
Push and Pull

A luxurious black sedan pulled over by the entrance of the Park Enterprises building and every employee stops whatever they were doing to stand in attention, ready to greet the important newcomer. Two women in black suits stepped out, one of them rushing to open the door to the backseat while the other prepares an umbrella to block the offending sun.

A leg emerged first, expensive Prada heels touching the asphalt, before the woman finally stepped out; a two-hundred dollar sunglasses resting on the bridge of her nose, a thousand dollar velvet coat on her shoulders, and a ten-thousand dollar purse in her hand.

The daughter of Park Enterprises' chariman and the company's chief executive officer: 

Joy Park.

The employees bowed. 

Instantly, the two women in black flanked her sides, following her inside the building. People watched on with awe. 

The woman's daily arrival had always been something the employees of Park Enterprises looked forward to everyday for it was truly an experience, seeing not just one but three gorgeous women strut around. It was like a scene from a drama how their heels would clack rhythmically and how the air would blow their hair. 

Some of the employees had even started making a little secret fanclub and sometimes fights in their Kakao group about which of Chief Executive Park's bodyguards looked hotter.

Joy Park herself knew all of these but she let them be. It was harmless, she decided. Besides, her guards were indeed hot.  

"Are you listening, Chief Executive?"

Joy snapped out of her thoughts and blinked at the woman standing in front of her desk, frowning down at her. 

Damn hot, alright.

She cleared and looked elsewhere, "I'm sorry, what was that, Kang Seulgi-ssi?"

Kang Seulgi, her personal bodyguard slash everything else (P.A, secretary, childhood best friend, crush for over ten years, unrequited love, etc. etc.), gave her a sharp look before tucking a stray strand of hair that managed to escape her low ponytail behind her ear and re-read the contents of the folder.

"Today, you have a lunch meeting with Atty. Ha for that property you're planning to buy and this afternoon, there's a meeting with the board of directors regarding the new product President Son is proposing-"

Joy interrupted with a huff. "Do I have to?" she stared point blank at the woman.

Seulgi stared back, just as stoic. "Yes, maam. I'm afraid you have to. The chairman will be there."

Joy snorted humorlessly and gestured Seulgi to continue.

"After that, Ms. Kim Yerim is demanding that you accompany your, I quote, favorite cousin, to the mall."

"She demanded." Joy deadpanned. 

Seulgi nodded. "She demanded."

Joy shook her head, a small smile on her lips, "Okay, that sounds just like her. Continue."

"Lastly, you'll have to take President Son out on a date tonight. I recommend a romantic candlelight dinner at Pierre Gagnaire à Séoul. They have a great collection of fine wine." Seulgi closed the folder, "That's all for your schedule today."

Joy scoffed and glared at Seulgi, "Was that a joke."

Seulgi smiled and it was amazing how her eyes changes completely as it curves into tiny crescents. It was like watching the sun rise and in the warmth that seeped into her previously stoic eyes Joy saw the Seulgi that she knew.

(The Seulgi that she loved.)

(And still does love.)

"Come on, Sooyoung." Seulgi said, professional facade put down as the familiar name rolled out of her tongue in a lighthearted tone. "When was the last time you took Seungwan out on a date?"

Joy rolled her eyes. Nope. Her heart doesn't skip a beat everytime Seulgi calls her by her real name. No, it doesn't. 

"I've never and will never take Seungwan-unnie out on a date."

Her friend's smile turned resigned, expecting her reaction. "Why not? She's your fiance and she really likes you, Sooyoung-ah."

"But I don't." Joy retorted, raking her fingers through her dark hair in frustration. They've been arguing over this since forever. "She's a great friend and all but I don't like her that way, unnie. You of all people should know that." she pointedly looked at Seulgi, a little hurt and sadness lining her eyes.

Seulgi's smile vanished. She cleared and tried to smile again but this time, she looked constipated. She sighed, giving up on feigning innocence. 

"You're right," she said with a nod. "But Seungwan would be really happy if you ask her out."

"What about you?" 


"Would you be happy if I ask you out?"

Seulgi blinked before chuckling bitterly, shaking her head. "I-" she opened to say something only to take it back, clenching her jaw and fists. 

I would be happier. Heck, I'd be the happiest, she had almost replied.

Instead, she smiled big and wide that her eyes crinkled and her teeth showed and her cheeks hurt but not as much as the pain in her chest.

But I can't. I can't, Sooyoung-ah.

"You already know my answer to that."

Joy hid behind her scoff. "No, I don't." she lied. "Don't get ahead of yourself. It's not like I'd ever date you."

Seulgi chuckled. "Right." she stepped back and straightened up, humor draining out of her face as she slips her professionality back on. "Then, I shall not waste any more of your time. Ms. Bae will be right outside your office if you need her. I'll be taking my leave now." she bowed and proceeded to exit Joy's office. 

The younger girl watched the woman leave, just as she had countless times before. 

And just like back then, again and again, she couldn't do anything to make her stay. 



SW Holdings' President Wendy Son's presence in the Park Enterprises' main building has become a norm. 

She skips cheerfully inside the building as though she owns it, never failing to greet everyone she crosses paths with and almost never empty handed. Today, she brought a box of cake with a cute ribbon on top in her fiance's favorite color: green.

The employees found her amusing, finding themselves looking forward to what she would bring everyday. Some days it would be an overwhelming giant teddy bear, a huge box of chocolates or a big bouquet of roses. Other days, like today, it would be simple homemade cakes and pastries. 

Oh, they all love her too. She is kind and friendly and most importantly, she doesn't only bring gifts to her boss but also never forgets to include the staff. Everyone in Park Enterprises receives a different gift everyday and they love it. 

"Good morning, President Son." the elevator boy greeted as the said woman entered the metallic box. "Seeing the chief executive, as usual?"

Wendy smiled, "Good morning too, Hyunwoo-oppa." she regards everyone by comfortably, her big brain convenient for storing all those names and matching them with faces. "Yep, I'm visiting Sooyoung again today." she chirped, bouncing on the balls of her feet excitedly as the elevator went up.

"You made her cake this time, maam?"

"Yup!" Wendy grinned, "It's carrot cake. I plan on eating it together with Sooyoungie and maybe sip some tea." she suddenly jolted, remembering something, "Oh, right! I also made some cookies for everyone with your names on it. I left it in the break room, as usual."

The elevator boy laughed, "As expected, you have a kind heart, Miss Son. Thank you, in behalf of everyone."

Wendy chuckled and elbowed him playfully, "Don't mention it. You people here are family already." 

"If you don't mind me asking, how do you do it?" he asked, "How do you find time to bake such a huge number of perfect pastries all by yourself? 

Wendy shrugged. "I make time for it. When I'm free, I go and bake though sometimes, I clear my schedule to knead some dough. When I'm busy, then that's when you get those factory bread you guys keep complaining about." she laughed. 

He laughed along, "Can't help it if your baking is the best, President Son."

"Why, I'm flattered." the metal doors then slid open, "Well, this is me. Nice talking to you, oppa."

The man smiled and bowed politely in reply as she walked out of the elevator, walking straight to the only door in the floor with a spring on her steps. Oh, she couldn't wait to see her beloved Sooyoung. She missed her dearly.

What could her Sooyoung be wearing today? Would she be wearing that green dress Wendy bought her the other day? How did she style her hair? Will she be delighted with the cake?

Oh, I can't wait--

Wendy abruptly paused before entering the office to look at the woman standing alert on her post, her bright demeanor dampening.

Wendy got along well with everyone. Except for one (1) woman. 

"Seeing that you're here, I guess it's safe to assume that Sooyoung's inside?"

The woman didn't even bother to look at her.

"I wouldn't be guarding an empty office now, would I, President Son?"

Wendy's left eye twitched. She was usually the reincarnation of Mother Theresa but this woman always gets on her nerve. From the day she first saw her, she knew she'd dislike her. Though she only wears light makeup and a boring low ponytail, her beauty still shines like a ing loud beacon. What's her deal?

Bae Joohyun is a woman that's a little too overdosed with beauty. And Wendy is irritated by that. She's even too short and petite for a bodyguard! Her fiance's life might be in jeopardy because of the chick! And who knows her attractive  might somehow charm her precious Sooyoung and sweep her off her feet? Darn, Wendy is annoyed, all right.

Also, Bae Joohyun had the tendency to be a sarcastic around her and only her.


"Whatever, smartass." with a huff, Wendy stomped into her fiance's office, heels clacking furiously.

When the door slammed close and Bae Joohyun heard her client's muffled indignant voice ("Unnie, don't you know how to knock?"), she allowed herself to crack a smile and let out a small snort. 

"Silly girl." she muttered under her breath just before her earpiece beeped. 

"Bae Joohyun-ssi." Joy Park's voice sounded exasperated and though she had only spoken her name, Joohyun knew what it meant. Pushing down her laughter, she tapped on her earpiece. 

"Yes, maam." 

The woman smoothly entered the office and found the chief executive massaging her temples with a frown while her fiance stood beside her with a dejected pout, staring sadly at the box in her hand. Just like always. Joohyun could never understand how Wendy Son could put up with such a douchebag. 

Oh well, it isn't in her job description to know and she'd rather not. Rich families are messy.

She briefly bowed to the chief executive before facing the pouting woman only to find the pout gone and replaced by a glare directed right at her. 

"Are you going to drag me out again?" 

"I've never and will not disrespect you like that, maam." replied Joohyun with a straight face. 

One of Wendy Son's expressive brows shot up, "You've never? Then what have you been doing since you were hired?"

"Following the chief executive's orders." Joohyun answered without missing a beat. She gracefully gestured to the door with her arm. "Please, Ms. Son, this way,"

The woman merely crossed her arms and frowned at her, making it clear that she'd stand her ground before turning to her fiance who had watched their exchange without much of a reaction. 

"Sooyoung-ah, you can't keep on doing this to me." Wendy Son whined. 

"Yes I can, unnie. Especially if you're being in the way of work." Joy Park shot back monotonously.

"It's just cake and tea! Can't you spare some time for that?"

Joy Park nodded at the piling paperwork on her desk in reply before cocking her head at Joohyun to get the job done. 

At the signal, Joohyun stepped forward and tried again. Better to do this civilly first. If she fights back, then she'll resort to force. 

"Ms. Son-"

"I am not leaving."

Joohyun took a deep breath. I applied to be a bodyguard. Not a ing babysitter.

"You leave me no choice." she approaches the woman with large strides and in no time takes her in her arms from behind, holding tight on her wrists despite the latter's attempts of fighting back, though she got to admit, this girl is strong.

"You-" Wendy Son thrashed, "You said-ugh!"

Joohyun bowed at Joy Park, "We'll be taking our leave." she formally announced before dragging the woman out of the office. 

After a lot of cursing and squirming, they finally stepped out and Wendy Son instantly broke out of her hold. Joohyun calmly returns to her post, ignoring the glare of the fuming lady. 

"You." Wendy Son pointed a threatening finger at her. "I don't like you." she said before turning on her heels and storming to the elevator which would've been a grand exit only that the elevator was still down at the ground floor and she would have to wait for the metal doors to slide open. 

Joohyun bit back a smile because it was such a Wendy Son thing to happen. She had witnessed some of her epic fail moments.

And much later, despite the proclamation of dislike, she would discover a bag of cookies with her name written on it waiting for her in the break room

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ReVeLuvyyy #1
Chapter 1: You wont update? :(
Chapter 1: Awesome start! Can’t wait to see their dynamic unfold
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 1: I want more
Chapter 1: Wow great start. I wanna know more about this story. Keep it up! :)
Chapter 1: still waiting on this :(
Seizue #6
Chapter 1: Aww cute. <3
I hope you continue this fic author. TT
Roseary102 #7
Chapter 1: Please continiue i love it
weninkorea #8
Chapter 1: Omg please continue this! And I wish you a happy new year!
Chapter 1: I promise to follow this fic if you're continuing it, author-nim!
Chapter 1: I. Like. It.