Ch #19

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Chapter #19:


          The Jealousy.


“So…” Haejin, who was sitting on the comfortable couch of the suite which was allotted to Baekhyun and her, turned her head dreadfully to face Lay; who had an innocent look on his face.

“No!” Thankfully, last day, they were successful in saving Minjoon from Baekhyun’s deadly hands and reached their hotel without any life loss. It was rather late in the night and Haejin was not happy to know that her husband had straight away gone to take a look at the meeting managements in his wet clothes. She wanted to stop him, she wanted to tell him to go after changing his clothes, but the latter was gone even before she can utter a single word. With a defeated sigh, she had retreated to her assigned room just like the others and had gone straight to bed after taking a relaxing shower. She really had no idea when Baekhyun came back to their room, but she was happy to see his peacefully sleeping face in front of her, the next morning when she woke up. It was for the first time where she caught her husband sleeping peacefully like this. It’s always Baekhyun who gets up before her and leave for his work even before she is awake; it was a nice change in their routine and Haejin figured that she really liked it. After that, she had gone for a morning shower to get ready for the small trial meeting they were supposed to be attending. This one was just a small one. The main meeting was to be held two days later; where the people from the whole district were going to gather to greet their new King and Queen. Baekhyun hasn’t informed her of that before and it only made her more and more nervous because this was her first time appearing in front of the public with her renewed status. Baekhyun had already woken up and gotten ready by the time she had stepped out of the washroom all dolled up. He seemed in a little bit of rush, as he told her to make sure she has all the necessary things and then have ushered her towards the meeting room; not wanting to be tardy. There were not a lot of people present in the meeting room, but from the aura around the people Haejin could tell that they all were extremely important people; one she didn’t want to mess up with. To her relief, the meeting went well. She didn’t even need to give any input. All the time, it was just Baekhyun speaking and explaining things to elderly men; who seemed pretty impressed with her husband. That fact alone made the whole lousy meeting worth it. She had to admit that her husband looked really hot with that businessman look on his face as he chattered away about the finance and statistics of the district that were to be renewed. Outside the meeting hall, she had surprisingly stumbled upon her high school friend, Taeyong, again. The latter seemed to be attending the small meeting along with his father and was supposed to go back tomorrow. Even though Haejin and Taeyong have been really pleased to meet each other unexpectedly, but unfortunately, that was not the case with Baekhyun. Nope. The eldest had been anything but pleased to see her friend which made the poor girl confused.

What is his problem?

Baekhyun had been dutifully glaring at her friend ever since they happened to stumble upon the poor Taeyong. Not only that, he also had been sticking to her like a sticky Bee and had not given Taeyong and her a single moment of privacy.

He is just weird.

To her delight and Baekhyun’s dismay, Taeyong had decided to tag along with them to their suite because he had no one else he knew over there and have been mixing up pretty well with all her brothers-in-law; who were at the current moment roasting her brain to get any kind of information out of her about the Jungle incident. Though, she was not going to tell them anything. Not in the next thousand years, not in a million years, not in her entire life and not until Baekhyun tells them himself; which she knew, was never going to happen.

“What is this all about? What happened in the Jungle?” Taeyong asked with a confused tilt of his head and stared at her questioningly.

“Nothing. They are just being stupid.” Haejin was quick to sate his curiosity because, for the love of the holy cheesecake, she didn’t want another person pestering her about the ‘juicy details’ of the previous night; at least that’s how Luhan and Jongdae like to quote it.

“Noona!” Sehun protested and plopped down on the couch beside her before laying his head in her lap. He made a cute pouty face at her; which she knew was hiding his evil smirk and intentions.

“You deceiving little devil, get off me. I’m not telling you anything. There is nothing to tell.” Haejin mumbled in annoyance and quickly lifted her body off the couch while shoving Sehun away.

“I am going to sleep.”


Baekhyun’s face; which was morphed into an unpleased scowl for the past few hours finally relaxed when he saw Haejin moving away from Taeyong and going away. He did not like to see that guy next to his wife; not at all, not after he had spent a whole night with her after their engagement. Okay. He knew, he was being unreasonable, but what can he exactly do? There was this burning fire inside him which was making him feel uncomfortable and upset; the feelings that were consuming him were the ones, he had never experienced before and he was going crazy with the want of strangling Taeyong with his own hands. Okay. He was being unreasonable again.

“The dude might really combust if you keep on glaring at him like that.” Baekhyun was startled out of his beautiful thoughts by Kyungsoo; who was leaning against the wall beside him.

“I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“Tell me Baekhyun…” Kyungsoo totally ignored his brother’s failed attempt at dodging the topic and folded his arms over his chest.

“Are you jealous?” Jealousy. The word, it rang loud and clear inside his mind like some dangerous warning alarm. It sounded so foreign, yet he felt like it was the best way to describe what he was feeling at that very particular moment.

Am I really jealous? Am I really insecure that some other guy would whisk away my wife?

Different kinds of thoughts were swimming inside his head, but still, he was afraid of asking himself the true question. The question, that he was not sure whether he wanted to find the answer to or not.

Do I really harbor feelings for Haejin?

The thoughts of having feelings for someone else other than his family scared him. It frightened him that another loved one would be snatched away from his grasp; just like his mother. It was a painful experience and all his life, he had tried his best to save himself from experiencing that kind of pain again, but Haejin had turned his world upside down and he didn’t know what to feel about his potential feelings for his wife.

“Hyung?” By now, all the people in the room had their eyes on the eldest Prince as the latter allowed himself to be carried away with his thoughts.

“Kyungsoo-ah, don’t tire your head with these kinds of stupid thoughts.” Of course, he won’t be Baekhyun if he would just admit it right away.

“Bu—” Kyungsoo’s protest died down in his throat, as he saw his brother walking out of the suite with a solemn look on his face; he was not offended, though because he knew, he had hit a nerve somewhere inside his brother with his words.


“What are you all looking at?” Taeyong questioned out reluctantly when he noticed that all the Princes were staring at him with unblinking and mischievous eyes. To be honest, it was a little bit creepy and was unnerving him.

“You know that Baek and Haejin have been married for almost three months now, right?” It was Chanyeol who decided to respond his question with a question of his own.

“Y-Yeah. Look if this is about your brother being jealous of me-”

“So you may have also noticed that they have little to none progress in their relationship.” Suho cut him off with his statement which left Taeyong a little bit baffled; he was totally not getting what they all were trying to say.

“I guess?”

“What we mean is that they are moving very slow for our liking.” Xiumin decided to elaborate it a little further.

“I really don’t get what you guys are trying to say.” Taeyong finally voiced his confusion out and scooted away a little from Kai; who sat beside him with a goofy grin along with Tao.

“Now, you’re such a great friend to Haejin noona, aren’t you?” Tao asked with a bubbly smile which made the poor guy gulp.

“I think so,” Taeyong replied hesitantly and looked around the room nervously. What has he gotten himself into?

“So you are going to help us make Baekhyun jealous.” He snapped his head towards Kris when the other guy finally revealed their plan.

 “What?” Taeyong shrieked out of fear and almost ran away out of the room, but Kai held him rooted in his place. No way in hell was he going to do that. The way Baekhyun had been glaring at him the whole day told him that the King was not going to be friendly if he tried to press his buttons in the wrong manner. What did they want? Were the Princes really trying to get him killed by their brother?

“Look! Baek-Hyung is jealous of you. You are our best candidate. You need to help us.” Sehun exclaimed and stood in front of him with his hands on his hips.


“Don’t you want to help Haejin?” This time it was Chen; who asked him with narrowed eyes; which turned out to be as scary as Baekhyun. Taeyong was seriously considering his life choices at the moment.

“You are going to help us and that’s final.” Luhan declared with finality in his voice and grabbed Taeyong by arm to make him stand.

“Let’s talk about the plan, shall we?”

Oh- Boy!


Baekhyun was not really sure about what the hell happened to Taeyong, but the little has been a lot more daring ever since he returned back to the suite. As soon as he stepped inside the launch of the suite, he was greeted with the sight of Haejin and Taeyong sitting on the couch together playing some stupid game on their mobiles. Taeyong- Baekhyun officially names him ‘the little ’ – keeps on leaning towards Haejin to glance down at her screen and his wandering hands touched her arms again and again. The eldest prince didn’t know whether his wife was really oblivious or she simply didn’t care, but he was going freaking livid. He balled his hands into tight fists and locked his jaw before sitting right in front of his wife and her friend; in hope of being noticed. He even cleared his throat to let them know about his presence, but the two seemed to be in their own world. Baekhyun narrowed his eyes at the playing duo and kept on watching with burning jealousy as Haejin threw her head back in laughter and rested it against Taeyong’s shoulder. Oh- no! They were not going to be all mushy, mushy in front of him, but there was nothing that he could do; especially with the way, his brothers were staring at him with synchronizing eyes. He let out an angry huff and tapped his feet on the floor impatiently to control his anger, but it was not working at all. How can it! Specifically when his wife continued to be oblivious? Finally, he gave up on staring at his wife and stood up on his place with an irritated growl. He threw his oblivious wife a fierce glare and stormed his way out of the launch to his room.

I am not going to give my brothers another reason to come at me!

It has been about thirty minutes since Baekhyun left the launch and he was still very impatiently pacing about his room from left to right while trying to calm himself down. He was sure that Haejin didn’t even notice his leave; which sadly was the truth. She was too busy having fun with her friend. Besides that, she didn’t know that he was getting jealous over a guy who already had a girlfriend.


It’s not like I care what she does.

He thought to himself stubbornly and stopped in the middle of his track.

Yeah. I don’t even care.

Why should I lock myself in this room? They should be the one stopping!

The eldest Prince further firmed his resolve and opened the door of the room to step out just in time when Haejin leaned forward to give Taeyong a friendly hug. Baekhyun’s left eye twitched with annoyance and he balled his hands by his sides to control the burning rage that was coursing through his body at that very moment; though it was not very effective since he was already making his way towards the duo, blazing with fire even before he knew it. He didn’t even give anyone the time to react to his presence before he was roughly grabbing his wife by her wrist and was already dragging her to their room with murder written on his face. There was so much, he could take. How could Haejin allow someone other than him to be so close to her? She was freaking married to him! Taeyong was not supposed to be this close to her. Okay. Maybe, this was his jealous mind speaking, but still!

“Baekhyun!” Haejin exclaimed in shock when he pushed her inside the room and banged the door close behind them.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” She continued with a scowl while rubbing her wrist that was grasped by her husband not too long ago.

“What the hell is wrong with me?” Baekhyun repeated her question incredulously and took small, determined steps in her direction; which made the poor girl cower under his burning gaze a little.

“No! What the hell is wrong with you?” He continued seething in deadly calm voice and continued advancing in her direction with a venomous expression on his face.

God help me Haejin. I’m gonna ravish you!

This time it was his hormonal mind speaking along with his jealous self, but Baekhyun can’t help it. Not when his wife was looking so desirable; plus his anger was fueled by jealousy and he was definitely not thinking straight which maybe, was the first time in his whole life.

“I-I really don’t have the energy to deal with you right now…” Haejin stuttered out hesitantly and took a step away from him because let’s be honest- Baekhyun seemed really pissed at the moment and even though he looked hot it was scaring Haejin a little bit. Maybe making Baekhyun jealous was not such a good idea; all the Princes realized it a little bit too late.

“Oh- why would you, now?” His statement confused her and she was sure it was apparent on her face. Haejin wanted to know what he meant, what he was trying to say, but something told her that she better step out of this room before things get out of hands.

“Just let me pass.” She demanded in a small, cautious voice and hastily tried to make her way past him, but luck was not on her side. Just as she was about to walk past him, she was rudely stopped by her husband who took hold of her wrist again and forcefully pinned her against the nearest wall while combusting away in flames due to his anger. She can see it on his face. He was furious and he was not even trying to hide it. She wondered what triggered him so much. He was doing well just a few hours ago. What happened to him so suddenly? Why was he suddenly so angry with her?

Did I make a mistake?

Baekhyun knew Haejin was going to protest against his actions; he knew it as soon as the latter opened and he knew he had no right to stop her, but still he did because he knew it would just fuel up his anger even more. As soon as, Haejin made an attempt to talk, he firmly took hold of her chin and pressed his lips against her in a ferocious manner. He was not gentle at all and he didn’t even care to be. There was no tenderness or sweetness in the kiss; it was purely filled with passion and his raging emotions that were taking a toll on him at that moment. He wanted to flake her away with his passion, with all those emotions that were coursing through his body. He wanted to show her that she belonged to him. He wanted to prove that he was the best and she could never find anyone better than him. He wanted to do a lot of things and he wanted to do them all now, right at that moment so Taeyong would see that he has no chance. The burning jealousy was making his clever mind a mush, he was not even considering the logical and rational side of his brain; he was so blinded by his jealousy that he didn’t even notice that it all was a set up by his brothers- which in normal circumstances he would have. A throated growl escaped past his lips when he felt his wife lightly punching his shoulder in retaliation when he tried to penetrate her wet cavern with his own tongue; he was especially not happy when she tried to move her unresponsive lips away from his’. Baekhyun let go of her wrist that he had prior pinned to the wall and cleverly moved his deft fingers down to her lithe waist; he made sure to slowly feel every curve that came in his wake thoroughly just to make sure that his wife felt every single one of his compelling touch. Haejin was mortified when a strangled gasp escaped past her lips when her husband’s playful hands teasingly d her waist just above her hipbones. She was even more surprised when the same hands went to settle on the small of her back and forced her to move closer to his body. Baekhyun made sure to keep her locked in one place, as he once again traced his tongue slowly along her lower lip while subtly biting down on the soft flesh occasionally; driving his poor wife crazy. Haejin closed her eyes with a defeated whimper and finally gave into his touch by parting her lips to grant him permission to enter. She had no idea what had gotten into him, but it was not like she was complaining; yeah, she tried to resist at first because she was utterly dumbfounded, but the eldest’s determination broke her resolve. Her husba

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I did not realize this story reached over 500 upvotes!
I love you all so much T^T
As a thanks, I'll be writing a bonus chapter. A small, fluffy one. Hopefully, I will post it by the end of next month along.


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57 streak #1
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Realky liked how the brothers were portrayed as bormal family with bickering, fights and cute moments as well, mostly with Baekhyun and Sehun having special brotherly bond.

Baekhyun can be cold but maybe that will change.

Interesting, if there will be Haejin's POV. Just to see how humans perceive those they call monsters.
57 streak #2
Chapter 1: The premise sounds really interesting. Love the use of EXO Monster, and I am a er for royal AU's. Excited to read more
Alicekyo1017 #3
Just found this story and is really amazing to read. The story line was good! I felt the emotions while reading it whether was sad or laugh when happy. Good job authornim.
Chapter 39: Love this epilogue to the core❤️
Chapter 29: This part never fails to make me cry 🥺😭
Chapter 25: This chapter is definitely close to my heart ❤️
Chapter 9: Baekhyun being a mastermind is such a hot concept🤭
Chapter 7: Coming back again to read it 🧡💛
Chapter 39: It was such a nice story...
Everything was perfect....It made me feel butterfly sometimes it make me laugh sometime cry..
❤️❤️ Such a lovely and beautiful story❤️❤️