The Sky isn’t Blue/Love triangle/SudoXKaisoo

Kaisoo Oneshot collection
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Jongin refused to surrender to his love for Kyungsoo, meanwhile Suho confessed his Love to Kyungsoo first.  Jongin denialed his feelings for years. Would he regret it?


~~oneshot~~ 12000 words

°° SudoXKaisoo/ love triangle/homophobia/ Drama/ romance/ first Love/ poem/ Secret love letters/ End gameKaisoo♥️


~Love is like a whirlpool, it can drown you, or leads you to the shore.~


                              ~~The Sky Isn't Blue ~~

Kyungsoo waited for Jongin at the restaurant. Suho and Minseok were already there. “Don’t order until he comes.” Kyungsoo warned him.

“He is late, and I’m hungry.” Minseok was holding the menu. 

“We are sophomores now,” said Suho proudly.” we need to celebrate right away.”

“Yeah, we deserve it, it was a hard year.” Minseok nodded.

Kyungsoo ignored them. “Jongin must be stuck in traffic,” he checked the time, then he noticed Suho’s cigarette box beside his cellphone. “Suho, please don’t smoke when Jongin is around, he is trying to quit.” 

“Ya! Why the hell should I care!!” Suho grumbled.

“It’s just— we are his friends, we should support him, okay!” Said Kyungsoo.

Minseok smiled. “Actually. You want him to quit, you think he is trying, but he isn’t trying.”

“Yeah!” Suho nodded, “he smoked with me last night.”

“He did!!!” Kyungsoo blinked at him.


A boy with caramel tone skin arrived. He had a beautiful, soft, brown hair and dreamy eyes, his voice was deep. “Yes! I did, I’m sorry.”

Kyungsoo turned over, he pouted. “You promised me.”

“I’m trying.” Jongin sat beside Minseok and grinned, “what did you order?”

“Nothing, Kyungsoo made us wait for you.” Suho rolled his eyes.

“Are you jealous?” Jongin smirked.

“No!” Suho blushed, “wh-why would I be j-jealous!”

“Everyone should get jealous when it comes to Kyungsoo.” Jongin rubbed Kyungsoo’s hair to . 

Kyungsoo pushed Jongin’s hand. “Come on! Stop!” Kyungsoo laughed shyly. 

The waiter came in, holding a pen and a notebook. Kyungsoo immediately gave Jongin the menu.  He chose the meal for him and for Jongin since Jongin couldn’t decide. Kyungsoo smiled, watching Jongin while he was eating his meal. When he finished his food, Kyungsoo sighed in relief and tapped on Jongin’s head. “Good boy.”

“I am.” Jongin grinned while wiping his mouth with a napkin.

“Then don’t smoke.” Said Kyungsoo.

“I’m trying just for you!!” He put the napkin down.

Minseok was watching them. “You look like a married couple.” He chuckled.

Kyungsoo blushed. “I’m just taking care of my friend!”

Suho sulked. “Why haven’t you asked me to stop smoking as well? Don’t you care about my health too?” 

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and didn’t answer Suho.

Once they separated, Jongin went to his apartment with his roommate Suho. And Kyungsoo went to his apartment with Minseok. They all lived near the university; where they supposed to start their third semester. 







Kyungsoo was cooking for Jongin and Suho; in their apartment. He looked over his shoulder. “Jongin! Stop drinking beer! Dinner is ready.”

“I am drinking beer too! Don’t you want me to stop as well, so I can eat your cooking!!” Said Suho.

“Why are you always like this?” Kyungsoo pouted. “You annoy me.” The short boy laid the stew on the table, and the spoons too. He put some for Jongin and then for himself.

Minseok and Suho smirked, feeling jealous of Jongin. Kyungsoo had always treated him like a prince and ignored them! 

After they had watched a tv-show and finished the dinner, Kyungsoo asked minseok to clean the dishes with him. However, Jongin stood up and rolled his sleeves. “I’ll help you.” 

“No, you go and rest.” Said Kyungsoo with a delightful glint in his eyes, “Minseok will help me.”

“But I want to do that.” Jongin tucked his soft hair behind his ear, and leaned towards Kyungsoo to get one of the dishes, his chest was too close from Kyungsoo’s face, his heart screamed and throbbed madly. He wanted to kiss Jongin’s shoulder and embrace him, but he couldn’t, they were only friends; well; from Jongin’s point of view.


Kyungsoo had loved Jongin from the first time he saw him, it was a love at first sight. He was too confused, he didn’t think he would fall in love with a man!! He wasn’t into men at all! But he fell in love with Jongin to the point that he was ready to die for him, he was ready to do anything for Jongin. Kyungsoo used to be extremely nervous whenever he was around Jongin, he would sweat and tremble, but as time went on, he got used to be with Jongin, and he stuck with him all day. Kyungsoo was sure that Jongin didn’t suspect his love, that was the reason why he was too comfortable with him. He was sure that  Jongin would be disgusted with him if he knew that he loved him, thus, he promised himself that he would never show Jongin his feelings, and he would confine them within his heart.


Perhaps Suho was the only one; who noticed Kyungsoo’s passion towards Jongin. He had no idea if Kyungsoo was in love with Jongin or not, but he was sure that Jongin was so special to Kyungsoo, and it made him burn inside since he always failed to attract Kyungsoo’s attention, his attempts to get Kyungsoo’s heed was all in vain. Obviously, taking care of Jongin and be sure he was fine and happy were all what Kyungsoo was doing; Suho was quite devastated by this fact.

However, what Suho and Kyungsoo didn’t know that Jongin was into Kyungsoo, and he wouldn’t survive one day without him, he always wanted Kyungsoo to be by his side and it would frustrate him if he saw Kyungsoo taking care of someone else than him. He believed that Kyungsoo was his, and no one should take him away from him, he was Jongin’s treasure and secret obsession. However, his feeling towards Kyungsoo had scared him, he believed that a man shouldn’t fall for another man, he thought it was wrong, and he didn’t want to be in that position. He never understood the guys; who left the y girls and went after the men! He couldn’t figure it out until he met Kyungsoo. He didn’t want to share Kyungsoo with anyone, and yes, he didn’t want to have him too, he didn’t want to fall for a male just like him. The idea of being with Kyungsoo had frightened him, and excited him at the same time. He hated how he had an inner conflict; that sometimes had made him stay awake all night, thinking how to solve his own complicated feelings. He didn’t want to show it or surrender to his heart, he convinced himself that Kyungsoo was only a friend; whom he used to have around, and be spoiled by him. He thought that he could live without him, he could continue his day without him; but he knew he was lying to himself. 






Suho rubbed the pen against his hair while thinking, he wasn’t studying; he was busy wondering about something else. “Jongin,” he looked over his shoulder at the boy; who was lying on the couch, wearing glasses and holding a book.

“Kyungsoo has never been with a girl before.”

Jongin gazed at Suho. “So!”

“Do you think he doesn’t like girls! I have never seen him check one of them as we do!” Suho stated.

Jongin’s brows furrowed. “You mean he likes boys?”

“Yeah! Maybe he is gay?” Said Suho.

Jongin shook his head. “He isn’t.” Jongin didn’t want to believe that; it would only make him surrender to Kyungsoo.

“What if he is gay,” Suho pushed his chair and stared at Jongin, “aren’t we supposed to stand by his side as his friends!?”

Jongin lowered his head. “I don’t know, maybe we should...”

“Should what?” Suho seemed eager to hear what Jongin was about to say.

“We should advise him,” Jongin sighed, “being gay will only complicate his life.”

Suho frowned. “If he is gay, I want to be his partner.”

Jongin’s eyes widened. 

He didn’t speak a word.

Suho stood up, he said with shaking hands. “I—don’t like boys, but Kyungsoo is so special, everyone loves him!! I do....” Suho’s chest went up and down, “if he is g—gay, I will stand by his side, and ask him to date me, I want him to know he is not alone.”

Jongin put down his book and took his glasses off, he rubbed his eyes. “You—“ he avoided looking at Suho, “you don’t want him to feel alone! Or you love him?”

“Both.” Suho swallowed hard.

Jongin sighed. “Is this a joke?”

“No! I’m dead serious.”

“So! Are you gay?” Jongin tilted his head.

“I might be! I don’t know!” He lifted his shoulders up, “I can be if I want to!”

“Well.. Don’t tell him, unless you are sure about his uality.” Said Jongin, holding his book again.

“Tell me, do you think he loves you?” Suho asked.

“What!! Me!!! No!!” Jongin gulped and shook his head, “no way, I wish he doesn’t love me!!”

“Good,”Suho grinned, “then he is mine.”

He looked again at his desk and tried to study, but he turned around and asked Jongin. “What are you thinking about?”

“Nothing! I’m studying.” Said Jongin.

“Your books in upside down!!”

Immediately. Jongin fixed his book. “I’m sleepy, I—I need to sleep.” He put down the book, and went to his bedroom; absently. 






It was their first day of college after a short break.

“Jongin, let me fix your shirt.” Kyungsoo stopped Jongin while they were walking in the campus. Jongin stared at Kyungsoo as he was fixing his shirt; his heartbeat raced.

A girl came by and checked them, she smiled and walked away. 

Jongin opened his mouth to speak, but he just shut his mouth.  He smiled at Kyungsoo. “Thank you.”

Kyungsoo patted on Jongin’s chest. “Now, you look better.”

Jongin blushed. Kyungsoo walked beside him.



“Don’t you want to date a girl! That girl,” he tilted his head, “she was checking you.”

Kyungsoo blinked. “Ah.. No,” he explained, “I want to focus on my studies.”

“Oh, it makes sense.” Jongin nodded.

Jongin smiled happily while staring at the building; which they were heading to. He thought ‘Seemingly, Kyungsoo doesn’t like girls!!’ Jongin’s heart throbbed.. ‘Why am I happy’!! He lowered his head, trying to find a reasonable answer for that feeling.. He was still in his first stage of denial.  Jongin kept staring at Kyungsoo all the periods of the lecture, he thought that Kyungsoo was really handsome! And he had beautiful eyes and y lips. 

With each passing day, Jongin became more aware of Kyungsoo’s beauty and moves, he loved how Kyungsoo slowly blinked, how he moved his hands while talking, and how he always bit his nails when he was thinking about something. He enjoyed watching Kyungsoo cook, study, talk or do nothing. He always loved to stare at Kyungsoo, and smile like a silly boy whenever he saw something funny Kyungsoo had done. Jongin knew it was an unhealthy thing to fall for a male like him; Kyungsoo, and he was afraid to spill it out. That was why he was confused and puzzled when Suho talked freely about that; Love between two boys. For Jongin it was a forbidden thing to feel or talk about.

In fact, he envied Suho for talking confidently about that taboo thing. 


Suho wasn’t only Jongin’s roommate, he was his cousin; who embraced him when his mother had died, he was the one who gave Jongin money to buy ice-cream, and caressed his hair when he cried, he was the one who chased the boys who annoyed Jongin, and the one who slept beside him when he got scared of thunder. He was like Jongin’s mother, who died when he was 7 years old. He lived with his father and his sisters; whom he adored. Therefore, the idea of taking something Suho wanted had troubled him. 

Therefore, Jongin thought it was better for him, he would get rid of his complicated feelings when Suho would be with Kyungsoo; if Kyungsoo was really gay. He was sure that he would feel better when Kyungsoo would be taken by with Suho, he would do anything to see his cousin and best friend happy; Suho. 

Jongin thought that Suho would love Kyungsoo and Kyungsoo would love him back. It would be their story; not his.

He sighed in relief at his current idea as it made him relax.






While Jongin was listening to the professor, and turning the pages, a yellow piece of paper fell out of his book. He opened it. He squinted his eyes to read the small handwriting. 


“You don’t know how handsome you are, I love you.”


Jongin blinked, he looked around. “What the hell?” He cocked his head, thinking. He hid the paper between the pages and scratched his chin. “Who is it?” He took the paper again. He wrote under the Love confession


"Who are you?"


He put it between the pages and closed the book. He left it there in the classroom, he came two hours later and opened the book, the paper was there, and the secret admire wrote.


“I’m someone who has been in love with you for three years.”


Jongin pouted. “Is this a game?”

He snatched the paper and threw it into the trash can. 

When he met his friends, he didn’t tell them about that strange message. “Where is Kyungsoo?” He asked 

“He has another class.” Said Minseok, lying on the grass, staring at the clouds.

Minseok went home, Suho followed him, meanwhile, Jongin waited for Kyungsoo, sitting on the green grass.

When the boy came, Jongin suggested. “What about studying at the library?”

Kyungsoo nodded. “Although, I’m tired.”


“My back hurts, I studied all night.”

“Let me give you a massage.” Jongin suggested.

“Fine.” Kyungsoo sat on the grass, he turned around against Jongin’s stomach, Jongin gulped, he stared at Kyungsoo’s nape, there were three moles there. It was so beautiful and attractive sight for Jongin’s eyes.

“You have many moles.” He said as he began to massage Kyungsoo’s little shoulders.

“I have more, in my stomach and thighs.” He said with his eyes closed, enjoying Jongin’s massage.

Jongin swallowed hard, he imagined Kyungsoo’s bare stomach and thighs, he shook his head to stop his weird imagination. He tried to distract himself. “Ah, I found a paper in my book.”


“It was a love confession.” Said Jongin with a low voice.

Kyungsoo turned around, he stared into Jongin’s eyes. “Who was it?”

Jongin shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“Well, don’t think about it, maybe it’s a silly game from someone.” Said Kyungsoo.

“What?” Jongin smirked, “are you jealous?”

“Yes!” Said Kyungsoo without hesitation.

Jongin said in surprise. “You are!”

“Yes! I haven’t received one, I wish I had.” Kyungsoo smiled, “a secret admirer is a y thing.” He giggled.

Jongin sighed. He was kind of disappointed. He thought, ‘Did I expect him to be jealous, because someone liked me!! I’m so stupid’  He scolded himself.

Kyungsoo stood up. “Come on, let’s go to the library.”

Jongin nodded.

Kyungsoo offered his hand. 

Jongin grasped it and pushed himself up to stand on his feet; He didn’t want to release Kyungsoo’s little hand. 

When Jongin touched his hand, Kyungsoo’s heart thundered within him, he cleared his throat and walked beside Jongin with a fluttering heart.

Jongin kept thinking about Kyungsoo’s wish to have a secret admirer, thus, when Kyungsoo went to the bathroom, Jongin ripped a piece of paper from his notebook, he wrote. 


“Your eyes shine like a beautiful full moon, don’t close them, leaving me in the dark, always look at me, only me.”


Jongin’s hand shuddered as he hid it in Kyungsoo’s book. He took a deep breath when Kyungsoo came in. Although he thought about taking it back, but he just let it rest there.







When Kyungsoo went to Suho’s apartment to make dinner for Jongin, Jongin asked him. “So, did you finish your studying?”

“I did.” Kyungsoo was cooking.

Jongin asked. “Did you read all the chapters?”

“Yes! Why?”

Jongin bit his inner cheek, he thought that Kyungsoo hadn’t seen the paper yet.

After they had finished their dinner, Suho suggested. “What about going to the new restaurant? It’s Minseok’s aunt and she will give us a free meal.”

“Great!” Said Kyungsoo.

“But, I want you to cook—“ Jongin had been interrupted by Suho.

“Don’t be selfish! Give him a break!!”

“It’s fine.” Kyungsoo smiled.

“Come on, let’s clean the dishes.” Said Suho, dragging Kyungsoo with him.

Jongin sulked while seeing Suho giggling and talking with Kyungsoo, he was too close that their shoulders had brushed whenever they moved. “I’m going to sleep, good night.” Said Jongin with a pout.

“Yeah, good night.” Kyungsoo said it carelessly as he talked with Suho again.

Jongin frowned, he went to his room and slammed the door behind him, he threw his body in the bed and hissed. “Did he find the paper and he didn’t tell me? Or he hasn’t seen it yet?”

The following morning. When Kyungsoo went to buy something from the cafeteria with Suho, Jongin snatched Kyungsoo’s book; he checked the chapter; where he had put the paper, and he didn’t find it there! He grumbled. “Why didn’t he tell me? I told him about mine!!”

He cut a paper off his notebook and wrote. 


“Don’t ignore me, my heart hurts.”


He crumpled the paper and threw it, he wrote another one. 

“Your ignorance is delicious, like your lips.”


Jongin threw that paper too. “What the hell am I doing?”He uttered, “I just wanted to make his wish come true, why am I so excited!!” He hissed and placed Kyungsoo’s book in his bag.


In the evening, they went to the restaurant, Kyungsoo, Minseok, Jongin and Suho. 

Jongin couldn’t stop staring at Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo smiled when their eyes met; Jongin’s heart pounded.

Once they were heading home, Kyungsoo held Jongin’s hand. “Guys, you leave, I need to talk to Jongin.”

Suho’s eyes widened. He felt there was something going on that he had no idea about it. “I’ll wait for you.” Said Suho.

“It’s fine, just leave.” Kyungsoo waited for him and Minseok to leave.

When they did, he turned around and faced Jongin. “Are you playing games with me?”

Jongin blinked. “Me? No!”

Kyungsoo narrowed his eyes. “I know you wrote that paper! I saw you before going to the bathroom at the library.”

Jongin’s eyes popped out.

“Tell me! Do you like me?” Kyungsoo swallowed.

“No.” Jongin shook his head.

“Please, don’t lie.” Kyungsoo lowered his head and tightened his grip around Jongin’s hand.

Jongin gazed at the street and pulled his hand. “I don’t like you! I mean,” he looked at Kyungsoo, “I do, as a friend.”

“Then why did you write that poem?”

“Because—“ Jongin gulped, his throat went dry, “because—“

“Is it because I wrote that love confession for you!!”

“You—you wrote that?” 

“Yes, I put the note in your book, I didn’t know that you would find out it was me, I promised myself that—“

“Stop! Stop.” Jongin put his hands before Kyungsoo. 

“What?” Kyungsoo’s lips trembled.

“It’s a poem I read somewhere, and I wrote it, because you wished to have a secret admirer, that’s it.”

“Are you a secret admirer?” Kyungsoo’s voice quivered.

“No.” Jongin looked down.

“Then, there is no need to continue your stupid game.” 

“Actually, Suh—Suho likes you.”

Kyungsoo blinked at Jongin. He shook his head. “I tell you I love you and you tell me Suho loves me!! Huh.” He went off, hitting Jongin’s shoulder with his. 







That night, when Jongin came back alone; after being with Kyungsoo; he was quite brokenhearted. 

“I received a love confession from Kyungsoo, and I asked him to stop talking when he tried to speak his heart out!” He hit his head with his palms, “stupid! Stupid.” He cursed himself.

He wanted to punch the wall and break it. He wanted to scream, he wanted to rush back to Kyungsoo, but what would he say anyway! He didn’t want to get involved in a gay relationship , and he didn’t want to take Kyungsoo from Suho; he couldn’t. But he really wanted to reply the time and tell Kyungsoo that he liked him too, and he wrote that poem from his heart for him.

He stared at the moon and uttered what he had written on the paper. “Your eyes shine like a beautiful full moon, don’t close them, leaving me in the dark, always look at me, only me.” He whispered. “Only me.”

Suho knocked the door and got into the room. “What’s wrong with you?”

Jongin shook his head. “Nothing.”

“What happened! What did you talk about with Kyungsoo?”


“SPEAK!!” Suho shouted impatiently.

“I’m sorry, I—“ Jongin didn’t know what to say, he lied, “he asked me about you, if you like him or not.”

Suho put his hand on his mouth. “Wh-what did you say?”

“I said.. Yes.” Jongin looked down at the floor.

Suho smiled, then frowned, then he smiled, totally confused. “What did he say?”

“Nothing, but he didn’t seem like he hated the idea... “Jongin pressed his lips into a thin line, “I feel terrible,” he embraced Suho and cried on his shoulders.

Suho smiled and embraced Jongin back. “It’s okay! Don’t cry, Man!”

Actually, Jongin was crying, because he knew he hurt Kyungsoo, because he lied about his feeling, and he pushed Kyungsoo; the amazing boy away; he was scared, he couldn’t bear the idea of seeing Kyungsoo angry at him, he couldn’t imagine that Kyungsoo may change and give him a cold shoulder. He wouldn’t be able to breathe. It was such a depressing night, Jongin barely slept.








It was a cold night, Kyungsoo was standing by the window, he stared at the street with teary eyes. “Suho likes me?” He wondered. “I don’t know.... But I know that Jongin doesn’t like me.” He embraced his body with his arms and stared at the city lights, shaking in the horizon.

Sadly. Kyungsoo couldn’t pull his heart away from Jongin, the following day, he acted like there was nothing wrong. “Let’s forget about what had happened last night, okay!” He said to Jongin.

“I’m so sorry, Kyungsoo... Thank you for giving me a chance,” he placed his hand on Kyungsoo’s shoulder. In fact, Jongin was about to fly, because of the happiness he got from Kyungsoo’s good heart. 

However, Kyungsoo stepped back, didn’t want to be touched by Jongin. It would only break his heart to feel his touch without feeling his love; which in Kyungsoo’s point of view; it didn’t exist.


Suho sat next to Kyungsoo in the classroom. “What did you tell Jongin? He came back with a sad face and he went to his room without talking to me!” Suho couldn’t wait to hear Kyungsoo’s thoughts.

Kyungsoo swallowed hard, he wanted to lie, but he couldn’t. “Jongin told me that you like me.”

“He— did?” Suho stuttered, and pretended that he didn’t know.

“Yes.” Kyungsoo looked down, fumbling with his notebook. 

“Are y-you gay?” Suho tilted his head, trying to see Kyungsoo’s expression.

“I think so.” Kyungsoo didn’t look up at Suho.

“I really like you,” with a shuddering hand, he held Kyungsoo’s hand and suggested. “We should give us a try, don’t you think so!” Suho asked with a beating heart, “ do you like me too?”

Kyungsoo shook his head. “I don’t know, but— I really want to date someone, I want— to have someone to love, someone who cares about me.”

Suho smiled broadly. “I want to be that person, let me love you, give me a chance.” Suho pleaded.

“Fine, but— if we didn’t work out, we should separate peacefully, no hard feelings.”

“Of course! And we will be friends again.” Suho grinned, his palm on the back of Kyungsoo’s hand.

“I’ve been single all of my life, I haven’t dated anyone before, and I’m excited to date someone.”

“It’s me, don’t say someone, now it’s me.” Suho pressed his hand on Kyungsoo’s and smiled.

“Don’t tell our friends, not now.” Kyungsoo ordered.

“Of course, as you wish.” Suho wanted to kiss Kyungsoo; he was sad; Suho couldn’t figure why! He thought maybe a kiss would cheer him up, but they were in the classroom and they weren’t alone. 

Kyungsoo sighed, he smiled at Suho. “Thank you.”







 Kyungsoo stared at his reflection in the mirror. It was hard to date a friend. It had been three years since he met Suho. He always felt that Suho had a particular passion towards him, he noticed how Suho always got jealous of Jongin, and how he tried to get his attention, but he hadn’t thought it was a real love! He hadn’t thought about it since he didn’t care that much about Suho, and all what he was focusing on was Jongin.

“Could friendship turns into Love?” Kyungsoo asked Minseok.

“The heart changes like the weather, it’s unpredictable, so I guess my answer is yes.” Minseok smiled; Kyungsoo had finally told him about what happened between him and Jongin, and the conversation he had with Suho.

“I knew Suho was in love with you, it was obvious, just like how you were in love with Jongin.”

Kyungsoo was drinking tea, he paused, holding the cup in surprise.

“I’m not stupid, I’ve noticed everything.” Minseok shrugged and smiled.

“Um, do you think it’s a bad idea to date Suho?”


“Minseok, be honest.”

“I am!”

“Are you sure?”

“No, but my guts tell me that he will make you happy.”

Kyungsoo put down his cup. “I really want to be happy, and have someone by my side.”

“Then, you have found the one! Suho.”

“I think he is handsome and good at heart, but I’m nervous..”

“I know, it’s a normal thing.”

“I cannot imagine myself kissing him!”

“You will kiss him and you will love it.”


“Because he has a y lips, and soft eyes.” Minseok grinned.

Kyungsoo smiled. “I agree.”


The following day, Jongin arrived early, Kyungsoo was there too. He didn’t tell him about Suho and his decision. He didn’t tell him that he would have a date with Suho a few hours later.

“How are you?”

“I’m fine, Kyungsoo was barely able to look at Jongin. “And you?”

“I’m good,” Jongin sighed, “again, I’m sorry for—“

“Stop, I said let’s forget about it.” Kyungsoo forced a smile.

Jongin nodded, with a sad expression. “Okay.”

Jongin rubbed his hair. “So!”


“Did you talk with Suho?”

“About what?”

“Ah, Nothing.”

Kyungsoo opened his notebook and began to write. Jongin asked. “Are you going to come today? To cook something delicious.”

“I’ll try, I have to study.”

Jongin’s heart throbbed. Kyungsoo had changed! Was he trying to avoid him or he was really busy!? Jongin couldn’t find an answer. 







Kyungsoo wore a black tight jeans and blue shirt, he went to the cafe; where he supposed to meet Suho. He smiled when Suho came in with a red rose.

“What a romantic move.” Kyungsoo smiled.

“I know, I’m trying to be romantic.” Suho giggled. He sat around the table. “What about ordering ice cream!”

“Why not!” Kyungsoo smiled.

They talked about the college while waiting for the ice cream. And then, when they were eating it with pink spoons. Suho confessed. “ I loved you after I saw you cooking, and I loved you more when I saw your amazing and mature personality.”

Kyungsoo smiled. He the spoon. “And?”

Suho beamed. “Ya! Don’t do this!”

“Do what?”

“ the spoon like this! You make me .” Suho said it shamelessly.

Kyungsoo blushed. “Okay! I didn’t mean to lure you.”

“I want to your whole body.” Suho smiled.

“Okay! Stop.”

“Why! You are my boyfriend now.”

“Ah... Right.” Actually, Kyungsoo got excited.

“My kiss will be your first kiss, am I right?” Suho already knew the answer, but he wanted to brag.

“Yes! You are so full of yourself!” Kyungsoo hadn’t seen that side of Suho’s personality. He was surprised and he liked how Suho was sassy and naughty.

“Let’s go,” he put money on the table and held Kyungsoo’s hand. He dragged him out of the cafe, they went to an empty and dark passageway behind the cafe, instantly, Suho pushed Kyungsoo against the wall and kissed him softly. The smell of coffee and fresh cake wafted with the night breeze. Kyungsoo found his hand resting on Suho’s back as he moved his lips with Suho’s. After a minute of kissing, Kyungsoo pu

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Chapter 86: I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed it.. PERFECT 👍🏻
Chapter 86: Magnificent 💕
kaisoolengzkie141214 #3
Chapter 86: you continuously amaze me💚💛❤️I really loved your works…
Chapter 86: I feel like I watched a movie😍Wow!!
Chapter 86: Another wonderful story ❤️
Chapter 85: Yay, I finally finished reading this story.
I kept stopping & starting & repeat.
I am happy I was able to wrap it up this morning.

I hate the fact Jongin was a total jerk to Kyungsoo to spite his father, because Jongin actually needed counseling and not to be mistreated further by his father, esp since he was still grieving his mother's death.

Kyungsoo didn't deserve to suffer from Jongin's misdirected anger at all, and truth be told, Jongin didn't deserve him either.

Okay, I didn’t care much for Jongin's father because of how he treated Jongin unfairly & terribly.
He kinda ruined the story for me.

Even at the end with Jongin's father improved behavior & acceptance of Kyungsoo & Jongin's union, it still wasn't enough for me to forgive Jongin's father.

I am glad Jongin's father finally came to his senses, though.

Thank goodness for the special individuals that supported Kyungsoo & Jongin throughout the story, because they needed a strong support system, esp when they were facing such issues.

Congratulations to the lovebirds [KaiSoo] who were able to resolve their issues, find a common ground, express their true feelings, & maintain a strong bond throughout their hardships.
I wish them a long healthy & happy life together.

❤️Author Sun-Gee, thank you for continuing to write various stories for your diverse readers, and I feel there's a story for everyone.

🙏🏼Have a great rest of the day & weekend.

P.S. Please don't ever delete my favorite stories, because I enjoy rereading them in between stories.
Chapter 86: I somehow thought that Kyungsoo is half Tyloon, half human with his eagerness to go to their land. But dear, after each time i read your wonderful stories, i always come up with a question. How does your mind work? Its incredible! The story, the plotline, characters, settings, the twists.. you are magnificently amazing dear. Thank you for sharing your talent with us. Love you dear!
Chapter 86: Just wanna say you are my favorite author 💕
Chapter 86: Such a plot twist with Soo being not only half Tyloon but also the leader's son!!! That's one of the reasons I love your creations so much, my dear friend, each & every story is so wonderfully crafted to keep you very engaged & with so many surprises in store for the reader!!! Thank you for another wonderful story!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jinu86 #10
Chapter 86: Power of love kaisoo❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Always amazing story dese, thank you dear ❤❤❤❤❤❤