
Always, Only Yours
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A/N: Thank you readers for being interested so far. I’m going to be introducing some more characters in this chapter. And things should hopefully continue to be interesting.


Her parents were behaving more nervously than ever. Her mother has been in between cleaning the house, checking that it’s spotless, and cooking. There is already a table full of food. The kind of food that says you are about to expect important guests. When Joohyun asked her mother again about what was truly happening. She told her not to worry any further. Her dad as well, keeps looking out the living room window. It’s obvious he’s checking for a sign of someone.


“Dad.” Joohyun calls out to him. “Do you think, Mr. Kang will show up today?”


Her father turns to look at her. He didn’t want her to even be caught up in this situation. It’s his mess that will now affect his family. Jinyoung wishes that he hadn’t borrowed so much money from, Chanyeol in the first place. It’s too late to take it back now. So, whatever is going to happen will.


“I don’t know, Hyun. He is someone that does what he wants at his own accord. Why don’t you go to spend time with some of your friends?”


The raven understands, why he suggests it. He doesn’t want her to be here in case, Mr. Kang shows. He still wishes to protect her. Joohyun doesn’t agree. What’s the point in trying to protect her now? Her parents made this speech how they were a family, and how they would get through the situation together. So, what happened to them being a family? He shouldn’t be trying to send her away now.


“Dad, we’re supposed to be getting through this together, right?”


“Yes.” Jinyoung nods. “I want you to stay close to your mom, and let me deal with it. If he comes.”



Kang Chanyeol has spent much of his morning in meetings. He made up his mind that he will go in person to see Jinyoung today. He has thought about the deal he will offer the man, but will only offer it at the right moment. He likes to see people sweat it out in fear first. He closes his laptop, grabs his suit jacket, and prepares to make his way out of the office. His daughter walks in as he tries to walk out. Sooyoung, is his daughter with a woman named Jinri. He had a very brief affair with her. In the beginning stages of his marriage to Dara. Sooyoung is two years younger than Seulgi, and they are close to one another. That is because, Dara insisted that Sooyoung spend as much time with Seulgi as possible, and they were practically raised together.


Sooyoung looks more like her mother, with pretty features, dark-hair, red lips, and in his opinion. He sees some of his characteristics within her, when Sooyoung puts her mind to things she is focused and driven, like him in ways. However, he doesn’t trust her completely with handling the business. That job will one day be Seulgi’s. Everyone in the company knows that. Also, he is not close to Sooyoung, not truly. She is the only other child he acknowledges, but it’s not the same like with Seulgi.


“Dad, hey.” Sooyoung pauses, noticing that he is on his way out.


“Sooyoung, I’m sorry, but I have a prior engagement. We can talk later.”


“I won’t keep you, dad. I just wanted to maybe talk about a few ideas that I had. For the company.”


Chanyeol gives her a look that tells her she shouldn’t continue any further. It makes her grow quiet, and forget everything else she wanted to say to him. It’s always been this way. He isn’t interested in anything she wants to say, as far as the company goes.


“Sooyoung, I can’t talk to you right now. There is business I need to handle, later okay.” He says no more to the young woman, and leaves. Sooyoung lets out a sigh. He never has time to talk to her. She’s surprised that he even gave her some time now.


“Nice seeing you too, dad.” Sooyoung says sarcastically. She has a complicated relationship with her father. She doesn’t love him, but she is never sure if she hates the man, either. He has always seen to all her financial needs, and even if she technically won’t have anything to do with the company. Her older sister, Seulgi has that huge honor, as the one true heir. She will have that title of head of the company one day. Sooyoung should be grateful. It’s not like, he hasn’t set her up with a nice-sized trust fund. She’s luckier than most of the other rumored illegitimate children. Sooyoung is sure that there are others. She’s just lucky, she supposes, compared to the rest of them. Well, there is no need to stick around. Since her father isn’t here any longer. She takes out her phone, and scrolls through the contacts. Whenever she feels down about her dad talkinh to her sister helps.


“Hey sis, when you get this. Can you call me back?” She texts her. Seulgi hasn’t been as reachable as she normally is. No one can seem to get a hold of her, which is odd. Sooyoung hopes she’s okay. Her mom, and Dara both expressed concern about the strangeness of it all. She doesn’t think her sister is hurt. Maybe she’s just off having some fun. She’s always so busy working nowadays, so what’s the harm in her getting a break. Right now, she’s wondering about where her dad went. Wherever he needed to go. He looked serious about it. That isn’t necessarily a good thing. Someone, could be in trouble with him. She knows enough that you don’t get on his bad side.



Joohyun has been on the phone with Jennie for the better part of an hour. She explains to her the situation as it currently is. Her best friend gasped on the phone many times, at various points in the story.


“Hyun, wow. I don’t even know what to say. I’m so sorry. Did your dad say how much money he owes the Kangs?”


“No. I’m scared, though. It must be a lot of money. Jen, I have a bad feeling about all of this.”


Downstairs, her mother sees a limo pull up. She turns to her husband, who’s face looks pale. The second he sees the limo.


“Can you go get, Joohyun?” He starts. “A man like, Mr. Kang. The whole family should greet him, out of respect.”


She nods, and goes to get her daughter. Chanyeol steps out of the limo, and takes one look at the modest home. It’s a typical two floor home, and there’s a nearby vegetable garden. He has been so used to his life of luxury. He can’t remember the last time. He’s been to such a humble place. He supposes that he needs to get down to business, after all this shouldn’t take long.


Joohyun finishes her call quickly. When her mom comes to get her. She hastily tells, Jennie she will call her later, and together she walks with her mom downstairs. Her dad greets them in the living room with a nervous tilt of his head. They wait as he goes to get the door. Soon enough, a tall man dressed sharply in a black suit enters. His dark hair is combed back neatly, and he looks too expensive to be standing in their home. The other thing about him is his scent. It’s not necessarily, unpleasant, but it smells strong, of power. Joohyun feels slightly dizzy just from him being here. She can also tell he is no alpha to be messed with. It’s not a surprise her dad has been so scared.


“Welcome to our home, Mr. Kang.” Her dad bows. She and her mom follow suit shortly after.


“Jinyoung, you really should call me, Chanyeol.” He says politely. “This is your, family?” He gestures to them, although he has been running surveillance on the house, and all the occupants.


“Yes, this is my wife and daughter.”


Chanyeol eyes them in one swift motion, before smiling politely. Her mom offers him some tea as well as food. He only accepts the tea. It’s not long before Joohyun is soon pulled away by her mother. She makes up some excuse about going to the vegetable garden. She understands why they are leaving. Her dad will probably tell them what happens here later. Chanyeol sits down with his tea in hand.


“You have a beautiful family.”


“Oh, thank you, Sir.”


“Now, I have little time to waste. I’m a busy man and I have other matters to handle today. Let’s discuss, the $100,000 you owe me.”


Jinyoung swallows nervously. He may be an alpha, but he knows when another is stronger than he. He’s not stupid enough to try and fight him.


“Sir, I don’t have the money.”


“Of course, you don’t.” He nods, sipping on his tea. “I don’t need the money, you know that. It’s become a matter of principle. You don’t take from a Kang, and expect to not pay, somehow.”




“Don’t speak yet.” Chanyeol cuts him off. “I’m the offended party here. I offered you a loan out of the kindness of my heart, and this is how you repay it? I don’t want to hear excuses. So, don’t waste your time thinking of any. The only question I have for you, is this. What are you going to do to pay off your debts?"


Joohyun keeps pacing back and forth nervously. Her mother has been trying to hold her at the same time, enveloping her daughter in her comforting scent. It had always helped her from the time she was small.


“Hyun, try not to worry so.”


“You’re worried.” Joohyun points out.


“Yes.” Her mother agrees. “I just don’t want for you to be scared.”


“I am scared, mom. Dad is too, and Mr. Kang. He looks dangerous.”


Her mother doesn’t want to further upset her, but maybe she should give her daughter, a taste of the reality of the situation.


“He is. I’m not saying this to further scare you, sweetie. That family are people not to be messed with. That’s why we must all be as strong as we can together.”


Joohyun holds back her tears, and gives a nod. She glances back to the house. She hopes that her dad is alright. Jinyoung can feel the intense gaze of Chanyeol. The man wants answers soon.


“Can we possibly work out a payment plan?

“That would have been fine. Had this been 4 months ago. Your grace period has officially ended. I know you weren’t using all that money on the restaurant either, or does your preciou

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Andeulea_rv25 #1
Rereading for the nth timeee. Hoping to have a new upd soon :))
73 streak #2
Chapter 13: Damn!!!
73 streak #3
simply-bae #4
Chapter 28: This chapter was definitely loaded, but necessary! I’m looking forward to reading the next chapter :)
Chapter 5: Rereading for the nth time ❤️
Rereading 😁
73 streak #7
Chapter 23: aww the i love you's are so cute😣😔😣😔😣😔😣
73 streak #8
Chapter 17: ridiculous child ijbol
73 streak #9
Hello?? We miss this story.