Of Prank and Reunion

Of Invulnerability and Promises
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When Sehun told her that she would be invaded, Seulgi didn't know that she would literally be invaded by her childhood bestfriends early in the morning. As early as six in the morning. Imagine how shock Seulgi was when a bunch of idiots came running into her house with shierking high-pitch voices. 



Her whole body was being pulled up from her floral-printed sheets. The next moment, she could literally feel another body crushing onto hers. 


Before could open her eyes and look at the culprit, another weight came crushing over them, "OUR BABY BEAR!" 


Soon she felt she was suffocating from being sandwiched by those invaders.


"GUYS!" Seulgi screams turned into laughters when she felt her sides being attacked with tickles. When she opened her eyes, she could see a blonde and a short-haired girl staring at her with their tears-filled orbs. Turning to the left, she saw Sehun with his arms around Kai's shoulder who was just blankly staring at the girls.


Seulgi smiled softly and teased, "Hey, Mijoo you went blonde and Sulli you still look so cute. But you guys weigh a ton now. Get off me."


Both of them were staring at her in disbelieve, not even moving at what Seulgi was saying. They were just stun to see their bear back again after four years. 


"We've missed you so much, Kang Seulgi." Sulli cries and pulled Seulgi into another hug while the latter just smile at the sweet action, melting into it. Oh just how much she missed this bunch of idiots. 


A fake cough was heard and when Seulgi whipped her head towards the other two guys who were standing. She wonder what Kai had been doing for the past years to look so tan like this. With his sleeveless shirt, Seulgi could see how Kai had stayed under the sun for long till there was sunburns along his muscular arms. 


"Welcome back, Seul." Grinning, Kai had his tanned arms spreaded apart, waiting for the girl to run into his arms. Seulgi took no more time to do so and hugged him, missing the warmth she used to enjoy every day back then.


Out of the five of them, Kai was the first friend she met. They were like siblings. Kai took care of her and introduced her to his clique which was now Seulgi's too. No matter what happens, Kai would stand in her side and support her. He was just like a reliable older brother that Seulgi has always wanted.


In the beginning, Seulgi didn't really had a good impression on Sehun since he had a poker face on and his face just scream 'rude kid'. But as she hang out with Sehun more, she realised that the guy was as childish as a kid. They were always bickering and fighting but thats just how they show their affections to each other. 

While Mijoo was her mood maker. Whenever Seulgi's down, Mijoo would be breaking into comical dances to make her laugh and smile. Since their style are tomboy-ish, Seulgi often went shopping with her as well. 

Sulli on the other hand, was a great listener. Seulgi would find herself calling Sulli and talk to her in the middle of the night if she cant sleep and she's really thankful that the younger would still talk to her eventhough they had school tomorrow morning. She would give good advices and stuffs, Sulli was a great support of pillar for Seulgi.

Last but not least, Soojung. She was someone who shares the same hobbies and passions with Seulgi. Though they only became close through Kai, they had actually knew each other from their dance club. They were each other's dance partners and Seulgi always thought Soojung was the most compatible dancer to her. She loves to dance with Soojung and she realized just how much she missed her friends while dancing in the studio alone in Seoul. 


But speaking of the American-born friend, Seulgi realised that there were only four of them. 


"Wheres Soojungie?" Seulgi questioned as she looked around and saw how her friends face fell at the mention of the name.


It doesn't take a minute for Seulgi to know that the girl was still perhaps angry at her for leaving them. Well, Seulgi could actually understand her. She wasn't expecting to come home to recieve any forgiveness.

She came back home to earn their forgiveness. 


"Urm, i told her that you're back." Sehun started, "But you know how spoiled she is, i think she's still quite mad at you for leaving."

Sulli sighs and place a hand on Seulgi's shoulder, "Its okay, bear. Just give Jungie some time, i'm pretty sure she would be alright." 

Seulgi then questioned, "Is there something i can do to earn her forgiveness?"


Kai shrugged, "I think you should visit her in the evening after her work, you know how Soojung is."


Right, Soojung is someone who you need to go down on your knees to beg for forgiveness. Typical ice princess. 

While Seulgi was caught up with her own thoughts, she failed to notice the sly grins and smirks from her other friends who were exchanging glanced at each other.

"However, sadly we can't accompany you to visit her since all us has work to attend to. But when you are going, give us a text okay? So that we can rush there before Soojung burn you alive." Mijoo joked, unknowingly making Seulgi shudder.

Seulgi wasn't really fond of the idea of facing a fury Jung Soojung. That girl can be really scary when she's not in the right mood.


"You guys are going already?" Seulgi questioned when she saw them heading towards her door.

Now that they woke her up from her sleep at six in the morning, they are leaving her straight away after fifteen minutes. Thats wierd. Seulgi thought they were going to drag her out to hang out and to catch up with her. 

Kai laughed, "Why? Do you want to follow us to work?"

"Oh." Seulgi stupidly replied and shook her head, "go then. Have fun. I'll see you guys in the evening and hopefully i'll be alive."

They burst out laughing and Sulli ruffled her hair, "Please call us if you see Soojung holding another dangerous equipment threatening to kill you okay?"

Sehun smiles, "yeah, we just got our bear back. I don't really wish to lose her when i'm not even half-way done torturing and teasing her."

The brunette rolled her eyes and chased him out, "you're such an Sehun."


"Tell me something new, Seul." Sehun giggles before running away.






Yongsun sighs again as she looked at her best friend who had her attention entirely on her phone. She tried to take peek over the latter's shoulder to see what she was so focus on, but Joohyun was quick enough to off her phone.

"Do you know what is privacy?" Joohyun glared while Yongsun scoffed and leaned back to her seat, flipping her oh-so beautiful and silky hair.

"I don't even have to think to know that its our hot and cute instructor. Did you actually exchanged number with her or did you took her number from the documents?" 

Joohyun slightly glared at Yongsun, "She's mine. Don't call her hot or cute, only i can call her that."

The assistant could only scoffed, "yea yea, whatever you possessive bunny."

"I did exchange numbers with her for your information. We even chatted last night." Joohyun grinned happily. 

Yongsun realised how her bestfriend had became brighter and happier after meeting Seulgi. And as a long-time friend of Joohyun, she really wished that Joohyun could sweep the instructor off her feet. Though she was slightly shocked by the fact that Seulgi haven't accepted her gorgeous friend. 


"Then why are u looking so down the whole morning?" The smile on Joohyun's lips turned into a little pout which she rarely shows to others.

"I sent her a text in the morning but she haven't replied to me yet. Its already in the afternoon!" Joohyun whined and stormed her foot. 


Yongsun then stretched her hand forward, asking for her phone, "Show me the text. I will evaluate of its worthy of replying you or not." 

"What? She's obligated to reply me even if i sent nonsense to her!" Joohyun exclaimed with a frown after Yongsun told her that Seulgi might ignore her sweet message.

Yongsun rolled her eyes, "Just show me, boss."

She was refraining herself from bursting into laughters when she saw Joohyun's cheeks turning scarlet red and her looking down on the ground shyly as she passed her the phone. 


[Wifey 💕]


Wifeyyyyy, are you awake and fine? 

I don't know but after i met you, i felt so empty whenever i wake up. I wished that you were beside me when i wake up every morning. 

The first thing i want to see in the morning when i open my eyes, is your beautiful face.

The first thing i want to feel in the morning is your warm hands wrapping around my small waist.

The first thing i want to taste in the morning is your delicious pink lips. 

The first thing i want to do in the morning is to smile and talk to you. 

I'm serious when i said i want to marry you, wifey...



Joohyun tried to observe and read Yongsun's facial expression when the younger scanned through her sappy morning text. She should knew it was a bad idea to show her stupid bestfriend because Yongsun was already laughing mockingly at her while rolling on the floor. 


"OH MY GOSH! JOOHYUN! I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE THIS ROMANTIC! YOU SERIOUSLY PROPOSED TO HER?" Yongsun questioned in disbelieve as she sat up from the ground and looked at her. 


Joohyun glared daggers at her before snatching her phone away, "I told you i love her, Yong."

Yongsun calmed herself down before getting back to her seat with a smile still plastered across her face. 


"I support you, Joo."


"I hope you marry her."

Joohyun chunckled, "do you think i will not marry her if i don't have your support? Stupid. She'll still be my wife even if the whole world disagrees."


"Rude. But looks like she's not interested in you though."

"Shut up." Joohyun frowned as she fiddles with her phone, "Bae Joohyun will get what she wants."


Yongsun cringed, "Whatever. Let's go, meeting is starting. Heard that the chairman wants to employ new artist into our company." 

"What? How many?" Joohyun questioned as she stood up and followed Yongsun to the meeting room.

"Probably two interns."

Joohyun sighed heavily, "doesn't that mean i have to stay back to interview them one by one in the evening?"

"We." Yongsun corrected with a groan, "But i heard there going to be three rounds of interview. One this evening and the other two the day after and on Friday."<

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Chapter 1: im loving this so far!!
Chapter 18: I love this story so much! 💖
reveluv316 815 streak #3
congrats on feature
1198 streak #4
Chapter 1: WOAH okay that's a huge ask 😳
ilikeyouchi #5
charismarina #6
congrats on getting featured!!
Congratulations on the feature
i love ittttt! huhuhu thank u n congrats on the feature!!
2078 streak #9
Chapter 2: Nooooo what happened to Joohyun?
Chapter 2: Joohyun - 💋💋
Seulgi - 0