Rules, Cards, and Prizes, oh my!

For the Love of MONSTA X Bingo

1. is allowed, just nothing non-con or underaged. Any MONSTA X ship is also allowed, including No.Mercy ships!

2. When you post works, make sure to message me so I can put up a link to your fic on the bingo's page~

3. You are allowed to write before the beginning date, of course, just don't post anything before Oct 31st! You may also post things after the deadline, just make sure to have one submission for each of your chosen prompts (found below) before then.

4. You may collaborate with other writers, but just make sure to give everyone credit and don't copy from others~

5. You may sign up by commenting below~ You are also allowed to drop out whenever you wish, though it'll break my lil heart :'(

6. There are three places for winners. To win, all you need to do is be the first one to get a bingo!

   First place receives a multichapter fic from me with the pairing and AU/setting/plot of their choice! (See my profile for examples of my work, I can guarantee you won't be disappointed~) You'll also get 500 Karma points!!
   Second place will get a one-shot from me with the pairing and AU/setting/plot of their choice, as well as 300 Karma points! (Again, see my profile for examples of my work.)
   Third place will be an honorable mention, and 100 Karma points~


Card 1-1


Card 1-2


Card 2-1


Card 2-2


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um1997 #1
Can I still participate? Or is it too late?
2491 streak #2
Chapter 3: Just wanted to let you know that I've emailed you to officially sign up for this event! ^^ It'll be my NaNoWriMo project, so let's hope I can complete both in time! :)
Chapter 3: Can I join even if it's too late?
2491 streak #4
Chapter 2: I'm definitely interested in signing up! This seems really fun and I've never done a Bingo writing challenge before, so hopefully I'll have enough time to participate. :) When I've got my ideas sorted out, I'll definitely send an email to officially sign up! ^^
um1997 #5
Chapter 1: These are amazing! Will be enjoyable
Chapter 1: I have never been in this kind of bingo writing thing. but it is interesting! so, can I ask first before joining? so from all those prompts , we freely to choose what card we want to work on? and starting 31 oct until 31 Jan, we should post stories according to the number of those chosen cards? Bingo is like a game of "who is faster completing the card is the winner" kind of game right?
so if we didn't manage to complete it on time, we are automatically lose. but is it okay if we finish it even though the finishing date has passed?
and per prompt, is there any rules of how many words we should write? or free. as long as writers submit them on time ?
Thank you :D