Ch #29

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Chapter #29:


          The Deity.


This is so nice.

Haejin mused to herself with a hum as she stared out the window of her room to take in the sight of the beautiful garden which was glowing in the moonlight. The environment outside was calm and serene as the low hum of the insect jumping soothed her ears. It was almost close to midnight and she was standing on the window sill alone waiting for her husband; who was still nowhere to be seen. After his rooftop confession, Baekhyun has been as sweet as he could be- which was not a lot, but putting his personality into consideration it was enough. He might not have been extremely cheesy and romantic like most of the guys is, but still, he has his own ways to show her that he cared. Actually, she found his small quirks rather endearing. It was cute to see him try to be romantic. It was still a wonder to her that how did he manage to come up with such a romantic confession.

Not like I’m complaining.

She was not. If anything, she was quite giddy. The memories of that day still caused her to flush; not because how romantic it was- it might have a contribution in it, but the flush was due to the embarrassment she felt whenever the memories of the morning afterward come to her mind. Thankfully, no one has bothered to check up on them that night, but the next morning when they have descended the stairs into the launch to reach their room looking all kind of messed up and freshly ed; they have encountered their whole family sitting there with a knowing look in their eyes- yes, the whole family consisted of Baekhyun’s parents too. Haejin still remembers the embarrassment that coursed through her being at that moment while her husband shamelessly greeted his parents and nonchalantly made his way towards the room.

That shameless jerk!

The look on Baekhyun’s mother’s face told her that she was already dreaming about her future grandchildren. It was just too obvious from her face; which did not help her in her case and caused her to get a little bit more embarrassed. It was quite a whole good two weeks ago though. The week following after her husband’s confession has been what you might call as their honeymoon period, but like always all good things come to an end. The start of the second week came with endless responsibilities for her husband; who has been getting increasingly busy with work and the foundation. Baekhyun has told her that the USB that she has brought and the files that they have collected were enough to call a board meeting among all the Kingdoms so that they can issue a restraint order against the organization, but there was not a single thing that proved that her father was involved in any of this. He has explained that once the video in the USB is presented- all the people involved would be arrested as soon as possible; well, all except her father which was not a pleasant revelation if you might ask her. It was the due reason he has been searching left and right for the evidence and the board meeting was being postponed. She has actually offered him to give her statement against the man, but it was shot down as soon as it was out of . The glare that Baekhyun has sent her way told her that she was not supposed to propose any such ideas in the future.

Not that my verdict was going to be of any big use.

It was true since she was now Baekhyun’s wife they would not believe her words unless they are provided with some kind of proof. They may take the case under consideration, but nothing would be proved against her father if they fail to facilitate them with something that would show that her father was the person who was aiding the organization- him being the former King won’t help them either. Letting out a sigh, Haejin pushed away all the depressing thoughts and focused on the sight of the garden that was displayed in front of her. It was then when she completely focused did she manage to catch the silhouette of a man hiding behind a bush; or at least, she thought that he was hiding. She can’t be so sure. Maybe, it was one of the royal guards.

But what would he be doing in the garden at this time?

“What are you doing?” She jumped a little in shock when she registered the sudden inquiry before turning around to look at her husband; who was standing behind her with his arms crossed over his chest and a look of raw curiosity in his eyes.

“Nothing. I was just waiting for you.” Baekhyun acknowledged her response with a small hum before making his way to the window to stand beside her slowly. A tired sigh made its way past his lips as he lifted his head slightly to stare out of the window too.

“Long day?”

“You can say that.” The way his response was so chipped and brief gave her the impression that he was really tired; the thought of which brought a frown to her face.

“Don’t overwork yourself.” She scolded him with a slight nudge to his stomach and leaned back against the wall when a soft twinkling chuckle reached her ears.

“I’m not. Plus, it will get better soon. Kyungsoo and Lay have volunteered to start working at the office since their University is ending. It will take a large amount of workload off my shoulders; especially if it’s Kyungsoo.” Baekhyun tried to sate his wife’s concern and shifted his attention away from the view outside towards Haejin when he felt slender fingers loosening the knot of his tie.

“That’s nice to hear.” The young King stared at his wife’s face as she busied herself with his tie under the glow of the moonlight and reached down to the first two buttons of his shirt when she was done. Everything about her was so enchanting; Baekhyun couldn’t understand how he was able to hold his temptation in for so long after their marriage- especially when they were alone in the same room.

“Mom was the one who gave the suggestion, actually.” He provided further and pulled his hands back when she took over his task of his ing.

“Really?” Haejin gave a distracted response which caused a smirk to slowly make its way to his lips.

“Yeah,” The eldest started with a nonchalant shrug and took a firm hold of her hands that were now reaching upwards to push his shirt off his shoulders. His wife finally lifted her head up to stare at his face and tilted her head in confusion when he showed her the same smug smile that is usually adorning his features.

“What?” She demanded when it was clear that he was not going to say anything.

“Nothing,” Baekhyun once again gave an unsatisfying answer before he tugged at her both hands to pull her closer to himself.

“Baekhyun!” Haejin protested with a startled gasp and once again looked up to gaze at the smug smirk that was still dancing along his lips; it was actually smugger if she was not mistaken. There was a teasing glint in his eyes which told her that the next thing that he was going to say was going to bring her embarrassment.

“She thought that we both could use some free time to go on that pending honeymoon of ours.” Her husband continued his previous explanation while completely ignoring her protest and let go of her one hand to take a gentle hold of her chin.

“What do you think?”

“I-I…” Haejin started but trailed off in the end when she found herself at loss of words. It was true that they haven’t gone on their honeymoon yet, but it was also a truth that she hasn’t thought about it even for once. The way she could feel her face heating up told her that she was probably looking as red as a tomato at that moment; the mischievous smile that replaced her husband’s smirk proved her suspicion further. The young queen was feeling quite frustrated with herself because why the hell was she feeling shy now. For the sake of the God, they have already done the deed.

“You what?” He teased with a devious grin and slowly trailed his eyes down to stare at her lips which did not help her in calming down at all.

“Sure. I m-mean why no-” She opened to give him an unintelligent answer but closed it once again when he took a step in her direction- which automatically compelled her to take a step back.

“Sorry, can’t hear you from so far.” He apologized while the stupid grin on his face only seemed to grow in size.

“Don’t you think that excuse is getting pretty old?” Haejin choked out while trying to will her blushing face to calm down. The poor girl really hopes that her husband would soon stop having this kind of effect on her; it was bad for her health after all. Plus, the fact that he never seems to stop embarrassing her didn’t sit quite well with her.

“Does it matter if it always gets you where I want?” Baekhyun whispered with a wondering look on his face before using her chin to pull her face closer to his’.

“W-Where do you want me?”

Damn it!

I was doing so well without that stupid stutter.

“Here…” Before Haejin could open to protest that she didn’t understand him at all, her husband swiftly pressed his lips against hers. Letting out a small noise of surprise, she immediately closed her eyes and brought her hands up to settle them against his shoulders. It was so nice; the feeling that she was having at that moment. It might sound stupid, but the young queen was sure that she was already used to the feeling of his lips against hers. Baekhyun’s touch was just so addicting and even after everything that they have already done still, a simple kiss from him manages to take her breath away.

“I bet you like it here too.” Her husband stated cheekily against her moist lips when he was satisfied and let go off her chin to rub his thumb over her probably red cheeks. Haejin let out a scoff of disbelief when she heard the cocky statement and pulled herself out of his hold.

“Aren’t you getting ahead of yourself?” She challenged him with a snort and crossed her arms over her chest.

“I don’t think so,” The way his response was filled with so much confidence made her wonder whether she was that obvious with her actions or he was just way too observant.

“You don’t think so?” She repeated his question with a teasing smile while putting the stress on the nonphysical state of his claim.

“I wonder whether that thinking of yours is a reality or not?” The young queen husband further and this time willingly lifted her head to stare at him when he took a step closer.

“I can prove that it’s not just my thinking.”

“What if you fail?” She whispered against his lips and bit down on her lower lip to stop herself from grinning. Haejin knew she was stepping on his big as hell ego and it was quite obvious from the way his eyes were suddenly filled with so much determination.

“I will not.”



Where the hell is Minjoon when you need him?

Baekhyun thought to himself in an exasperated manner while making his way through the long hallways of the building to reach his office. His eyes were hastily moving over the words and figures that were printed on the pages of the file that he was holding in his hand.

I seriously need to fire him.

He distractedly continued with his thoughts and pushed open the door of his office when he finally reached it. The young King closed the door behind himself when

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I did not realize this story reached over 500 upvotes!
I love you all so much T^T
As a thanks, I'll be writing a bonus chapter. A small, fluffy one. Hopefully, I will post it by the end of next month along.


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57 streak #1
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Realky liked how the brothers were portrayed as bormal family with bickering, fights and cute moments as well, mostly with Baekhyun and Sehun having special brotherly bond.

Baekhyun can be cold but maybe that will change.

Interesting, if there will be Haejin's POV. Just to see how humans perceive those they call monsters.
57 streak #2
Chapter 1: The premise sounds really interesting. Love the use of EXO Monster, and I am a er for royal AU's. Excited to read more
Alicekyo1017 #3
Just found this story and is really amazing to read. The story line was good! I felt the emotions while reading it whether was sad or laugh when happy. Good job authornim.
Chapter 39: Love this epilogue to the core❤️
Chapter 29: This part never fails to make me cry 🥺😭
Chapter 25: This chapter is definitely close to my heart ❤️
Chapter 9: Baekhyun being a mastermind is such a hot concept🤭
Chapter 7: Coming back again to read it 🧡💛
Chapter 39: It was such a nice story...
Everything was perfect....It made me feel butterfly sometimes it make me laugh sometime cry..
❤️❤️ Such a lovely and beautiful story❤️❤️