Chapter Eighteen

Million Dollar Boy
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The bleak days of November swept along like a blur. Final exams wre distributed at the last week of the said month, following the announcement of the school’s semestral break, which most students of Seoul Academy had been anticipating for. With the exception of the senior high department, all students had already unwound themselves and were just keenly waiting to end their term and welcome the approaching holidays of December.

After dealing with some caffeine-induced anxiety attacks, intensive review sessions, cramming spree and completion of school clearance, Seoul Academy’s senior high school students finally received their well-earned diploma. The exclusive institution has produced yet another batch of sterling graduates.

It’s already close to two weeks since their semestral break began. Jongin is perched on the foot of his bed, eyes skimming over the last message Chanyeol replied to him before he went idle.


Sorry midget, I don’t think I can make it to the farewell party today.


Eh? Why?


Mom’s nagging me to pack my clothes bc she’s gonna kick me out pretty soon.


Your mom is gonna kick you out?!


And send me to a medical boarding school, yeah


Medical? :O Hyung, I didn’t know you were gonna study medicine…


Sorry, kinda forgot to mention that my family owns a hospital. :P


You own a HOSPITAL?!?!?!


Don’t be surprised, kid. There’s a reason why our school is a private one.


Well, can you blame me? I’m only a scholar student…


Not anymore. You’re under Grandma Hyejin’s care now, remember?


Gtg. I’m leaving tonight.


Tonight? :(


Mrs. Park’s word is the law, unfortunately. I’ll talk to you when life’s not bothering me anymore, ok? Have fun in the party!

PS: don’t drink too much booze

Jongin surveys the date of the thread—12th of December. Chanyeol’s last message was sent a week ago, when the Art Club held their farewell party for the graduated members. Chanyeol is still yet to drop another text and honestly, Jongin kind of misses the older’s presence already.

He and Chanyeol have grown pretty close the past two months, close enough to start exchanging messages in their phones. Not hearing anything from his (probably most) favorite hyung worries Jongin. He doesn't even know if Chanyeol is still alive, or what.

Laying down on his mattress, Jongin puffs his cheeks out and listens to the ticking of the clock. With Chanyeol missing and Baekhyun spending his semestral break over at his grandmother’s ‘no-gadgets-allowed’ residence, Jongin has no one to talk to. Even communication with Zitao is scarce.

Three knocks on his door brings Jongin out of his sulking. He sits upright, walking over his door to open it.

“Yes?” Jongin smiles at the sight of Seohyun’s face peering at him from the other side. He pulls the door wider to see the woman more appropriately.

“Madam Hyejin asks if you’re all set,” Seohyun speaks, roaming her eyes around Jongin’s room.

“Since last night.” Jongin chimes, motioning to his two luggages standing in the corner of his room.

Seohyun beams as a response. “How long are you gonna be in France again?”

“I don’t really know. Grandma mentioned about us spending the New Year’s there, though.” Jongin recalls how the old woman disclosed the news to him with excitement filling her wrinkled features.

“Wow, that’s pretty long.” Seohyun sighs dreamily, inwardly wishing she could travel overseas for a vacation someday, too. “It’s the first time Madam and the young master will celebrate Christmas and New Year in a different place. The mansion will be quite dull for a while.”

Jongin wanted to celebrate the holidays with the servants seeing as they’ve been his closest companions in this house, but it’s a shame he had to leave them and jubilate in another country. There’s always a next time, though.


For Jongin, nothing beats the experience of riding an aircraft looming thousands of feet up in the sky.

However, leaning over his hotel room’s balcony and gazing at the star-speckled darkness ahead of him, the picturesque, snow-covered city of Paris and the Eiffel Tower glimmering so lovely in the distance can rival his aerial experiences. Even with the icy draft nipping at his nose, Jongin still chose to chill outside. He has never seen such an astounding view as this.

Jongin is in the middle of humming a random song with his thoughts adrift when his roommate enters the room. He turns at the sound of the door clicking close and finds Sehun flopping down his bed with a drawn out sigh.

Avoiding the possibility of being scolded by the evidently fraught nineteen-year-old, Jongin steps inside the room and gently slides the balcony doors shut. His footsteps thud dully over the plush beige carpet as he wends his way towards his bed, situated across Sehun’s. Since the one who booked the hotel rooms was Grandma Hyejin, of course the elder decided to dump them both in the same room. Surprisingly enough, Sehun didn’t give much of a complaint.

As much as the old woman likes to play matchmaker though, Jongin and Hyejin both know this is a hopeless case.

Pin-dropping silence floods their room as Jongin drops on his own bed. Peering through his lashes, he watches the gentle rise and fall of Sehun’s chest, and the way he never moves an inch from his recumbent position with his arm laying on top of his eyes.

Earlier after supper, Sehun was held back by Grandma Hyejin because she wanted to discuss some important things with him. Since Jongin had no business whatsoever regarding it, he continued his way up to their room, hence the reason he was on the balcony, viewing the scenery outside. Whatever Grandma Hyejin talked about with Sehun, it must have been stressful enough for him to look a bit distraught.

Since that night when their school celebrated their fair’s final day, the atmosphere between him and Sehun became less strained. It isn’t really that much comfortable like that of his relationship with Chanyeol, but the tension is starting to fade since then and only the slightest of awkwardness lingers. They aren’t really talking though, just exchanging words when deemed necessary.

Tonight, it seems like a necessary thing to do. After Sehun graduated, it’s apparent how much stress has lifted itself off of his shoulders. Leaving his taxing position in the student council made him more relaxed and less tetchy. Jongin was just beginning to adjust to this cordial behavior but seeing all this surliness Sehun displays is making Jongin cautious once again.

Still, that doesn’t stop the boy from at least knowing how’s his fiancé.

“Are you…um…I mean, is everything alright…hyung?”

Jongin’s voice sounds deafening from all this silence. He didn’t expect Sehun to answer, but after a few beats, Jongin hears his baritone voice respond with a low, ‘yeah.’

Satisfied with the curt response, Jongin pulls the bed sheets up to his waist and settles down, even though it’s far too early for him to doze off. Jongin turns to his side and opts to gaze out of the transparent balcony doors, the Eiffel tower still glowing ethereally.

Minutes turn to an hour with Jongin just watching the outside view. All the silence and the chilly atmosphere is making his eyelids heavy. He can feel the sleepiness catching up with him but at the last minute, he hears some rustling sounds coming from Sehun’s part of the room.

Jongin jolts awake at the single poke on his shoulder. He rises up in a haste, catching Sehun’s impassive eyes.

“I’m gonna go out,” Sehun mutters lowly, straightening his back. He is wearing his thick black leather jacket and gloves, head clad in a gray beanie. In his clutch is a pair of what looks like his earmuffs. “Do you want to come with me?”

Holy mother of—Jongin’s breath stops as he looks back at Sehun, stupefied at the older male's uncharacteristic display of behavior. Sehun is about to go out and just asked him if he wants to come with him.

Sehun’s. asking. him. if. he. wants. to. come. with—

“U-Um…yes…?” Jongin stammers, cheeks heating up. Sehun gives a simple nod.

“I’ll wait in the lobby.” Sehun blankly mutters and saunters his way towards the door. Once he’s out, does Jongin only realize what just happened. His heart is speeding up and butterflies are once again swarming his stomach, making him grab his pillow and bury his face in it to do at least a thirty-second freak out.

Please tell me I’m not dreaming.


It turns out that he isn’t dreaming at all; Jongin is perfectly wide awake and the frosty sensation of the wind blowing wisps to his auburn hair as he and Sehun amble by the semi-crowded streets of Latin Quarter is a living proof of that. Every time he breathes, puffs of smoke emerges out of his nose and mouth, reminding him just how cold it is outside. Still, no amount of chill in the evening breeze can tamp down the warmth in Jongin’s face.

Jongin already lost track of time since he and Sehun got out of the hotel. They’ve already passed by countless of bistros and restaurants, bought Pastrami sandwiches just minutes ago (but Jongin supposes it’s just Sehun’s way of avoiding any means of communication with him) and even watched a pantomime execute a short performance, but nothing out of the norm really happened. Aside from Sehun inviting me for a walk outside, that is…

They spend another half an hour just casually strolling around with no sense of direction, until Sehun sees a signboard with the words ‘The Louvre Museum: 2 Miles ahead’ written in big, bold letters. There. They now have a destination to visit.

It might be an impossible feat for most people to go on a lengthy meander without exchanging any words with each other but since Jongin and Sehun are both fairly reticent, they manage to reach the museum without talking at all, as mundane as it sounds.

Even from a distance, the imposing sight of the colossal museum has Jongin’s jaws growing slack. The medieval fortress’ walls are illuminated with countless of scintillating bulbs and in the front of the palace, at the very center, stands a massive glowing pyramid constructed by glass and metal. Jongin is simply in awe. The archaic exterior of the castle has taken his breath away just as much as the Eiffel Tower had.

Sehun observes the multitude of expressions crossing Jongin’s face. Spotting the pure and utter astonishment in his gleaming eyes causes the corner of his lips to tilt up in an amused smirk. Jongin is so easily astounded—but that must be because he has never seen and been to places like this his entire life.

When the both of them finally gain entrance inside museum, Jongin’s eyes greedily drink everything he can see. Sehun isn’t really that impressed anymore seeing as he’s already been in one too many exhibit archives since young, but Jongin here probably hasn’t stepped foot in a such a grand structure as this. Nonetheless, his reactions are entertaining. The younger boy can’t get enough of the mind-boggling paintings and riveting marble sculptures exhibited around the place.

Without realizing it, Jongin strays farther and farther away from Sehun, getting immersed with the infinite pieces of art the museum has to offer. Through all of his fascination, he doesn’t even notice that he is already separated from Sehun, until he knocks into someone (because he’s busy gaping up at the elaborate graphics etched on the ceiling).

“Oh!” Jongin yelps, turning around instantly. Apologies threaten to bubble out of his throat, but at the sight of a stunning pair of emerald orbs staring back at him, his thoughts screech to a halt.

“Est-ce que ça va?”


There goes the blood out of my nose. Jongin blanches at the strong French accent of the undoubtedly charming boy before him, who looks no older than he is. Having no idea what the other just presumably asked, Jongin gulps nervously and takes a step back. The boy, who is all alone by himself just like Jongin, has concern streaking his expression.

“S-Sorry, I—” Jongin cringes, hearing his native Korean accent. He never even thought he would have to use his most despised language just to communicate with someone. “I don’t—I can’t understand…?”

Understanding flashes across the stranger’s face. His smile almost blinds Jongin. “Oh, I see. I asked if you were okay.”

Jongin wishes the ground would just swallow him whole. He’s weak in English, dammit! “I’m…I’m okay…?” He sounds more like asking instead of answering.

The French boy slightly tilts his head to the side, as though inspecting Jongin. The latter feels a bit insecure under his scrutinizing gaze. Jongin has no idea what to do and is just dumbly standing there with his mind filled with nothing but blankness. It’s not his fault that this stranger is quite gorgeous…

With a grace so suave, the stranger takes Jongin’s hand in a gentle grasp and leads it near his lips. Jongin feels electricity rush through his skin and a bright blush immediately shades his whole face the moment the boy’s lips graze the back of his hand. Jongin blinks and his mouth falls open, obviously caught off-guard with the sudden action.

The boy’s lips quirk up into another blinding smile as he releases Jongin’s hand and composes himself. God, Jongin can’t even express how freaking shy he is right now.

“You strongly remind me of someone I know from a long time ago,” The other speaks almost wistfully. His eyes take a gander at Jongin’s face, like he’s memorizing every inch of his features. Jongin doesn’t know why, but it feels like he can empathize with the other boy’s longing.

He finds himself asking before his mind can even fully process it. “I-Is this, um…someone…important to you…?”

“Very.” The boy nods with a soft smile. “He is dear to me. He is a childhood friend. Despite being the coldest person I’ve ever known, I still miss him so.”

The other's rueful smile makes Jongin wonder what could’ve possibly happened to this childhood friend he’s talking about, for him to be all melancholic and such. Jongin is affected by a stranger’s mood, as strange as that sounds.

Even with the short span of their meeting, Jongin is already drawn towards the other boy. Not in a romantic sort, of course. It’s just that…there’s something about

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Heyyy y’all! Yes im still alive and no, i havent forgotten about this story. I know i said i would update (and that was LAST YEAR holy 😅) Im really sorry for making you guys wait but your girl’s gotta study OTL. Anyways just hang in there, i wont abandon MDB. ill be back soon! 😘


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Chapter 39: Just had to re-read this entire story. Hahahhaa in 2024. I miss this story. <3
968 streak #2
Chapter 39: Yay! They finally said that L word!
This story could actually end here!
Yet, there is still an unfinished business with Junmyeon and Heyjin.
968 streak #3
Chapter 36: WT ... Chanyeol had more kisses with Jongin! That isn't fair!
968 streak #4
Chapter 32: qwertyuiopasdfghjkl;zxcvbnm,./qwertyuiopsdfghjkl;xcvbnm,!!!!
Finally, the kiss after 30 chapters!
968 streak #5
Chapter 30: Another kiss and it is still not Sehun!
How could you be so cruel to Sehun when he's showing jealousy and possessiveness?
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Chapter 27: What was that? There was no kiss!
We are now in the 26th chapter and still no kiss!
968 streak #7
Chapter 25: Chanyeol has always been a kind hyung even if had had flashes of admiration for the young Jongin! But now, with the more mature Jongin, he sure is getting in.
Jongin sure is lucky to have a "boyfriend" and a fiance! Hahahaha!
Chapter 39: It's been years authornim
Chapter 39: miss ma’am….
nurulhuda #10
I hope it will be updated huhu