Something Between Them

Was I Dreaming?
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She couldn’t believe she just did it.

So much so that she couldn’t move from the spot she’s standing on from the moment she waved her earlier companion minutes before. She couldn’t believe how easy it was, how natural everything was and to be quite honest, she was a little scared of that.

She was a little scared of how well everything went.

She didn’t expect much from the meeting, she was trying to have the lowest expectation—maybe close to none and according to all the text she’s been sharing with her, everything seemed to be just fine, they got along well and she was more than glad when none of them asked about anything happened in the past.

She went over it. She wanted to forget and even though she would still find herself reminiscing about it, it was all there is to it. She thought all of those are just the remaining remnants of what once shared between the two of them. They’re not all nice and rainbows. They were painful things too. Bittersweet memories. And they should stay that way, as memories.

They’re grown-ups now, they’re adults and have matured over the many years being separated. And as what any adults should do, they wanted to move on from everything in the past and get a restart of things if they were given the chance.

They got the chance now and it’s still felt impossible for her that everything worked. Moving on worked, getting the restart worked too! They were in the same page, just like how they were years before.

It felt nice.

“Someone’s in a good mood.” Her current companion said with a smirk as if knowing what she was thinking. Naturally, the lady proceeded to land a kiss on one of her cheeks. “So, wanna tell me?”

The lady, Sunmi, is her current girlfriend.

Her presence and the way she kissed her cheek, reminded her of what their status is at the moment. She remembered how it all started, how they ended up dating each other. Sunmi said to give a chance to see something out of the two of them being together.

For one, it was a chance to prove to Sunmi that she really was over her ex-girlfriend.

And for another, it was a chance for Sunmi to be Byul’s girlfriend.

“I was just thinking about how things are going right now.”

With a playful smile, Sunmi narrowed her eyes, putting a hand under her chin. “Please, elaborate on that?”

“It’s Yongsun.” Sunmi reacted for a second at the mention of Byul’s ex. She watches how a small smile starting to appear on Byul’s face. “I mean, I told you that I wanted us to be friends now, right? And I think it’s working. Everything’s gone well so far and it seems like she wanted the same thing too. Isn’t that great?”

“Oh—” That just came out before she could say anything else. “Yeah, yeah, it’s great. You met her the other day, right?”

“Mmhm, it’s…crazy, you know.” The smile on Byul’s smile widens and along with that, Sunmi’s chest clenches in ache. “We talked about one thing after another. It was so natural and we just spend all our time talking… Catching up and stuff and more… I guess I forgot how enjoyable it was talking to her. It felt like we’d never run out of topics. She was funny too and—”

Byul stopped talking once she felt Sunmi put her weight on top of her lap, straddling her.

Sunmi leaned closer to her ear and whispers, “—and don’t you think it’s time to stop talking about her?” She pulled back just so Byul can see her clearly.

She was wearing an oversized white shirt, leaving two buttons undone on top—teasing her partner with a peak of her bra inside. This was a move she’d pull when she was feeling a little daring and jealous. It gives her partner enough reason to distract themselves from whatever they were focusing on and turn all of the attention to her instead.

She was glad to find that the trick seemed to work on Byul as well.

“I’m right here, aren’t I?” She tilted her head, face sporting an innocent look. “You should be paying attention to me.”

“R, right…” Shakily, Byul let out the breath she’s been holding.

Sunmi took both her hands and put them on either side of her slim waist. She can feel how stiff her hands were and Sunmi can tell that it was just the nerves. After all, Sunmi did just jump on her lap without warning and attacking with a sight no one dared to resist.

“I’m your girlfriend now.” She stated, not questioned.

Sunmi doesn’t need Byul to reassure her of their relationship. She only needs Byul to wake up and realize that they are dating and it’s to make sure Byul was completely over her ex-girlfriend, just like what she told her before they agreed to do all of this.

“It’s not very nice talking about how much fun you had with someone else and the fact that she’s an ex you barely forgot doesn’t quiet help your case here.”

When Sunmi said those things, Byul started to frown.

Finally, an actual reaction.

“I’m sorry?”

Sunmi chuckles, “That doesn’t sound very convincing, baby.”

She started pushing Byul back against the couch as she leans closer.

“Would you prefer to show me how sorry you were instead?”

That was the last question asked by her girlfriend before the two start to let their body do all the talking. That’s the thing about being with Moon Byulyi though. Sunmi figured it’s not very natural of Byul to act lovey-dovey even though she’s a greaseball by nature. At first, she thought maybe she only needed time to adjust being with someone after so long.

But that seemed to not be the case at all.

Every time they engage in a ual , Byul had little to no problem ‘performing’ and she dare say it was never a disappointment. Byul knew her stuff despite being single for years and Sunmi feels the most connected with Byul whenever they have or even a mere makeout. It reassured Sunmi that if she and Byul date long enough, she’ll be able to make Byul open her heart for her.

She won’t just stand there and be naïve about Byul’s feelings. She was aware how Byul was still a little hooked on her ex. That even if they are dating, Byul’s heart still belonged to no one.

“So…” Sunmi sighs, getting off from being on top of Byul and lay on the bed, facing her girlfriend. “Kim Yongsun, huh?”

“Huh?” That was on impulse. “W, what about her?”

Did I say her name out loud during ? God, I hope not!

Sunmi laughs at Byul’s panicked face. “Relax~ You said you had a great time with her.”

“Uh… yeah? I thought you don’t want me to talk about her with you.” She frowned, trying to be careful talking with Sunmi because earlier it really looked like she was acting jealous.

“Not too often, maybe?” Sunmi sighs deeply. “It’s just the way you talk… It sometimes makes me feel like you could fall for her again any time and it just feels unfair, you know.” She looks over to Byul, eyes meeting as she let out a small defeated smile. “If that were to really happen… I’d prefer it to happen later than sooner.”

Byul didn’t say a word this time.

“At least…” Sunmi reaches out to touch Byul’s face softly, caressing it. Her eyes starting to close due to sleepiness looming over her. “Until you open your heart for me…”

Byul put a hand on top of Sunmi’s, finding herself unable to say anything.

“So, not yet, okay?”

When she agreed on the idea of dating Sunmi, she thought Sunmi was merely crushing on her. It was never something deep and they got together as if it was on impulse. They only wanted to prove that Byul was over her ex! But now after hearing Sunmi said all those things… Byul didn’t know how to react.

She never knew Sunmi was this deep in having feelings on Byul.

But maybe this is good.

Maybe this could be a major reason for Byul to not fall back into the same repetition with Kim Yongsun. Because deep down, she knew that if Yongsun just push the right button, Byul would come back crawling to her like she did years ago and the history will happen all over again.

With that said, a week after she and Yongsun hung out, they agreed to meet up again.

And now it’s been two weeks since Byul saw Yongsun for the first time after years and three days since their last meet up. It’s a surprise how things are going on for them. Sunmi and Byul are still together and after Byul’s third meet up with Yongsun along with the rest of their friend group, she was convinced enough that maybe there’s not going to be anything more than the exes being good friends.

It did raises Sunmi’s eyebrows knowing Yongsun is still single.

But after seeing it in front of her eyes how they interact with each other, she noticed something between the two of them. Sunmi wasn’t quite sure how to explain in words, but there really is something. No, it’s not something off about them. But also…not entirely right either. The more she thinks about it, the more she notices it and she couldn’t even deny how much it bothers her to not being able to pin point what exactly this something is between Moon Byulyi and Kim Yongsun.

She realized that being frustrated alone will not make any of it any easier so she settles to confide in her (secretly) former crush, Kang Seulgi.

Not the best person out there when it comes to this seeing Seulgi’s only ever been dating Joohyun, but as far as she knows, Seulgi is the only other individual that knows about her girlfriend’s past with Kim Yongsun. Sure, there are Wheein and Hyejin but she doubt they’re even aware of Byul reconnecting with her ex. So, Seulgi seemed to be the right person, despite Seulgi looking innocent and adorable most of the time, she is actually quite observant toward her surrounding, though she rarely ever says it out loud and let others know.

“I mean, I need to know that I’m not the only one seeing it.”

Seulgi couldn’t even hide the crease on her eyebrows. She looks away, taking her time and trying to contemplate whether it’s a good idea or not to indulge more into this topic. It’s weird, Seulgi thought. Sunmi is her unnie’s girlfriend and yet she’s here telling Seulgi she has been noticing something that’s been going on between her unnie and her ex.

If they get more into it, Seulgi worries about what would happen then to their relationship as a couple.

“Baby—oh?” Seulgi’s train of thoughts ended once her girlfriend made herself known in the living room. Joohyun raises an eyebrow, immediately sensing a serious thing going on between Seulgi and Sunmi. “Is…something wrong?” She asked carefully, wondering if the two were in the middle of an argument but she was mostly worried about Seulgi who looked visibly distraught.

Sunmi sighs, thankful of Joohyun’s presence because now she can also ask Joohyun about it. “Great, now that you’re here too. Let me say it again. I’d like to know if any of you notices something about Byul and Kim Yongsun, ‘cause I’ve seen it.”

“Something about them?” Sunmi sees the frown on Joohyun’s face, her eyes then narrowing. “Wait, are you… Are you thinking Byul is cheating on you with her ex?”

Hearing that, Sunmi’s eyes widen. “What?! NO! I’m—” She sighs deeply. “That’s the thing… I didn’t think they have anything going on than just being friends. Like, if Byul cheated, you bet I would’ve known. But I know that it’s not that. I just… I don’t know what to make of it.” She runs a hand through her hair, she can feel herself getting more frustrated about the whole thing.

“I’ve seen it too.” Seulgi suddenly said quietly, almost like a mumble.

“Wait, hold on, let’s just— Let’s stop for a second and get everything straight here.” Both Sunmi and Seulgi looks at Joohyun, waiting for her to continue. “Can we all here agree that Byul and Yongsun are just being friends?”

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If you ask, "Will it still end happily?" I can assure you that, yes, it will. But if you ask "How did the real story end?" — No, unfortunately, I don't think it ended well. At least for one of us.


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TennoujiMegumi #1
Chapter 47: please update i’m begging you 🙏🙏🙏
TennoujiMegumi #2
Chapter 47: please updateeee i’m still waiting 🥲🥲🥲
highhihi #3
Chapter 47: Maybe an update would give everybody a piece of mind😂😂
lovemammoo #4
Pls update
upvoteurie #5
Dreizhn #6
Congratulations bubuuu
225 streak #7
Congrats on the feature 🥳 I'm so happy. This story is the reason why i stan MMM.
Congrats on the feature
Cronlasto0 #9
Congrats on the feature :)
congrats on the feature!