Chapter 1

A Little Piece Of Heaven In Hell

                                                Hiroti's POV: 

         "Keep up the pace Hiroti."

A voice boomed from behind me, a good distance away. I ignored the sweat that began to drip down my moist skin, snaking across the abnormal and pale tinted complex skin. In my tiny hands, even though my knuckles was a very deep white tinted color due to the fact I was clutching my gun so tightly in my hands.

Assesstment of the Assassins, pft. The worst time of the entire year.

 I jerked back to reality as my pale blue, icy eyes widened to the size that it was capable of reaching. A boy, about eighteen was racing towards me with his katana intact. Even though we was enclosed in a huge building with a concrete floor that was plastered in dried up-dark brown looking blood from the past spars that took place, it was dimly lit with cheap and broken down square lights above.    In the corner of my eyes, I could see the outlines of many people dressed in black.

  As usual, it was dispresctful to show their face during the place of a spar. Some kids that was alot smaller then I was, was seating cross legged on the cold and concrete ground. Hopefully I get a standing ovation at least. I gave a loud and very painful blood curtling shout, before racing directly at him.

My black-laced up combat boots made loud thudding noises as I dashed towards the boy. I lifted my silver pistol with both hands, that ached from the pressure I was applying to keep a steady and well aimed target. I fired the gun with a swift tug on the trigger, firing it. The only thing I could see was the faint debree from the gun as the translucent smokesup, dancing a few feet in front of the boy. He dodged,  His hair was a deep and dark brown color, dirty and messy and even had faint glimpses of dried blood in it. His face was almost hidden as he moved quickly and skillfully, his torn and battered skinny jeans showing his encounters with fights.

He swung around to face me, his eyes narrowing into emerald slits as he waved his katana at me. I jerked to the right, just leaving a breeze where I was moments before. There was the loud scrape of blood against concrete, before I used this to my advantage. Once he was to busy lifting his weapon, I swung a massive hand against his moist, warm and sticky face. Baffled and wounded, he stumbled. I smirked half to myself, before swinging my right in a quick uppercut. The motion of his head leaning back in a painful fashion intreged me.

           He looks like one of those bobble heads- where they keep bouncing back. Let's do it again!

              Once his head was tilted back, I grabbed his thick and blood matted dark brown bangs, allowing my thin and sweaty fingers to entangle in it. He gave a shaky scream, his mouth parting to give a shout of pure horror. I clenched my teeth and ignored it, before placing the gun tip to his lower chin. I looked to the side before pulling the trigger, making everything go silent. The boy, who know was covered and splattered in blood, seemed to fall in slow motion to his knees.

  Blood splatters was covering my entire jacket, making me gag at the sudden stickyness and smell of it as well. Once he fell the ground with a loud thud, nobody spoke. I grinned half to myself, kind of proud of the killing I just preformed on this boy. I slowly lowered my gun that was now plastered in scarlet red droplets along the metal.

         "We have a winner."

 A middle age man spoke firmly, walking ahead to face me. He casually stepped over the bloody body, the look of horror still marked along his face. My father was pretty built for a middle aged man, as well as tall too. His hair was covered in grease that gleamed brightly in the dim light of our small building. A black suit was unwrinkled and fastened tightly around his buldging appearance. Faint wrinkles dabbed his face as he flashed a swift smile at me.

     I lifted my hand and brushed my long, straight black hair out of my face. I lowered my hands, even though they shook violently at my sides still. I exhaled shakily as well as fairly slow. I saw an outline of a girl running straight towards me, having long blonde hair that layed lifelessly on her shoulders. She grinned widely.

                                                    Nyx's POV:

        "You totally kicked !" I shouted, running up to my best friend.

Hiroti was covered in drying blood, as well as sweat as well. She embraced me tightly, knocking the air out of my lungs all together. I grunted at her tight embrace, but didn't complain at all. We need as many assassins as possible. There's been alot of reports of murder's and killings out there recently, I don't know why.

"Do you think my father will finally assign us a mission?" She asked, allowing her jet black-brown hair flow in her face and across her icy blue eyes.

I shrugged, blinking my light brown eyes. Before either of us could even speak, there was the sound of screaming and shouting. A second later, there was the scream of a fellow assassin. "Get down, now!" He shouted, but it seemed overthrown as the white, brick wall inches in front of us exploded hard.

         I was flung back with no sympathy, everything happening so quick. I was airborn for a few second, catching the air for a few moments. With a loud squeak, I crashed along the ground. My body seemed to give in altogether, making me lay there lifelessly. I inhaled, making my lungs fight against me ruggedly. A very distinguishable ringing rang around me, making everything seem like it was underwater. I looked to my right, dusk particals filling the air, I coughed heavily now.

Hiroti's body was bent at an akaward angle, making her appear dead. "Hitori!" I screamed, mainly because my own voice sounded very drowned out and muted.

Relief drifted through me to my fingertips. She clenched her eyes together tightly, before she looked at, her eyes fluttering. Without hesitation, I pulled her directly onto her feet.We got to hide now! I ignored the constant coughing sensation I had going on throughout my entire body, focusing to run straight ahead instead.

       "Nyx, what's going on?" She shouted, fear creeping into her voice.

   "We're being under attack!" I shouted, before another explosion happened higher above us as we bursted through two heavy metal doors.

An brick stairyway with a jet black railing leading up endless spirals of stairs, stretched above and beyond us. We have alot of people looking for us, for expample, SWAT Teams and police as well. There was the sound of machine guns firing rapidly from above us, before there was the heart stopping outline of bodies falling straight towards us. I jumped back, pulling Hitori beside me. A body landed with a very loud thump, making blood splatter on us both.

I inhaled shakily, before rubbing my eyes. The warm and sticky liquid smeared along my eyes, but I ignored it. I tugged on her arm rapidly, pointing above.

                "We have to get up there." I shouted, before racing up the stairs.

The ground felt bouncy and thin underneath my feet as I ran, feeling like I was running or racing on air. I gripped the moist and red tinted black railing, ignoring the thoughts that went through my head. So many deaths.. Why's this happening? Are they still after us? I thought we was well hidden after all of these years? And..

 Ew Ew Ew.. Blood from a corpse. 

I screamed and ducked as bullets wizzed past my head, causing the ringing in my ears to come back. Finally, we reached the top. I stopped next to a headless Assassin, his soaked  jet black hoodie moist in his own blood. On his chest, was a long samari sword. With a swift inhale, I turned around swiftly, before slicing the already bloody sword across an SWAT officers uniform. Even though his black, grey and bulky helmet seemed to shield him from my blows as it barely scratched.

        "Sorry, got to stab you in the back, officer."

I replied sarcastically, before shoving the samari sword behind his back. Even though the dark glass across his upper face was tinted, I could still see the widening of his eyes and the dark liquid of blood trickling down his face. I slammed both of my hands against his chest, before looking at the black railing behind him. I ran straight for it, using all of my strenght to push him back. With a mighty shove, He did a backflip off the edge of it.  

I sighed, the building silent now. There was still the sound of begging pleads from both Assasins and Officers, but also the sounds of gun shots. I happily wiped both of my hands together, giving a crook of a smile across my olive tinted face. I stopped dead, not because I noticed the bullet wound in my leg, but she was gone.

                                           Hitori's POV:

                  Where did she go? I could've sworn.. We was on the same level. 

I pulled my silver gun to my side, even more blood and guts alined on my face. Bodies  of all shapes and sizes was huddled and bent at weird positions around me. My black combat boots still had speckles and indents of blood and bullet wounds in it. The room I was in was pitch black, except to the left where there was two wooden double doors that was kicked in and off their hinges. I edged towards it, the outline of a Queen Bed covered in corpses behind me.

To the right of the bed was a old antique dresser, as well as a closer on the left of it. I slowly shuffled my way near the double doors, which had moonlight pouring across it the gapin double doors. I blinked rapidly, not used to seeing it much. My father never let me outside much.

            There was a pure white balacony on the side, but on the very edge, was an outline of a human. The figure was wearing a black leather jacket, underneath that was a black leather shirt with a chain like necklace connected to a choke collar. I felt my eyes widen at there was the gleaming of moonlight on metal, making me realize this person was decked out in all kinds of weapons. His feet was covered in black boots, and the weirdest thing ever was.. 

    Is that a huge Sycthe on this person's hip?

 "Little miss Hiroti." The voice spoke, making me realize it was a fairly young boy. He lifted his head, making my breath disappear now. He had bleach blonde hair, slicked back even though some loose strainds lingered in his pale face. His eyes was a stunning bright brown color, and he was wearing black eyeliner.

         Hot damn. Who's this? 

"Who are you?" I snapped, even though my face seemed to flush three shades of red.

The boy's smirk appeared on his face again, and to my amazement, he casually walked along the edge of the balcony. His gaze pierced through me like a wave of cold water, making my body tremble. "That's not important, little girl. What is important is that.. You listen to me carefully."

He said evenly, before slowly reaching for his scythe. On instinct, I lifted my blood and awfully scarred silver gun, that already showed how much I used it. He lifted an eyebrow at me, but his calm expression didn't falter like I hoped it would. What the..

          "There's a few left!" A voice shouted behind me

 I'm trapped now! 

The boy stared past me, as more Agents from the SWAT team appeared behind me, armored with shields and heavy black guns. The boy grabbed my arm, making me stumble back against him. I screamed and struggled to get free, even though my kicking and screaming didn't seem to bother him at all.

He wrappped an arm around my neck, making me gag a little. He lowered his right hand, and lifted a black gun that was almost as dark as the night sky, even though a silver chain dangled from it. He lifted it up and pointed at them, showing some weird markings on it. I looked back at him, before he began to fire it rapidly. One by one, the Agents seemed to crumble altogether. Once they was just outlines in the room, I tried to flee.

          "Not so fast, Princess." He hissed, before I felt the cold metal of the gun against my temple.

In the corner of my icy blue eyes, I could see the terrified and bloodied expression reflecting back at me. The boy pulled out a black object, balancing it in his palm. He pulled a pin otu with his teeth, a look of michevious glowing in them.

"Oops." He chuckled, before tossing it under-hand inside the room. I screamed as we leaped back on the balacony, making me struggle even tighter.

"Are you ready to go sky-diving?" He whispered in my ear, making me tremble. As if on que, thats when the gernade exploded loudly behind us. He plunged off the side without furhter delay. My horrified scream was cut off and muffled as we free-falled off the side at a rapid pace. The firy explosion erupted behind us rapidly.

                                          Nyx's POV:

             Run! Run,Nyx!

 My mind seemed to scream at me loudly, as I struggled to out run the flames that ran at my heels. With a loud scream, I lunged outside the double doors, not daring to look back at the massive building collapsing behind me. Finally, I landed on the grassy lawn. The impact of my desperate dive knocked the air out of my lungs deeply, but I shook it off. I pushed myself clumsily to my feet, nearly staggering rapidly as I dashed ahead.

Woods stretched around us, seeming to watch the building erupt in silent content. I groaned and winced as twigs and branches tugged rapidly at my bloody clothes. Once the building was only an appearance of black smoke, I slowed my pace. I bent over, resting my hands on my knees. My whole body trembled and I stood there ridgidly. No way that just..

            I looked up as there was the sound of a low clicking of a gun being loaded. I looked up to see a black pistol inches away from my face. I felt my eyes widen widely, but my breathing seemed to be out and away from my lungs. The only thing I could see past the jet black pistol was an outline of a person standing there, a good distance away from me. "W-Who are you!" I shouted, my body beginning to regain it's trembling nature.

The person remained silent, even though in the moonlight that lingered through the gaps from leaves, I could see the outline of the person's small and smug smile.I inhaled shakily, slowly reaching for my own gun as well. 

I'm either super brave, or utterly stupid to be doing this. 

With a silent chant of encourgement to myself, I gripped my gun and charged straight at the person.

             The person gave a silent curse, before there was the loud ringing of the gun firing. I blinked a few times, my mind and thoughts starting to swirl around my head. I gave my head a hard shake,before ramming straight into the persons chest with a loud grunt. Triumphantly, the unknown figure was forced against the tree. I placed the person's own black pistol against their chest, before there was the rumbling of faint laughter.

Is this person.. Laughing right now? 

"When you shoot to kill someone, you aim at their chest. Not their stomach, princess." The voice said, making me lift my gaze off the gun.

A pair of icy blue eyes met mine, and I felt my heart flutter in my chest like a caged bird. The boy took off his hoodie, revealing a layer of snowy-silver white tinted hair. His bangs swooped in his eyes heavily. A few abnormal scars slinkered along his face, and he had a single leather glove on his right hand, as well as baggy army jeans.

             He had many scars across his angelic face, even though his smirk didn't leave as I kept staring at him with a shy expression. As taking this to his advantage, he spun around quickly, kicking me straight in the stomach with his right leg. I was airborn as I flew back a few feet, landing squarely on my back. I groaned and ed in agony, feeling like my stomach and ribs was combined into one. I rolled from side to side, summoning up the courage to get to my feet.

I barely opened my eyes, to see the same boy leaning over me, the black pistol resting on my forehead. "Wait!" A voice shouted angerily, sounding more pissed off then ever. The boy and I automatically looked to the direction the voice was coming from. "Taemin, my man! Look at you, got a little cutie for yourself I see?" 

                  "How dumb are you, Taeyong?"

The voice said, as I shakily stood to my feet. I gasped at the image that appeared before me. Hiroti was pressed against a boy with bleach blonde hair, and heavy darkened clothing. The way he presented himself almost didn't seem human, as well as the boy named Taeyong. Taemin, as the boy called him, automatically looked to me. The eye contact was very brief and heart stopping, making me look to the side in a shy-girl fashion.

"Oh my freaking god. How many times do I have to say it?" Taemin groaned, shaking a scythe at Taeyong who casually folded both hands behind his head in a stretch.

They both looked to me, making Taemin stomp towards me. I felt my eyes widen, before I shakily lifted up the gun once more. I aimed it directly at him with a glare.

                                              Hiroti's POV:

                  "Careful." Taemin hissed, before holding the huge scythe to my throat.

 I inhaled shakily, making the cold metal press more firmly against my throat. I glared up and at him. 

Who are these guys anyway? Sure.. They stopped the agents. But what would they want with me? 

The thought seemed to hit me like a weight of bricks. I clenched my hands tightly at my side, feeling the breath become out of my lungs at full force.

"What do you want with me anyway?" I snapped, glaring up at him. He returned the same glare, pressing the blade tighter to my neck.

I gagged a little from the pressure, but didn't dare to struggle to much. I winced as he allowed his fingers to flow through my long strands of dark brown hair. He gave a half grin, before his eyes showed unexplainable interest.

"Curious, I see?"

                    "Taemin." A voice demanded curtly, making me wince as I struggled to look over his shoulder.

Taemin didn't even have to look back, his expression turned into a very grim one. He inhaled sharply, before allowing his knuckles to crack silently at his sides.

"Oh? Taeyong. Looks like we have a game of tag." He said, before flinging me over his shoulder with a careless toss.

I screamed and kicked, struggling to get free. "Let me go! You freak!" I shouted angerily, feeling light headed as I saw the back of his jet black shoes. My long brown hair seemed to block everything else from my sight.

"We'll kill you, if you don't stop." A new boy's voice said flatly, making me seperate my hair with my hands. I felt my eyes widen in utter shock. A boy with dark blue-black flippy black hair was standing behind. 

                      He.. Has angel wings... 

The wings was a huge wing span, and they was huge along his back. His eyes seemed to glow as we made eye contact, and I expected the same violent way towards me, but instead.. He simply smiled to me.

"I stole her fair and square!" Taemin snapped, shoving the scythe in the boys face.

"You can't just steal the vessel, Taemin. You have to protect it, defend it. From demons like you." He said, before his hand latched around the huge and hooked metal.

I winced at the sound of the metal latching deep into his flesh. Taemin clenched his teeth together, pushing the blade deeper into the boys hand. 

What the freaking heck.. The blood from the boy's hand seemed to outline the entire blade, before he threw the blade to the side. I was suddenly thrown high into the air. 

  "Ooops." Taemin said from underneath me. I failed and screamed loudly, the tree's nearly the same height I was.

"Catch me!" I screamed, seeing the outline of the ground speed up straight to me.

Taemin slammed the scythe's edge straight into the angel boy's chest, before lunging straight up at me. His jump seemed abnormal for a human, before he clutched me tightly in his grasp.

"Miss me, Princess?" He cooed softly, titling his head to the side of me. I gave a scream of sheer terror, hoping for someone else to catch me.

Once we landed, a huge war seemed to wage out. Another boy with pure white angel wings joined the fight, and he looked like the spitting image of Taemin. He had piercing white hair- that hung widely in his face. His angelic face had a veritcal scar across his entire face though

           I gasped as I felt someone clutch my arm tightly, making me stumble backwards widely as I scrambled to keep my footing. I relaxed with an eternal sigh as I realized it was just Nyx. We both ran as quick as our legs would carry us, suprised she managed to rip me away from Taemin without him noticing. The battle that raged behind us filled with clashing of metal, bullets firing, and things foreign to us ringed in my ears.

"Who are they?" I shouted, still shooken up from seeing the boy with the angle wings. 

Maybe they wasn't real, maybe they was just for... Comstume?

 "Screw that ! More like what are they!" She shouted, her  voice distant as she raged ahead, swinging twigs and branchs to the side widely from in front of me. We finally slowed down, as the only sound was the sound of our feet drumming.

                                             Nyx's POV:

      "I-I think we lost them." I breathed, feeling myself relax altogether. I slumped against an old oak tree, the coolness from it seeping into my overheated body.

Hiroti seemed pale as ever, as she wrapped her arms tightly around her body with a few visible trembles. I gentle reached my trembling and bloody tinted head along her shoulder, clenching her tightly.

"Well, you must feel special. I would love for a few hot guys to fight over me like that, without the weapons of course." I joked shakily, my voice seeming to echoing around loudly.

She brushed her perfectly straight dark brown hair behind her ear, giving a shaky giggle.

"Taemin was the most hottest to me." She admitted, before her face scrunched into one of pure disgust. 

Even though he seemed to want her dead, more then alive like the other boys. 

           "Are you guys ok?" A voice asked, before there was the sound of twigs and branches snapping rapdily.

I stood protectively in front of Hiroti with my arms spread horizontally, even though I didn't have any weapons on me. I struggled to see through the surrounding darnkess, but I felt relief make my mouth and body go dry and limp. A homeless man was crunching his way towards us, before straighting up. He had rugged and old black, baggy jeans with huge holes in them. He even had a plaid red and black shirt on, even though it was torn and hung loosely off his body.

His face was unshaved, and his light green eyes seemed sunken into his head. His short hair was messy and moppy looking, and a beanie was lop-sided on his head. His voice had a very heavy British accent too as he continued asking.

          "We are fine." Hiroti spoke up, and I could feel her hands clutch my arm worriedly.

The man gave an unusual and crooked smile, before he tilted his head to the side.

"Oh, I know of you." He said, before pointing directly at both of us with a leather, gloved hand.

We both looked to each other, in utter shock. What is up with all the creeps appearing after midnight? 

"Hiroti. The Underworlds special vessel. As for you, Nyx. You are Heaven's little vessel too. But, only one of you will survive this." He said, before his voice began to lower into an unusual growl.

Without warning, he lunged foreword. His flesh seemed to melt off his face, to be replaced by rotting, jet black flesh. His blood was unusually black, and his bones jutted out of his flesh. Finally, his eyes was just sightless holes. He roared loudly at us both.

            The creature- or slammed right into, before it's huge hands that was replaced with claws pierced my flesh. I was frozen in pure fear and pain as it slammed deep into my chest, making my eyes widen. Me and the creature's dark eyes locked for a brief second, before it flung me directly to the side. I was airborn, but I was barely concious nor felt it as I slammed painfully onto the ground at the base of an oak tree. I limply rolled my head over to the right to see my biggest fear.

Hiroti was on the ground, screaming and kicking, as the creature managed to begin to tear at flesh as well, lashing at her face. I stared straight ahead once more, waiting for the end to near. My vision seemed to be dotted with black splots, and I felt the aching, warm,sticky blood trickle from my flesh from every corner of it.

                    "Nyx! Are you alright!" A voice shouted urgently over me, the sound of their footsteps against the drive leaves barely catching my attention.

My only response was to barely open my eyes and let out a low groan of sheer pain. I felt my eyes widen as I saw the angel boy, who's name was apparently Zelo, and a jet black wolf sitting next to him. The wolf was huge, and had jutting silver eyes.

It snarled lowly at me, and Zelo slowly placed his hands over my chest.

"You ert, dont touch me there! !" I screeched, ignoring the pain that shot through my body at it. I looked over, seeing Taemin chopping the creatures head off, violently messing around with the body.

When I looked back, Zelo's hands had a light glow radiating from them, and my huge wound was gone. "We're going to treat your wounds. We'll be stuck together." 








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