
Not Like the Others (Sequel)
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Sunlight filtered gently through the trees in the forest. The sounds of the nearby waterfall and the birds chirping had Hojun in a trance. He was sitting on Baekhyun’s shoulders as they walked, looking around him in fascination, every new smell and sound catching his attention. Baekhyun was walking barefoot, soundlessly. The feeling of the grass and dirt bellow his feet was relieving.

Beside them Chanyeol walked in his wolf form, alert, so nothing could surprise his mate and his pup. It was only a park, but instincts were harder to ignore while he was in four legs.

“Daddy! That way! That way!!” Hojun yelled, pointing in the direction of the waterfall with his little hand.

“That’s right, good job!” Baekhyun praised, glad to see Hojun’s extra sensitive senses were starting to develop. Chanyeol let out a slight growl of acknowledgement and began walking in that direction.

In a few minutes they reached a clearing, and saw the waterfall. It was crystal clear, the water flowing smoothly over the rocks. The sunlight made the water sparkle, making it look inviting. Below it was a calm, jade green river. Baekhyun ran up to it, scaring a few bird in the process, and left Hojun on the ground to drink the fresh water.

“I want some too!!” Hojun whined, starting to lean in like Baekhyun was doing, but a bark from Chanyeol stopped him.

“It’s dangerous, baby, I’ll fill your sippy cup,” Baekhyun said as he sat on the rocks, which were warm from the sun, and placed the backpack on his lap. Meanwhile, Chanyeol had shifted, and admired the view in all his glory, only the golden chain of his ID hanging around his neck.

“It’s so lucky there’s no one here,” he commented.

“Yeah, we should’ve come sooner,” Baekhyun replied as he gave Hojun the sippy cup.

The little boy drank eagerly, then demanded they play in the water. Baekhyun complied, and took his clothes off to accompany him in the river. Chanyeol claimed he didn’t want to get wet, but Hojun and Baekhyun made a game of splashing him “accidentally” until he jumped inside to get revenge, to Hojun’s delight.




“Sometimes I wish I lived in the forest,” Chanyeol commented, as he lay on the grass besides Baekhyun, looking up at the sky. Hojun was taking a nap after spending a good hour trying to catch insects to eat.

“Really? As much as I love this, I would be dead in a real pack,” Baekhyun replied. “Killed by the alpha for wanting to live a life and other scandalous stuff like loving to hunt.”

Chanyeol chuckled. “You’re a strong, beautiful omega, I’m sure your family would’ve kept you alive, somehow, until I found you.”

“And what would you have done with me?”

“I don’t know, try asking you nicely to understand you couldn’t be a provider in that context even if you tried?”

Baekhyun laughed and pounced onto his partner playfully. Chanyeol looked up at him adoringly, loving how feral Baekhyun looked here, surrounded by nature, his face bare and his hair standing in all directions, wearing only shorts and a tank top. He pictured how hot it would have been to meet him in the wild, like this, or drag him to a secluded cave to mark him, as they thought had been the custom back then.

Baekhyun bit Chanyeol’s ear and pulled from it softly. The alpha smiled and reached out with one of his hands to caress his hair, as the omega bit his neck and shoulder repeteadly, like he was a puppy, trying to provoke him. He opened his jaw to the maximum to try to fit his arm in his mouth, and one he somewhat managed it, he didn’t let go.

“Baekhyun!” Chanye

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Chapter 19: re reading for the hundredth time and omg such a cute story I will never get tired of it 😭
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Chapter 39: Re-reading this again. I miss this story so much.