Chapter 1


“Ahhhhhhhhhh” a horrifying scream bounced through out the walls of the underground laboratory. In a small metal room in the centre of the lab a small boy was panting waiting for all the electricity to leave his being. “Ok Luhan dear, can you please try out your telekinesis for us?” Luhan groaned from the floor not being able to get up from the pain “Luhan I'm not asking you… SO DO IT NOW” a loud voice boomed through the speakers. 


Slowly he raised stumbling on his feet, holding his head he made his way to the front of the room. In a monotone voice Luhan spoke “ok now i will test my telekinesis” a soft rumble came from around him as objects in the room started to float their was a knife, bowl and a chair “luhan do this properly you unworthy weak little girl!”. 


You cold now see the rage in his eyes as every possible item in the room that could be used as a weapon rose “YOU TAKE THAT BACK ” Luhan’s eyes started to glow a violent red shade “ RUN!”. With a flick of his wrist all hell was released to the scientist in view. After continuously swinging and stabbing Luhan calmed down and regret and fear crept into his heart.




He gasped as a voice ringed in his head who was it? Where did it come from? After a few more curses and profanities he soon realised that the voice was coming from his brain.



                                                                                                               Who are you?

Isn't it obvious… I'm your mind

                                                                                                                What how? 


We need to get out of here now ok Lu

                                                                                                                 Yeah! Wait is there even 

                                                                                                                  And out of ‘here’

Yes probably.. i don’t know we're the same 

person dummy now get your super out of here!


Nodding frantically Luhan spotted the metal door and sprinted to it. Metal. Metal. Metal Oh can i burn it? 


He fired (lol) up his fire and burned a hole into it, once he was out he gasped as he spotted all the dead bodies around him. One of the he recognised Dr. Min


He was mean 

                                                                                                                  Yeah but that doesn't                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Jdnvfjdsbfhdbfvsbdhffbhbdxcfjdbgshvcjxnjdfgbdhbdgrvhbbbbbbbbbb                mean he should die..



Luhan ran and ran tripping every so often but on his way he grabbed a bag from what he assumed was the staff room. After 10 minutes he lost count of how many things he burnt, froze, threw ect… 


Feeling the adrenaline pumping through his veins he used his beast power to run faster Luhan skidded to a stop when he heard the piercing sound of a siren he began to panic as red lights flashed around his body.


Even though there was so much sound around him the voice didn't seem to be drowned out. He ran right, left, right, left over and over again hoping and praying to the exo gods that he would make it out without being caught.

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