
My Warrior Beauty

"Lucas, Are you alright?" 

Lucas broke his train of thoughts as he sees the girl who saved him from his death, staring at him. He didn't know why but every time she calls his name would have his heart jump a bit. "Yeah, just thinking about something" He responded. The girl stares a bit more before turning her attention to somewhere else.  He knew she didn't believe and she knew he wasn't telling her the full story. 

"Aros?" Return her attention to him, Lucas was eager to know about something. " Do you want to return to your world?" Stunned. That was the only thing she felt at the moment. It wasn't long both became close. Especially when she; The Dragon Slayer, The Fire Demon, One of the well-known strongest knights, would fall for someone comes from a whole another world. Someone who grew up very simple and relax life than hers. 

"Lucas, I'm grateful for your hostility, but my home is Shusleim not here. Yes, I can mold myself in this world, but I was born for something more." It pains her to say it, but it was true.  Lucas didn't like the truth, as much he kept questioning her again and again. It was always the same answer. But before Lucas could try to change her mind, Aros sense something. Quickly, she stood up and ran to it. " Aros!" Quickly leaving bills of 100 on the table as he went after her. 

Street to street, buildings to buildings; Aros couldn't help but chase that feeling. It has been a while she felt it but to even have it in this world was no surprise. She knew any moment the word would get out for 'them' to come and save them. ' Almost there' Giving it all, she uses a bit of her power to boost her speed.  As she turned the next corner, she abruptly stopped. Right before her eyes people, she thought she would never see.


" Verdi!" 


" Zuri" 


" Siyah"

The six girls called out each other names as all of them went for a hug. They didn't know how but didn't care at the moment. All that truly matters was the team was back together. 

"Aros!" The girls broke their small reunion as Lucas came in with heavy breathes. The girls look over at the stranger and back to their leader. Aros didn't know why but she felt flustered under her team's eyes. Lucas took a while for him to walk over to Aros which the girls made an opening for him. With no warning,  Aros was bond in his arms. But that didn't last long when an unknown stranger appears. 

" Azul!" A guy with multiple piercing holding himself the wall as he took long breathes calling out Azul's name. Now all the attention were on her. Quickly, she ran to the stranger's side as she helps him. Gathering a bit of his strength, he pulls her in his arms. " Don't leave me like that, baby girl! You don't know how worried I got when you dash out from the parlor" He scolded her. Everyone watch as Azul wraps her arms around him. It was a scene that both precious and forbidden. 

"Nezu!" Another one appeared, He quickly got off his bicycle and ran towards Nezu. " Jeong In" She quickly ran to meet him in the middle. He grabs her shoulder and looks straight at her. " Don't. Ever. Do. That. Again!" He growled as he pulls her in his arms. Same as Azul and her guy, Nezu did the same way. 

" Verdi," The girls notice similar events, not only they all stranded in a world that doesn't know the existence of magic but each girl were staying under someone's wing. A guy who's wearing a business suit jog towards them. Especially to Verdi, whom slowly walk to him. " Verdi! " He called her name as he threw his body on her. "J-Joshua" He shook his head, holding her like his dying breath. Verdi rubs his back, clearly understood his feelings. He cold. Quiet .reserve. The reality, he's a small child. For her to disappear from his side was one of the worst things she had done. 

The only people were left was Siyah and Zuri, feeling uncomfortable with the scenes in front of them, both look over at the alley they came in together. Nothing. It has been like that. No matter how much they hated themselves for falling for them, it was clear that both of them were alone. But before they could continue to feel heartbroken, the sound of engine broken in. Two motorcycles, two-man drove in. Siyah felt teary as Zuri felt relieved as both men park their bikes and jump off.  Taking off their helmets and threw it somewhere, Zuri ran up to one of them and smiled at him. " You couldn't wait, did you?" Zuri shook her head as she giggles. The man right front of her want to be mad but couldn't. " Come here" Opening his arms, Zuri embraces his warmth. " No matter what, don't go off without me" He whispered in her ear, Zuri couldn't help but fall more and more for him. " Promise?" " I promise, Jong In." 

Siyah didn't know what to do, move or not. She didn't expect for 'him' to come, there are times he just left her, other time he ignores her like a plague which showed all the proof he didn't want her. As much she wants to give hope he came for her, it hit her that he might scold her leaving not him but the gang for several days now. Maybe, he came to say all the hatred he had for her and glad she left. It hurt her, but she is prepared to face the wrath from him. He stops right front of her. " Lift your head," he said.  Silence. " Lift your head, siyah"  He repeated. It took a moment until she complies his orders. As she looked up, her eyes widen. Right in front of her was the man who supposes to be the coldest, heartless and strongest out of everyone she knew, had swollen eyes as he cried for days. He appearance looks as he was a mess, disorganized and lost. " Are you happy? ARE YOU!" He barked, having everyone froze.  " YOU, NOT ONLY DISAPPEAR FROM US BUT YOU HAD EVERYONE LOOKING FOR YOU! YOU DON'T KNOW HOW LONG WE WERE LOOKING FOR YOU! HOW LONG I WAS LOOKING YOU! I SEARCH EVERY PART OF THE TOWN FOR YOU EVEN GOING OTHER GANG'S TERRITORY JUST FOR YOU!"  Siyah was left speechless. She didn't know that especially from him. " I-i'm sorry-" " SORRY DOESN'T COUNT IT, SIYAH! WHAT COUNT IS-" Siyah was prepared to hear his hateful words. But it never came instead it came something else. " you didn't leave completely, making my chance to have you by my side again" With that, he wraps himself around her and whispered" I'm sorry" multiple times. Siyah didn't believe it, what she had thought was going to happen only to be the exact opposite. " Suga-" "Don't, call me Yoongi. Not Suga" Only with that, Siyah cried in Yoongi's embrace.

Aros witness her team as each had someone with them. Especially, the man right next to her. Lucas. He had his attention to everyone except hers. She felt her heart rapidly beat as she stares at him. Suddenly, she felt something sliding in her hand. It was his. 

" Do you still want to leave to your world?" 

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