Bonus 8

Not Like the Others (Sequel)
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Bonus 8


Baekhyun sat on the couch pretending to watch TV while simultaneously scrolling anxiously on his phone. He glanced at the time every few seconds, and his heart skipped a beat whenever a minute passed and Chanyeol wasn’t back home. There was a snow storm raging outside, it was now nine thirty, and Baekhyun wasn’t sure how he had ended up like this.

He had arrived back home from work at six like usual, greeted his alpha and Hojun, had dinner with them, showered with Chanyeol (which had ended up in shower . Baekhyun blamed it on being three months pregnant and ) and then the two had put Hojun to bed. Afterwards they were cuddling and talking when Baekhyun had reached for his cravings drawer only to find it empty.  He remembered way too late he had been supposed to go to the convenience store on the way home.

He had forgotten his trip to the store because work had been very stressful that day, and one of the company’s clients had acted clearly annoyed and condescending when Baekhyun informed him he was pregnant and would be taking family leave in about five months, leaving his project in Kai’s hands. The pretentious beta even had the nerve to say jokingly, “See? This is why you don’t work with omegas, always pregnant or in heat or tending their pups,” when Baekhyun was leaving.

The client in question had never treated Baekhyun differently before, which was part of the reason why the comments bothered him so much. He almost stormed back in and yelled at him in the conference room, but contained himself.

He didn’t tell Chanyeol about the incident, but his alpha saw the shift in his mood and asked him about it.

“I’m fine,” Baekhyun said dismissively, and not at all convincing.

Then Chanyeol had gotten up, dressed and left before Baekhyun could process what he was actually doing.

He went through the events carefully one more time, wondering if he had done something wrong, when the door opened and Chanyeol stepped inside. His winter jacket was soaked with melted snow, and his ears and nose were red. He was carrying a black plastic bag, which he put beside Baekhyun on the couch under the omega’s disbelieving gaze.

“Where the hell did you go?” Baekhyun said.

“To the store, I noticed you ran out of snacks,” Chanyeol said nonchalantly, like there wasn’t a snow storm raging outside.

Baekhyun pulled the bag closer and realized it was filled with all the sweets he was craving lately. “You went out in this weather to get me candy I didn’t even ask you for?”

“Yes.” Chanyeol smiled and began to take off his wet clothes. “You don’t like telling me about your bad days at work, but I can see it on your face when you think about them.”

“There wasn’t... It was nothing. I’m just too sensitive when I’m pregnant, you didn’t have...”

“A bit of snow isn’t enough to keep me from trying to cheer you up.”

“You’re so sappy, Chanyeol,” Baekhyun grumbled, but reached out to grab a chocolate bar. “I was worried here, you know?!”

Chanyeol sat beside him in his boxers and inner shirt. “I was gone for twelve minutes, Baek. And I got wet in the ten second trip from the parking lot to the store.”

“It was at least half an hour! You left at nine twenty and it’s....! Oh, yeah,” Baekhyun glanced at the time once again, quickly did the math, and blushed.

The taller rubbed his thigh soothingly. “Are you going to tell me what happened at work?”

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Chapter 19: re reading for the hundredth time and omg such a cute story I will never get tired of it 😭
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Chapter 39: Re-reading this again. I miss this story so much.