Of family issues

Always, Only Yours
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A/n: Hi everyone, thank you so much for the reviews of the last chapter. Here I am with chapter 26, I hope it’s okay. It went through a lot of revisions but this is ultimately the best I could do, I think? Please enjoy 



If anyone had seen Kang Sooyoung as she prepared herself to go over to her sister’s house for dinner, No one could have anticipated that just the day before the alpha had a breakdown of sorts. 


“You seem to be in a good mood.” Seungwan smiles as she wraps her arms around her wife from behind.


“Yeah, look at this.” Sooyoung shows her the article. “My latest collection is sold out already, and we might need to open up another boutique already in Seoul.” The alpha beams. “At this rate, I’ll have as many locations as you have bakeries.”


The omega nods and is happy to see her wife in a good mood. “Next stop the world.”


“Oh, completely.” She agrees. “One city at a time, anyways enough about business. How are you? Are you sure you’re feeling well.”


Seungwan had to admit that Sooyoung has been asking about her more. She will ask her how she’s feeling and while that does make the omega feel at least appreciated and cared for. It can still be conflicting when deep down Seungwan knows that Sooyoung isn’t thrilled yet about their child. 


“I’m fine, and I can’t wait to see Seul and Joohyun. You know they’ll have that honeymoon glow about them, so they’ll be all sweet and adorable.”


“Sweet and adorable? They’ll probably have that ‘we can’t wait for you to leave, so we can go upstairs and have ’ vibe going on. That’s what I’d be like anyway after a romantic trip.”


Seungwan laughs and agrees that’s exactly what her wife would be like. Speaking of romantic trips. She wonders if she can convince Sooyoung to take a trip with her somewhere, it doesn’t even have to be anywhere far. Just somewhere they can get out of the city for a few days, while she still feels up to the trip. Most of all, Seungwan is hoping to just have the alone time to reconnect more with the woman she loves. Now, it really didn’t seem like the time to ask. They also had to finish getting ready to go have dinner with Seulgi and Joohyun.


“That’s exactly what you would want, Soo. Now, are you almost ready to go over to their house?”


Sooyoung looked down at her nice dress shirt and jeans. She would say she’s as ready as she’s going to be. All in all, the alpha is looking forward to seeing her sister. She’s even looking forward to seeing Joohyun too. It would be nice to just have dinner and catch up, without it being about something sad or potentially dramatic.


“I’m ready. We can leave when you’re ready to go, Wan.”


“I just need to make a few calls and take the brownies I made out from the pan. They should be cool by the time I get off the phone.”


“Hey, why don’t you handle your calls. I can take the brownies out of the pan for you.”


The blonde’s mouth drops. Did Sooyoung just offer her help? Seungwan isn’t sure if she should pinch herself or not. Perhaps she should anyway just to be sure. 


“What, what’s wrong?”


“Nothing’s wrong. But are you sure? I mean it’s not as simple as it looks.”


At this the taller woman laughs. “How hard can it be, brownies are out of the oven,  shovel them out, put them in a fancy dish.”


Seungwan laughs too, mostly because her mate is ridiculous. “S-Sure, just be careful okay. Those brownies are for everyone after we eat dinner.”


“Yeah, no problem, Wan. I completely got this.”


After all, how hard can it be to remove some brownies from a pan. It wasn’t like Sooyoung was being asked to perform brain surgery or anything. The alpha looked down at the pan that was resting on the kitchen counter. How many times had she seen Seungwan do this? Too many times to count, and so Sooyoung knew she could do this too. 


“Alright, take brownies out the pan. No problem.”


It took about two minutes before the dark-haired woman realized very quickly there was a problem.


“Why the are they breaking!” Sooyoung screamed at the first sight of cracks. Brownies shouldn’t be breaking. The more she cut into the brownies the more they broke, and Sooyoung was half way about to look for some frosting to try and cover the cracks.


“Not cool, brownies! Not freaking cool!” 


She paced around the kitchen and tried to think of a way to fix it. She was a designer for god's sake.


“Okay, okay… alright…” She was definitely panicking now, and unknowing to her Seungwan was looking at her from the entrance with an amused smile on her face. Before long, Seungwan could not really stand much more. She had to rescue the poor woman before she had a total meltdown.


“Not as easy as you thought, huh?”


“S-Seungwan, what are you doing here?”


“I live here remember?”


“I mean, yea but…” Sooyoung moves to stand in front of the brownies to hide the damage. Her wife gently moves her aside and inspects the damage, though they are cracked in places. They still appear to be edible and Seungwan knows for a fact that they are since she did make them. 


“So were you mad at my brownies or…”


“No!” The taller woman shook her head in the negative. “They weren’t cooperating with me. I tried to be nice.”


Seungwan chuckles and assures her she’s kidding. “Don’t worry. They aren’t that bad. I’ll finish cutting them, and you can help me put them into the dish, alright?”


“Alright, sure.”


Sooyoung does feel a little badly that it turned out this way. All she wanted to do was help and it seemed like even something as small as this made things worse. As Seungwan passed her the brownies to place in the ceramic dish. The shorter woman grabbed a hold of her hand and leaned up to kiss her lips.


“Hey, it’s really okay. Don’t feel bad because of this, things happen. I really do appreciate that you offered to help me.”


“Well, it would have been nice if I actually helped. But you’re welcome.”


“It means a lot to me you offered, Soo. So thank you.” 


“You’re welcome, Wan. They don’t look too bad now that you’ve finished cutting them.”


“All it takes is some teamwork sometimes, you know?” She gently bumps shoulders with her wife and the alpha gives a nod of understanding. Afterwards, the now salvaged brownies are properly stored into the ceramic dish. The couple finish getting ready so they can go have dinner with Seulgi and Joohyun. 


“I’m really sorry about your brownies again, Wan.” Sooyoung tells her again with a soft whisper as they head out to the alpha’s car. 


“You’re fine.” Seungwan promises and hugs her. “Now, if you ruin a cake, then I draw the line.”


Sooyoung smiles just a bit. She does appreciate how kind her wife is being. Though, Seungwan is always kind. Sooyoung is sure she’s never met a kinder person in her life. Well, her mother. But that is an entirely different story and situation. 


“Fair enough, I’ll leave the cakes to you.” The taller woman chuckles and hugs her. “Thanks, Wan, really.”


“Of course, now please don’t worry because I packed a backup dessert just in case. So we should be fine. Let’s go meet Seul and Joohyun now.”


“You think of everything, I’m not even surprised. Come on, let’s go. I’m really eager to see my sister and Joohyun too.”



Joohyun stood in the kitchen of her house with an amused expression on her face, as she watched her mate who normally was the epitome of calm and cool appear to be on the verge of a mini freak out of sorts.


“Is this too much sauce, or not enough sauce?” Seulgi whispered out loud. 




“No, no it’s okay. Don’t help me. I said I’d prepare at least one dish on my own without your help, so if you help me it’s cheating.”


“O-Okay, Seul. I won’t help.”


Seulgi had been absolutely adorable to her when she came home from work earlier. As tired as Seulgi had appeared. The alpha still insisted on helping her with dinner, and then saying she’d like to make one meal all on her own without any help from Joohyun. Of course, the omega was trying her best the whole time trying not to offer any assistance at all. That wasn’t exactly easy, not because Seulgi hadn’t come a long way from her days of not cooking at all. Because her wife surely has come quite a ways from those days from not knowing where anything had been in her own kitchen. Thanks to Joohyun’s help. Still, when you love someone you just want to help. Joohyun calmed herself down because she knew that’s what Seulgi’s goal ultimately was.


She wanted to help by cooking meals too, to ease some of the burden. Joohyun also knows that one day it’s her alpha’s goal to attempt to surprise her with a full cooked meal all on her own, this is possibly her attempt one dish at a time. It’s sweet and who is Joohyun to deny Seulgi this.


“Needs more of something?” Seulgi looked too cute in deep thought, as she tried to determine what dish needed to spruce it up. 


“Honey?” Joohyun can’t resist in that moment and at least walks over to touch her adorable round-shaped cheeks. “Why are you so cute?”


“Cute?” The taller woman blinks, like this is the first time she’s ever heard the words cute. “I’m not…” Then she looks embarrassed which only proves Joohyun’s point all the more.


“You’re so cute. Don’t deny it. Now, since you have this all handled.” She refers to Seulgi’s dish. “I’m just going to run upstairs and grab the gifts we bought for Sooyoung and Seungwan from our trip. I’ll be right back.” The omega leans up for Seulgi’s lips and leaves a quick kiss before heading up to their bedroom. In a moment, Seulgi would probably lose it if she didn’t figure out what was wrong with the dish she made. All the other dishes she and Joohyun made together were delicious and sat waiting to be eaten on the dining table.


So how come she felt so unconfident because she tried one solely on her own? Seulgi sighed heavily and attempted to taste the dish again. It needed something, but what?


“More salt, maybe a dash of pepper? No, not really.” Why was cooking so complicated? Seulgi knew she couldn’t stand here looking at her dish all evening, not when Sooyoung and Seungwan were on the way. 


“When in doubt, add meat.” The alpha came to her conclusion of adding some of the leftover sliced pork to her dish. Upon tasting it, Seulgi felt like it was now as good as it would ever be. Just in time too, because Joohyun came back with the bag of gifts they had bought from Japan.


“Are you okay now, Seul?” She can’t help to chuckle. “No more mini breakdowns?”


“No more mini breakdowns.” Seulgi promises, and leaves a kiss on her wife’s forehead. One kiss is usually never enough and with one look it leads to more. Seulgi can’t get enough of her mate, and the same is true for Joohyun. She absolutely can’t get enough of Seulgi either. 


“How did we get here?” Seulgi wonders when she realizes Joohyun now has her against the kitchen wall. When did that happen? Either way, Joohyun’s lips are addicting and in a minute she might want to take her upstairs. Only, of course there is the doorbell meaning Sooyoung and Seungwan are here. Both women break free and sigh.


“Looks like they’re here now.”


“I know,” Joohyun agrees. “Later?” She says hopefully.


“Later.” Naturally, they could resume this later, and all the alpha thought about was being upstairs with her wife. She’d have to put all those thoughts aside for now, because in a few minutes her sister and best friend would be inside their house. Joohyun goes to open the door, and makes sure she looks acceptable enough. Not like she was just heavily making out with her wife.


“Hi, you two.” Joohyun greets them warmly. “It’s so good to see you both.”


“Hi, Joohyun.” Seungwan is the first to respond and hugs her fellow omega. “It’s great to see you too. Thank you for having us.”


“Thanks for inviting us.” The alpha agrees and hugs her sister-in-law. “Where’s my sister, did she get stuck working or…”


“Nope.” Seulgi smiles and comes out from the kitchen. “I’m right here. It’s great to see you, sis, and you too, Wan. Hyun and I are so glad you could come over tonight.”


“Oh, Seul, look at you. Come here, let me hug you, you best friend.” The pregnant omega runs over to Seulgi like she’s not seen her in too long. 


“Hormones I guess?” Sooyoung shrugs, having no other explanation for her wife’s strong reaction to seeing Seulgi. “Anyway, I’m starving so what’s for dinner, sister-in-law dearest?” 


Joohyun looks slightly shocked at the taller woman only to laugh. This is after all, Sooyoung what does she expect.


“Come on, then. Let’s have dinner. Seungwan please don’t cry over Seul, you know how expensive that shirt is.” The raven is only teasing and that makes everyone laugh.


“I’m sorry, but are you okay?” Seungwan whispers to her like she just knows something is troubling the alpha. Seulgi isn’t surprised that Seungwan would be able to tell. This is only her best friend since they were small kids. They do have a bond that is uniquely their own, though never romantic for either of them. It’s still a bond and if either of them ever needed the other's help, they would help with no questions asked. 


“Yeah, I’m fine, Wan. Now tonight is not about worry or stress, especially not for you, mama to be.”


“Yeah, yeah, use my pregnancy as an excuse. But seriously. You can talk to me, you know you can.”


Sooyoung is already opening up the bottle of wine on the table and pouring glasses for everyone. She turns to Joohyun and hands the omega her glass.


“I say we eat without them, what do you think?”


“No!” Joohyun shakes her head. “We can’t do that.”


“Aw, you’re no fun, Joohyun. Look at them having a total love fest over there, the least we can do is eat.”


Joohyun wonders about something. She can hear there’s teasing in her sister-in-law’s voice. So on the one hand it’s possible that Sooyoung is just being her usual self and teasing. And yet there’s always been isolated moments where Sooyoung will make comments about Seulgi and Seungwan. Like in her mind she thinks there’s more to their friendship. 


“Sooyoung, why do you keep making so many jokes about their friendship? Why are you so bothered, it’s clear to me that Seungwan loves you.” It’s only obvious. If the other omega didn’t love her there’s no way she would put up with half of the things she’s put up with. 


Her sister-in-law turns to her with this serious look in her eyes as she holds her wine glass, though doesn't drink it yet. 


“I’m not saying they’d or anything, Joohyun. It’s not like that.” She whispers that part in case either Seungwan or Seulgi are listening, though it doesn’t appear to be the case. Seungwan looks like she’s trying to get Seulgi to talk to her about what she’s going through. Maybe that’s the best friend moment Seungwan has been missing since Seulgi had been out of town for a while. And she hasn’t been able to support her through everything that’s happened with their father’s trial. The alpha supposed she couldn't fault Seungwan for that. She’s kind in that way and her sister is her best friend. Still, she’s always been somehow bothered about them, albeit irrationally perhaps.


“Then what is it like. Please enlighten me.” Joohyun knows she’s getting upset, because she doesn’t like what Sooyoung is possibly implying. The omega calms herself because she knows Seulgi loves her. Seulgi is not looking at any other woman, let alone someone who is her best friend. Furthermore, Seungwan, who she has come to care for very much, is certainly not looking at Seulgi in some way other than as her closest friend. Suddenly there’s a gentle hand on Joohyun’s shoulders and Seulgi might have a smile on her face, but her eyes look serious.


“Is everything okay over here?”


She could not fully hear what they were talking about but she knew from Joohyun’s body language that her mate was getting upset. No one, not even her kid sister would make her wife upset and Seulgi had to see for herself what was happening. 


“Yeah, Joohyun and I were just wondering when you two would get over here so we could finally eat. Nothing to be alarmed about.”


Seulgi didn’t believe her and even when she tried to ask Joohyun. Her wife simply grabbed her hand and shook her head, while her eyes held this look that said ‘now was not the time’ . Seulgi understood immediately because this meant Joohyun was trying to protect Seungwan in this situation. The last thing that should happen is possibly upsetting the pregnant omega because Sooyoung chose to be chaotic in the moment.


“You and your hunger.” The blonde laughs. “Fine, let’s eat. Everything looks so good anyways. You did such a good job with everything, Joohyun.”


“Oh, well actually Seul and I made dinner together, so we did a good job.”


“We make a good team.” Seulgi whispers and kisses her wife’s forehead.


“You let my sister cook!” Sooyoung reacts. “Wan, don’t eat, you’ll be sick.”


“Hey! I'm not nearly as hopeless as I was. Hyun’s been helping me.”


“She’d have to be god himself to help you, sis. No offense.”


For the moment, the atmosphere is light and fun again. Joohyun doesn't fully forget her conversation with Sooyoung earlier, but she can put it aside to enjoy this moment with her family. Joohyun thinks she knows why Sooyoung acts that way, and most likely it has to be insecurity. Not because there’s ever actually been any romantic relationship or hint of one between her wife or Seungwan.


“This is completely delicious.” Seungwan is the one who smiles as she tries the food, despite what her wife says. “Maybe, you could stand to take some cooking lessons, Soo.”


Seulgi grins at the shocked expression on her sister’s face. An expression that seems to turn into one of defeat when she tries the food too, and can’t deny that everything tastes delicious.


“Okay, so maybe my sister can cook now. Stranger things have happened.”


“It’s okay, I know it’ll take some time for you to admit, but once we will be able to tell you enjoyed the food by your empty plate.” The older alpha teases her and both Joohyun and Seungwan agree right away. There is no denying how good dinner is or the fact that Seulgi helped to make everything on the table. There is also nothing like a good meal to bring people together either, as they all manage to have conversations that are fun and lighthearted. Seungwan and Sooyoung ask about how their trip went, and note how happy the couple seem to be.


“You two are so in love.” The blonde smiles and is honestly thrilled for them both. She can’t think of two people who deserve happiness more than them. Seungwan thinks about her best friend who has had her own struggles being Kang Chanyeol’s heir, and what that means. How Seulgi would tell her sometimes that she thought she’d probably end up alone. Those conversations always broke her heart, because her best friend in her opinion was such a catch for any omega. Kind, sweet, gentle, and protective in a way that is not overbearing. She’d only make someone happy and be a wonderful mate to them, something Seungwan made sure to tell Seulgi constantly.


And then she thinks of how much Joohyun had gone through too. Being forced apart from her family, and made to marry a stranger. Of course, she couldn’t have known at the time how wonderful Seulgi was until taking the time to know her. Still, Seungwan could tell that Joohyun was a sweet and loving person too. Someone deserving of love, just like Seulgi. Someone perfect for her best friend, who in turn was perfect for Joohyun too. 


Seungwan knew that if they gave each other a proper chance they’d be fine. 


“I’m really happy for you both.” Sooyoung does at least sound sincere, and neither Seulgi or Joohyun doubt that she is being sincere. 


“Thank you, guys. It’s good to finally find your person.” Seulgi says this in a soft way and it’s directed at her wife. Joohyun is looking at Seulgi in the same exact soft way, and for a moment Sooyoung is expecting a kiss or something. As easy as it would have been for the younger alpha to make a joke, or sister. She found that she just couldn’t.


Sooyoung was honestly happy for Seulgi. All she wanted was her sister to be happy and it had been clear for awhile that Joohyun is who makes her happy. She’s also glad that Joohyun is happy with her sister in return. After dinner, they all sit down to the brownies that Seungwan made, and notice how some of them are particularly butchered while the others are nicely cut.


“There’s no way you cut these, Wan.” Seulgi smiles and looks at her sister, but does grab one of the strangely cut brownies. Since, it’ll taste the same anyway.


“Stupid brownies didn’t want to cooperate.” The dark-haired woman huffed in annoyance. Joohyun laughed and took one of Seungwan’s better cut brownies, if for no reason but to kind of piss her sister-in-law off. She did deserve in anyway after teasing her wife earlier.


“Looks like you shouldn’t be allowed in the kitchen at all, Sooyoung.” 


“I know!” Sooyoung actually agrees. “I’m only good for eating, sorry Wan.”


Her wife then affectionately touches her cheek. “That’s okay, luckily you’re the best at that job, baby.”


And it was nice, dinner was more than nice. Everyone could say they had a nice evening. Seulgi was ready to talk to her sister too. At least, she thought it would be a good time and then when she saw how good of a mood everyone was in. The older alpha wondered if now was the time. The last thing they all needed was to leave dinner on a bad note, not when she could easily have this conversation with her sister later. Seulgi didn’t want to potentially ruin this night, so she decided she’d make plans to meet up with Sooyoung later and talk. 


“Let me give your gifts before you go.” She hears Joohyun speak beside her. With the evening winding down. They were almost clear to a successful drama-free evening, but the monolid woman could feel her sister’s curious gaze on her.


“What?” Seulgi wonders.


“I feel like you want to talk to me, sis. Do you?”


In Sooyoung’s mind she wonders for a moment if Yerim told her about what happened the other day. However, she doesn’t think that’s the case. For one, Seulgi would have probably talked to her already if she knew, and Yerim wouldn’t betray her trust like that unless she felt it to be completely necessary. Either way, Sooyoung knew Seulgi wanted to talk to her.


“It can wait, Soo.” Seulgi puts on her best smile. 


“Are you sure?”


“Yeah, I’m sure. Don’t worry about it.”


“You know when you say that it only makes me think more.”


“Hey,” Seungwan gently intervenes. “We had a nice time tonight. I’m sure you and Seul can talk later about whatever it is, Soo.”


Seeing as how she was outnumbered. Sooyoung agreed and didn’t say anything more, besides Joohyun had gifts in her hand and looked happy about sharing them. 


“We bought you things from our trip. Just a few souvenirs but Seul and I think you’ll like them.”


The raven handed them both their own bag with various gifts, some from the stationary shops she and Seulgi went to. A few more personal gifts too, some they knew both Sooyoung and Seungwan would appreciate. 


“Thank you for bringing us gifts, this was very thoughtful of you.” Seungwan thanked them both. “Next time Soo and I go away, you can certainly expect lots of gifts in return.”


The alpha eyes her curiously. Why did that sound like her mate is planning something? She’ll certainly have to ask about that soon. Because as far as Sooyoung is concerned now is no time to be planning any trips, not with her business taking off in the way it is, and Seungwan being pregnant. 


“It’s getting late, we should probably get going now. But yeah, thank you for the beautiful gifts, sis, Joohyun.”


“You’re welcome. Drive safe, okay.”


Seulgi and Joohyun see the two of them outside and everyone exchanges hugs. It’s overall a successful dinner, possibly the most successful dinner they had to date. And considering their family and how dinners usually go. Seulgi would count this as a win, though the alpha wants to make sure her omega is actually alright. From what she could see earlier Joohyun was upset, or at least getting there.


“Hey, are you okay? I know overall we had a nice dinner with them, but how was my sister upsetting you?”


Joohyun knew this would come up. She expected it too and it’s not like she wouldn’t have probably just mentioned it. Naturally, Seulgi would worry about her and make sure she was actually okay.


“I think you know this already, baby. But your sister is somehow very insecure about your friendship with Seungwan. It’s like you two might as well announce you had a relationship at some point for her to just say she knew it already, understand?”


“Oh….” Seulgi sighs and sits down on the couch. It always comes back to this. Seulgi supposes on the other hand she can understand that when an alpha and an omega are just friends, people would assume that they can’t be that only. That there had to be something ual or an attraction at some point. She also has to consider the fact that it was no secret that her dad and Seungwan’s parents wanted the two of them to be together. They also made no secrets about their disappointment when Seungwan and Sooyoung got married. Seulgi knows that must still affect her sister in some way.


Joohyun sits down with her and holds her hands. “Are you okay, Seul?”


“No, not really. But you know this has been going on since we were teenagers. No matter how many times she and I both tell her we’ve never felt anything romantic, it’s like she just doesn’t get it. You know, she told me before she’d think Seungwan would be better off with me. But I think that was mostly out of her fear of being a sire.”


Somehow, hearing all this doesn’t surprise Joohyun. What she is worried about is how long can this continue? Seulgi is married to her now and they are in love with one another. What is even the point for Sooyoung to still think that her sister could possibly want her wife, or for her wife to want her sister? It doesn’t make sense.


“If she doesn’t deal with those irrational thoughts it’s going to cause major issues, Seul.”


“I know, it will. Because, if she can’t see that I’m a very happily married woman with a wife I adore then I don’t know what else I could do.” Seulgi grabs both of Joohyun’s hands and gives a gentle squeeze. “What matters more is that you don’t let her bother you, and you know where my heart is. You know, don’t you?”


Joohyun did know where Seulgi’s heart was. Someone doesn’t say they love you in the way Seulgi has told her and still tells her and not mean it. Besides, Joohyun knows how much Seulgi loves her in her actions, and it’s more than enough to be reassured. No one is going to make Joohyun doubt her wife’s love for her. And so the omega moves to sit over Seulgi’s lap, with hands on her face.


“I know who your heart belongs to.” She nods with a kiss to her lips. “I’m not worried, baby. I love you too, very much.”


That was more than enough for Seulgi. As long as Joohyun believed and trusted in her then nothing else mattered. Though the alpha worried about what her sister’s insecurity would do to Seungwan most of all. Because at the end of the day it would be her best friend who’d have to deal with it, not her.





Though she wanted very much to suggest a romantic trip away for the two of them. It seemed like everytime Seungwan came any closer to making her suggestion something came up. Sooyoung was busy with work and herself going into her own bakery on the days she felt up to it. The days flew by incredibly fast that the next thing the omega knew it was already Friday. 


“Oh…” Seungwan looked up at the calendar on the desk in her office. She came into the bakery today because she likes working and being home alone is often not fun for her. She knows that she can ask her mother-in-law to come back and stay. However, she doesn’t want to keep asking Jinri to do that when it’s not always necessary. That’s why Seungwan escapes to work especially as she still feels well most days, and her staff are kind and helpful as they always are. 


“Soo has her therapy appointment today.”


Today is her wife’s appointment and today is the day she is going to be able to go with her. It means a lot that Sooyoung agreed to her coming along, because it does mean a lot that she can. Her hope is that today will be the start of what will eventually be the two of them having sessions together. One step at a time, however. 


“Boss, you’ve got a visitor.” One of her staff says with a smile. “I think you’d like to come out and see this one.”


“Someone visiting me, should I be worried?” The omega laughs slightly at her joke. Though surprises can be good and in this case it was a very good one in the form of a good friend of hers, one she hadn’t seen in a long time.


“Taeyeon?” She beamed and saw the famous idol standi

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Andeulea_rv25 #1
Rereading for the nth timeee. Hoping to have a new upd soon :))
73 streak #2
Chapter 13: Damn!!!
73 streak #3
simply-bae #4
Chapter 28: This chapter was definitely loaded, but necessary! I’m looking forward to reading the next chapter :)
Chapter 5: Rereading for the nth time ❤️
Rereading 😁
73 streak #7
Chapter 23: aww the i love you's are so cute😣😔😣😔😣😔😣
73 streak #8
Chapter 17: ridiculous child ijbol
73 streak #9
Hello?? We miss this story.