's eyes were teary, "I was only trying to protect them. I was only trying to save them from them, from him." her tears now flowing freely.

"I understand what you have been through Miss Ahn, your sister mentioned--"

"Ah, she said it to you guys. Do you know that it was ten of us, but I was his favorite to , to punish, to praise. Do you know how being repeatedly detective?" Songjoo asked her voice cracking. "It did a lot of things to my brain. No good things."

"I have you in sight, nod twice if you need Jeong and Momo." Dahyun's voice came ringing in her ear.

Mina nodded once, looking for the security cam.

"He said I'm his flower. His most special flower, that's why he did what he did. He wanted more flowers. One day he had another flower, more special than me, special than all of us." Songjoo said the agony and envy dripping in her voice, her eyes glassy and dripping.

"Songjoo." Mina waved her hand in front of her. "Miss Ahn." She called out to her again.

"I just wanted to be his only flower. I was his favorite. Why are you here? You want to be his too? You want to be a flower? You'll have to go through me." Songjoo rambled.

"Miss Ahn, are you okay?" Mina's hand in front of her, the other ready to grab her gun.

"You want to be one of them too, don't you?" Her eyes black and wild. "You just want to be with him, well I'm not letting you!" She pulled out a gun aiming it at Mina.

Dahyun's voice came barreling through the earpiece and Jeongyeon's ears would never be the same. "You have to get up on the roof ASAP. She found Songjoo, and it's not gonna turn out good."

"Copy that, get me EMTs I suddenly have a bad feeling about this." Jeongyeon said, putting down her hand, gesturing to Momo to the elevator.
ELEVATOR UNAVAILABLE the sign read, "Damn it. looks like we have to take the stairs. Come on Momo."


Songjoo's gun still aimed at Mina, she still rambled about her being a flower. "Everyone wanted to be his flower. Every one wanted to be number one, well he won't because that's me. I'm number one, one and only."

Mina grabbed her gun, "Songjoo, put the gun down, let's just talk, please put the gun down."

She tried and tried to get Songjoo to drop the gun, she tried to reason, she tried to plead, but she just rambled about how the other girls wanted to be his flower too.

"All of you wanted to be his flower. Everyone person I met was after him, you wanted him all to yourself, don't you. Don't you!" she pointed her gun at Mina again.

Mina raised her gun again, when she suddenly had that dizzy spell again, the nauseating feeling she felt earlier, her ears ringing.

"What the is happening?" Her vision blurring and all she heard is two pops and the warmth spread to her stomach.


Red, all Mina can see is red, the warmth spreading around her her ears still ringing, her eyes rolling almost to the back of her head. "Park Jihyo?" Mina said, her breath getting shorter and shorter.

"Detective Myoui, the paramedics are on their way, and your friends are already at the door." Jihyo said as she kneel next to Mina's body. "You're losing to much blood too quickly," Jihyo ripped the sleeves of her dress. "Apply pressure here, I would only need a minute." She said striding to where Songjoo was.

Mina hears the distant wail of the sirens, her vision slowly turning to black.

"Mina! Mina!" Momo and Jeongyeons voices melting together. "Momo get the paramedics up here! Hurry." Jeongyeon barks, holstering her gun.

"Hey, hey. Stay with me." Jeongyeon said cradling Mina's head on her lap. "Momo got the paramedics, just a little more."

Three more pops rung, and a scream.

Jeongyeon winced, a bullet grazed her shoulder. "I'm fine. Just hang on Mina. Stay with me!"


"Oh, sweetheart." Jihyo said getting into Songjoo's face. Jihyo's brown eyes boring into Songjoo's wild ones.

"I killed them! I slit their throats he wanted more flowers. HE WANTED MORE FLOWERS! I just gave him what he wanted, he told me he wanted more flowers and I gave them to him, each one of them, the one that I shot in the face because she said she didn't want to be his flower! They all say that but they all want to, so I slit their throats. But I was the only one. I'm the only one, I'm his number one flower." Songjoo babbled.

Jihyo's eyes are now blood shot, still staring at Songjoo, the air turned hot, her eyes now all black. "I know what you did sweetie." Jihyo's voice sounded metallic, half her face contorting her skin glowing
red hot and turning into scales, teeth sharpening like shark teeth, a curled horn growing on the right side of her head, a wicked grin almost splitting her face.

Mina's pretty sure it's not the blood loss that's causing the ringing in ears. The faint rambling of Songjoo buzzing in her ears, her eyes rolling back to her head, until they heard someone scream.
She tilted her head, Jihyo clearly in her view. It' happened so fast, one blink and she's still in her red dress, another blink and she has a ram's horn, and one hand on Songjoo's throat.

Songjoo raised her gun to Jihyo's chest and emptied the clip, Jihyo turned to face Mina and smiled.

The next thing Mina saw was all black.

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Chapter 8: I love this story so much (✪▽✪) It's so amazing, which makes me curious about the next chapter 🥹🥹 I hope Jeongie will be okay 🥹
Chapter 6: you're back! the story line is really good. I hope you keep updating
14 streak #3
Chapter 5: The story is spooky so full of mystery good job authornim please update hehehe
xZeiki #4
Chapter 5: That JeongMi tag gets me every single time. (☍﹏⁰) an I had a hard time reading those words authornim xD
Chapter 4: ohhh myy . dun dun dun dunnnn
cacalsi #6
Hi. I really love the story. It's like watching a TV drama that I can vividly see the plots in my head. Lowkey root for Jeongmi but Jihyo's character is such a charm.