Father knows best

Always, Only Yours
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A/N: hey, and thank you so much everyone who reviewed the last chapter. I appreciated so many thoughtful and kind comments about myself and this fic. Here’s chapter 12 and it’s such a big and detailed story that you all are in for a long fic but I promise it will not be dry or boring in anyway, but those of you who enjoy it, thank you for enjoying. Also if you guys want to feel free to check out my oneshots collection to this fic because it just dives in deeper to the story and characters. Thank you  ^^


Becoming mates with someone does change things for both the alpha and the omega in different ways. Joohyun knew it would only mean she would feel closer to her wife as time passed, and so she does. The pair was not only spending more time together than ever. They were even sharing in more ways. Seulgi would show her around the art room and Joohyun enjoyed to see the alpha in her element. She liked seeing the way monolid eyes lit up when Seulgi took pictures. It was also nice for Joohyun to just sit and watch her wife draw. Seulgi was extremely talented at it too. In turn, Joohyun was spending more time with Seulgi and showing the alpha certain things. She asked Seulgi if they could have a vegetable garden in the garden area. The alpha told her that she could do whatever she wished, and so Joohyun planted fruits and vegetables just as she had since she was young.


Today, they are in her garden now and Seulgi is helping her. Joohyun can’t pretend that the attraction to her wife hasn't grown even more since they’ve become mates. Because it has grown since that fateful day, not that she didn't think Seulgi was already attractive in the first place. The omega has to look away a few times because Seulgi’s biceps are exposed in her sleeveless shirt while she uses the rake on the field.


“Hey, look.” Seulgi speaks. “The carrots are growing.”


“Are they?” Joohyun hurries over to where Seulgi is and it does look like they’re growing nicely.


“They are.” She agrees. “They’re not ready to be picked yet. But you can help me with the vegetables that are ready.”


Seulgi has loved seeing Joohyun in her own element. The omega is very good at household chores, and seeing how she expertly grows things in her garden has given the alpha more of a glimpse into who Joohyun is. She helps her pick the vegetables that are ready and then they take them inside.


“I know you don’t like vegetables.” Joohyun smiles as she looks at the slight frown on Seulgi’s face. “But I’m going to make you a really good stew with these very vegetables. You’ll love it.”


“Hm,” Seulgi looks reluctant. “I don’t know. I really don’t like vegetables.”


Joohyun knows she doesn’t as anytime they have meals she has to hide them well for Seulgi to properly eat. Joohyun can’t understand how her wife has a body as amazing as that when she doesn’t even eat a balanced diet. It is without a doubt one of life's greatest mysteries.


“Well, you’re also going to help me make it.”


After Seulgi hears that she nearly chokes on the apple she’s eating. Does Joohyun want for them to be sick? The omega walks over and gently pats her on the back.


“Are you okay, Seul?”


“Y-Yes, but you know I can’t cook. Do you want to get sick.”


The omega chuckles in amusement. “It’s why I’m going to teach you. You’ve showed me how to take pictures with your cameras. I want to show you to cook.”


Seulgi understand and smiles. She has had fun with Joohyun showing her how to take pictures with her cameras. It’s a fair deal and now she can learn something from Joohyun.


“Okay, I’ll be your sous chef, Master-chef Hyunnie.”


“Haha.” The raven laughs. “Very good, you can start by washing the potatoes.”


“Sure, wash potatoes. Can’t be hard.”


The lesson is mostly Seulgi watching Joohyun do things and trying to mimic her actions. She also helps by passing items to her, and really observing her wife who moves about like a pro. Joohyun is in the middle of slicing some beef when Seulgi walks up behind her. The raven can smell her citrus scent and it hits her. Seulgi is really just trying to reach over to grab a knife. But she is close now and then Joohyun feels her hands on her hips.




“I’m sorry, I was just trying to see better. You’re slicing the beef in a specific way.”


Joohyun finds herself smiling in amusement. It sounds smooth but then she thinks something else might be the case.


“Were you really trying to see better.”


“No.” Seulgi smiles. “You just smell really good, and...is it okay if I kiss you?”


Joohyun turns some toward Seulgi and leans back to her lips. She can’t deny that kissing Seulgi is nice. It’s very nice actually. Ever since kissing her for that first time she finds herself wanting to kiss more. Seulgi always had very distracting lips and they’re so very soft. The brunette gently touches her cheek as she deepens the kiss. As an alpha who is now mates with her wife, there is a pull towards her. There’s just an instinctive desire to be closer to Joohyun in some way. It doesn’t hurt that the raven’s lips are very soft. They break away and Joohyun has this small smile on her face.


“I like kissing you.”


“I like kissing you too.” The alpha nods. “Okay, now what else are we doing?”


Joohyun shows her what else to do as far as the beef, slicing the vegetables, making a broth, and then puts it all into a slow cooker. Seulgi didn’t even know she owned one that’s how often she’s in her kitchen.


“It’ll slow cook for a bit. But it’s going to be delicious when it’s done. I’m glad you took the day off.”


Seulgi nods. Work has been very busy and she has been putting in longer hours. Joohyun is glad that they are together for the day.


“My father wants me to take at least one full day off out of my week. I decided to finally do that, and we are overdue for a date out.”


“Oh?” The raven smiles some. “Are we?”


“Yes,” the monolid woman nods. “It’ll be awhile before the stew is done, right? Would you like to go out?”


“Sure.” Joohyun agrees. “Oh, would you like to meet my friend Jennie and her daughter? We could make a detour to her house. If you’re still fine meeting her?”


“Yeah, I don’t mind to meet her. We can go first even, if you like?”


“Yeah, I would like to see her and my goddaughter. Thank you,” Joohyun leans up to kiss her cheek. Seulgi can’t help her smile after that. She wants to know as much as she can about her wife, and meeting her best friend will certainly be a step in doing so.


Sooyoung woke up in cold sweat and heart pounding in her chest. The dark-haired woman can’t help but to keep going back to seeing her father shoot that man. She can still see his dead eyes and the blood. Sooyoung has always known her father isn’t above killing people himself. But it’s another thing to see it herself.


“Soo?” Seungwan is in front of her and touching her face. She felt her wife jolt and looked to see her out of it. She caresses the taller woman’s face.


“Hey, sweetie. Talk to me?”


“What?” Sooyoung blinks and focuses on the shorter woman. “Seungwan?”


“Yea, hey. What’s going on? Did you have a bad dream?”


“Yes,” the alpha nods. “I had a really bad dream that no matter what I did I couldn’t get to my food, and you just know that can’t be done.” Sooyoung smiles some and hopes Seungwan won’t ask her to tell her more. The blonde rolls her eyes playfully.


“Come on, that’s not funny. What’s really going on? What did you dream about that has you so upset?”


The alpha doesn’t think she can say. She doesn’t know if she can really tell her wife that she dreamed of her father killing some man.


“I don’t really remember, sorry.”


The omega leans forward and kisses the side of her face. “Hey, it’s okay. Let me make you a late breakfast.”


“Sure, that sounds good.”


Seungwan leaves one more kiss against her cheek and goes to make breakfast. Sooyoung takes a few deep breaths. She’s going to need to talk to Seulgi again soon. Her sister is the only one who can help her get through this. They spoke briefly before but it wasn’t enough to get more details. Sooyoung just remembered feeling awful for her sister. She had to have seen people die before. The question is just how many has she seen?


“Sis, oh my god. You’ve had it bad too, haven’t you?”


Joohyun could tell Seulgi was a bit anxious about meeting Jennie. The alpha was dressed very casually in a black sweater, dark jeans, and Nike’s on her feet. She didn’t even look like a professional working woman today and Joohyun found her slight anxious face cute. Seulgi parks the Lamborghini and opens the car door for her.


“Are you okay?” The omega wonders sincerely.


“Yes, she’s your best friend, so I want to make a good impression.”


“It’ll be fine. Don’t worry, I’m glad you’re here.” Joohyun takes her hand and they walk the path to Jennie’s house, who may or may not have been watching from her window. She checks on her baby girl really quick to see she’s fine in her baby chair.


“We’re going to meet Auntie Hyun’s wife, sweetie.” Jennie smiles and gently kisses her cheek. The doorbell rings and the omega goes to greet her best friend and Seulgi. Jennie is taken aback because Seulgi looks even more pretty in person.


“Hi, Hyun.” Jennie hugs her. “It’s nice to meet you, Seulgi.”


“It’s nice to meet you as well, Jennie. Joohyun has told me a lot about you.”


“Good things, I hope.”


“Yes, all good things.” Seulgi assures. Jennie is also kind of nervous too as she has never had some wealthy person in her house. She has no idea what to do for a moment. Seulgi notices and smiles kindly.


“You don’t have to worry. I’m just Seulgi, and I would love a soda.”


“Phew,” the brunette says in relief. “I didn’t know what the heck to do for a minute. Maybe you wanted it served out of a wine glass or something.”


Seulgi laughs. “No, just a soda will be fine. I’m a regular person.”


“Oh, cool. Hyun do you want anything?”


“Soda will be fine.” Joohyun says from in the living room with the baby. Her goddaughter is awake and staring up at her with bright eyes. Seulgi and Jennie enter soon with the sodas and the alpha looks at how sweet Joohyun is with the baby.


“Your daughter is beautiful.” Seulgi tells Jennie who thanks her.


“Would you like to hold her?”


“Oh, um…”


“Seul, would you like to hold her?” Joohyun repeats and carefully picks her goddaughter up. She helps ease the baby into the alpha’s arms. The baby settles almost immediately.


“Oh, hey there.” Seulgi smiles with eyes forming crescents. Jennie nudges Joohyun with a small smile before speaking.


“You’re so good with her. You’d make a great sire one day.”


Seulgi laughs nervously and Joohyun elbows her best friend in the arm before dragging her into the kitchen.


“What are you doing?”


“What, look at her. My daughter hasn’t cried not once since your wife started holding her. She will cry right away if she doesn’t like someone.”


“Yes, but….”


Jennie then gets a closer look at Joohyun’s neck and can see the mating mark there. She shouts some in excitement and hugs her.


“You’ve become mates!”


“Be quiet!” Joohyun complains. “Calm down.”


“Calm down! You want me to calm down when you are actually mates with her. This is big news.”


“Oh my god!” Lisa screams when she enters her house from her night shift at work and sees Kang Seulgi in her home holding her daughter.


“Oh, .” Jennie sighs. “Lisa, babe. Calm down.”


“You want me to calm down when there is the Kang Seulgi in our house, and holding our baby!”


“I apologize,” the monolid woman says softy. “Hyun just wanted me to come meet her best friend.” Seulgi places the baby back in her seat. Lisa calms down when she notices Joohyun who smiles in apology.


“Hi, Lisa. Please meet my wife, Seulgi.”


“K-Kang Seulgi!” Lisa stutters some. Seulgi nods and introduces herself again. Jennie apologizes for her wife.


“Sorry, she's a bit nervous to meet you.”


“Well, she’s a Kang!”


Seulgi knows why the blonde alpha is nervous and she smiles again politely. At the same time it bothers her some. In fact, she excuses herself and pretends she needs to go for business. Joohyun says goodbye to her best friend, Lisa, and her goddaughter with the promise to see them all soon. She needs to make sure Seulgi is okay after that.


“Idiot!” Jennie hits her wife.


“Hey, ow. What did I do?”


“You offended Hyun’s wife.”


“Sorry, babe. But she’s a Kang and…”


“Never mind, you’re sleeping on the couch tonight.”


“Aw, but babe!”


Jennie knows she will call Joohyun later to apologize if anything offended Seulgi. It’s not her fault to be judged from her dad and family name. Joohyun gets to the car where Seulgi is sort of just leaning up against the driver’s side. The alpha is looking through her phone and Joohyun walks over and leans against the car with her.


“Hey, are you okay?”


“Your friend’s wife was scared of me, hm?” Seulgi speaks. But isn’t really asking a question. Joohyun softly touches her shoulder.


“I think Lisa was just nervous because your family is so well known and powerful. I was honestly scared in the beginning too.”


The monolid woman looks at her. She understands why Joohyun was probably scared of her the first time around.


“You were worried I was like my dad.”


“Yes, but I had the time to know you, and you’re a good person and you’re so kind. I know it probably upset you what happened back there. But please don’t let it, maybe once you meet them again it could go better. I’m sorry, about this though.”


Joohyun never wanted the meeting to become something that made Seulgi uncomfortable. She only wanted her wife to meet her very best friend.


“Don’t apologize, Joohyun. It’s nothing I’m not used to. People do fear my family, my father, and maybe they’ll fear me too because of that.”


“You’re just a big teddy bear.” Joohyun says softly. “You’re not scary. But you know what, we were going to have a date out, yes?”


“Yes, we were.”


“Alright, I still want to go. Shall we go, Mrs. Kang.”


Seulgi nods and smiles some because Joohyun has made her feel somewhat better. She can’t help who her dad is but she can help how people perceive her.


“Yes, let’s go.” Seulgi agrees and they get back into the car to go on with their already planned day. Chanyeol was livid. He was absolutely furious that his people could not locate Gyuri. He just wanted to find that woman and watch the life drain from her eyes. How dare she show her face back here and attempt to reach his daughter? The dark-haired alpha can still remember how scared Seulgi was when she was a teen and being stalked.




Chanyeol was with Seulgi for the weekend. She didn’t want to come but he asked her to. Chanyeol could see from her body language that she wasn’t okay. Seulgi would barely even touch her dinner and now he was worried.


“What’s wrong, Princess?”


“She won’t leave me alone.” Seulgi says in a serious tone but doesn’t hide her underlying fear.


“Who won't leave you alone?”


“Her.” The younger alpha speaks. “Gyuri. She won’t leave me alone. She’s everywhere I go no matter what. She found out where my apartment is, dad.”


Chanyeol looks at a mix between surprised and upset. He didn’t know that Gyuri was stalking his daughter. The woman was paid for a one time service and that should have been enough.




“She won’t leave me alone.” The monolid girl repeats and looks on the verge of tears. “I didn’t even want to be anywhere near her in the first place. But now she’s insane and thinks what happened was special. It wasn’t special. It was wrong and disgusting, and I hate myself.” Now the tears are coming. It physically hurts the older alpha to see her in this state. He hurries over and hugs her immediately. He engulfs his daughter in his sandalwood-like scent as he would do when she was a baby.


“Please don’t cry, princess.”


“You don’t understand. I never wanted it, and I didn’t want her. Now she thinks she and I shared something special and meaningful. I didn’t want it.” Seulgi sobs and it just makes Chanyeol hurt for her. This is his doing anyway. He will make it right for his child.


“You will forget this with time. She is a meaningless and she will not define your entire life. You will eventually meet other women, other omega’s or betas, and this will not matter. Don’t worry, sweetie. I will send you away for a while where you can be safe. I will handle Park Gyuri and she will not be an issue for you again.”


Seulgi’s breath hitches in . The teen doesn’t want for anyone to die. She just wants to be left alone.


“Are you going to kill her?”


Chanyeol kisses the top of her forehead. “I will handle it. Just pack your luggage and choose wherever you wish to go. Preferably a place where we have a company location. If your mom asks why you’re leaving so suddenly, just tell her that I have asked you to go because I want you to have some early experience within the company.”


“But, dad…”


“Don’t worry, princess. I will take care of everything, please trust me.”




Chanyeol finishes his vodka and then throws the glass against the wall. Shards of glass hit the floor in tiny pieces.


“Sir?” One of his secretaries runs in looking alarmed.


“Don’t worry about it. Just get someone to clean this up.” He gestures to the glass on the floor and she nods right away. He runs his hands over his dark locks. He didn’t take care of Park Gyuri before but he will now.


“Sir?” One of his private investigators come running in.


“What is it? If you have no information for me then get out of my face.”


“She was spotted in Jeju, sir. About a few hours ago.”


“Find out of she’s still there, and bring her back here. I want results.”


“Yes, sir.”


When he is alone Chanyeol vows he will find out where she is and take care of it. He will not tell Seulgi anything until she is dead and gone. This time he is going to correct his mistake. He owes it to Seulgi to make sure that woman will never be a problem for her again.


Sooyoung left from home after Seungwan went into one of her bakery locations. She needed to at least see her mom. Her mom always makes her feel better no matter what. The only problem with this is the younger alpha should have called to double check, because when Sooyoung gets there it’s only Soojung.


“Where’s my mom?” Sooyoung asks right away.


“Well, hello Sooyoung.” The older alpha says to her. Sulli isn’t home at the moment because she had errands to run. Sooyoung looks unamused by her.


“Hi, where’s my mom?”


“She’s not here, Sooyoung. You can wait if you want.”


“Stay here with you, no thanks. I’ll just call her later.”


Soojung stares after her stepdaughter in concern. She has never been able to bond fully with Sooyoung. The older alpha has a very good idea on why that is, but at this moment she just wants to see if she can get through to the younger woman.


“You still shouldn’t dislike me for what happened before.”


Sooyoung stops walking and turns back around. She doesn’t know why her stepmother is talking to her still.


“I don’t have to like you because you’re married to my mom. I'm a little too old for you to be trying to be my friend.”


“You’ve never really given me a chance. I also think you’re a bit too attached to your mom, and then…”


“Who the cares if I’m attached to my mom!” Sooyoung shouts. “She’s my mom, and why the hell do you care!” The younger alpha doesn’t even care at this point if she blows up. Who cares if she’s attached to her mom. Her mother had always been the one constant in her life. The one who had sacrificed much for her and unconditionally loves her. Sooyoung is angry and Soojung is looking at her with a neutral expression. The older alpha doesn’t want to fight with her.


“You’re my stepdaughter.”


“Oh, that. I didn’t ask for you to be my stepmother. You’re my mom’s problem and not mine.”


“Sooyoung, if you’re in trouble. You don’t need to handle it on your own.”


“Don’t act like you care about me.”


“I care about you.”


Sooyoung sighs. She really doesn’t want to be here talking to her mom’s wife. It’s why she says no more and tries to leave but Soojung reaches out to touch her.


“Don’t ing touch me!”


“What’s going on here?” Jinri enters the house then with bags of groceries. She can see immediately it’s tense and Sooyoung is angry. The omega waits for an answer.


“I’m waiting.”


“Keep your wife on a leash or something.” Sooyoung says it so coldly that it worries Jinri. The older dark-haired woman frowns.


“Sooyoung, apologize. You don’t need to be rude to my wife.”


“It’s okay,” Soojung tells her wife and goes to help with the groceries. She leaves a quick kiss to the omega’s cheek and goes to put them away. Jinri looks at her daughter.


“Sooyoung, please apologize.”


“For what? I didn’t do anything to her.”


“Soo!” Her mom raises her voice in the way she doesn’t usually. But it’s the way that always lets the younger alpha know her mom is serious.


“Fine, I apologize to you, Ms. Soojung.”


It’s fake and the girl doesn’t mean it. The older alpha says thank you anyway because she doesn’t want for anything to be blow up worse. In fact, she excuses herself because she has work to do. Jinri is left alone with her daughter.


“Come with me.” The omega says and leads the way out to the backyard where they sit down on the chairs.


“Mom, I need to talk to you.”


“We can talk, but what’s got you so agitated?” She releases her scent some to give her daughter something to focus on. Sooyoung takes a few deep breaths and settles.


“I’m fine. I just don’t like your wife in my business.”


“She is my wife, and she has always just wanted to bond with you.”


“I never wanted a stepmom.”


“No,” Jinri sighs. “I suppose that you never did.” Because Sooyoung has never really gotten along with her wife, and hasn’t ever warmed up to her from the time Sooyoung was younger and Jinri knows she can’t force them to be closer. The omega simply wishes her daughter could at the least be more civil.


“Soo, honey. Are you this hostile because you wish that your father and I had been together instead?”


“W-What?” Sooyoung speaks in a whisper. She is surprised her mom is even asking this question. Sure as a kid she wondered about her parents and why she didn’t have a regular family. She is an adult now and has grown out of that fantasy.


“Well?” Jinri wonders. “You shouldn’t be this hostile still unless deep down you’re upset that your father and I didn’t end up together.”


The younger alpha wonders for a moment. Maybe, somewhere it might make sense. But it’s not why she doesn’t like her mom’s wife. Sooyoung sighs and runs her fingers over dark locks.


“I’m not some stupid kid, mom. There’s no way you and dad would have ended up together. You didn’t even love him, right?”


“No,” The omega answers. “But he also didn’t love me either. It was at best a physical attraction that I tried to ignore. Your father isn’t good at being ignored, and also back then he was extremely charming and in such a way it was easy to fall for him. The only good thing that came from our situa

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Andeulea_rv25 #1
Rereading for the nth timeee. Hoping to have a new upd soon :))
72 streak #2
Chapter 13: Damn!!!
72 streak #3
simply-bae #4
Chapter 28: This chapter was definitely loaded, but necessary! I’m looking forward to reading the next chapter :)
Chapter 5: Rereading for the nth time ❤️
Rereading 😁
72 streak #7
Chapter 23: aww the i love you's are so cute😣😔😣😔😣😔😣
72 streak #8
Chapter 17: ridiculous child ijbol
72 streak #9
Hello?? We miss this story.