Falling For The Black Swan/ BlackSwan Kyungsoo

Kaisoo Oneshot collection
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Falling for the Black Swan 



When The Nobleman Jongin had lost in the forest, he stopped by a magnificent sight, where a white swan was swimming alone in the lake, under the moonlight. The white swan shifted to a handsome Prince; Jungwoo. He helped Jongin to find his way out of the forest. Jongin supposed to fulfill his promise and help the white swan whom he loved dearly, but, honestly, he couldn’t help not falling for the black swan, Kyungsoo, the son of the evil Lord.



♛Oneshot/ 9800 words♛

♛Fantasy/ Romance/ Drama/ fairytale♛


So, I wrote this story in two days, It’s simple, and shorter than my other stories. This story is a fantasy and romantic one, it’s my first story without ⋆(•͈。•͈)⋆ because I think the characters here are pure, Kyungsoo is not included (╹◡╹) I really enjoyed writing it, I hope you will enjoy it as well, if you did, you can upvote and write a comment because I’m so excited to read it ♡











                     ♛☾Falling for the Black Swan☽♛








Once upon a time, the handsome nobleman; Jongin was on a hunting trip with his noblemen companions. It was a wonderful spring day.

He was on his white horse, his soft hair danced with the window, his ed shirt uncovered his tan and strong chest. The nobleman and his friends took a break, they lay on the grass and talked about the King’s missing son. “An old enemy of the King kidnapped his younger son, which is the closest to his heart, they don't know who is the kidnapper. The man  has only written that he is an old enemy.” Said Suho, chewing a yellow apple.

“How long it's been?” Asked Jongin, staring at the beautiful shapes of the clouds.

“Four months.” Suho replied.

“The King said he would reward whoever finds his son; Prince Jungwoo.” Chanyeol took off his boots and rolled his silky trousers up, “I looked everywhere, the green mountains and the orange hills, I even checked all the castles.” he walked into the lake and dipped his feet there, “Look, there are Swans there.” Chanyeol pointed at the other side of the Lake. 

“So beautiful.” Jongin smiled, looking at the sunlight flickering on the lake, the swans were swimming there; the view was like a beautiful painting. Jongin touched his necklace where he laid his mother’s picture, he looked at the picture for the thousand times, wearing her beautiful lace dress with satin flowers and diamond necklace, “mom used to feed the Swan, she thought they were the most beautiful creatures in the world.” He let go of a sharp sigh and watched the distant Swans.

“Guys, Let's go back, it's a long way home.” Suho stood up and rubbed his horse's neck, “come on Chanyeol, wear your boots.” 

Jongin smiled when one of the swans flapped its wings and left others, flying up towards the green meadow. The handsome noblemen rode their horses and went back to their beautiful hometown.


The Maid welcomed Jongin, she took the rabbits and the ducks he hunted. “Let's have them for dinner.” 

“Yes, Sir.” The Maid bowed.

“Is my sister here?” He watched a servant take his horse to the stable.

“Yes, Sir, she is waiting for you with her baby.”

Instantly, Jongin smiled brightly and went into the castle to meet his older sister. Jongin had two sisters, they all married and have their own houses, his sisters took care of him since their mother’s death. His father had married another woman, she trying to get close to Jongin and be a good stepmother, but Jongin couldn't fully accept her, he was still angry, he didn't want his father to marry another woman; his mother died five years ago when he was 16 years old.

He remembered his argument with his father. “Just because I chose to continue my life with another woman, it doesn't mean I forgot her, son! It's not fair, I lost my soulmate and I lost a huge part of my soul, and the remaining small piece of my soul wants to clench any ray of hope to be happy. Your mother left me and she took away all of my happiness with her, she left nothing for me,” he inhaled sharply, “do you think I’m happy? Just because I smile when I can and I don't cry at night it doesn't mean my heart isn't broken! It is.” Surely, Jongin was ashamed, he neither talked about his mother nor his stepmother again. He just kept it inside him, and that brought a shade of sadness on his gorgeous face.


He had a good time with his sister and his father, of course, his stepmother was there, Jongin was polite, however, he hadn't talked with her, she married his father 8 months ago. She was young, and her smile was overwhelming, Jongin hated to admit that she made his father happy and she was obviously kind and caring towards him and to his sisters who considered her a new good friend.

At night, when he was getting ready to sleep, he closed the curtains and drank a glass of water, then he was about to change his clothes, but he froze in his place when he put his hand on his chest and his mother's necklace wasn't there! He looked around him and searched all over his room and the house, the Maids were sleeping, he didn't want to wake them, especially when he was sure he must lose it there, by the lake. Without hesitation, he took his horse. “Come on Henim, we have an emergency ride.” He leaped on his horse and set off towards the lake.


The night was warm, the moon was cut into half, the meadow was guarded by fireflies and silence. Only the sound of his horse’s hooves broke the quietness. He ordered his horse to slow down and they walked among the trees, he tried his best to remember the Lake direction, after their hunting trip, they just walked randomly; finding the Lake was a pure coincidence for him and his friends, Thus, he didn't remember the exact place. He roamed there for an hour, his horse neighed and stomped his feet, refusing to go deeper into the wood.

“I want to go back and sleep too, Henim, but I cannot go back without the necklace.” Jongin rubbed his horse's hair and sighed tiredly. “Just another few minutes.”  The Darkness around him didn't help him at all, he closed his eyes, trying to hear the sound of water, however, he heard nothing but the sound of night insects and the hooting of the owls. He looked up at the brown owl with large yellow eyes, and shuddered in fear. He hit his horse with his heels. “Let's go.” 

At that moment, when he turned around, a White Swan was there, standing on the damp grass. Jongin looked into the beautiful eyes and refined white wings. “Hello!” He said, he saw a hope, the Lake must be close! The Swan lowered its head and turned around, it opened its wings and flew up. “No! Wait!” Jongin followed the Swan, looking up to be sure he was on the right track. And then, the White Swan landed on the Lake and looked at Jongin who was completely astonished.

“You led me to the Lake!” He was surprised, he smiled to the White Swan and dismounted, looking carefully at the grass, he found it after two minutes and kissed it before wearing it again. “Thank you so much! I don't know how you led me here! But I’m so thankful, I wish if I can help you as well, maybe I should bring some food tomorrow!” He smiled, thinking how stupid he was for talking to a beautiful White Swan. He had only been quite elated and overwhelmed by his happiness. The necklace was the most precious thing he ever had. He touched it gently and sighed in relief, but his hand fell down and his eyes went large when he saw the sudden light breaking the darkness of the night, it was the White Swan! The Swan shone like a falling sun landed on the Lake! Jongin closed his eyes and covered his face with his arms, it was so bright, and when he uncovered his face and looked again, the White Swan had turned into a handsome boy! He was standing on the shore of the lake. He was absolutely charming, his fair brown hair, his beautiful sad eyes and his pink lips. He whispered, too shy to look at Jongin. “Hello, Noble Jongin.”

Jongin was still surprised, he blinked twice before asking. “ Are you that Swan!! And— How do you know me?” 

“I—” The handsome approached, “I’m a Prince, my name is Jungwoo, I have been prisoned here for four months by my father’s enemy, as a revenge.” He pressed his lips together and covered his face crying.

“What!? Wait!! Are you the missing prince!?” Jongin patted on the prince’s back, “please, don't cry, I’m here and you have been saved.”

“Yes, I am the Prince.” He uncovered his face, his eyes were teary and his beautiful lips were trembling, “I can't be rescued, he is a wizard, he has power and his son does as well, he is a heartless Lord, he enchanted me. When the sun rises I turn into a Swan and when the Sun goes down, I turned into my shape.” He cried again.

“What— then what can I do?” Jongin rubbed the back of his neck, feeling awkward. 

“I don't know, if my father knew and came here, he will enchant him as well, and I cannot do that, I need to escape.”

“Then, come with me!” 

“No, his son; Kyungsoo must be somewhere here, he turns into a Black Swan just to watch me, I cannot do this alone, I tried many times to run away but the Black Swan attacked me, and I’m so scared.”

Jongin couldn't help but embracing the crying prince. “I’m sorry for what happened to you, I will help you, I promise, I just need to draw a plan.”

The Prince nodded. “Thank you, and don't tell anyone.”

“Don't worry.” Jongin was still embracing him.

The Prince felt safe, he cried again, couldn't believe he would be rescued. “Now, go, be careful, don't let anyone see you around.” The Prince looked up at Jongin, whose heart throbbed strongly, he loved these eyes and lips, he couldn't leave, but he had to, he only touched the Prince's cheeks and promised him. “I will be back.”

“I will wait for you, “ he looked down, bashfully, “Again, be careful, The Black Swan flies in the sky and see everything.”

They said Goodbye with fluttering hearts.

Indeed, The black Swan was smart and mischievous, it was hiding in the wood, watching them with its red eyes, because of its dark feather, it was unnoticed, The Black Swan; Kyungsoo couldn't take his eyes off that Nobleman, seeing him with Prince Jungwoo had awakened something in his core, he couldn't figure what was it, therefore, he didn't stop Jongin, he let him go, so he would come back again and Kyungsoo would be able to see him again.










“I think I’m in love.” Jongin hit the table of the bar with his forehead and murmured, almost drunk, “I’m in love with a Swan.”

Chanyeol and Suho laughed hard, they ignored him and continued playing chess. “I can't forget his beautiful eyes, I never thought seeing someone crying would be a magnificent sight.” Jongin lifted his head and looked at them, busy playing. He thought if he should tell them or not! They wouldn't believe him anyway! What if the White Swan was a dream! He couldn't stop thinking. “I should be sure he wasn't a dream.” 

At Midnight, Jongin sneaked outside and rode his horse towards the Lake, his heart was beating louder than the rocking of the horse's hooves. He reined his horse one mile before the lake and tied its rein to the trunk of the tree. He slunk forwards, eyes fixed on the far Lake, he was about to stumble, he didn't stop, he moved magnetically. And there the White Swan was swimming alone, head down and eyes closed.

“Jungwoo.” Jongin whispered.

The Swan looked at him and it flapped its white wings, turning into the beautiful Prince, he ran to Jongin and embraced him. “I thought you were a dream.” Jongin sighed in relief.

The Prince smiled shyly, Jongin tucked away the hair strands of his forehead and kissed it. The Prince’s eyes widened. 

“I’m—Sorry.” Jongin wasn't sorry.

The Prince smiled and sat on the Grass. “Don't be.” He stared at the Lake. Jongin sat next to him.

“Tell me your story!” He asked Jungwoo.

“I’m a Prince, Nothing special about me,” he shrugged.

Jongin liked how humble he was. “How did he kidnap you?”

“I was asleep, looks like one of the Maids helped him for money.” The Prince looked at Jongin, his eyes were shimmering with tears, “he wants to Marry me.”

“What!?” Little small lines appeared between Jongin’s brows.

“He loves me, the Wizard.. His name is Lord Yoo, he owns this huge land, he lives here alone with his son, I heard he has married several times and all of his wives and husbands disappeared mysteriously.”

Jongin held the Prince’s hand. “I will get you out of here, I promise.” 

“You should wait until his trip.” Said The Prince.


“After two weeks,” the Prince blushed, “you can think about a plan during this time.” 

“I will come here every night, do you mind that?” Said Jongin, eyes sparkling like the Water of the Lake.

“No, I don't mind.” He smiled shyly.



The Black Swan; Kyungsoo, was watching them again, he was sitting on a thick Tree branch. He was listening to their conversation with a cold face, every time he tried to interrupt them, he couldn't, because he wanted to watch Jongin, speaking happily and laughing softly with Jungwoo, by the Lake and under the stars. He watched them getting closer and closer, he saw the Love in their eyes and whispers. He watched them for several days, that night, Jungwoo kissed Jongin’s lips, a fast and chaste kiss, Jongin was surprised, he smiled happily. “Do it again.” He grabbed Jungwoo’s hands.

“I’m too shy.” He lowered his eyes, looking at Jongin’s lips, “this is my first kiss.”

Jongin squeezed the Prince’s hand. “Does this mean you are a ?”

“Yes.” The Prince’s cheeks turned red.

“I’m too! I mean, half .” He chuckled.

“How?” Jungwoo laughed softly.

“Once, a girl my d—.” He looked down, feeling his blood boiling in his veins.

Jungwoo pouted.

Jongin smiled. “You will be my first, I want to marry you.”

Jungwoo’s mouth dropped open. “Jongin! Are you serious!?”

“Yes, I love you.” He smiled, eyes extremely tender.

Jungwoo cried quietly and hugged Jongin. 


Kyungsoo, who was there, in his usual place watching them, couldn't bear seeing their passionate embrace, he hissed and jumped off the tree, he threw a stone into the Lake to break their hug, Jungwoo shuddered and freaked out. “Go, now.” He said to Jongin, who stood up hastily and left him with an aching heart.


Kyungsoo’s heart filled with ire and wrath. Was he jealous! Even if he was, he wouldn't admit it, he was a prideful person. He was eating dinner with his father and Jungwoo, whose head was down as always. Eating quietly and never look at the Lord's eyes.

“He doesn't try to run again! Right?” Said the Lord to his son. 

Kyungsoo knew he hadn't tried yet, but he wanted him to suffer, he wanted him to get hurt, actually, Kyungsoo hadn't cared about him before, he wasn't against him or with him either. Somehow, after watching him several times with that Nobleman, he began to hate him. Therefore, he answered. “Yes, he did.”

Jungwoo’s eyes widened, he shook his head. “I didn't!”

Kyungsoo put down his fork and looked at Jungwoo with heartless expression. “Yes, you did.” He said it, stressing on every word.

“No! Please.” Jungwoo cried, knowing the Lord would prison him in the tower, he had been there many times, but this time he begged to be forgiven even though he was innocent. If he went to the tower, he wouldn't be able to see Jongin, and he would wait for him there by the Lake.

Jungwoo tried to resist the guard who came to take him. He got angry when Jungwoo stomped on his shoes, he slapped him and shook him angrily, then he dragged him out. Kyungsoo drank his wine quietly while Jungwoo was screaming and begging for forgiveness.

Kyungsoo looked at the fire burning in the fireplace, he stayed there with his father eating dinner slowly. He knew Jongin must have arrived there and he was waiting to see the White Swan swimming there. 

Kyungsoo wiped his mouth with the white napkin. “I’m full, Goodnight.” His father nodded to him. He didn't go to his room, he left the castle and sneaked into the wood, he found Jongin there as he had predicted. The Nobleman was throwing stones, waiting for the Prince who was crying there in the tower.


Kyungsoo shifted into the Black Swan and flew above the heads of the trees, then he landed on the Lake, swimming towards Jongin, whose eyes popped out. He stepped back, he wanted to run, Jungwoo warned him about the Black Swan, he told him he was the Lord’s son. Accordingly, he swallowed hard and stood straight. “Where is Jungwoo?” He knew something bad happened to Jungwoo or he wouldn't miss their date.

The Black Swan stopped in front of Jongin. The Nobleman gazed at the Black Swan, studying the Black feather, the red eyes and beak. It was beautiful and it had the aura of prestige around it.

“Where is Jungwoo?” Jongin asked once more.

The Black Swan looked in his eyes deeply, then it shifted into a handsome boy, Jongin could see red sparkles around him as he just switched into his human form. Jongin’s heart thudded in his chest. The look in the boy’s eyes made him freeze, he couldn't flinch or blink.

“My father prisoned him.”Said Kyungsoo with an extremely cold face.

“What? Why!!” Jongin stepped closer.

“I don't know.” Kyungsoo’s face was expressionless, still, Jongin loved it, he couldn't take his eyes off him!

“Do something! Please.” He tried to touch Kyungsoo’s hand.

“Don't come closer,” Kyungsoo slapped his hand, “and don't comeback here again or I will tell father about you.”

“No, no, please.”

When Kyungsoo saw Jongin’s pleading eyes, an earthquake hit his heart, his heart cracked and shook violently.  “I will not help you.” Kyungsoo glared at Jongin then he turned into the Black Swan and flew away. 

“No, WAIT!” Jongin bit his lower lip and walked in circles, thinking about anything he could do, but he just went back home and lay on bed, thinking all night about the poor White Swan. He barely slept, he couldn't wait for the midnight, he went to the Lake and waited there for hours, then he went back home broken-hearted.  Kyungsoo saw him there again, he was sitting on the tree branch, holding his heart, feeling all of his body shaking because of the strength of his heartbeats. Suddenly, while he was watching Jongin, Jongin turned around and saw him there, he looked at Kyungsoo with a sad and frustrated face. Kyungsoo froze in his place. He paralyzed. Jongin walked closer, Kyungsoo couldn't think straight, he was about to shift into the Black Swan, but he slipped and fell off the tree, luckily, Jongin was there for him. He caught him and they fell together on the ground. 

Kyungsoo opened his eyes and saw himself laying upon Jongin’s body, who was looking at him. Kyungsoo’s face flushed, he tried to move, but Jongin wrapped his arms around him, holding him tightly, “First, tell me where is Jungwoo.” Kyungsoo felt he was fun into a deep hole, led him to the summer season, in an unknown place, full of hundred suns, he was burning, he was sinking into a beautiful radiant light. “Leave me.” He gasped, trying to push Jongin; whose back was on the grass and his arms around Kyungsoo’s waist.

“No, I won’t release you until you tell me where is he.” Jongin frowned, but his frown disappeared when Kyungsoo uttered.

“Then don't release me.” Kyungsoo gasped.

Jongin’s heart bloated with unknown feelings, he felt his heart would break out of his chest and fly up like a sky-lantern. He felt Kyungsoo’s chest going up and down. He felt the whole cells of his body blossomed like a rose. If Kyungsoo was the Summer, then Jongin was the Spring.

Slowly, Kyungsoo moved his eyes from Jongin’s eyes to his lips, they both were breathing heavily. Jongin lifted his head up and Kyungsoo leaned down, their mouths slightly open, their lips brushed softly, they didn't seal them, the just inhaled each other's breaths, and thus, they were in each other's veins. It was three seconds, but it seemed longer, Kyungsoo couldn't resist the soft and warm lips, he pressed their lips together and moved his head slowly. Jongin responded after a second of hesitation, he passionately slammed their lips together, opening their mouths, eating each other's lips with shaking hearts.  Abruptly, Kyungsoo stopped and pushed Jongin, he wiped the corner of his mouth and smirked. “You are easily fooled, such a chump.” He turned into the Black Swan, Jongin placed his hand on his heart, was he afraid? Why his heart was ringing like an alarm bell!! “That Damn black Swan,  is such a wicked creature.” He said while watching the Black Swan disappearing into the lake fog like a phantom.  The Black Swan fell in front of the castle, couldn't fly, couldn't breathe, couldn't see anything but that Nobleman’s face. “What is this pain!” Kyungsoo threw himself in bed, and Looked at the tower through his window. Knowing Jungwoo was crying there.













The following day, Lord Yoo missed Jungwoo, therefore, he asked the guards to release him. Jungwoo was delighted, he couldn't complain or pull a face in front of the Lord, he just wanted to behave himself, therefore, the Lord wouldn't take him to the tower again. When Kyungsoo entered the dining room, he paused for a brief moment, looking at Jungwoo there, free and happy, Kyungsoo knew he must be elated like that because he wanted to meet the Nobleman; Jongin. He sat around the table and didn't look at Jungwoo at all; whose appearance was clean and neat, his hair still wet and his face was graceful. He stared at his reflection on the flower vase for a while as he lost his appetite.

At midnight, he followed Jungwoo with stealthy footsteps. He hid behind the tree trunk, looking at him running towards Jongin.

When Jongin heard the footsteps sound, he looked back, thinking it was that wicked Black Swan, but it was Jungwoo! Jongin’s eyes brightened, he opened his arms and embraced him tightly. He closed his eyes, relieved. But, he didn't know why he felt as if he was hugging that boy, the wicked one with sharp and round eyes, thick brows and black hair, Jongin didn't know how every detail of his features had been printed on his mind. He only saw him for a minute or two, but their faces were too close, too close to be erased.

“Are you okay! Are you hurt?” Jongin checked

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0 points #1
Chapter 86: I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed it.. PERFECT 👍🏻
Chapter 86: Magnificent 💕
kaisoolengzkie141214 #3
Chapter 86: you continuously amaze me💚💛❤️I really loved your works…
Chapter 86: I feel like I watched a movie😍Wow!!
Chapter 86: Another wonderful story ❤️
Chapter 85: Yay, I finally finished reading this story.
I kept stopping & starting & repeat.
I am happy I was able to wrap it up this morning.

I hate the fact Jongin was a total jerk to Kyungsoo to spite his father, because Jongin actually needed counseling and not to be mistreated further by his father, esp since he was still grieving his mother's death.

Kyungsoo didn't deserve to suffer from Jongin's misdirected anger at all, and truth be told, Jongin didn't deserve him either.

Okay, I didn’t care much for Jongin's father because of how he treated Jongin unfairly & terribly.
He kinda ruined the story for me.

Even at the end with Jongin's father improved behavior & acceptance of Kyungsoo & Jongin's union, it still wasn't enough for me to forgive Jongin's father.

I am glad Jongin's father finally came to his senses, though.

Thank goodness for the special individuals that supported Kyungsoo & Jongin throughout the story, because they needed a strong support system, esp when they were facing such issues.

Congratulations to the lovebirds [KaiSoo] who were able to resolve their issues, find a common ground, express their true feelings, & maintain a strong bond throughout their hardships.
I wish them a long healthy & happy life together.

❤️Author Sun-Gee, thank you for continuing to write various stories for your diverse readers, and I feel there's a story for everyone.

🙏🏼Have a great rest of the day & weekend.

P.S. Please don't ever delete my favorite stories, because I enjoy rereading them in between stories.
Chapter 86: I somehow thought that Kyungsoo is half Tyloon, half human with his eagerness to go to their land. But dear, after each time i read your wonderful stories, i always come up with a question. How does your mind work? Its incredible! The story, the plotline, characters, settings, the twists.. you are magnificently amazing dear. Thank you for sharing your talent with us. Love you dear!
Chapter 86: Just wanna say you are my favorite author 💕
Chapter 86: Such a plot twist with Soo being not only half Tyloon but also the leader's son!!! That's one of the reasons I love your creations so much, my dear friend, each & every story is so wonderfully crafted to keep you very engaged & with so many surprises in store for the reader!!! Thank you for another wonderful story!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jinu86 #10
Chapter 86: Power of love kaisoo❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Always amazing story dese, thank you dear ❤❤❤❤❤❤