Chapter 1

Promise (One-Shot)



“Ya Lun, will you promise to protect me?” Ying Jie suddenly asks her childhood sweetheart a question, a rather weird one.

“Gui Gui, why are you asking me this question?” Ya Lun asks her, the question, certainly made him surprise, despite his childhood sweetheart being unpredictable as ever, this question was still weird, even for her stage.

“Promise me!” She begged, with her puffy cute, chocolate brown eyes.

“Okay! Okay! I Pe-Ro-Mi-se.”



Ying Jie, or like what Ya Lun called her, Gui Gui, squeaked in excitement, she was really happy with his answer. The lad sitting beside her, seeing his Gui happy, just smile.

“Well, you promise me always right? So I gue-”

“I would have to be with you?”

“You got me Lun!”

“Gui Gui, we’re not even 15 yet!”

“So? I don’t care, you promised me!”

"Fine, fine!"

"Hmph! Emm....." She looked up to the tree that they were sitting under.

"Gui...I know that face, what's up?"

"Aaron Yan Ya Lun."

"Oh great, she said my whole name."

"Ya Lun!"

"Yes? Ms Even Wu Ying Jie, who also has a nickname of Gui Gui?"

"If you ever broke your promise, I'll go here again."


"Yes, under this tree."


“Gui Gui, don’t cry anymore.”

“How can you say that? Your brother’s inside, something might happen to him, and you’re asking me! Me that’s afraid of losing him, to stop crying? How could you George!” Gui Gui shouted to her other childhood friend.

“Gui, George’s right, stop crying.” Wang Zi, comforted her, not that it really helps.

“Both of you! Stop saying that! I hate it! I hate it!”

George was Ya Lun’s big brother, 2 years older than him, while Wang Zi was Ya Lun’s little brother, a year younger. 4 of them had always been friends for years, since they were small, George and Wang Zi too, like their brother, loved Gui Gui, the only flower in their group, but all of them knew, Gui Gui loved Ya Lun. There’s no more thing to fight.

The now 21 year old Wu Ying Jie, or Gui Gui, as a nickname, is currently crying outside a hospital’s operation room, waiting for the doctor to come out, stating her dearest 's condition. It’s been hours, and there were still no doctor coming out.

George and Wang Zi were also worried about their brother, but they were slightly more worried about Gui Gui.


Four simple letter word, can even make a person cherish someone more than loving their own blood. It’s really confusing, how a feeling, can change our lives, or,as for now, their life so much.

Two more hours passed, it’s now 2 in the morning, and the doctor finally came out. He removed his mask, changing his vision from the floor to the three people sitting on the chair. Gui Gui was resting beside Wang Zi, leaning her head against his shoulder in a brother-sister relationship,way. While George was sitting in front of them, looking more serious than ever.


“We’re his broth-”

“Doctor! How’s my husband?”


“I’m sorry, Mrs Yan, we did everything we can, but it's too late.”

"No...No...It can't be! Ya Lun! No! Ya Lun! Don't leave me! Ya Lun! You promis-"

"Gui!" Wang Zi and George caught the suddenly fainting Gui Gui.


A twenty-six year old woman stood under a high blossom tree, a smile curved on her face, tears were falling down her cheeks. She was smiling, but there was no sweet in it at all, only a feeling of sympathy would appear if any people were to see her 'smile'.

She touched the trunk, rubbing the hard trunk with her soft hand. She then squatted and touch the grass, her tears dropped down onto the grass.

"Ya Lun, you left me." She said to the tree.

"But you didn't break your promise, you never mean it on purpose, I understand." Another tear dropped.

"Though it's been 5 years, I still miss you. I doubt I'll ever forget you, I never will." She said as she sobbed.

"Mommy! What are you doing here?" A 5 year old asked her from a distance. Gui Gui rubbed her tears, she stood up and said to the boy, who's already beside her.

"Jing Lun, you go back to uncle George okay? Mommy will come in just a minute."

"Heh? But I want to be with mommy!"

Gui Gui smiled at her son's behavior. "Jing Lun,. listen to mommy okay?"

"Fine...." Then, the boy ran back to his uncle.

Gui Gui faced the tree back. "G...George and Wang Zi's doing great. Wang Zi married Xiao Xun, while Geroge's still looking after me. Both of them have been very good uncle though."

Another tear escaped her eye.

"You...Never got the chance to meet our son, Jing Lun. He's.......So much like you, I....I......." Tears are the silent language of grief, she knew it.

Ya Lun, you thought me how to love, but not how to stop.

A million words would not bring you back, I know because I tried, neither would a million tears, I know because I cried.


Tears are the silent language of grief

you thought me how to love, but not how to stop.

A million words would not bring you back, I know because I tried, neither would a million tears, I know because I cried.

These quotes were not originally by me, internet *hugs and kisses* muaah!

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