
Always, Only Yours
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A/N: Hi all, thank you so much for the reviews of the last chapter. I wanted to make sure it’s clear to everyone that I am very grateful for all the support/kind words no matter what. So I do hope that's clear to all of you who have been super kind, supportive, nice and respectful. Grateful of course to the sponsors, whoever has been supportive to me in whatever way they can. I appreciate that so much. I especially wanted to write a thank you in particular to my lovely and truly wonderful friend, MistressofAngst, had it not been for you and your constant help with this fic and so much more, who knows how much more hopeless I would be so thank you for so very much! I love you :)))) And without further ado here’s the next chapter. 


Joohyun must have packed and triple checked her luggage several times. Perhaps it was her anxiety or excitement, either way she was packed and all ready to go. She had even gotten up extra early to make a big breakfast for herself and Seulgi. Her alpha was just as excited and eager as she was to get going. All of their combined luggage was already packed neatly in one of the company cars. A driver from the company patiently waited to take them to the airport. It made the most sense for Seulgi to not drive any of her cars since they would be gone for a week. Joohyun didn’t care about who drove what, as long as she was on her way to Japan with her mate.


“I was so excited for today. I could barely sleep.” Seulgi admits as she pours herself another cup of coffee, taking time to add the cream and sugar to it. 


“I know.” Joohyun agrees with a smile and lightly bumps shoulders with the brunette. “I could feel you tossing and turning.”


“Is that why you turned over to make out with me that many times.”


The raven smiles, slightly red faced. Perhaps she just used that as an excuse to make out with said wife.


“I don’t remember anyone complaining about my kisses.”


“I won’t ever complain about your kisses, Hyun.”


Joohyun smiles and leans into her alpha’s embrace. For a moment she forgets all about breakfast and focuses on Seulgi’s soft lips, citrus scent, and the gentle beating of her heart. She could have sat there at the table just like this had it not been for the fact they had a flight to catch.


“We should get going, Hyun. The jet is scheduled to leave in another hour.”


Unlike the usual times when they fly to Jeju. Seulgi isn’t flying. She has chosen to have one of the company pilots fly one of the other luxury company jets. This would give her the time she needed to simply enjoy the flight with her wife. Perhaps she would even find the courage to tell Joohyun she loved her. The other night as they were double checking their luggage Seulgi almost said so. That moment didn’t feel exactly right either. 


“Okay, I’m ready. I really can’t wait for this trip, Seul.” The omega smiles and Seulgi smiles back just as warmly. Seulgi could not wait for their trip either. It felt like such a long time in the making, and now it was officially getting underway. The couple finished up their breakfast, did the last minute things of shutting off lights, making sure no major appliances were running, though Seulgi’s mom had no problem coming over to check on the house should such a thing become necessary. 


“Do you have everything?” Seulgi asks as one final check before they get ready to head to the airport.


“There’s only one thing I forgot.”


“Oh, what’s that?”


The alpha thinks she’s going to say something like her phone, or an extra bag, anything like that. Seulgi didn’t expect Joohyun to lean up toward her lips and kiss her.


“There, I forgot my kiss.”


Seulgi is momentarily speechless and it’s a cute sight for Joohyun to see. She figured that would do the trick and she thought it was a really sweet gesture. Seulgi thought so as she returned the favor with a kiss of her own.


“Now, I won’t forget to give you mine too. Okay, ready to go?”


“I’m ready.”


They were leaving just in time. Baekhyun's trial is set to begin soon. The last place Seulgi needed to be was here. Not that they couldn’t receive word of it while away. Joohyun just felt it would be a good idea to be away at this time. She was surprised to learn that Sooyoung had volunteered to go to the trial for her. Though, the omega felt grateful too since she did believe that her sister-in-law was doing so out of kindness. 


“Hey.” Joohyun touches her chin and turns Seulgi’s face toward her own. “I just wanted to let you know that I will do all I can to limit how much news we hear while we’re over there. The less stress you’re under the better, baby.”


Seulgi nods in thanks and kisses pale knuckles. She is grateful to Joohyun for offering. The monolid woman suspects that she won’t get away totally without hearing news of some kind, but the less news the better. She will deal with everything when she’s back home. Her vacation is to be spent with her wife.


“Thank you, Hyunnie. I care about us having a good time, that’s what matters most to me. So let’s make a promise together, we leave everything that needs to be dealt with at home at the airport. Does that sound good?”

It sounded like a plan to her. Joohyun wanted the focus to be on them and their trip anyway. Anything else could wait until they returned. With the airport in view, and a promise to leave everything behind here. The couple looked forward even more to their trip. Not only because it meant spending much needed time together away. It meant saying I love you for the first time. To which neither woman knew how or when that would happen. As the car came to a stop, Seulgi reached for her hand.


“Are you ready, Hyun?”


“Yeah, I’m ready, Seul.”



Meanwhile, the younger Kang alpha was sitting down to a very late breakfast and looking through papers. At first glance they looked like any business reports. Only they weren’t. Sooyoung sighs and puts the papers down. Yerim had given her this list of highly recommended clinics and therapists. Her friend had surely done her research too with some background information on each place. This isn’t exactly how she planned to spend her Saturday morning, but here she was. She could feel Seungwan’s gaze on her as her mate picked up the papers.


“They all sound really great, Soo. I mean, you can’t go wrong with any of them.” The omega had taken a moment to look some of them up herself. As this was not the first time Seungwan had seen this list. Sooyoung has yet to come to a decision. But the blonde was so relieved when her alpha really did mean it when she said she would allow for help in this process.


“Yeah, all of them are great.” Sooyoung nods and takes an extra long sip of her coffee. “We can pick any of them, it’s fine. I’d like to wait until after his trial is over, if that’s alright.”


“Sure, Soo. I can’t imagine this will be easy on you either.” While Seungwan had respected her wife’s decision to go to the trial for Seulgi's sake. She didn’t imagine it would be easy for Sooyoung just because she didn’t have the same relationship with their father that Seulgi did.


“I have to. I owe at least this much to my sister. I appreciate you and my mom both for volunteering to go with me. But you also don’t have to go either, Wan. I know stress right now isn’t all that great for you.”


“I would be more worried about you going alone. Seulgi wouldn’t hold it against you if you decide you can’t, for some reason, baby.”


“I know.” Sooyoung agrees. “But I still have to do this, and between you and me. I just really want to see that get his sentence.”


There was something in the way Sooyoung looked when she said this. Was it happiness? Not quite? Satisfaction? Perhaps this was related to what her wife told her in regards to what Baekhyun said. Seungwan remembered being glad that Sooyoung was finally being honest with her, only for a little while though. As that feeling had been replaced by sadness when she realized how badly she felt for her mate when she heard what Sooyoung had to deal with. No one should have had to deal with anything like what her wife had to.


“He only told you those things to hurt you, Soo. We can’t let people like that ruin us with hateful words.”


“Oh, I know he wanted to hurt me.” Sooyoung agrees. “It’s too bad he didn’t count on the fact that I am my father’s daughter. There’s nothing he could do to me, trust me. Anyway, let’s not dwell too much on this. It’s actually a nice day. Is there anything you’d like to do today?”


And while Seungwan would have actually liked to continue this conversation. She also did appreciate being asked by her wife if she would like to do something. The omega smiled so brightly and reached for her alpha’s hand.


“I thought you would never ask. Come I have something we can do now, let’s go. That doesn’t mean we are finished with this conversation, Kang Sooyoung.”


“Oh?” Sooyoung laughs. “I thought we were pretty finished but whatever you say, Wan.”


This was Sooyoung’s small gesture of doing her best to try and enjoy the weekend before the trial. Not only that but she did tell herself she would start making the effort to try more. Better late than never.



Being excited for their trip didn’t mean Joohyun intended to find herself throwing up the moment their flight landed. The omega felt so guilty for getting sick on the flight she tried to apologize. But all Seulgi did was sit her down and hand her seltzer water, dry crackers, and ginger candies.


“I’m so…” 


“No.” Seulgi bends down. “Unless you’re saying you would rather have lemon flavored seltzer water instead. Then you can’t say sorry.”


Joohyun smiles despite the fact she does feel lightheaded. She thinks it’s because it was a longer flight. She’s used to going to Jeju and has been okay going there. This trip was a longer flight and perhaps a bit overwhelming, though exciting still. Seulgi opens the bottle of seltzer water and carefully lifts it to . Several bystanders are looking and observing, mentioning how Seulgi is behaving like such a sweet mate. Again, Joohyun knows how lucky she is.


“Are you going to be okay for the drive?” Seulgi wonders worriedly. “The house isn’t far. But if you need we can check into one of the nearby hotels for a little while.” The alpha releases her citrus scent, giving Joohyun something else to focus on and that helps her wife relax as well. Honestly, Joohyun is feeling better already. Between the water, crackers, and candy it’s all working as some sort of quick relief for the motion sickness she had felt earlier.


“I’m feeling a bit better,  baby. We can go soon.”


“Alright, that’s…”


“Ma’am.” The airport staff walks over. “Your car is waiting for you, when you’re ready.”


“Oh, thank you.” Seulgi hands over a bill as a tip and sits down beside Joohyun. Her mate is already looking a lot better than she did, meaning she probably could make the drive. Not the best start to the trip but at least this was only the first few hours of it. This would not define the entire trip or anything. Seulgi wraps an arm around Joohyun and brings her close.


“At least you didn’t throw up on the high-quality leather seats.”


Joohyun groans and lightly smacks her chest. “Very funny.”


“I’m sorry. I was hoping to make you smile, too soon of a joke.” The alpha apologizes and kisses the top of her forehead. “All you need is a proper meal and some rest when we get to the house. You’ll be fine.”


Now that Joohyun agreed. She was honestly looking forward to getting a tour of the house and everything but it would have to wait until a nap.


“You’ll take a nap with me, right? You won’t leave me in that big master bedroom all by myself.”


The monolid woman carefully takes a hold of her chin and smiles in this way that has tiny sensations running up Joohyun’s spine in excitement. “Of course, why would I ever have my mate going to bed alone. Are you ready to get going?”


“I’m so ready to get going, Seul.”


Seulgi offers her hand in support to which Joohyun gladly accepts. Though she is feeling a lot better, not nearly as sick. But she won’t turn down any excuse to hold hands with her wife. There was indeed a car waiting for them, one of Seulgi’s. All of their luggage was waiting and neatly packed too, no surprise. Seulgi probably already had someone ahead of time with the car waiting with their luggage packed, very convenient. As of right now Joohyun was eager to get to the house, get unpacked, and rest for a while. 


“Don’t feel bad, Hyunnie.” The alpha reminds her again, as they are on their way to the house. Seulgi reaches for one of her hands. 


“You know me so well.” Joohyun admits softly. 


“We still have a whole week to enjoy our trip. This is only a minor setback, so once we get to the house, all I want you to do is relax, get comfortable, and if you feel up for it then I’ll take you on a tour of the house, and guesthouse.”


“That’s where you spent most of your time, right?”

“Yeah, there’s a lake down there. I would paint..” The alpha stops. “You know, it’s funny because now that we’re coming here together. This is where I was when my father told me about getting married to you.”


“Oh…” Joohyun whispers softly and thinks about how this is coming full circle in a way. She squeezes her wife’s hand back. “Then it was meant to be for me to be here with you after all, Seul.”


“Yeah, I really think so too, Hyun.”


Seulgi hadn’t considered that before, though it is true. She was there when her father told her about Joohyun and then proposed the idea of being married to someone she didn’t know at the time. A choice Seulgi wouldn’t have ever wanted for herself personally. And yet, she can’t imagine herself being with anyone who isn’t Joohyun. Funny how things work out.


With the house in view. Joohyun’s first thoughts were how it certainly did have the Kang family vibe written all over it, in its elegance, matching all the beauty of its photos. It didn’t really remind her of their house all that much in Seoul and that was because of one thing.


“My father bought this house.” The alpha admitted. “He didn’t want me in hotels, so he bought the house.”


“It’s a gorgeous house, baby. Though it doesn’t seem like you.”


“I preferred the guest house, but the whole property is gorgeous and…” Seulgi stops talking and Joohyun sees why. Now the omega imagined a lot of things for their first day. Unpacking their luggage, cuddling in bed together, perhaps ordering takeout since Joohyun sure didn’t feel like cooking. Joohyun sure as hell didn’t expect to see some woman standing at the front door waiting. Some very pretty woman, smiling cheerfully at her wife, no less.


“Mina?” Seulgi asks in clear surprise the moment she gets out the door.


“Seulgi, or should I say, CEO-nim. I knew you would be in town for business so I thought I would be here to greet you. I took it upon myself to have things prepared for your…” the brunette stops talking when she sees the gorgeous raven-haired woman getting out of the car and walking over to Seulgi. Now it’s not like she isn’t aware that her boss is married. But it was certainly something to see her boss’ wife take a hold of her hand and interlock their fingers.


“Seul, are you going to introduce us?” Joohyun doesn’t mean to interrupt. She doesn’t even know what comes over her. But she doesn’t quite like the way this other omega is looking at her alpha, and so Joohyun thought it best to make her presence known. If it weren’t already obvious. 


“Sure, Mina, this is my wife, Joohyun. Joohyun, this is Mina. She works at the Japan branch.”


“It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Kang.” She smiles in a polite way. “I dropped by in case Seulgi needed anything. Since I usually take care of things while she’s in town.”


“Oh, really, how considerate. Don’t worry though because I’m here and Seul won’t be needing anything unless it’s work related. Come on, baby.”


“Right away, Mrs. Kang.” Seulgi smiles all proud, especially at the completely shocked expression on Mina’s face. She might also just be extra excited by her mate too, because that was just attractive seeing her omega be so assertive in that way. The moment they’re inside the house. Seulgi kind of expects to be pushed against the wall or something which would be very much welcome.


“Does she hit on you a lot?”


“Yes.” Seulgi nods and moves their luggage into the living room. No sense of holding onto them after all. “That did make the trips unpleasant.”


“Well. She better not while I’m here. Anyway, I suddenly don’t feel tired at all. Funny how that works.”


The alpha agreed with a small laugh as she understood exactly what her wife meant. “Should I take you up to the master bedroom so you can at least get comfortable.”


“Yes, let’s do that. She had a lot of nerve, though. Coming to your house unannounced, and talking to you like I wasn’t standing there.” Joohyun frowns and Seulgi carefully takes her hand.


“Listen to me, Hyunnie. Nothing would have happened even if you hadn’t been standing here beside me. I have no interest in any omega who isnt my wife.”


“I know. I trust you.” The raven nods with a sigh. Joohyun doesn’t know why she is even still surprised by the nerve of some people. She is okay as Seulgi wraps her arms around her waist and hugs her tightly. The kisses come next, particularly against the mating mark, and that’s really all it took to further calm the omega down. As of now she won’t do anything about the other omega, unless of course she steps again out of line. Joohyun reminds herself she is on vacation with her wife. Nothing and no one is allowed to ruin it. Seulgi only lets go so that they can get their luggage upstairs and into the bedroom.


“It’s a little different from our house, so I know it’ll take some getting used to.” The alpha admits as she opens the door. 


Joohyun knew she would get the full tour soon. However the bed itself looked so comfortable and cozy, with its pillows, soft sheets, and blankets. Seulgi could only laugh as her wife literally dropped head first into the bed with a contented sigh.


“Okay, maybe a nap won’t hurt after all.”


Seulgi smiles and sits down too. “Yes the beds are great, almost like hotel quality.”


“Come, lay down too.” She reaches toward her wife and carefully pulls the alpha down with her. Seulgi can’t exactly say no or anything. Not when her mate is pulling her down into bed and looking all sweetly at her. The alpha’s arms go around her waist.


“Oh, I have something for you.”


“Aw. Can’t it wait, baby. I just got you into bed.”


Seulgi watches as Joohyun’s face gets all red and the omega realizes exactly how that sounds. Seulgi tilts her chin up toward her face and kisses her lips.


“And you can get me back into bed, no problem.”


That only makes Joohyun blush hard again. Suddenly thoughts filled her mind of very pleasant moments. This is more than just a vacation and there’s no way they won’t have at some point. She is sure of it. It’s so interesting to think that once upon a time Joohyun could not imagine wanting to. Not because the alpha wasn’t attractive or anything. She just could never imagine sleeping with a stranger. 


Of course all thoughts like that went out the window when between herself and Seulgi became more about pleasure and want than anything else. Add that with the fact she is also in love with this woman, well it was all bound to happen.


“Silly.” Joohyun whispers affectionately.


“I have to give it to you now because it’s a welcome home present. So close your eyes, Hyunnie.”


Deciding to humor her wife. Joohyun does close her eyes and waits for this welcome home gift. Seulgi gets up and leaves the room for a moment. Only to return shortly. 


“Okay, you can open your eyes now.”


And so the omega does open her eyes to see what is a box at first. Seulgi gestures to her that she should open it. 


“Oh, Seul...”


It was a picture of them. But in a gorgeous gold frame. 


“It’s our house and I want you to feel at home here. So I thought it would be a nice gesture to start keeping pictures of us together. We can have some at home too when we get back. But I was looking at this trip like a new start, a new chapter.”


It made perfect sense and Joohyun thinks it’s a lovely idea. “You chose a really good picture. I have a feeling there will be plenty to choose from to have framed for when we get back home.”


“Yeah, I think so too. Now, Mrs. Kang, have any idea where you’d like to place our photo in our house.”


Joohyun had an excellent idea where the photo should go. First she had to do something else. The raven leaned over and kissed her on the lips. A kiss that was returned right away. 


“I know where to put it. But first, I’d like a nap and to be held by my wife. Does that work for you, Mrs. Kang?”


And to show that it was more than fine with her. Seulgi wrapped her arms around her wife’s waist, and laid down in bed with her. Anytime she came here it always felt so incredibly lonely. Now Seulgi knew why. It was because she was missing someone. She was missing her partner and now she had her. She wouldn’t possibly let Joohyun go.


She just had to tell her that she loved her so very much.



When Seungwan said she knew where she wanted to go. Sooyoung didn’t know why she expected it to be out to a late lunch, or maybe she hoped. The alpha didn’t expect this. She didn’t expect to be in a mall. More specifically in a store for babies.


“Pacifiers, diapers, bassinets!!” The dark-haired woman’s mind rages. Everything screamed baby and it made her want to find the nearest bar and drink herself stupid. Thank goodness she kept a calm face as Seungwan excitedly showed her things.


“Oh, look at how cute these are.” She showed her wife the tiny pair of socks that had these little foxes on them. 


“Y-Yeah, cute…”


“First time parents!” An excited beta pops out of nowhere literally.


“Holy !!” Sooyoung screams and nearly falls out then. Something totally unlike her but she is on edge as it is. The beta apologizes and promises a discount on anything they buy.


“Is there anything in particular I can help you find? We’ve got everything both expectant mommy and baby could need here.”


“We're just looking. But I’d love to see some of the furniture.” Seungwan admits. “We don’t actually have anything yet.”


It was sad to say but they really didn’t. Sooyoung feels like she will pass out soon, or like she needs a drink right now. Still, she holds Seungwan’s hand as the store associate leads them around the store. There’s just too many baby items here. Making this more and more real. Not that she needed to come to a store to see the more obvious swell of her mate. Or to wake up to hear Seungwan singing to the baby. 


“What do you think, Soo?”


“Don’t you guys have any car beds? Something Ferrari shaped?”


The store-clerk laughs thinking that the alpha is kidding. “No but we have some very lovely bassinets and a solid gold crib for big spenders such as yourselves.”


“Solid gold crib, please. At least let it be made of diamond.”


The store associate laughs out loud again. Seungwan is glad to see Sooyoung at least not in a bad mood about this. They did need to start getting things. She didn’t want to be in labor and still not have a crib, bassinet, or stroller. They do manage to leave the store with a couple of items and some furniture they order to be delivered. Though it was really the omega who did the choosing of the furniture. Sooyoung seemed distracted. 


“I’ll treat you to lunch, okay.”


“Wan…” Sooyoung sighs. “Don’t get mad but we really really should have gotten the race car bed.”


Seungwan sees she’s just kidding and that makes her laugh. She smiles and kisses the taller woman’s cheek.


“I think you just want a race car bed for yourself, baby.”


“The baby might want one, you don’t know. Have you asked?”


“Why don’t you ask, hm?”


Understanding why her mate asks her this. Sooyoung could easily reach out and touch her wife’s stomach and talk to their baby. Something she hasn’t done yet. The alpha raises her hand and moves to touch Seungwan’s stomach. She gets close too, only stopping because her phone rings.


“Hello, this is Kang Sooyoung.”


A work call. Seungwan doesn’t show her disappointment at all. Though she is. Should she be grateful that her wife almost interacted with their unborn child? No she shouldn’t simply be grateful. That’s why the moment Sooyoung is off the phone. She slowly grabs her hand and places it on her stomach anyway. Sooyoung looks suddenly pale and that doesn’t go unnoticed.


“Ask the baby if he or she would like a race car bed, alright? Don’t be afraid.”


But Sooyoung was afraid. She was absolutely terrified and now she wanted a drink more than ever. Even though she was doing good about drinking and hadn’t in a while. 


“H-Hey, kid, want a Ferrari race car bed?”


Seungwan touches her cheeks then. “There. That wasn’t so hard was it? It’ll be okay, Soo.”


Sooyoung smiles uneasily. She was still very much afraid.





Upon waking up from their nap. The first thing the couple did was get fully comfortable, in sweats and shirts. Then Joohyun took their framed photo and placed it right in the living room. An obvious spot to which anyone could walk in and see. Seulgi finally got around to giving her the full tour. To where they spent more time at the guest house. Joohyun could see why her wife liked it here. The quiet, the scenery, the water.


“Are these all your paintings?” The omega asks as she sees the studio room filled with paintings. Seulgi nods.


“Yes, in my spare time I’d come and paint. Especially when the weather was good I would sit down by the water and paint for hours.”


Joohyun looks at the beautiful painting of the cherry blossom trees in full bloom and the lake. She imagines a focused and passionate Seulgi drawing and painting. How many hours she must have spent in this house and outside creating all these works. 


“We should paint together while we’re here.”


“Yea, I think that would be great. I’ve got plenty of supplies and paint. I won’t even have to be at the office that much. This week is about us, Hyunnie. I meant that.”


The omega nods and hugs her tightly around the waist. Leaning up to capture her lips in a soft kiss. “So what’s the plan for tonight? Our first official night of our vacation?”


Seulgi’s arms go around her mate’s waist. “There's a lot of amazing restaurants. We can go out for dinner or if you prefer we can have a night in. Actually, a candlelit dinner by the lake sounds. Ice too, doesn’t it?”


A candlelit dinner at home next to this beautiful lake sounded wonderful. How could Joohyun resist and so she agreed. The alpha showed her various takeout menus from her favorite restaurants and together they picked a few things from a couple of places. Joohyun couldn’t explain but ever since getting here she’s been feeling closer to her wife than ever. Especially as she was getting to know more about her alpha during work trips. Like what a typical experience was for Seulgi. 


Seulgi was still Seulgi, naturally. As dinner arrived for them and by the time Joohyun came down to eat. The monolid woman already had a table set with candlelight and everything. The longer they were married Joohyun could see the romantic side of her mate more and more. And she enjoyed it very much. This seemed a perfect time to tell Seulgi she loved her too. A candlelit dinner under the moon and stars. It could not get more romantic than this, right?


“You’re so quiet.” The alpha notices as she pours them both a glass of wine. She hopes it’s just Joohyun being possibly tired and not anything wrong. 


“I’m sorry, I was just thinking.”


She could say it, right? That she loved her. Because she did. Joohyun was so in love with this wonderful woman right here, it wasn’t even funny. The alpha looked at her worriedly and kissed her knuckles.


“What’s on your mind, Joohyun?”


“I was just thinking how lucky I am to be with you, Seulgi.”


She couldn’t say it. Though she wanted to. Joohyun couldn’t say it and now she was mentally cursing herself. What was wrong with her? Why was it so hard to say she loved her mate?


The brunette blinked curiously. She wasn’t sure if that was really what her wife wanted to say, or if it might be something else. Seulgi doesn’t push because she knows that when Joohyun is ready she will say. So what she does instead is get up and hug her tightly.




“Take your time. You’re always patient with me when I’m not ready to talk. I’ll wait as long as it takes for you to say.”


Joohyun returned the hug. She truly was lucky to have Kang Seulgi. The omega closes her eyes and whispers a soft thank you. She didn’t understand why she couldn’t say it. Especially since it’s all she’s wanted to say since realizing she was in love with Seulgi. But Seulgi doesn’t pressure her, and she is left feeling reassured. Joohyun is left feeling loved. 


“Why don’t you go to bed and get some rest? You look tired, Hyun. I’ll clean this up.”


Seulgi softly kisses her forehead, and is about to start to clean up the leftover dishes and plates. Joohyun reaches out for her.


“What’s wrong?” She wonders and runs her fingers through dark locks. 


“Nothing, I just don’t want to go to bed without you.”


If Seulgi wasn’t already so in love with this wonderful woman in her arms. Then in this moment she knew without a doubt she loved her. 


“You won’t have to go to bed without me, Hyunnie. We’ll go together.”


And so she waited for the alpha to be done cleaning up and clearing the table. There was nothing like Seulgi coming over to her and holding her hand as they walked up to their bedroom. Or pulling back the covers together, sharing soft smiles, and kisses before getting into bed. Maybe it was extra exciting because they were away together in another country. And this was essentially like the honeymoon they didn’t get, for the obvious reasons. Joohyun places her arms around Seulgi’s waist as she cuddles up to the taller woman. 


“I’ll have to go into the office Monday. But it will just be to make an appearance and attend a meeting. After that the day is ours to do whatever we want, Hyun.”


Joohyun thinks about the significance of Monday. That’s when Baekhyun’s trial starts. It should be short and sweet. Nothing to drag out because he’s already admitted to his guilt. It will only be sentencing. She wanted to make sure they avoided as much news of it as they could, for Seulgi’s sake. Joohyun honestly wanted to protect her mate for as long as she could. Since, sooner or later they would hear everything about how the trial went.


“It’s okay if Monday won’t be entirely easy for you, Seul. I wanted to remind you that if you do need to talk or want to talk about your father, or anything.” She leans over and touches her wife’s face. “You can talk to me.”


“Thank you, Hyunnie.” She nods and kisses the top of her forehead. “I know just because we’re not in Seoul right now. Doesn’t mean I won’t think about Monday or what will happen. I thought I would feel better, or at least better than I had answers about who killed my dad. But, it’s not been easy at all.” The alpha sighs a little and closes her eyes. She hadn’t planned to talk about her father on their trip. She didn’t want to bring their time down. And yet, the fact that Joohyun again reassured her that she could talk to her meant so much. 


“I know. He was your father, baby. No matter what, he was your father. Some days are easier than others, but grief never fully goes away. It’s okay to miss your father, Seul.” 


Seulgi carefully tilts her wife’s face to her own, and leaves a kiss onto the omega’s soft lips.


“The best thing he ever did for me was make it possible for me to know you, Joohyun.” She says it in such a serious way that it touches Joohyun. The omega honestly feels the same way. Had Mr. Kang not interfered, maybe she would still be at home with her parents, and living her typical mundane life. But she would not be at her happiest like she is now. Joohyun would have fallen in lov

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Andeulea_rv25 #1
Rereading for the nth timeee. Hoping to have a new upd soon :))
73 streak #2
Chapter 13: Damn!!!
73 streak #3
simply-bae #4
Chapter 28: This chapter was definitely loaded, but necessary! I’m looking forward to reading the next chapter :)
Chapter 5: Rereading for the nth time ❤️
Rereading 😁
73 streak #7
Chapter 23: aww the i love you's are so cute😣😔😣😔😣😔😣
73 streak #8
Chapter 17: ridiculous child ijbol
73 streak #9
Hello?? We miss this story.