we keep this love in a photograph

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It’s the calm before the storm, something that Gyuri was all too familiar with by this point.

People are beginning to set up, camera crews are on standby. The airport is beginning to fill up more people. Some were commoners, arriving with their luggage in tow, others self-proclaimed photographers, fansite masters and news journalists each armed with their own oversized camera and lens.

Gyuri falls into the category of self-proclaimed photographer and fansite master. The latter title allows her to support the former. It wasn’t like it was her choice, but she’s a fresh graduate with no job and photography is a passion so she might as well make money from it by taking photos of celebrities.

[nakko] (8:33AM)
Where are you? Come here now, they’re arriving soon.

Gyuri gulps down the remainder of her iced coffee before throwing it out into the bin. She rushes over quickly, adrenaline and caffeine beginning to kick in.

“Hey Nakko, thanks for saving me a spot,” Gyuri pats her on the head and the shorter girl rolls her eyes.

“You’re lucky you have me.”

“Who’s coming today?”

“You really don’t check the schedule I send you – why do I even bother.”

“I do, my memory is just bad,” Gyuri says with a sheepish grin plastered on her face. Nagyung knows it’s a lie, Gyuri’s easily one of the most talented people she knows, if only she wasn’t so lazy she’d probably be quite successful as opposed to doing this. Waking up at five in the morning to be the first in lines to take photos of celebrities who probably deep down detest you.

“The usual, Twice, GOT7, EXID, Seventeen and some rookie groups.”

There’s a high pitched scream that signifies the beginning of the storm, “Oppa!” Gyuri hears as they brace themselves.

“Let the hunger games begin,” Gyuri lowers her cap and charges forward with the crowd.

There’s an immediate frenzy and the two girls get swept up in the crowd, fighting to keep their ground as the hoard of photographers rush around the celebrity trying to capture the perfect photo of them. The managers are screaming at everyone to step back, sometimes some of them get physical, blocking cameras and pushing them away. Gyuri gets knocked back by a news crew member and swiftly ducks when he swings his huge camera around.

There’s a lot of fans shouting for their precious idol, many desperate to hand over their gifts, some who just want for their idol to acknowledge them or rather their camera phone by waving into it. Gyuri tries to keep an eye out for Nagyung in case she gets pushed around. Gyuri’s father used to be a colonel in the army so he’s taught her a thing or two in self defense but Nagyung at her size makes it easy for her to be pushed around.

“Hey watch it!” Gyuri hears Nagyung bark loudly. Of course Gyuri also forgets that Nagyung’s been at this much longer than she has.

Gyuri turns her attention back towards the next arrival of celebrities, a girl group. She snaps a few shots of the girls approaching her but it takes her a minute before realisation hits her and fills her with dread. Gyuri freezes in her tracks and holds her breath. The girl looks right into Gyuri’s camera as if she was trying to figure out if she knew her.

“Gyuri? What are you...” the girl looks right into her camera. Out of sheer nervousness Gyuri accidentally presses the camera shutter causing the flash to go off right in her face. Still the other girl doesn’t seem phased by it, she’s practically used to it.


“Come on unnie, we’re going to get in trouble from our manager,” Gyuri hears as Saerom gets dragged away before she can say anything else.




[romsae] (12:10PM)
So are you going to tell me what you were doing at the airport just then?

[gyul] (12:12PM)
What do you mean? I was just passing by.

[romsae] (12:12PM)
Passing by the airport?

[romsae] (12:13PM)
We’re on the same flight!

[gyul] (12:13PM)
I have no idea what you’re talking about.

“Honestly, you’re going to keep this charade up?”

Gyuri scrunches her face and takes a deep breath as she musters the courage to look up at the figure towering over her. Slowly her eyes scan up to find Lee Saerom with her arms crossed over chest and foot tapping impatiently staring down at her. “Oh hey, Saerom...” Gyuri clears and nervously shuffles the objects in her lap around, “I thought you said you were going to be flying out tomorrow for your schedule.”

“Change of plans,” Saerom’s tone is short. “I saw you out there before,” Saerom slips into the empty seat beside Gyuri.

“My friend’s just in the bathroom.” Gyuri tries to divert Saerom away from her but she’s adamant on taking the seat regardless.

“Ah yes, you and your photographer friend, right? I’ve seen her around before at my other schedules. So what are you now? A fansite master?”

“Hardly…” they both look down at the DSLR camera and telephoto lens in her lap haphazardly covered by her jacket.

“I’m pretty sure you’re meant to put your camera in the overhead compartment since it’s so big.”

“I will, just in a bit…” Gyuri winces at her own response, realising she might as well have had admitted to it considering that the evidence was in her hands.

“So what happened to I don’t take photos of celebrities because that’s not real art?”

Gyuri could tell that Saerom was annoyed, after all if she had caught her friend lying she’d be pretty angry as well. She’s about to respond when Nagyung returns from the restroom. The younger girl hovers over Gyuri whilst she looks at Saerom in shock. “Gyuri unnie, there’s a celebrity sitting next to you...” Nagyung whispers, “Actually she’s sitting in my seat...”

“Yeah, we’re...friends…” Gyuri says, the words dying on her lips as she avoids Saerom’s gaze. “She was just saying hi.”

Saerom rolls her eyes and stands up, “Right, friends who lie to each other.”

“Saerom-ah!” Gyuri tries to protest but Saerom’s already managed to escape from her sight, weaving through the other passengers back to business class.

“Wait. What just happened?” Nagyung settles down into her seat. “Oh she smells nice,” Nagyung takes a whiff of Saerom’s lingering scent and Gyuri just rolls her eyes. “How have we been working together for so long and I had no idea you actually had a famous friend? That would’ve made our lives a whole lot easier considering that you had inside information.”

“Keep it down will you,” Gyuri places her finger on her lips, “Technically she just debuted so it’s only been recently that I’ve had a famous friend. Also I’m not interested in using my friends like that.”

“Wait how are you two friends in the first place?”

“We've been friends since high school. She was always interested in music and dance and I was interested in photography. We used to joke that if she debuted I’d be her fansite master and take nice photos for her.”

“And you didn’t because?”

“If one of your best friends became a celebrity would you become their fansite?”

“I mean why not? It’d be fun…” Nagyung chirps happily but her expression morphs when she sees Gyuri’s expression darken, “But I get it. I mean I guess it must be awkward seeing her up there and you being... down there. It’s like taking a step back in your relationship from friend to fan.”

Gyuri takes a deep breath and lets out a heavy sigh before easing back into her seat. It’s only a two hour plane ride to Japan from Korea but Gyuri would rather be anywhere but here right now.




By the time Gyuri gets off the plane Saerom has already been whisked off by the security detail away on one of those long airport carts - one of the many perks of being a celebrity that makes Gyuri jealous. She carries her bag over one shoulder with the camera strapped around her neck resting on the opposite side her neck pillow still resting around her neck ready to make the long trek through the terminal. She looks like death (according to Nagyung) as much as she feels it.

If she were a celebrity this would probably be seen as something cute and endearing. That bleary eyed sleepy look that is enough to trigger the most protective instinct of any human being. She can already predict the comments on the pann thread. Let her have a one month vacation! She deserve it after working so hard. How is she so pretty even when she’s half awake? I look like death!

That’s right. She deserves a vacation Gyuri thinks, maybe Europe for a few weeks. But of course she can’t because she has bills that won’t pay themselves.

[gyul] (3:45PM)
Can we meet up to talk please?

[romsae] (4:00PM)
Sorry, I’ll be busy with my schedules, but I guess I’ll see you at the concert tomorrow. I would say take nice pictures of me but you don’t take pictures for your friends.

Gyuri scratches her head in frustration.

There had been many reasons why she had never told Saerom about what she did. Firstly the expectation was far too great, if not crippling. She didn’t want to be responsible for the next Saerom meme that would come out if she took a bad photo. Secondly, whilst Gyuri was supportive of Saerom’s career working with your friend was almost a sure-fire way for a relationship to go up in flames. As if people didn’t learn anything from watching the social network.

[gyul] (4:01PM)
You know we’re staying in the same hotel right?

[gyul] (4:05PM)
I also know you’re meant to be on a diet but I’ll buy you your favourite strawberry cake if you meet up with me.

[romsae] (4:10PM)
I finish rehearsals at 9 - Room 1204. No cake no entry.




It’s half past nine when Gyuri comes around. She carefully tip-toes down the hall as not to notify anyone of her presence. Afterall, she doubts that Saerom’s managers would be happy seeing her with people in her room that weren’t her members, and more so someone who they probably recognise easily as a photographer.

Gyuri knocks on the door softly. When the door cracks open, Saerom peers out and Gyuri raises the box with the cake inside to show that she had kept her end of the bargain. Saerom opens the door a bit wider for her to come in.

“Where is everyone?”

“They’re filming a v-live two rooms down so all the managers have to be there.”

“Why aren’t you there?”

“Because you said you’d bring me strawberry cake,” Saerom beams and plops onto her bed. She looks absolutely ravished as she looks at the cake, like she hadn’t eaten in days. Which in all fairness could be true especially with the demands of the industry she was in. Gyuri wants to believe that Saerom isn’t that reckless with her health, after all she was skinny enough, pretty enough. Or at least that’s what Gyuri keeps trying to tell her. “Oh my god, this is delicious,” Saerom tries to contain her joy as she takes a bite of the cake. Her lips is covered with cream but she doesn’t care as she shovels another spoonful into .

“Be careful you don’t choke,” Gyuri takes a seat on the edge of the bed.

“I worked extra hard today for this cake!”

Gyuri watches in awe and amazement as Saerom happily munches away. Gyuri wonders how many people would look at her differently if they saw her this way. How many fanboy fantasies and delusions she’d destroy. Not that she’d mind, the industry always had a bad habit of feeding delusion and that’s when fans start thinking that they have ownership over their idols.

“Look let's just get to the point, I didn’t tell you why I did what I did because I knew that you would feel betrayed if I was taking photos for someone else and not you. But that’s all it is, I take photos for celebrities and sell them off to buyers - actual fansite masters or news outlets. It’s not an investment into anyone, I’m not anyone’s fansite master, I’m just trying to make a living.”

“So you were just hoping that I’d never find out?” Saerom says between mouthfuls of cake, “Gyuri, you literally take pictures of my colleagues for a living. How long did you think it would be before we’d run into each other?”

Gyuri purses her lips, “Long enough for me to make money to get out and pretend I never sold out like I did. There are plenty of photographers at the scene, I wouldn’t have expected you to spot me amongst the crowd if I covered up enough.”

“You are ambitious, I’ll give you that.”

“I tend to get Nagyung to cover your group anyways so I don’t run into you.”

“Who’s her favourite?” Saerom asks, eager to know.

“Oh my girl,” Gyuri responds nonchalantly.

“I see…” Saerom pouts her lips and shovels another spoonful of cake into to ease the figurative burn.

“So are you still upset that I lied to you?”

“Upset, betrayed, hurt, you know the usual feelings you get when someone you consider a friend lies to you.” It’s hard to take her seriously whilst she’s happily eating her strawberry cake but it’s the guilt that eventually eats up at Gyuri.

“What can I do to make it up to you?” There’s a moment of silence as she looks into Saerom’s eyes, bright, sparkling and filled with hope. Gyuri already knows the answer to the question. “One event! Tomorrow night! That’s all.”

“I’ll lure you in with my charms Jang Gyuri, don’t you worry about that.”

“I’m afraid I’ve already been lured,” Gyuri says sounding ominous.

“Why won’t you take it as a compliment that I think you’ve got really good photography skills! The model is only as good as the photographer.” Saerom flicks her hair and Gyuri laughs.



Gyuri is extra attentive the next night, “Make sure your camera setting is fixed otherwise you’ll get a lot of noise on your pictures,” she whispers to Nagyung who only rolls her eyes.

“This isn’t my first rodeo,” she nudges Gyuri as she sets up her camera.

“Yeah I know, I just - there’s a lot of pressure on tonight.”

“What because of Saerom?” Gyuri looks down at the settings on her camera and fiddles with the dials nervously. “You’re a good photographer unnie, just pretend like she’s another job.”

Gyuri grins, “Please welcome fromis.” The MC’s voice echoes in the stadium and the crowd cheers. It’s impressive considering that it’s a rookie group. Gyuri glances up at the stage that’s lit up with images of ticking clocks. One by one the girls appear, Gyuri counts, there’s seven of them. She raises her camera and quickly searches for the one face she had been nervously anticipating all night.

“Lee Saerom,” Gyuri utters as she finally spots her in the group.




“You take amazing photos Gyuri!” Saerom says as she leans over her shoulder staring at the computer screen. Gyuri had managed to capture some extremely dramatic shots of Saerom during her performance so much that Saerom couldn’t even remember what part of the choreography it was by looking at it. Everything looked different through Gyuri’s lens.

“You’re just trying to butter me up.”

“Yes, but it’s also the truth. Why won’t you believe me?” Gyuri brushes off the compliment having never been one to know how to take one. “So have you thought about becoming a fulltime fansite?”

“Not unless you paid me,” Gyuri says nonchalantly like her comment wouldn’t amount to it.

“I will.”

“Wait what?”

“I’ll pay you to become my fansite.”

“You’ll pay me?” Gyuri asks again as if she couldn’t believe everything she was hearing. Saerom nods her head, lips pursed into a smile.

“I’ll give you my schedule so you’ve just got to be at the place whenever I’m there. You’ll practically have it easier than most fansites and you get paid. Also you get to look at me all day - is that a bad thing?” Saerom cups her cheeks and flashes Gyuri a brilliant smile.

“Do you know how much time I spend staring at someone’s face when I take photos of them? I spend so much time that I can tell how far apart their eyes are if if their eyes are slightly uneven. I can tell how their nose isn’t entirely straight or too straight from surgery. I know how many moles and pimples are on their face or when they’re having a bad skin day. Do you really want me knowing this about you?” Gyuri leans back into her seat and crosses her arm, squaring off with Saerom who looks at a bit scandalised as she contemplates the offer. Gyuri is hopeful that she’s done enough to deter her. It isn’t until Saerom smiles that Gyuri knows she’s screwed.

“I’m certain.”

“How much are you offering?”




Gyuri picks the fansite name after narrowing it down from a list of ten, to five and then three. So whilst Lovelee Saerom and ROMantic were killer puns and someone else should definitely use them for their own fansite, Gyuri settles on baby bird (ahga-sae).

171128 ICN
Hello ♥
#leesaerom #fromis

[romsae] (4:08PM)
That’s a cute fansite name.

[gyul] (4:09PM)
Chirp chirp ~ :)




As far as Gyuri is aware Saerom’s got five other fansites and they’re not necessarily always active. She’s run into them at various schedules but never consistently. She tries her best not to interact with them in the event she’d actually spill something she shouldn’t. Like when they talk about how Saerom smells nice, or if they watched the latest v-live where she was talking about her favourite strawberry cake and that they should get one for her birthday. They seem nice enough and polite enough.

It’s not until rumours start spreading when Gyuri conveniently arrives half an hour before Saerom each and every time without fail that they start getting suspicious. They say she’s either a sasaeng fan, has some insider connections because she was the daughter of someone higher or dating someone on the inside. Either way, Gyuri was building her fansite profile quite quickly amongst fansite masters and the online community.

If only they knew it wasn’t as complicated like that at all.

Happy Saerom Day ♥
#leesaerom #fromis




It’s two days after Saerom’s birthday and they’re sitting in a quiet cafe somewhere in Seoul. It’s almost brunch and Saerom has a day off which also means that Gyuri gets a day off. It’s also the first time they’ve properly spoken to each other over the last two weeks despite the fact that they saw each other almost every second day at the events. It’s the post festive show breaks before everyone kicks into gear again for comebacks.

Gyuri sips on her iced-coffee as Saerom does her green juice. “How do you drink that stuff?” Gyuri looks over in disgust.

“The same way you drink that stuff,” Saerom looks down at her iced-coffee. “I’m on a diet for the next comeback.”

“That’s insane, you’re already a stick. Sometimes when you turn you disappear from the camera lens you’re so thin.”

Saerom stifles a snort and pushes the juice away from her. She bends over and picks up a bag from the side. Inside it was a neatly wrapped box.“Open it!” Saerom slides the box across the table as Gyuri suspiciously observes the package.

“What is it?”

“It’s a birthday and christmas present all in one.”

“I do hate that my birthday is so close to Christmas,” Gyuri deadpans and Saerom laughs.

“Just open it up you idiot,” Saerom rolls her eyes and leans closer in excitement as Gyuri peels away the wrapping.

“But I didn’t get you anything…”

“That’s ok. Just open this. How you react will be the present. So be good!”

It’s a film camera that Gyuri had been eyeing for the past year. She’s never made the purchase though because she never had the money or the time to do film photography especially in between all her digital freelance job. “Are you re-gifting me your birthday presents from your fans?”

“Who do you think I am? I’m a rookie still…”

“So you get paid a lot for rookies?”

“I...make enough!” Saerom huffs, “A thank you would be nice instead of accusing me.”

Gyuri immediately feels bad. “Thank you, really… but you shouldn’t of have had.”

“I know, but I know that you’ve always wanted to be a photographer so maybe on your days off you can finally start to do something el-”

“Thanks, Saerom. Really.” Gyuri says and flashes her a genuine smile, stopping her mid-sentence. Saerom shyly smiles and nods her head proudly.

It takes her a few moments to figure out the camera but once she does she does everything comes naturally. She places a fresh film roll inside and turns it on. Gyuri tilts her head and looks at their surrounding, the perfectly lit cafe with the sun setting in the background behind her causing the sky to turn a purple and orange shade created a perfect canvas behind Saerom.

“Perfect,” Gyuri says as she raises the camera to snap a candid photo of Saerom. Gyuri quickly plucks Saerom’s phone from her hand and instructs her to stay still.

“W-what are you doing?” Saerom is caught off guard by the impromptu photo session.

“Post this on your instagram, your fans will love it,” Gyuri says after fiddling around with the filters. She hands the phone back to Saerom who looks at it.

“You really do have an eye for these things, Gyuri.” Saerom turns her phone back out and points it at Gyuri who immediately covers her face.

“I stand behind the camera for a reason…” she says looking away whilst covering her face.

“The model is only as good as the photographer, trust me.” Saerom pleads, trying to pry Gyuri’s hand away from her face. When she doesn’t Saerom lets out an exasperated sigh. She lowers the phone long enough for Gyuri to relax back into her seat. When she’s not looking Saerom takes a few candid snaps of Gyuri looking to the side. “You’ve got a nice side profile,” Saerom compliments before slipping the phone back into her pocket.





It’s a month later when one of her fancam goes viral, which is something Gyuri doesn’t expect. Well technically it was because of a gif created from the fancam that makes it go viral. So much for no secondary processing. Also what the hell is credit to owner? How hard is it to write the fansite name? It’s literally right there in the gif? Kids these days. Gyuri takes a deep breath and relaxes, at least some good came out of this.

The fancam is trending in the top 10 on naver and it was up 100,000 views since the morning on youtube. She visits the comment section for the video, eyes scanning through quickly at some of the comments, thankfully mostly positive.

She’s so ing pretty…

She was a model before this. Please become an actress Saerom, she’s got the perfect look for it. A young Han Chaeyoung!

Rookie girl group visuals these days are insane, you sure it’s not all plastic surgery?

Lee Saerom rise!

Just look at the way Saerom looks at baby bird’s cam – she looks like she’s in love.

I’d faint if she ever looked at me that way.

Is baby bird ok?

There’s people coming into her inbox and leaving messages for their undying love for her like she had done something great, like she had saved a nation. She hadn’t. All she did was film a pretty girl looking at her camera. It’s weird, Gyuri thinks, she’s never had a celebrity video of hers blow up like this so quickly. The video has already begun to spread across a variety of platforms making it hard for Gyuri to keep up with.

There are pann posts every ten minutes about her.

fromis’ Captain who was a CF model before debut.

Lee Saerom’s god tier profile.

Protective captain Lee Saerom.

Lee Saerom’s refreshing visuals to brighten your day.

The general reactions are mostly positive, their song has been steadily rising up the charts again. People were suddenly paying attention to fromis and their team captain Lee Saerom.

Gyuri’s phone had been flashing non-stop so much that she had to put it on silent. It was an accumulation of everything. People sending her direct messages, emails and comments about the video. Some people wanted the original file whilst some just wanted to know how she managed to get Saerom’s attention. Some were even sending her fan mail as if she was Saerom herself.

I think I like...y--
#leesaerom #fromis

She shuts off an hour later, mentally fatigued and physically exhausted after being up all night editing photos. It’s four in the morning when Gyuri goes to bed.




“Unnie did you see!” Nagyung barges into the room. Gyuri doesn’t move from her position, her blanket still over her head as she slept soundly. It couldn’t of have had been more than few hours since she went to bed. There was no morning schedule for today and yet Nagyung was here. “Unnie, wake up!”

“We don’t have anything this morning,” Gyuri whines as she buries her head further into the blankets.

“Saerom was on Entertainment News and they were asking her about the video!”

Nagyung could swear she had never seen Gyuri move so fast in her entire life. She flicks the blanket off her body almost sending Nagyung onto the floor from her sudden reflexes. She grabs Nagyung’s phone from her hand and quickly turns up the volume as the clip plays.

“You’re a hot topic right now, Saerom.” The MC beams at Saerom and the members all turn their attention onto her, looking a bit bewildered at the comment. “The new generation visuals! Ending queen!” he brings up the video on the screen for them to see and the girls all lean in.

“Our pretty captain,” Seoyeon compliments, head tilted towards Saerom who her head tenderly. Saerom looks a bit embarrassed, a blush rising on her cheeks.

“You were a model before this right? Can we get some examples of you doing some model poses?”

Saerom’s eyes widen in shock, she shakes her head and tries to refuse but the members push her forward. She looks at the camera helplessly, “Unnie, like this,” Chaeyoung stands up from behind her, places both hands around her waist, whilst she in her stomach and arches her back awkwardly.

The members burst out laughing, “Ready unnie!” the members count her in and immediately Saerom’s gaze changes. Her eyes become sharper, her expression more serious and Gyuri doesn’t want to admit that it makes her heart skip a beat.

The girls all scream, and cheer from behind. It was over in a matter of seconds, but it was enough to turn Saerom’s cheeks a bright red as she hides her face behind Nagyung, trying to stifle the manic laughter growing inside of her. “Is there something you’d like to say to your fan who took the photo?”

Saerom nods, “Thank you for always looking out for me and taking nice photos of me, I promise to work harder to show you a better side of me and fromis. Please support continue to support us.”

“Thank you very much Captain Saerom and fromis.”

The video screen turns off and Nagyung snatches back her phone, “We’ve had over a thousand new clicks to the site since last night and the comment section is insane.”

Gyuri’s trying to process what had just happened, she leans over and reaches for her phone. Three new messages from Saerom.

[romsae] (7:03AM)
What just happened?

[romsae] (7:03AM)
Is this a dream?

[romsae] (7:08AM)
Stop sleeping and wake up!

[gyul] (12:04PM)
A thank you would be nice, Saerom-sshi.

[romsae] (1:23PM)
Dinner? My treat.

[gyul] (1:30PM)
If you’re paying, Captain!

[romsae] (1:45PM)
Thank you… Gyuri. ♥




Saerom takes her out to dinner a few weeks after to thank her. It’s the least she can do which still isn’t much because Saerom is a celebrity and with every celebrity comes fans and stalkers. So that means their cuisine choices are limited and also dinner times are abnormal.

It’s past eleven when Saerom arrives at the front of Gyuri’s apartment complex. She waits downstairs with a giant hoodie over her head and mask that covers two thirds of her face. Sometimes she’ll bury her head into her phone or turn her face towards the wall when she thinks that someone’s spotted her. “Are you taking me out to dinner or are you going to murder me?” Gyuri teases.

“Take your sweet time,” Saerom rolls her eyes.

“Sorry, was just actually posting up your latest pictures on the website, answering some fanmail and telling them I’m not actually you - all a result of your sudden rise in popularity Ms. Lee.” Saerom loops her arm around Gyuri’s arm casually as they walk down the road to the korean barbecue place that has beef bone soup. Gyuri figures that since it’s that late anyways that she should eat something healthy.

“Sorry I couldn’t take you somewhere fancy,” Saerom peels off her jacket and swings it around the back of her chair.

“You can always next time.”

“Next time it is.”

“Ahjumma, can we get two beef bone soup, one leek pancake, one spicy rice cake and two bottles of soju please.” Gyuri looks at Saerom and smiles, “You’re drinking right?”

“I shouldn’t.”

“Because you don’t want to or because you’re on a diet?” Saerom’s silence is the answer she needs. “You don’t have a schedule tomorrow,” Gyuri smiles, “I know that.” When the lady brings the bottles Saerom looks at it nervously as Gyuri pours her a glass, “To you, Lee Saerom on your success.”

“To you, Jang Gyuri, whom without you I could not have been successful,” Saerom smiles as they clink their glasses. Saerom takes the shot down with ease like she had been desperately needing a drink.

“Take it easy captain, what would your members think?”

“I told them I wasn’t coming home tonight,” Saerom smiles and winks at Gyuri.

“So where are you staying?”

“You’re kidding me right?”

“Your parents?” Gyuri asks pretending to sound oblivious.

“Jang Gyuri!” Saerom playfully hits her on her arm. Gyuri fakes a painful yelp and pouts.

“Is this really the way to treat the person whose house you’ll be staying at?”

Saerom beams as the waiter serves them their food. “This looks so good,” she exclaims excitedly like a child and claps her hand. Of the times Gyuri’s ever seen Saerom truly the happiest is when she’s either on stage or eating her food.

They dig into their food, their conversations light and casual as Saerom easily knocks back the soju with her meal. It’s not long before Gyuri notices the rising flush on her cheeks and the misty gaze in her eyes that Gyuri figures she must be a bit drunk. They take a trip down memory lane, something that often happens when Saerom’s around.

They talk about high school and how Gyuri runs into some of their classmates sometimes at the shows but tries her best to avoid them. “I ran into…” Gyuri pauses trying to think of a name that’s on the tip of her tongue, “The boy who confessed to you in front of homeroom that one time…” Gyuri slaps her forehead.

“You’ve got to be more specific, you know how many boys confessed to me during school,” Saerom rolls her eyes at the memory. The constant being hounded by boys who wanted to know what she was up to after school or if she needed help carrying books to her next class or someone to walk her home.

“You’re right, and yet you never dated any of them.”

“Wasn’t interested,” Saerom shrugs.

“Your standards were too high.”

“I think they’re at the perfect level,” Saerom shrugs, looking back at Gyuri with round eyes. “You couldn’t honestly tell me either you would’ve dated anyone back in our grade?”


“Who?” Saerom challenges, turning her body so that it was square on with Gyuri. “Who in our grade is good enough for you?”

Gyuri’s eyes form into crescents and she flashes Saerom her infamous puppy smile. Saerom is convinced that if she was a celebrity the world would marvel in her smile. She forgets for a second what she was doing, a side effect of Gyuri’s smile, maybe also the alcohol.

Gyuri is about to say something when she notices the pairs of eyes on them as people began to pull out their cameras and point them at them secretly. It would seem Saerom does as well when she lowers her gaze and Gyuri watches as she shrivels slightly into her sweater. Saerom awkwardly stabs at her food, trying to bury her face behind her hair.

“Do you want to leave?” Gyuri asks.

“No, it’s ok, lets just finish our food,” Saerom tries to offer her a reassuring smile.

Gyuri takes off her cap and pulls it down on Saerom’s head. She shuffles a little closer to her side to shield her from the extra gazes, “Eat up,” Gyuri says trying to sound as normal as possible. “Stop dieting, you need to keep your energy up.” She places the piece of meat into Saerom’s bowl and stares at her waiting for her to eat. “Come on,” Gyuri gestures for her to eat and Saerom quickly digs in, stuffing a mouthful in which she immediately regrets.

Gyuri makes a funny face at her puffy cheeks filled with food causing Saerom to snort, sending grains of rice outwards and some down the wrong pipe at the back of . Gyuri quickly pours her a glass of water and hands it to her as Saerom tries to collect herself. They’re both trying to control their laughter as she Saerom’s back who’s still shaking from trying to not laugh.

“Why did you laugh?” Saerom whines as soon as she manages to swallow her food.

“You looked really cute with your cheeks puffed out,” Gyuri hands her a tissue. Saerom her chest, trying to catch her breath.

“You told me to eat!”

“Exactly, I wasn’t g

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yourfriendalways #1
Chapter 1: they're so soft ahhh
chadchad #2
Chapter 1: waaaaaaaah authornim this is so gooooooood
chadchad #3
and i just found this out in 2021 jeez now i want more gyulrom
Huynki #4
Chapter 1: Re-reading this to remember that gyulrom was sailling before... A masterpiece that truly deserve more!
Chapter 1: the way i keep re-reading this gyulrom fic, i have no words for this. truly a masterpiece!
Chapter 1: THIS WAS ADORABLE!! trying to figure out my faves in fromis and this one made me love gyulrom even more. so good!!
naewuju #7
Chapter 1: this is just too good. definitely one of the best stories I've read on aff so far. well done author-nim. :)
Chapter 1: this story is...art? poetry? it's just amazing....the slow developing of their relationship while revealing peeks of who they were before becoming idol and photographer, the ever changing circumstances (nothing all at once but little things that pushed gyuri to a breaking point), saerom dropping hints but gyuri MISSING ALL OF THEM, the way you really emphasized that gyuri loves photography....what a masterpiece. i am definitely going to reread this many times.
Chapter 1: wow this is so good
Anosaw #10
Chapter 1: This is such a good story. I love how you write their relationship, so close and yet still pulling at each other. They really are so cute <3