
Not Like the Others (Sequel)
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Kai left Kyungsoo over the bed and straddled him in order to capture his lips.

He felt Kyungsoo breath in deeply as his tongue found its way into his mouth, kissing him slowly but possessively, cupping his face with one of his hands. He stopped once in a while to give him a peck and let his gaze devour him, never tired of admiring his perfectly plump lips, only to catch them again with his own, his pace becoming faster and more demanding each time.

Kyungsoo wasn’t returning his kisses, tough, or moving at all for that matter. He knew the omega preferred to be acted upon, rather than lead anything, but he wasn’t an unresponsive lover. He’d usually gasp, mewl and pull from him, letting him know whether he was doing things right.

He pulled away. Kyungsoo’s eyes were closed, his lips half open. "Baby, are you okay?" he asked, but his mate didn’t move. "Kyungsoo...?"

He noticed the rhythm of his breathing then. He was asleep.

Kai sighed heavily and fell to the bed besides his partner. It was the third time this week. Kyungsoo never, ever said no to him. Kai had learned his body language, and he generally knew when Kyungsoo was feeling tired, sick, uncomfortable or stressed, and preferred not to inconvenience him. But sometimes he was too eager to lay his hands on him to notice, like today.

It was starting to happen too much for his liking, though.

Besides his poor choice of friends, he had very few complaints about Kyungsoo. He had a placid character that complemented his, was well mannered, kept the house like a mirror, cooked better than his mother, sung like an angel, did well in his job. He guessed doing so many things right left him too exhausted to also tend to his ual needs.

He knew what would happen if he talked to him about it. Kyungsoo would tell him to ‘do as he wished’ and ‘not to worry about him’, and he’d tell him that he wasn’t a brute who didn’t care about his feelings, and then Kyungsoo would probably feel terrible about himself, about failing him. No, he needed to think of something else.




Cooking with an omega clung to his waist wasn’t the easiest task Chanyeol could name. He found it adorable when Baekhyun grew tired of being apart and insisted in being as close to him as possible, no matter what he was doing, but he was hungry, and hoped to have dinner before midnight.

“Baek, c’mon, let me move,” he said, and the brunet made a grumpy sound of protest, but stepped back to allow him to reach the fridge. He stood near a corner of the counter, watching Chanyeol and failing to understand anything of what he was doing.

“You used to live alone, how come you can’t cook?” Chanyeol asked. At first he had thought Baekhyun was just being stubborn, but after watching him being so honestly confused when Chanyeol asked him to choose vegetables at the supermarket, and then trying to make coffee with buttermilk, he was convinced that the omega truly had no clue of what he was doing.

“I usually ordered takeout or made a sandwich or something easy like that,” Baekhyun shrugged.

“You’re crazy,” Chanyeol declared.

“Yeah, I get that a lot.” Baekhyun smiled.

“But no, really. How unhealthy is that? You have to learn how to cook properly,” he said, fetching a knife to slice the piece of bacon he had just taken out of the fridge. He had always liked to cook for himself, as was demonstrated by the fact he had a favorite apron, and a collection of cooking books neatly organized in his bookcase.

“I don’t like cooking.”

“How unfortunate, you might start liking it once you get more practice.” He saw Baekhyun pout out of the corner of his eye. “I’m not going to let you just eat whatever you find, and I’m not going to cook every single thing you eat. I’m not like Kyungsoo,” he added.

“Yeah, okay, now hurry up, I’m bored of watching you cut stuff,” Baekhyun complained, leaning against the counter. Chanyeol threw a small piece of bacon at him, which hit his forehead lightly. “Hey! Is that a new way of inflicting discipline?”


Baekhyun laughed. “Let me help you!” he suggested cheerfully, drawing closer to Chanyeol, who didn’t look too convinced by the idea.

“...Are you sure you’re not going to cut yourself or set the kitchen on fire?”

“I can’t promise anything but you just said you wanted me to learn, and everything in life has a risk.”

“Okay, then mix these here,” he pointed toward the vegetables that were already cut. “And then add those...”

He kept explaining the recipe to his attentive partner. After half an hour and only a teeny tiny burn in Baekhyun’s thumb, a bit of flour in Chanyeol’s hair and a somewhat bland food, the alpha was happy to say it hadn’t been a complete disaster.




“Chanyeol, I didn’t know you had found your mate! How come you didn’t have a party? Or you had it and didn’t invite me?! That’s very rude,” a very old beta lady that Baekhyun didn’t know complained loudly.

“I was very busy at work and didn’t have any time to hold one,” Cha

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Chapter 19: re reading for the hundredth time and omg such a cute story I will never get tired of it 😭
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Chapter 39: Re-reading this again. I miss this story so much.