
Fallen Gems ( The Red Force )
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August 30, 1996 

"We have to get Jieun out of here, Junhyung! They know she's here!" 

"We can't stay with her, Yoomi.. They know that wherever we go, she goes." Junhyung says as he grabbed their month old child from her crib. 

"And where should we leave her? I'm not going leave our baby here, Jun." 

Junhyung frowns while looking at his wife. "We have no choice, Mi. It's either us or her... and we both know Jieun is way more important than anything. Let's do it for her, love."

Yoomi knew she couldn't refuse. She knew from the moment she gave birth to Jieun, she knew her daughter was special. She knew that Jieun will do amazing things in life. "Okay...okay. But I decide where we leave her..." 

"And where do you suggest we leave her?"

"With the person we trust Jieun the most with... Jaehyuk. He's the only person who will take good care of Jieun." Yoomi says as she hastily grabbed their things. "We need to go to Jaehyuk's workplace before they get to us."

Junhyung nodded his head before they headed out to their car. He places the sleeping baby in her carrier as his wife places their things in the trunk. "All set?" He asks once Yoomi was seated at the back with their daughter. 

"Yeah. Let's go before they find us." 

☾ ☾ ☾ ☾

The couple speed through the streets as they quickly make their way to Seoul National Institute of Science, where Jaehyuk's office was located at.  Junhyung looks through the rearview mirror to see a dark silhouette following their car. He makes eyes contact with his wife, who nods her head, signalling her husband to drive faster to execute their plan. It wasn't an easy escape, they knew this, and they were ready for it. For the safety of their daughter they would do anything. 

"Call Jaehyuk, Jun. He needs to be there to grab her before they get to us." Yoomi says while hugging the sleeping baby to her chest. Her sweet little angel, who she wouldn't see to grow up into a beautiful young lady. 

Junhyung does what his wife tells him and calls Jaehyuk, speaking with his brother on the phone as he tells him where to meet them. "Be there in ten, Jae. Make sure to be ready, it's just behind us.." 

Jaehyuk, on the other line, sighs and nods as he speaks into the phone. "Okay, Jun.. Be careful, okay? Make sure they don't make any sort of contact with her. I'll be there by then, I'm closing up the office now."  He says before hanging up. 

Back with the couple, Junhyung glances at his wife and baby as he speeds faster towards the science institute. "All done. He'll be there." He informs Yoomi before focusing back on the road where he finally sees the huge entrance of the institute. He smiles, they were going to make it! But all hope slowlys dies down when a huge blast hits the back of the family's car. Yoomi screams while hugging the now crying baby tighter to her chest. Junhyung swerves to the left, crashing into a tree. He groans at the impact as he holds onto his bleeding head before looking at his wife. He quickly gets out of the car as he notice the dark evil silhouette getting near their car. He helps Yoomi out of the beaten car as he guides towards the entrance of the university. 

"We need to get her to Jae quick-AH!" Junhyung screams in pain once he was he was shot in the back by a red beam. 

A low evil chuckle echoes through the street. "Stupid humans. Do you think you can hide her from us? Hand the vessel over and I'll think about sparing your lives." 

"Never!" Junhyung hisses before looking at his wife, cupping her face as he looks down at their beautiful daughter, who was looking up at her father with teary doe eyes. "I'll distract it, go run to Jaehyuk and get Jieun to safety." 

"No! I'm not leaving you, Jun--!" 

"Listen to me, Mi! If you don't do it, it'll kill Jieun. Do you want our daughter to die?" He says while looking into his wife's eyes, just like Jieun's. Yoomi cries softly while shaking her head. "N-no.." Junhyung smiles softly, tears rolling down his cheeks. "Run, baby.. Don't worry about me." 

The girl nods her head and kisses her husband passionately. "I love you, Jun."

"I love you too, Mi." Junhyung says before looking down at their daughter, pressing a kiss to her forehead and tiny fist as the baby reaches up for her father. "I love you, Jieunie... daddy loves you so much." He whispers softly down to her daughter before parting away as he faces the red eyed man who was smirking at the family. He approaches the man, no, a monster that the red force sent after his daughter. 

"So.. are you handing over the child or not?" The man says, eyes flashing a dangerous red. 

Junhyung glares at him. "Over my dead body." The man cackles before narrowing his eyes evilly. "Suit yourself, human!" He screams while holding his hand up as he blasts out a red beam to Junhyung. The latter looks at Yoomi and screams. "RUN! NOW!!!" 

Yoomi eyes widen before getting up as she dashes through the entrance of the science institute. She hears her husband scream in pain, making her let out her own cry. She looks down at Jieun who was wailing along with her mother. Yoomi sniffles as she continues to run, speeding up as she hears the gates get shot down. "GIVE ME THE CHILD, YOU !!" The red force minion yells as he send a beam towards Yoomi but misses, hitting the tree next to them. 

The girl screams, sheilding her baby to her chest as she stumbles towards the Supernatural Science Building, where Jaehyuk's office was at. Just as the girl dashes through the lawn to get to the building, the minion growls and blasts her right as her back causing her to trip on the grass, dropping her baby a few feet away. Yoomi cries loudly in pain, feeling a large open wound on her back. "J-ji-Jieun!" She rasps, breathing heavily as she weakly crawls towards her daughter. 

"Yoomi!!" Jaehyuk yells as he run towards the girl, holding onto her arms as her scoops Jieun into his arms. "Mi..we gotta get you two out of here." 

"Jae.. " Yoomi rasps while placing her petite, bloody hand on the male's shoulder. "I can't.. Jieun.. she's more important. Please.. take care of my baby." She cries softly pressinga kiss onto the baby's hand and cheek. "Protect her." The minion lets out an angered shout as he shoots another beam towards the girl. "AH!" Yoomi screams in pain as she falls to the ground, her back bloody as ever. "G-go! Protect Jieun, Jae.." Yoomi mumbles loud enough for Jaehyuk to hear, her hand falling flat on the ground as she lets out her last breath. 

"Yoomi.." Jaehyuk feels a tear roll down his cheek as he watches his sister-in-law die right before his eyes. He looks at the smirking monster as he hugs Jieun to his chest. "You have no right to take my niece from me! She's a vessel and I will make sure she stays alive to get rid of you all!!" 

"That child will die in my hands before she can even learn how to walk!" He cackles while his red eyes flash brightly. "Now give her to me!" 

"Never! She stays with me!" Jaehyun screams while glaring at the man. "Suit yourself.. I'll kill you both then!" The minion raises his hand towards him. Jaehyuk shutting his eyes, hugging the baby closer to his chest waiting for the impact. But instead he gets none. He opens his eyes to find a force field with a purplish hue around him. The doctor's eyes widen before they look down at the baby who's eyes and gem were glowing a beautiful lavender. "Jieun.." He says in awe before shielding his eyes as the glows brightens making the minion screech in pain. Then suddenly the lavender gem around Jieun's neck glows brighter before blasting the minion into dust. 

Jaehyuk blinks at the dust on the grass before looking at his niece with a smile. "Amazing... you really are a unique gem, Jieunnie." He says while kissing her forehead lovingly. "I promise to protect you and keep you from danger. Appa Jae will teach you and make sure you're ready for the worse.. "

"I just know this won't be your last encounter with the red force..."


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31 streak #1
Chapter 4: So far really enjoyed reading this whole story from beginning till now... plot and characters are so amazing and catchy...loved it so much.. looking forward to read more about them and the red forces.. I think next are chanyeol, D.O, Lay, luhan and Kris.. really loved all of their parts ... aww.. so cute and lovely... do excited and curious about upcoming events.. thank you authornim for writing such an amazing story and will eagerly wait for next chapter.
Chapter 4: Please update soon
Chapter 4: Wow my guess is right it is sehun and chen!! XD it is so smooth with the already bonding boys but don't know what next.. and the jealous from the boys its really cute XD

Thank you for the update!!!^^
Chapter 4: Yall. I almost forgot about this story. Thanks for updating! Now only Chanyeol, Lay, Kyungsoo, Kris, and Luhan they need to find.
67 streak #5
Chapter 4: It's been a while ^^
Cute development as always but I'm curious to know if all the boys are gonna react the same way because I'm sure not everyone is keen to bonding, right? It would be nuts if someone joined the red force or already has a lover.
Anyways thanks for updating :p
Chapter 3: I can’t wait for more oh my gosh!!!
Chapter 3: I can’t wait for more oh my gosh!!!
Chapter 3: I love that your using the Pathcodes!!!!!!
Chapter 3: Why they are so cute!! I can't guess but maybe the next boys is sehun and chen? I don't know just want theboys meet jieun asap kkk >.< i am curious of where jieun will meet luhan and kris? Cause they don't do pathcode :')

Thank you for the update and stay safe^^