
Pink and Blue Rainbows

Wendy likes a lot of strange stuff.

Ever since she was young, she had always been quite odd. She remembered trying to shave her tongue and putting deodorant all over it, too. Her pet iguana couldn’t change colour to save its life but she loves her Iggy with all her heart despite its imperfections. She enjoys eating ice cream during winter and likes eating ice cubes as well. Maybe she’s a literal snowman.

Another weird thing she liked is irritating the hell out of a certain girl who she also happened to like, who also turned out to be the oddest girl ever.

Bae Joohyun is peculiar. Her excellent looks is misleading. Despite looking like a total angel, the girl actually has a thing for butts; plump and cute ones. She has a habit of sniffing other people, which would be creepy if her beauty isn’t so distracting. An enigmatic aura had always been around her with her calm and quiet demeanor—

“I’m telling you, it should be purple!”

—well, maybe not always.

Wendy shook her head defiantly, “No, unnie. It should be black.”

Joohyun frowned at her and she obnoxiously smiled in return, “Son Seungwan, what kind of a Christmas card is black?”

“Exactly my point!” she spread her hands dramatically, “It would make our card unique!”

“You’re crazy.”

“Crazily brilliant, yes.”

“Ugh,” Joohyun exasperatedly ran her hand through her jet black hair, looking thoroughly done, “Why are you so annoying?”

“Why are you so short?” Wendy retorted, keeping up with the light banter she secretly enjoyed. Seeing Joohyun’s diverse expressions was thrilling. It’s a refreshing change from her usual tranquillity. And she likes the fact that only she can break through the Bae Joohyun’s perpetual calm.

“Excuse me, but I’m actually taller than you.” Joohyun is aggravated now, breathing heavily through her nose like a dragon. Wendy thinks it’s cute.

“Yeah. Taller by, what, two centimetres?”

“Why you little—”

"Why don't you guys discuss this matter quietly?" seated between them, Seulgi suggested. Her ears have been hurting, thanks to the bickering two. If there’s anyone going home battered and bruised from this fight, it would be her. "You've been yelling at each other for half an hour now,"

"She started it!" Wendy pointed an accusing finger at Joohyun who is immediately outraged.

"Excuse me?! I started it? Well, I'm sorry, miss but you're the one giving odd suggestions!" Joohyun fired back.

"You were asking for suggestions and I was merely offering you mine! The card should be black!"

"Okay then," Joohyun folded her arms across her chest indignantly. "If you can give me one valid reason why the card should be black except for that lame excuse of being unique—"

"Being unique does count,"

"—then I'll agree to have our card colored black."

Wendy tapped her chin and narrowed her eyes, pretending to think. "Well, there's this major valid reason..."

"Let's hear it then," Joohyun challenged.

"It's actually a top secret but black..." Wendy leaned closer, cupping a hand near as she whispered, " actually quite pretty, don’t you think? You rock the black hair, by the way."

Joohyun looks like she’s about to explode, "SON SEUNGWAN!”

Wendy laughed her most irritating laugh and did her best to dodge the unidentified flying objects thrown towards her by a certain furious brunette. She’s having so much fun. Joohyun is very fun to tease, though she knew she'd end up dying if he kept this up.

At the end of the day, she’d end up submitting anyway to whatever Joohyun wanted anyway. It had always been that way.


Getting hit by most of the stuff chucked to the younger girl, Seulgi spoke up, irked. "Why don't you two kiss and make up?"

Well that settled things quite neatly.

Wendy can feel her blood rushing up to her cheeks, heartbeat racing at the mere thought. Curse raging hormones and vast imaginations. Curse the pituitary gland and its unpronouncable hormones. 

"That's gross!" she blurted out without thinking.

She regrets having said it but there it is, out in the open. The look on Joohyun’s face was...well, there isn’t any. It was blank, void of any emotions. And hell if that isn’t scarier than her angry face. At least she looked cute when she's furious. Not that she didn't look cute with a stoic expression. She still did look cute. But scary.

"What?" she tried to stop but it’s uncontrollable. What if she notices that she likes her? No. She has to erase every single evidence available. "Don't you think so? I mean, kissing you? Pff. That's just a major, capital E-W. EW."

Someone please stop her. Forgive her of her sins for she knows not what she's doing.

Joohyun’s face remained stoic. Clearly, she is not amused.

"We are so not going to use the color black," she announced with a tone of finality, "End.Of.Discussion."

After that, Joohyun constantly ignored her as though her existence is as visible as the air. Wendy wondered if she had said anything wrong.

Wendy tried to continue pestering her as usual but she was steadfast in disregarding her. By the moment their afternoon class started, she finally gave up. Perhaps she needs some space. After all, that's what every women in the movies want, right? I need space, they always said. If so then she'd give her all the space that she need.

The bell for dismissal finally rang and students dispersed out of the room like a toilet bowl being flushed. Of course, she didn't fail to notice Joohyun swinging her bag over her shoulder and walking out. Wendy hoped they would be fine tomorrow and she would stop ignoring her.

By the time the toilet that is the classroom door was unclogged, Wendy took off, excited to get home and hit the showers and eat a lot and sleep until tomorrow. She nodded along with her plan. She would do that, all right. It’s a good and sound plan.

And that plan started to go wrong by the time she exited the campus.

In a narrow alley a block from school, a girl in uniform leaned casually against the lamp post, swinging her bag casually.

Wendy stopped in her tracks, “Unnie?” she called, worried. It’s getting quite dark. “What are you doing still here? It’s dangerous to go home late alone.”

Joohyun stopped swinging her bag and turned, "Ah, finally. What took you so long?" she pulled away from the lamp post and started to advance to her. Wendy instinctively stepped back. She was looking at her with such an intense gaze and with that bag in her hand that she hefted like a lethal weapon, how could she not cower?


Joohyun grinned ominously. "I've been waiting for you,"

In a flash, Wendy found herself pinned against the nearby wall with Joohyun’s face in such a close distance. Her heart picked up pace. Oh does she smell good. The older girl smelled like a pleasant combination of lavender and home.

Trying to keep up with the nonchalant image she always maintained, Wendy cleared and tried to ignore the warmth creeping to her cheeks. She started to ramble, not quite able to meet Joohyun’s eyes.

"Wh-What are you doing, unnie? And why are you holding your bag like that? You're not seriously going to beat me up with that, are you—"

Joohyun was still looking up at her with that unreadable expression.

She swung her bag.

Wendy inhaled sharply and shut her eyes, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry I promise I won't do it again, your highness. Please spare me—"

Joohyun giggled.

Wendy opened her eyes and blinked, trying to process the sound and failing to operate thanks to the sight of Joohyun beaming so brightly at her.

"You really ramble too much for someone who tries so hard to act cool," she said, her smile turning into something softer, a fond look settling in her eyes, "Luckily, I do find it cute."

Before Wendy can process any of that, Joohyun dropped the bag with a thud and placed her hands on her shoulders, firmly pushing her against the wall. She stepped between her legs, face growing nearer and nearer to the younger girl’s. Wendy stayed still and held her breath, completely failing to function at that point.

And then it happened.

Oh my god.

She felt soft lips hesitantly touch hers for a second or two. Before she could even blink, Joohyun leaned back in and gave her a proper, thorough kiss. Wendy’s knees turned gooey. Her stomach felt funny. Her heart did all sort of exhibitions.


By the time Joohyun pulled away, Wendy was running out of breath. Her face was on fire. What had just happened? Did she really..?

Joohyun chose that moment to flash Wendy’s favourite cheeky lopsided grin, pleasure of victory twinkling in her eyes and whatever was left of Wendy’s brain cells gave up on working altogether.

"Now, that wasn't so gross, was it?"

With that, she picked up her bag and skipped away as though she hadn't just kissed her senseless.


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16 streak #1
Chapter 1: I remember reading this a long time ago and still gives me the same feels soo cuteee
Gowther75 #2
Chapter 2: seulgi has a point, tho it's dirty HAHAHA
1702 streak #3
Chapter 2: Hahaha Wannie so funny
ReVeLuvyyy #4
Chapter 2: Ah this is cut off in a fun moment TT
saida_spriteu #5
Chapter 2: lmao hahhahhaa the last part tho ?
Favebolous 14 streak #6
Chapter 2: Hei
RoyalSone #7
Chapter 2: This is cute. I hope you update soon authornim
pattinium #8
Chapter 2: This is so much fun to read lol
Seizue #9
Chapter 2: Omg, when is the next update!? Oh god, I’m curious if Irene feel the same attraction to wendy.
weninkorea #10
Chapter 2: Seulgi actually had a great point and good comparison! I love it, seulgi for president 2k19!