
Bucket List

It is just another time of the day and Baekhyun is so sure to start off his plan, To catch Chanyeol's attention.
It is not like they don't know each other. Sure, they don't talk, but with Chanyeol's personality, no one would ever think of a bubbly loud boy to be somehow close with him. Chanyeol is just so quite and does not even give  a to whatever is happening around him. But eventhough he seems so cold, he still atleast have friends and not to mention, a lot of girls, even boys, want him. 

Baekhyun arrived and enters the classroom with a loud bang in the door. With every step, he is also roaming his eyes around finding the giant. "This is now or never." Baekhyun thought. And just as when he found his seat, he saw the giant frowning to his book and seems so focus to what he was reading. 
"Oh, Good morning Chanyeol-ah." 
Sure, after what he just shouted, everyone in the classroom looked at him as if asking, 'really? since when did the two of you became close?' 
Chanyeol, on the other hand, do not know what to respond, he seems so flustered with what just Baekhyun did. No, of course, saying 'good morning' to a classmate was never a big deal. But for all of them, saying it OUT LOUD to Chanyeol, it is.
Chanyeol just stared at Baekhyun and did not even say a word. 
"You seem so focus to what you were reading, need help?" Baekhyun was not being cocky,he is one of the genius students out there. He can top his class without even studying, Chanyeol too. They both have this kind of rivalry in topping their batch. However, the never take it so serious. It was never a competition.

"No?" Chanyeol answered but he was still confused as hell with what exactly is going on.
"Oh, is that so?" Baekhyun who is now in front of him is smiling. Fortunately for Baekhyun, his seat is just infront of the giant.
"Yeah" Chanyeol went back to his book. He was never the nerdy type of guy. He is just so bored he thought of doing an advance study. 
Everyone in the classroom seems like watching a movie, a scene where the two couple having some serious talk. Baekhyun looks at them then made a face, "He doesn't want to talk to me." He then looked back to Chanyeol and he wanted to laugh at his face.
"N-no, of course not, I was- This is just the first time?" Chanyeol said as a matter of fact. Baekhyun is just so amused by how Chanyeol reacts.
"What exactly is 'first time'?" 
Chaneyol did not want this much attention. He hated getting so much conversation with someone else. "Look Byun, I have no time playing around with you right now."
"I am not playing around Park. I just wanted to talk to you, ya know. The sem is about to end. We just spent, I think 4 years of nothing?" the brunette guy obviously can't contain his feels, but he has to cover it up, he can't be exposed. This will be the last year of hell being students, soon they'll find a job, and they might not see each other again. He was dying to talk to Chanyeol since First year. They are in college, they have some different scheds, and Baekhyun made sure to atleast have one class where he could be with Chanyeol. Moreover, they both just live in the same neighborhood, so he can still see a glimpse of the giant everyday. 
Chanyeol was about to say something but the Professor just arrived.



"Are you having a strict diet?" The owl-eyed guy stares at Baekhyun examining him.
"You've been asking that to me for a week now. I told you I am, duhh, Kyungsoo."
The two of them have been so close since they were still  toddlers. Both of their parents were just in the same circle of friends back to their old days and Kyungsoo and Baekhyun become so sick of hearing their parents talking about their times. 

Everytime Kyungsoo asks something to the brunette, repeating it againand again, it means he won't totally believe Baekhyun.

"Oh com'n. Your diet really has something, you still eat too much and you lost so much weight, and what, I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing Baek." Kyungsoo looks so worried at his friend. 
"Well, we have this thing called exercise Kyung? Ever heard of that?"
"Whatever, you actually look so pale." Kyungsoo raised his eyebrows, as if proving his point.
"So what do you want to say, that I am sick?" 
Kyungsoo did not like the tone of Bakehyun saying it. He is his best friend all along. He can sense there is something wrong.
"You are overreacting, Kyung, com'n, let's go home."




"Baek, we have to go and get you a chek-up. You don't look well!" 


Baekhyun is sure he did not deserve this. He always make sure he eats on time, he gets anough sleep every night and that even how much busy he is, he still finds ways to rest. Their family has a history of this disease. His grandmother died beacuse of cancer, his mother was diagnosed last year of cancer, his aunt is receiveing chemo because of her cancer, and this time, it is him.

He was given 12 months time to live. At first, he thought it was a joke. He wanted to think it was a prank of the doctor since it was the month of April when he had a check up. 
"Mr and Mrs. Byun, I know this is a hard time for you. But your family has a history, so I can tell you somehow expected this?" 


That was exactly 5 months ago, now, he estimated it with only 7 months remaining. He realized, he can't do anything about it, so instead of lurking and crying himself out, he decided to make a list of the things he wanted to do before his time.
"Well, life is short, indeed. I just have to spend it and make the most out of it,"

1. To get Chanyeol's attention
2. To be able to talk to Chanyeol
3. To be closer to Chanyeol
4. To confess to Chanyeol
5. To spend the remaining time even if just 24 hours with Chanyeol.

"There! Huh, if I won't be able to complete this, I guess I will just have haunt you?" Baekhyun laughed to himself thinking how creepy it will be for Chanyeol. A ghost loving him. 
"I feel stupid. Tsk."






Baekhyun arrives to his home feeling exhausted. He is then being greeted by his mother with a hug.
"I told you Baek, you can just stop going to school." 
"Oh, mom. I don't want to die without giving you a certificate." For Baekhyun, it was his way of being funny, talking about death when he sure is can be after 7 months. However, his mother is on the verge of crying. There were tears on her eyes, attempting to fall any time soon. "Baek, it is not funny." 
"Ok, I'll stop." Baekhyun laughed trying to make the atmosphere lighter.
"Where is dad, by the way. I thought he took the day off?"
"Oh, he went to the coffee shop. He wants to buy you your favorite cheese cake." 
Right after their dinner, they are having talks about how their days went. His father wanted to start off some encouraging advices and tell him he should just stop going to school, but Baekhyun's mother shove him off whispering, Baekhyun won't like it.'

While his parents are busy cleaning up, he asked if he can go sleep early. 
While he is on his desk writing something, he remembered the list he made. 

"Oh right, I accomplished two of them today. I was able to get Chanyeol's attention and we talked. Great." For him it was more than enough talking to Chanyeol. "I can die happy now. Hahaha" 
With this, he realized, it's not enough. After completing the list, how about Chanyeol. 'Oh com'n Baek, it is not like he is going to like you?' 





"Hi Chanyeol. You look great." 
"Yeah, thank you."



"Good morning Chanyeol. Are you having a great day?"
"Morning to you too, yes I have."



"Chanyeol, have you made the paper works?"
"Uhm, yeah, why? Are you not done yet?



Everyday, they talk like this.



"Dude, what is with you and that brunette guy? You seem so close?" Jongin, his friend is the one who always asks things concerning the group, and now he can't believe Chanyeol finally has something to share.
"We are in the same class with some of the subjects and we are somewhat neighbors. 
"Is he single?"
"Really Jongin, stop minding other people's business."
"Ow? What? I just asked Park, I don't think of stealing him from you." 
Chanyeol frowned at that statement. Jongin stealing Baekhyun from him? He for sure does not like the sound of it. 
"Why would you steal him from me? It is not like we are a thing?"
"Bro, by the looks of it. YOU do have a thing for him." Sehun cracked up realizing Chanyeol is gay.
"Shut up, Oh"
"What? One time you'll find him. You always look left and right by the moment you walk. You would even make sure you are early with that subject you go with that Byun guy. You would even smile when he talks to you. If he is with that biggy eyes penguin-
"It is Kyungsoo, Sehun! Get it right!" Jongin is not amused by the way Sehun describes his crush.

"Ok, whatever. Your bitter face shows it all. You are jealous. That Byun guy, is a smiley, bubbly puppy and everyone finds him cute and adorable, and I am one of them, what do you think Chanyeol?"
"Sehun, do you like him?" Jongin is getting excited with the turn of events, two of his best buddies are liking the same guy.
"Uhm, well, he is not bad? He is attractive and those hands of h-
"Stop right there Oh Sehun. I swear to God, you have to stop talking."
"Uh oh, Jealous Chanyeol is here. I never know you have this sweet side of you, hyung." Sehun laughed, it is true he likes Baekhyun, but he never thought of courting him. He is just too out of reach, and he pretty know well how his hyung won't like it. 


"Baekhyun, I know this is a little bit awkward for you but, I really can't think of anyone who is possible as a partner in this project." Chanyeol is nervous. It is like saying 'can you be my boyfriend?' 

"Uh, how about Jongin or Sehun? Are they already partners?"
"Yes, uhm, it is okay if you won't. I mean yo-
"Oh, com'n Chanyeol, I even wanted to ask you to be my partner but you asked first."
"So, it's a yes?"
"Ah, no. I mean it's okay?"
"Of course!"

Baekhyun was not sure if this can be the start of them being close. They started to laugh at each other's dumb jokes, eating together and would even share notes and stuffs. The brunette one did not see this side of the giant before, he realized that Chanyeol is really not a cold type of guy once you get to know him. 
"You know, hyung. You look creepy when you grin. Baekhyun won't like it too. I much more prefer the face you make when you frown." Sehun, being the brat he is.
"Sehun, you really have nothing nice to say, right? Can you just shut up?"
Chanyeol when is not with Baekhyun is different when Chanyeol is with the brunette guy.
"You are starting to laugh at lame jokes though Baekhyun is not lame I say but, you are starting to laugh at Junmyeon hyung. Like hello? It's his daddy jokes, you can't find it funny. Really."





"Baek, just how long did you hide this from me?" Kyungsoo is crying and he doesn't know this would happen. 
"Kyung, promise me, you won't tell anyone about this. Even Jongin." 

Kyungsoo just found this out when Baekhyun was starting to have headaches. There are also times when Baekhyun would vomit. He knew before, Baekhyun is not healthy, even when the brunette will tell him he is having a diet and exercise, he knew all along that something is wrong. And now, he did vomit in the middle of their break. For Baekhyun, he was lucky enough Chanyeol and his friends are not with them. 


"Baek, can you please just tell me?" Now, they are in the school's clinic. The admin already knows Baekhyun's condition, but still they kept it confidential. It was their right after all to know their student's condition. They asked Baekhyun's parents to just let him stop going to school but then considering that Baekhyun is soon finishing his studies, and that Bakehyun asked them to let him stay after he graduates and consider this as their last gift to him, the admin can't say no. 


"Kyung, I only have around 7 months to live." 
"What?! Baek, you kept this from me? Just how long you knew about this condition of yours?" Kyungsoo is a mess, he can't stand hearing his best friend saying we only have 6 months to laugh, eat, sleep, talk and do the dumbest things together. 
"Exactly 5 months ago? Last April, look Kyung, I wanted to keep this as a secret to anyone. Only my family and the school know about this. I did not tell you so you won't feel hurt. Just look at you now, you look ugly." The brunette guy still has the energy to laugh even when his head is spinning. 
"Oh my God, Baekhyun. It is not funny! Now, we have to talk about your medication and-
"Kyung, I won't do it. If this is the end then it is the end."
"Baek, you clearly heard the doctor earlier, you can still go with medication!"

"Where is Baekhyun? Have you seen him Jongin? Can you ask Kyungsoo where is he?" Chanyeol can't focus in his class thinking that the seat infront of him is empty. 
"I heard he was sent to the clinic earlier? Someone said he passed out." Sehun answered Chanyeol's question looking worried.
"And you never told me earlier?!" 
"I thought you knew?!" Sehun was defending himself. 
Chanyeol then raised his hand excusing himself. "Sir, can I go to the clinic? I am not feeling well."
", you think Chanyeol will be here if he knew Baekhyun's at the clinic?" Jongin hit Sehun's head.

Chanyeol is not the type of person to miss class but, thinking of the brunette, he just wanted to see him, take care of him, feed him and whatever he needs to do. He is worried alright. He can't think straight simply because he loves Baekhyun. He is inlove with Baekhyun.




When Chanyeol opens the door, he was welcomed with Kyungsoo's tired eyes. Chanyeol, on the other hand, did not notice him. His eyes was glued to the guy lying on the bed, looking so weak and vulnerable. He doesn't know but, he is crying, Chanyeol is crying. 
Baekhyun suddenly feel nervous seeing him especially when he saw Chanyeol cry, he was afraid if Chanyeol knew. Did Kyungsoo tell him? Did the doctor tell him? 
"Baek- Baekhyun" Chanyeol cracked his voice as more of his tears roll down his cheeks. "How are you? A-are you alright? W-what?" 
Baekhyun feel relieved when he sensed that Chanyeol still do not know it."Chanyeol, I am alright. You do not have to cry. I'm not yet dead."
"Baek!" Kyungsoo, who knows the whole situation just reprimanded Baekhyun. He thought Baekhyun should just stop saying things like this. 
"What happened?" Clueless Chanyeol did not care about anything before but, this is Baekhyun they are talking about.
"Uh, he passed out, because he did not eat anything earlier this morning." One thing Kyungsoo hated the most is lying. He hated the fact that he have to lie for the sake of his friend wanting his condition to be unknown. 
"Baek, Chanyeol, uhm, I will go now. Baek just call me if you need anything."
"Baek, are you hungry? Do you need anything? Or, do you want to go home?" Baekhyun have seen this coming. Becoming so protective to him is the least thing he wanted to Chanyeol.
"I just want to sleep, I haven't had sleep for longer this week." Baekhyun just wanted to talk, honestly. But he doesn't have the energy and he might break down talking to the giant. 
"Alright, I'll be here. Okay?"
"Chanyeol, you still have class."
Chanyeol shakes his head no. "What am I gonna do there if my mind is here, Baek?" 



It is past 2 o'clock when Baekhyun wakes up. He then sees Chanyeol reading a book. "Chanyeol"
Chanyeol stands "I bought you lunch, I thought you must be hungry but, you look so tired so I did not wake you." 
Baekhyun nods and is about to get his lunch but Chanyeol wants to feed him "Let me."
"Yeol, I can eat by myself, you know." 
"Baek, I can feed you, you know." 
"Stop imitating me!" Baekhyun screamed accusingly.
Chanyeol just laughed at him. He could totally go on everyday with this. He can imagine a life cooking for him, feeding him, sleeping next to him after a long day and waking up just to cuddle. But unfortunately for Baekhyun, it is impossible to happen.
"Baek, I sometimes think you like me." No, 'I' love you. Chanyeol teased Baekhyun even more. Chanyeol decided to take him home and talk random stuffs about how they went to being this close. 
"Excuse me? Wow, the amount of confidence you do have there, Mr. Park." 
It was fun teasing Baekhyun for sure. 
"I mean, why in the first place you suddenly talked to me? That day you yell 'Good morning Chanyeol-ah'. " 
"I already told you the reason." 
"I still don't believe that."
"Whatever, Park."





Baekhyun was down to fulfilling his 4th list, To confess to Chanyeol.
He does not care if Chanyeol will take it or not. He doesn't care if the giant doesn't feel the same way towards him. After all, he won't be seeing him after 6 months. No Baekhyun to disturb him, no brunette guy teasing and laughing at him. No more Baekhyun to make fun of his creepy smile. 

"Uh, Baek, are you busy today? Do you have something to do tonight?" 

"You finally got some balls, hyung." 
Chanyeol may be nervous and all but, he thought of confessing to Baekhyun tonight."Can you minimize your voice, Sehun? You ain't helping." Sehun did not care about him. He just laughed and said. "If there is something will happen between the two of you, don't forget us hyung. The guys who helped you through this." 

"No, why? Are you asking me out Mr. Park?" That question was supposed to be a joke for Bakehyun, but not for Chanyeol.
"Y-yes." Baekhyun is not sure if he wants this. Yes, he is happy but, if Chanyeol is asking him out, then this probably means he likes him. No, Baekhyun did not want this. He never wanted Chanyeol to like him back. It was never on his list, it was never his intention, he has to make Chanyeol not to like him. 
But nevertheless, he agreed, "Oh, alright then!"

Baekhyun was ready for the night. His plan to confess to Chanyeol was eventually cancelled. He can't tell Chanyeol yet. He can't let him expect something that is temporary. 





"Baek, you look wonderful." Chanyeol is in awe after seeing the love of his life. 
"Chanyeol, stop joking around." Baekhyun was blushing. Of course, finally he got Chanyeol. He wants to forget what is waiting for him after this. 
"No, it's true Baek, you're beutiful." 
"One last say, and I will think you like me, Mr. Park." Baekhyun is nervous, Chanyeol too. But, he has to get this straight.
"I do."
"I like you Baek, I mean, no. I love you." 
"Chanyeol, you can't like me. You can't do this." Baekhyun is crying already. He knew it. He knew all along he can hurt Chanyeol.
"Baek, w-why are you saying that? I mean, it is ok if you don't like me or if you don't feel the same way to me. Just, don't push me away." 
Chanyeol hugged Baekhyun so tight afraid that the brunette guy will leave, that he will lose him. 
"I am sorry, Yeol. I can't. I am so sorry. I am so selfish." Baekhyun can't contain it anymore. He broke down and cried heavily.
"Baek, what are you talking about?" Chanyeol is so confused. Selfish? What does he mean by selfish? Chanyeol pulled Bakehyun gently and is staring at him. He can't see Baekhyun like this. It hurts him see his brunette like this.
Baekhyun is about to say something, but his vision suddenly became so blurred. His head is spinning, and his mouth felt so dry. He gripped Chanyeol's shirt tightly.
"Baek? Baek?! Baekhyun, are you alright?"
Baekhyun can just see total black. ". Baek! Please call an ambulance!"



Chanyeol feels like floating, he cannot still process everything.

"Kyungsoo, can you contact Baekhyun's parents? Just please Soo, this is an emergency." Chanyeol was on his phone talking to Kyungsoo.
"What?! Why what happened Chanyeol?" 
"Baek just passed out Soo, I don't know what to do anymore, this seems to be so serious."
" . I told him to-"
Chanyeol felt so nervous hearing Kyungsoo "D-do you anything?" 
"Chanyeol, I am in no place to tell you this right now, okay? Just let me call his parents first."
"Wait-" Chanyeol was about to ask the guy, but he hung on him.



Minutes later, Baekhyun's parents arrived hurrying down the hallway. Just right after they saw Chanyeol, the doctor then went out from the room where Baekhyun is staying.
"Doc, is he alright?"
"Uh, you are?"
"We are Baekhyun's parents."
"Mr. and Mrs. Byun, you do know your son's condition, right?" Chanyeol who is listening as well is clueless as hell. 
Baekhyun's parents nodded. "I have to be honest with you, his condition is getting worse, and if we won't admit him, it is nearly impossible for him to survive." 
Chanyeol wanted to ask, he feels like he is so usless. Just when he was about to ask, Kyungsoo arrived together with Jongin. With no second thoughts, he dragged Kyungsoo. 
"Kyungsoo, you have to tell me what the hell is going on?" Kyungsoo knows Baekhyun will get angry if he'll say it. But he knows, Chanyeol deserves the truth too.

"Chanyeol, Baekhyun will surely don't like this, but he needs you to be strong if you really love him." Kyungsoo shuts his eyes and sighs.
"He has stage 3 brain cancer."




It then hit Chanyeol to the core. Knowing that Baekhyun only has months to live, he can't fathom the idea of living without Baekhyun. He doesn't deserve this, just as when he falls in love, this ing disease will just take him away from him. No, Chanyeol can't accept it. He is furious. 





"Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, you guys need to go home, we can just watch out for him tonight." Baekhyun's mother looks so tired, her eyes are puffy from crying.
"Mrs. Byun, you really need to have some rest too. We can take care of this." Even when Chanyeol is hurt, he still smiles to Baekhyun's mother.
"Son, no need for formalities. I know you love my son so much and it is hurting you right now. I just wanna say thank you for making him happy."
Chanyeol spends the night at the hospital taking care of the brunette. He was tired as hell, but he doesn't care. He wants to be with Baekhyun.




The very next day, Sehun and Jongin arrived bringing food.
"Hyung, you have to get some rest, Jongin and I will just take turns."





Baekhyun wakes up feeling tired and hungry, when he turns his head to the right, he saw someone bending down holding his hand while sleeping. If he isn't wrong, it's Chanyeol. He raised his left arm caressing Chanyeol's head. The giant stirrs and looks up. His eyes are blood shut and he looked stressed.

After the doctor checked him up, they felt a silent atmosphere around them. Baekhyun is afraid to talk. He sure knows already. Chanyeol can now leave him, he won't be able to do his last 2 things he wanted to do with Chanyeol. 
"Baek, how are you feeling? Do you need anything." Chanyeol holds Baekhyun's hands. He expects Chanyeol to ask him why he did not tell him, he wants Chanyeol to get mad at him hiding his condition. It's easier than feeling how Chanyeol cared for him. 

"I'm alright Chanyeol, you don't have to-
"You always say that. Why Baek? You really think I will stay away from you? Hell no, Baek, I want you. I love you. Please just let me take care of you."
"Chanyeol, I can't do things for you. I'll always be weak. Soon enough, I can leave you." Chanyeol's heart is breaking, he can't afford losing him. 

"Do you love me, Baek?" He is getting desperate, he loves Baekhyun and he do not want any tragic love story between them.
"Just answer me Baek, do you love me, do you feel anything for me?"
"Y-yes, yes I do love you Yeol, but-
"I love you too." Chanyeol kissed Baekhyun's hands. "I love you, I love you so much Baek." Chanyeol is crying, hearing Baekhyun say 'I love you' to him, is more than enough. All the pain he had was gone right after hearing Baekhyun say it.

"Chanyeol, you don't deserve me, you deserve someone better."
"Baek, you are the best thing happened to me." Chanyeol said as a matter of fact. 






A week had passed and Baekhyun was released, he was asked to prepare for his operation. He thought of it a lot already, screw the list. He wants to live longer. He wants a forever with Chanyeol.
 And now, they are lying down on bed. Chanyeol is a cheesy boyfriend. He is the type of guy who wants to cuddle, kiss, whisper sweet things to you. 
"Baby, I know you don't want to do it, I am no-
"Chanyeol, I told you, I already made up my mind. I'll do the operation."
Chanyeol smiles and hugs his boyfriend kissing his neck tenderly. "I love you Baek, I love you so much." 


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So, after like so long long time. I finally came up with the sequel.

ps. it's uhh...angst


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Chapter 2: holy moly, my heart is broken.
byunalia #2
Chapter 1: Sequel please..put little bit of angst but end it with fluff
Sehunnie_jjang #3
im begging for sequel huhu
Chapter 1: Aaaaaaaaaaaah. Why?! I need a sequel! Authornim why?!?! T^T
Chapter 1: SEQUEL PLS ?? T_______________________T