The Start of Something New

Over Again
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Somi stares blankly at her phone, staring at the text message she received from her best friend, Dani.


She's back. The text message says.


Two words. Carries a whole lot of burden. Something that broke Somi's heart into a million pieces. She feels the sudden ache that struck her heart. One question forms in Somi's mind.




Somi closes her eyes, hoping that it was all a dream. Hoping that she was just having a nightmare and she'll eventually wake up soon. Sadly, that's not how the world works. Everything happens for a reason, that's what most people say. Somi just really really hopes that there is a good reason behind this.


She then puts her phone in her bag and makes her way to school.




Somi makes her way to her locker. There, she saw Dani leaning on her locker, deep in thought. Somi makes her way to her.


"Morning.", Somi greets with a warm smile.


"Morning.", Dani greets back, concern evident in her warm brown eyes.


Somi opens her locker to get some books for her first subject, trying to busy herself, avoiding the possible interrogation from Dani. Somi knows that when she sees concern in those eyes, she's in deep trouble.


Dani knows for sure that Somi's not okay. She knows that her friend is messed up yet again. No, still messed up. She knows that she barely got pieces of her heart back. If she can only fix what's broken, give her parts just to mend her aching heart and hopefully, bring back the old Somi. Somi's in pain and she knows. She knows very well that Somi's not over her. Dani knows that she won't get over her and that idea pains her.


How can you be in love with your best friend? You bring so much shame, Dani.


Dani also knows that she's fallen for her best friend which in fact, is dangerous for her and for Somi. She knows that she has to stop, but she just can't. Her falling for Somi is yet another story for another time.


"I'm not going to ask you anything. But if you want to talk, I'm always here."


Somi smiles. That's one thing that she appreciates the most about Dani. I mean there's a lot of good things to appreciate about her but this trait of hers is just nice. Dani knows when she doesn't want to talk about most things. Dani knows when to just shut up and listen to all her rants. She's always there when she needs a shoulder to cry on, figuratively and literally, always there to help her to temporarily forget all the things that pains her. Somi thanks the heaven for this one gift which is in the form of Dani.


"Thanks, Dani. I think we should head to class. We don't want to be late."


Together, they made their way to class. Dani makes sure that Somi gets to class. She doesn't want the younger girl cutting classes so she wanted to be sure. Dani waited outside Somi's classroom. Somi looked at Dani and gave her a reassuring smile. Dani smiles back, gave her a small wave and made her way to her first class.


Somi looks outside the window, waiting for their professor to enter. Few minutes pass by, their teacher enters and Somi's classmates scramble to their seats. Somi still looks outside, too preoccupied by her thoughts. She then heard their professor speak with his loud, authoritative voice.


"Settle down, class. We have a new student joining us today."


A moment of silence. Then suddenly, the students started buzzing, whispering to one another. Somi is still looking outside, contemplating on things.


"Alright. Settle down, everyone! Please introduce yourself."


"Good morning everyone.", a familiar voice says.


That's what caught Somi's attention. Somi's head snaps to the front of their classroom.


Oh. My. God.


"My name's Kim Sejeong. I'll be your new classmate and I'm looking forward to be friends with all of you."


No. No. NO. This is not happening. Not her. Please not now. 


Somi looks at Sejeong. She blinked several times to check if she was dreaming. She's really hoping that she is. Sejeong then flashes her infamous eye smile, making Somi's heart skip a beat. 


"Alright, Miss Kim. Please take your seat.", their professor says in his deep voice.


Sejeong looks around, looking for a vacant seat. That's when they made eye contact. Sejeong's jaw slightly drops while looking at Somi. Somi saw something flash in Sejeong's dazzling brown eyes though she's not sure what exactly it is. After all this time, she still gets enchanted by them. Her heart started beating erratically in her chest.


Sejeong looks away and Somi crumbles in her seat. Sejeong sits beside a student named Kang Mina. They exchanged short greetings while the teacher heads on to his discussion. Somi tries her best to hold back her tears.


She's here. Why? Why is she here? Oh my god. I don't know what to do...


Somi takes a deep breath and steals a glance at Sejeong. Even God knows, that even if the girl hurt her pretty badly, she can't hate her. In fact, she misses the older girl so damn much. She wanted to hug her, kiss her even. All she's just asking for is an explanation. An explanation why she's back, an explanation to everything that happened to them.


Somi tries to clear her mind and decided to focus on the discussion instead. Somi takes one final look and finally, tries her best to pay attention to everything their teacher says.


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Chapter 2: Update haha
Somsomsomii #2
Chapter 2: Please make it on going instead of one shot story :( I love it a lottttt
yuutoo #3
Chapter 2: This is sooooo angsty T T
Chapter 2: YOU'RE SO EVIL! I MEAN COME ON THIS STORY HAS SO MUCH POTENTIAL, YOU SHOULD CONTINUE IT ;-; *whispers* I want them to be together again
Chapter 2: can't end it like that, should be longer ㅠㅠ
How can you do this to me (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
hq2102 #6
Chapter 1: Aww. Cant u just make this an ongoing one instead of a two shot? There's only a few sesom fic here and it saddens me :( i only started to ship these two recently. And it's really hard to find a decent ongoing foc of sesom :(
Chapter 1: Sesommm❤<3<3<3 this is soo good!! Thanks for the writing authornim. They're just so adorable but why did they break up? What happened? I hope they'll back together T_T
I'm sorry Dani, i love u and Somi. But Sesom is always my OTP from the start
I immediately subscribe and upvote this when i saw somi and dani in the characters hehehe...Can't wait for this
Take your time authornim, I'll wait..