
Hell's Angel

“I don’t get why we always go here, you don’t even have with someone here” jeongyeon sighs

“You only drink and stare at that girl” she continues as she points the girl who was talking to the erted looking old men in the other table as chaeyoung just kept on staring at the specific girl.

Jeongyeon waited for chaeyoung’s response but got nothing in return

The younger girl kept quiet and continued staring at the girl from afar and sips her brandy.

Jeongyeon shakes her head and drank her own brandy in one shot

“This is crazy you know, how are you in love with a e?”

She looked at chaeyoung curiously

“There are a lot of girls and guys chasing for you, but why this girl?”

Chaeyoung shut her eyes

“You won’t understand”

“Dude! Try me!”

Chaeyoung sighs

“Maybe next time” She said in a low voice

“I don’t understand you anymore, get a grip on yourself and stop chasing for a !”

Chaeyoung grits her teeth. She calmed herself and said “If you can’t support m, you should have said so, you can leave if you want”

“I will!” jeongyeon got up, slammed a bill on the bar counter and leaved.

Chaeyoung sighs and look at the girl





Chaeyoung’s POV


She’s so beautiful. She’s an angel, why is she in this hell?

I looked around as I see a lot of girls wearing lingerie, flirting with costumers, dancing in a stage wearing bra and , sometimes nothing. There are a lot of beautiful girls, I’m wondering why they are here choosing to be paid for their body rather than be an ordinary girl. I see a lot of erted guys here, touching here and there. They all look like demons wanting to out girl’s soul. I pity them, I don’t think most of them likes it being here, being a e.

But what caught my attention the most is this girl, she has a cute smile, very beautiful, she’s stunning, she can be a model or something, and mostly she looks like an angel. I know her, she’s myoui mina.

Do you know why I know her? I can still remember it. It was 5years ago. She’s my first and great love. And yes, I still love her.












“Chaeyoungie! Look what I got!” Mina run cutely towards chaeyoung showing her cute penguin plushie

Chaeyoung smiles as she look at her girl

“You’re such a child! You know I can buy you a lot of those, you don’t need to play the machine to get that” the shorter girl giggles at her girlfriend

Mina pouts “You know I don’t want you to spend so much for me”

“Babe, I will give anything to you, for you”

“I don’t need material things, I only need you to give me your heart”

“You already got it since the day we met”

They both smiled at each other and leaned for a kiss.








Chaeyoung run as fast as she could to reach mina’s house. She’s running like crazy, worried for mina.

She quickly entered mina’s house and saw the older girl lying on the floor crying.  Chaeyoung felt panicked and rushed to hold mina.

“Did he hurt you?! Did he hurt you?! I swear to God I will kill him!”

Mina kept crying and curled herself to chaeyoung’s embrace

“I swear to god I will kill your step father!”

“Chaeyoung please” Mina said between her sobs

Chaeyoung knows mina doesn’t want her to be involve in their family problem.

It’s always been like that, since Mina is the only child, her father died and then her mother remarried this guy, this guy who always gets drunk and hurts mina for nothing. Her mother? Nowhere to be seen, she left mina with this guy to go back to japan and didn’t even bother to contact mina. The only thing she’s glad mina’s step father isn’t doing is her or touch her, he only hurts her physically and make her work.

Mina has a cruel life, she didn’t deserve it but she has it. She’s always been obedient to her step father. He doesn’t work, mina does. Mina studies and work at the same time for her and her step father or else she will get hurt. Of course chaeyoung didn’t want that , she tried many times to get mina away from him, but mina is scared that chaeyoung will get hurt.

The last time Chaeyoung tried to take mina away, her step father threatened that he will kill chaeyoung.  Mina doesn’t want that either.


“I-I’m alright” Mina tries to stop her sobs


They heard the door slam and saw an angry man.


Chaeyoung released mina softly and got up. She can see her size difference from the step father, but she doesn’t care and smash her fist on his face.


“You will regret this” He touched his face and slap chaeyoung so hard that she slammed on the floor.

“Chaeoyung, just please get out of here” mina begged


Chaeyoung saw mina’s bruised face and her anger got fueled, she got up and run towards him to tackle but before she does she felt a pang of pain in her stomach. He stabbed her.


That’s the last thing chaeyoung remembers before she out.




Chaeyoung touch her long scar in her stomach. She can still remember.



After that day, she woke up in a hospital.

In Australia.

She asked her father what happened, the only thing he said is that the police caught the guy and got jailed. They moved her to Australia for more treatment since she was in the edge of her life when got stabbed.

She never knew what happened to mina. She got mad and demand to search for mina but her father didn’t let her. He said mina was bad for her life, she’s a bad luck but also told her she’s fine and not to worry.

Chaeyoung wasn’t satisfied tho, she tried everything to go back to korea for mina. 1 year passed, no sign of mina, 2 years passed, still nothing, 3 years had passed but still did not give up, 4 years she lost hope and stopped looking for mina, until this 5th year since she last saw mina.





Jeongyeon, tzuyu and chaeyoung are driving around the town to enjoy their Friday night.

Jeongyeon who’s driving the car, chaeyoung on the passenger sit and tzuyu in the back.

They were enjoying too much, they’re screaming and laughing, singing out loud. They were tipsy but jeongyeon still manage to drive.


Chaeyoung is laughing so hard, she looked at the side road and saw a very familiar figure who entered a club.

“STOP THE CAR!” Chaeyoung shouted in shock

Jeongyeon who was taken by surprised stop the car immediately. She was so glad it’s midnight and just a few cars are driving so there was no one behind them.

Chaeyoung didn’t know what to feel, her heart is beating fast, she was scared, excited, happy, sad, curious all at the same time.

“Park in on the side” she said

The older one did it anyways

They got out of the car and walked to the club, chaeyoung looked up

“Hungry night club”


Disgusting name, it’s for people who’s hungry for .


Chaeyoung was about to walk in but tzuyu held her elbow

“This is a night club with e chaeyoung, why are we here” tzuyu asked worriedly

“I saw someone, we’ll be quick”

They entered the club and saw the dark place with lights, there were girls dancing, with less clothes on.

Chaeyoung searched the area and quickly saw what she was looking for, It is mina, she knows mina too well, she knows every inch of her.

Chaeyoung felt hurt, why is mina here?


They got out of the club and head home.





That was the day chaeyoung started going to this club.

She goes to the club just to look at mina, just to look out for her, if she’s okay. But chaeoyung feels anger everytime she sees mina flirt with customers. She never really showed up in front of mina. She might be in this club every night but she hides from mina. She doesn’t have the guts to show up.


Chaeyoung looked at her brandy and then looked mina.

She saw mina being forced by a guy to sit on his lap. Chaeoyung got angry and walked to them.

“Don’t force a girl !”

“Who are you to say that?!”

Mina got shocked

“ chaeyoung?!”

“Release her”

The guy got up and ready to fight with chaeyoung but mina stand in between them and face the guy. “I’m sorry sir, I will handle this”

“You better be, go back here after, ”

Chaeyoung stepped forward but got blocked by mina “stop it”

Mina walked away. The smaller girl followed and grabbed mina’s elbow

“Don’t let them touch you like that, why are you here?!”

Mina ignores


“This is my job chaeyoung, whether you like it or not someone will touch me here and there”

“When and how did you become like this?” chaeyoung furrowed her eyebrows

“Long ago” mina said still not looking at chaeyoung

Mina continues “now, can you get out of here, don’t come back, this is not a place for someone like you.  And I still have work to do” mina shoo chaeyoung away.


Mina felt angry and unwillingly raised her voice.

“You shouldn’t care! It’s been five years! I changed a lot chaeyoung! I’m independent now! I need to make money!”

“Not in this kind of way! Look at their disgusting look on girls, they are all hungry for ! You’re not one of these girls!” chaeyoung started to lower her voice “you can’t be”

“Sorry to say chaeyoung, this is my life now. You can’t do anything about it” mina said as she walked away


Chaeyoung stared at mina as she goes back to the customer. She doesn’t want this, people touching mina, it makes her sick. So sick.








Chaeyoung’s routine didn’t change much, she still goes to club to look out for mina every night. What changed is that she starts to pick a fight on every people who touches mina.


“Can you stop it?! If you keep doing this I won’t get any money!”

“I will give you everything!”

“Please chaeyoung! Leave me alone!”


And once again, mina walked away






A middle aged woman entered the e’s room

“Mina, you have a customer, room 14”

Mina nods and sighs. When will I ever get out of this hell of a place?


Mina got up, fixed herself and headed to the room 14


She opened the door and got shocked by chaeyoung sitting in the bed, head hung low.

Chaeyoung looked up and stood.



“What are you doing?!”

“I bought you for the night”

“please chaeyoung” mina begged

“no, mina, listen to me. I still love you, I searched for you over the years, 5 years!  I wanna get you out of this hell, tell me why are you here”

Mina sighs. She gives up, she knows chaeyoung won’t stop.

“My step father is still in jail, I dropped from school, our house is gone because my step father sell it long time ago, I have nothing really, literally nothing. Momma shi saw me and brought me to the club, she told me to work here for money. At first I only thought she was going to make me work as a waitress but things changed until a lot of people are asking for me, I tried to get out of here but she didn’t let me, threatened me to be murdered if I didn’t do what she says. So I stayed, many wanted me, they pay big money that’s why momma shi can’t let me go that easily. And eventually, I got used to it, I got used to this life”

“Mina, I can make your life better, you know that!”

“Chaeyoung, please, I don’t want you to be in trouble anymore, since then I don’t want us to meet again, I’m afraid you will get hurt because of me again.” Mina started to sob

Chaeyoung went nearer and hugged her. She tiptoed and kissed her forehead

“I won’t let someone touch you again, not now, not never. Just me” she wipes mina’s tears.

 Chaeyoung cupped mina’s face and kissed her softly, slowly. It’s still the same, soft mina she knows, she might look differently now but she can still feel the old mina. Their lips move smoothly like their favorite song, very addictive, they feel like they’re drowning from their kisses, they can’t get enough, it feels ages since chaeyoung tasted mina’s lips, soft and sweet. Candies can’t be compared, chaeyoung won’t get tired tasting these lips.

Chaeoyung slid her hands on mina’s waist as mina slid her hands around the smaller girl’s neck. Kiss deepens.

Mina felt different, for the first time she felt alive, for the first time she didn’t feel disgusted, she felt chaeyoung’s love, the feelings she’s been longing since forever. She wants to stay like this forever.


They moved to the bed as their hands started to roam around both of their bodies. They didn’t broke the kiss, they don’t want to let go, ever.


“uhhh chaeyoungie” mina moans as chaeyoung moves her kisses down to mina’s neck

“I miss you calling me that” chaeoyung said between her kisses



I was the best night of mina’s life in the club, the only thing she felt she’s herself.




Chaeyoung looked at mina who’s lying in her shoulders. Embracing her. She felt warmth, it’s a familiar feeling she’s been searching for 5 years.

Mina touches chaeyoung’s scar in her exposed stomach. She traced it.

Chaeyoung held mina’s hand and brought it to her lips and kissed it.

“It’s been years, but I never stopped thinking of you, I still love you so much”

“I never stopped loving you chaeyoung, I’m just afraid you will get hurt again”

“I don’t care, I will do everything to get you out of here” Chaeyoung said

“I will give you everything” she continues

“I don’t need things, I only need your heart”

“you know you got it ever since we met” chaeyoung smiled





They both exit the room and chaeyoung walk to momma shi with mina holding her hand.

“I will take mina out of here for good”

Momma shi got stood up in shock “WHAT?!”

“you heard me”

“Why do you think I would let you?”

“because I will pay you?”

Momma shi raised her eyebrows “No, she’s my best e”

“How much?” chaeyoung asked as she took her check from her bag.

Momma shi thinks

“3 million dollars, can you afford?”

Chaeyoung wrote the amount and ripped the check


She handed it to momma shi but momma felt surpised and changed her mind.

“I meant 5 million dollars”

“That’s it?” chaeyoung wrote 3 million dollars on the check and handed it. “now you got 6million, more than you asked for, we’ll go now” chaeyoung reached for mina’s hand and walked away from the shocked momma shi

“That doesn’t know I’m a millionaire” chaeyoung murmurs


Mina was also shock and dumbfounded from the amount chaeyoung paid for her.

“chaeyoung, that was too much”

“I told you I will give and do anything for you”

“that’s 6 million dollars”




“That’s nothing compared to my love for you, I told you I will make your life better, you don’t deserve everything that happened in your life. Starting this day, I will make your life like a princess, different from what you experience from your father and this hole of a club”

Mina looked at chaeyoung and smiled

“I only need you”

“You’re lucky, you got me. Plus! I will still make your life like a princess” Chaeyoung smiled back and leaned to kiss mina.

















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71 streak #1
Chapter 1: Awwww
Sutoroberihime #2
Chapter 1: dem rich chaeng!
Chapter 1: I love how Chaeng paid 6 million dollars without a single kid!
Chapter 1: Nice story~!
Chapter 1: I love the ending tho, if ever. Even a short sequel .... will be terrific!! Tnks for the story authornim
Chapter 1: even if this story have some angsty parts atleast it ends as a happy ending....thanks for this michaeng fanfic author-nim
Chapter 1: Although it has past a long time I can say that this is one of my favorite fanfics ^^ (not like this is important but yeah xD)
Chapter 1: Epilogue plssss!!! Chaeng was so cool!!!
Chapter 1: OMG!!
I loved this fic *---*
MiChaeng <3
Chapter 1: Yay, chaeng. U go girl.
Chaeng is Mina's lucky charm