Carved in Porcelain I

Carved in Porcelain




An abrupt slam on the brakes causes them all to lunge forward and fling back. Still calm and collected, Seulgi continues to look through the contents of her backpack, taking inventory and making sure nothing was forgotten. Yeri, on the other hand, voiced her never ending complaints for Joy’s ‘driving’ which Seulgi and many others would agree, wasn’t exactly the best.


“Be careful, Joy! You almost rear-ended that car!”


“It’s because you keep nagging me!” Joy retorts, her eyes shooting back and forth between Yeri and the road. “You're distracting, just let me drive!”


“How did they even allow you to have a license?” Yeri huffs with arms crossed but Joy simply ignores her as she always does, and trains her utmost focus on the road to prove she was deserving of that tiny plastic card.


The youngest girl decides to let the driver be and twists in her chair, tugging the seat belt off a bit so she could get a better look at the other girl rummaging about.


“Seulgi, are you sure that's all you need?”


And Seulgi’s nearly done mentally checking off all the items in her bag. Her hand instinctively reaches into her coat pocket, quickly undoing the zipper and patting the inside for the most important item. A smile tugs at the edge of her lips.


Looks like she’s all set.


Deft hands secure her belongings, zipping up all the openings and adjusting the straps of her backpack before she sets it on her lap, ready to go.


“Yeah, I like to travel light,” Seulgi replies with a reassuring smile.


The sound of roaring engines and constant booms of numerous aircrafts taking off fill the air. Cars constantly merge in and out, rushing their passengers off to departure, a near-accident happening almost every minute. Tears of farewell and wishes of safe travels are endlessly recited from the mouths of family and friends embracing those who were to leave. Backpack at the ready, Seulgi opens the car door and steps into the chaos.  


“Take care, okay? Call us when you've landed,” Yeri shouts, rolling her window down and reaching her hand out. Seulgi takes hold of it, giving it a firm squeeze and smiles.


Joy leans into view and Seulgi bends down a bit to see her, “And call when you're on the way back so we can pick you up.”


“Of course,” Seulgi nods as she gives Yeri’s hand a little pat before letting go. “Thanks for the ride you two!”


As they drive off, Yeri shouts one last thing, “Better bring me back a souvenir!”




The bell rings. It was lunch time. Seulgi’s favorite time of the day. Her stomach roared for the nth time as she packed her things. She had skipped breakfast this morning. A huge mistake. And one she immediately regretted when classes began and everyone could hear the pleading growls from where she sat. They were loud to say the least.


Seulgi swings her backpack on by one strap and secures it around her right arm, the other strap left dangling.  Seems as though she wasn’t the only one eager for lunch as she realizes she’s one of the few students left in the room, the remaining still chatting among themselves. Hunger makes its presence known once again and Seulgi’s hand presses against her abdomen, trying to muffle the rumbling as she makes her way to the door.


“Kang Seulgi,” Mr. Kim calls out, stopping Seulgi in her tracks. He was still organizing the assignments they had just turned in. “Don’t forget to visit tutoring after school today. I know you can get these grades up.”


Right, her grades. A sheepish grin appears on her face when she recalls the nearly failing grade she received on their last pop quiz.


Two points, just two points allowed her to pass.


She barely scraped by.


“If you end up failing the midterm, well, it’s going to be hard to recover from that,” Mr. Kim warned with obvious concern in his voice. “I may see you here again next year.”


And as much as Seulgi liked Mr. Kim, she absolutely dreaded physics. There was no way she was going through it twice.


“Sorry Mr. Kim, but I’d rather not have this class again,” Seulgi replied with newfound determination.


He laughed.


“That makes two of us. Tutoring is every day at 3pm in the library.”




‘Library’, Seulgi reads the sign at the top of the door. She peeks through the small glass window counting a few students here and there, scattered at different tables. She nods to herself with lips pouted in surprise. People actually went to tutoring. Relieved that she wouldn’t be the only one, she enters. The door opens with a high-pitched creak and of course, nearly everyone turns around to glance over at her. She smiles in apology and swiftly closes the door, trying to not disturb them any further.  


Seulgi’s eyes dart throughout the room, wall to wall, searching for an ideal spot to settle in.  Her feet shift side to side where she stood, contemplating whether she wanted the small table in the far corner by the window or the one directly across from her in the middle of the room.


Which spot would--


“Excuse me. Can I help you?” A soft voice calls out. Seulgi looks over to her left where she sees a girl walking towards her.  


“Huh?” is all she can utter when the girl stops before her, barely two feet away.  


She was a bit shorter than Seulgi, perhaps an inch and a half or two. Everything about her was small and petite. From her button nose to her tiny hands that rested on her hips. The only exception were her eyes that sparkled so bright along with her golden brown hair, Seulgi couldn’t help but get lost in them. An impatient cough snaps Seulgi out of her trance and she shakes her head, scrambling her thoughts of the other girl.


“Oh, uh, I’mherefortutoring,” she replies a bit too hastily, the words blending together, and she’s not sure if the other understood her or if what she said sounded like one piece of incomprehensible gibberish. So she holds her up her textbook and clears . Hopefully, she’s not just making an idiot of herself, “I mean… Physics. Know anyone who can help me?”


The girl her head to the side, gently taking the book from Seulgi’s hands and flips it over, examining the back and then the front.


She smiles,“I can definitely help you.”


“You? You’re a tutor?” Seulgi blinks in surprise.  “And you’re good at physics?”


She didn’t mean to offend. Honestly, Seulgi was taken aback. But the other girl’s eyes narrow into thin slits and it’s apparent that she’s received the same reaction a number of times and from the look on her face, it’s one she’s quite tired of.


“What did you think I was?” she questions, arms folded across her chest and despite her tiny stature, her stance was strong and firm.


“I don’t know,” Seulgi shrugs.  “A library assistant? Some kind of volunteer? Another person who needs tutoring?”


“You considered all that, yet you’re surprised I’m a tutor. Of course,” the girl scoffs to herself, rolling her eyes at Seulgi with a sarcastic grin playing on her lips. “What, am I too pretty to be smart?”


“Pretty?” A light chuckle escapes Seulgi and she can see the other girl raise a brow at her reaction.


Pretty was an understatement.


“You’re beautiful,” Seulgi smiles with crescent-shaped eyes, her words so honest and sincere it seems to have caught the other girl off guard as her grin falls, leaving slightly agape and looking somewhat baffled.


There’s no immediate response and so Seulgi takes it upon herself and extends her hand forward,


“Kang Seulgi.”


There’s a moment of silence between the two as the girl stares at Seulgi who was patiently waiting for acceptance. She seemed to be searching for something and it appears she soon finds it when she finally takes Seulgi’s hand in her own, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. Her skin was cool in contrast to Seulgi’s warmth.


“Bae Joohyun.”


They shake hands before Seulgi pulls away first, formally bowing before Joohyun, a full ninety degrees.


“Well, I’m in your capable hands, Joohyun,” Seulgi glances up with a grin so wide it reflected on Joohyun’s face as well.  “Please teach me well.”




Bae Joohyun.


It’s only been two days but Seulgi’s already learned a couple things about her. Her new tutor was one year her senior, a third year high school student. She was smart and incredibly diligent. Tutoring was an activity she took up for self-improvement because what better way to learn the material than to teach it to someone else?


Made sense.  Didn’t sound fun, but it made sense.


Plus, even without tutoring, Joohyun apparently spent a good chunk of her time in the library studying on her own. So, why not?


She was in all of the advanced classes. She was in the top five of her class. And she had hobbies like reading and writing. And Seulgi ponders on the fact that they’re on far opposite sides of the spectrum.  


Seulgi was in zero advance classes, she could barely get an average grade in half of them. She’s sure she’s somewhere in the bottom fifty percent of her class, if she’s lucky. She doesn’t particularly like reading or writing. Books were not appealing. The only thing she really had going for her was her outstanding personality and her talent in drawing. It wasn’t much, but Seulgi carried a lot of pride in those two things.  After all, what more did you really need?


Yet, despite being so different, the two of them seemed to get along quite well. Seulgi was pleasantly surprised to say the least. She also found Joohyun to be quite amazing.


Though, she’s sure Joohyun didn’t think the same of her. Why would she?


“Seulgi, this practice worksheet I had you do, it’s… it’s terrible.,” Joohyun scoffs in disbelief, her eyes wide and left ajar. She was clearly astounded.


Seulgi tried to warn her beforehand to keep her expectations low. Looks like Joohyun didn’t take her advice.


“Not surprised,” Seulgi replies nonchalantly as she skillfully twirled her pen, round and round between her fingers. It was a habit she developed in middle school.  


The older girl wore a contemplative look. One that seemed both curious and afraid.


“Exactly how bad is your grade in physics?”


Seulgi leans against the table, trying to get a peek at the paper Joohyun was still holding.


“What did I score on that worksheet?” Seulgi asks, already guessing she landed somewhere between fifty to sixty.


From across the table, Joohyun flips the paper and lays it down, pushing it towards Seulgi as she points at the red circle near the top corner. A score of sixty-one out of a hundred. Seulgi leans back in her chair and nods. It was as expected.


“It’s equally terrible. Maybe even worse?”


Joohyun blinks as she struggles to form words, “E-Equally terrib--wow, I… I can’t say I expected things to be this bad.”


“Yeah…” is all Seulgi can say.


Perhaps, Seulgi was the worst student Joohyun’s encountered yet. It seems to be the case from the way the latter acted. Maybe, Seulgi was a lost cause then? God, she hopes not. Physics would be her death.


With a straightened back and regained composure, Joohyun takes a deep breath and Seulgi eyes her curiously as she inhales and exhales three times over before speaking again.


“Alright, you’re serious about getting your grade up, right?”


“Yeah, I have to,” Seulgi replies. “There’s no way I’m going to repeat that class.”


Joohyun nods, accepting the answer. It was good enough, Seulgi assumes.


“Okay, the midterm is in three weeks. We’ve got a lot of work to do.”



The days after were full of non-stop studying. Immediately after classes, Seulgi would report to the library at 3pm on the dot where Joohyun would be ready and waiting with a table reserved for just the two of them and a folder of worksheets in her hand. Seulgi would spend two hours there before finally going home to eat dinner and resting for an hour before Joohyun started to blow up her phone with another practice problem in text form or calling her and giving it verbally.


When Joohyun said they had a lot of work to do, Seulgi didn’t think it would be this much. She was even getting tutored at home; it was so unexpected. But on the plus side, she was able to talk more with Joohyun on the occasional days that she would call. Seulgi liked talking to her. The only thing she didn’t like was all the physics. It was too much.  


“Uh, the answer is 53.47?” Seulgi says unsure, using the eraser end of her pencil to scratch the back of her neck.


It took her an hour to finally figure out a solution to that problem. Though she’s sure she just flailed her way through it, adding here, subtracting there--whatever seemed to make sense. Because, honestly, she was so tired right now. All she wanted was to be wrapped in the comfort of warm sheets and snuggling with her pillows.


“Wrong,” Joohyun flatly replies and Seulgi releases a very audible groan.


“What?! No way--”


“It’s wrong,” Joohyun immediately cuts her off, not giving her a chance to make up any excuses and attempt to convince her tutor otherwise.  


“Okay, 53.48?”








“54--ow!” A sudden blare pierced her eardrums and Seulgi jumped in her seat, nearly dropping her phone as well.  “What the heck?! Was that a blowhorn?!”


“Stop guessing and redo the problem,” Joohyun commanded. Despite her soft voice, her tone always sounded so assertive and calm--so confident. Needless to say, Seulgi found it unique and, in a way, charming.


“Aw, come on--”


But before Seulgi could even begin complaining, Joohyun, as usual, put a stop to it.


“Seulgi,” Joohyun simply says.


And that’s all it takes for Seulgi to submit.  




Seulgi resolves to doing the problem again and it’s a process of continuous erasing, head scratching, groaning, and frustrated mashing on her calculator. Until finally, after another half an hour she thinks she’s got it right. Her eyes quickly scan over the paper, double checking her work.




And she can hear a whispy laugh escape Joohyun.


“Correct,” Joohyun confirms and Seulgi can tell she’s smiling on the other end.  “That’s what we call progress, Seulgi.”


Seulgi could only laugh as she slouched in her seat, sinking down further and resting her head on the back of it, relieved to be done. Now, she can sleep.


“Alright, here’s the next one. Get ready to write it down.”


Or not.




It’s been a little over a week and half now and Seulgi was starting to feel burnt out. Honestly, had it been just her studying on her own, she would’ve called it quits by now. But Joohyun is no slacker, unlike herself,  and keeps Seulgi on a strict schedule. And although it’s been difficult, Seulgi can’t say it hasn’t been rewarding. Progress was evident, especially over the past few days as she didn’t struggle so much in problem solving. If Seulgi were to be so bold,, she would say she was starting to get the hang of physics. But she still didn’t like it.


As usual, Seulgi makes her way to the library but as opposed to the usual Joohyun waiting for her at their table, she was currently busy assisting another student. A male student who looked so obviously dazed, Seulgi felt embarrassed for him.


“Seulgi, you’re here,” Joohyun smiles, immediately redirecting her attention to the newly arrived girl. And Joohyun may have been oblivious, but Seulgi doesn’t miss the look of disappointment in the boy’s eyes when Joohyun begins to walk towards her and away from him.


“Yeah but you seem busy,” Seulgi replies, subtly glancing over where the boy sat, still staring at her tutor. He was hopelessly captivated, wasn’t he? She sort of pitied him.


Sort of.


She smiles at the elder, “I can just find someone else to help me.”


“No, it’s fine, I was just waiting for you,” Joohyun reassures her as she gently grabs Seulgi by the wrist and leads them to their table. One of the many things Seulgi learned about her tutor was how ‘touchy’ she could be. “Hey, Soojung, can you help Minho with the rest of his assignment?”


Soojung gives Joohyun the okay and quickly settles down with Minho, continuing where Joohyun left off.


Seulgi lets Joohyun drag her along, reaching their table, they take their respective seats. The elder had numerous worksheets prepared as always. Seulgi scanned them briefly, noting the increased complexity. She raises a brow at her tutor who simply grins back at her, aware that Seulgi was internally grumbling and she seemed very satisfied with that fact. And Seulgi’s quite sure, Joohyun enjoys watching her struggle.


With a deep sigh, Seulgi gets to work. She manages to finish the first sheet within ten minutes and gets four out of five right. Pleased with the results, Joohyun gives her another one and Seulgi is immediately stuck at the first problem as she can’t seem to understand it. So the elder begins to explain but Seulgi can feel unwanted eyes directed at them, or more specifically, Joohyun, and it ruins her concentration.


“Hey, Seulgi, are you listening to me?“ Joohyun calls, waving a hand in front of her face but when Seulgi doesn’t blink, she turns around to seek where her line of sight was directed towards. “Who are  you glaring at?”


“That guy--what’s his name?” Seulgi nudges her head towards the table near the back wall.


“Minho?” Joohyun replies, getting the hint.


“Yeah, him,” Seulgi says as her eyes shift back and forth before finally settling back on Joohyun. “He hasn’t stopped staring at you since you left him. Can’t you feel his eyes on you? Or is Ms. Pretty and Smart used to this kind of attention?” she teased.


Joohyun shrugs, indifferent and clearly unbothered unlike Seulgi, “I just kind of ignore it.”


“So, this does happen a lot,” Seulgi smirks and although she enjoys poking fun at her tutor, she herself doesn’t like the fact that this happens quite often. She wanted to know more. “How do you deal with it--ow!”


From across the table, her question is answered with a flick to the forehead. Seulgi flinches and scowls, rubbing the small red spot on her forehead.


“Like I said, I ignore it,” Joohyun laughs as she touches Seulgi’s forehead apologetically, making sure she didn’t hurt her too much. “Now, come on, let’s get back to this problem.”


A small smile erases the pout on Seulgi’s face, she nods in agreement and takes up her pencil as Joohyun starts to explain the problem once more. Unfortunately, the unceasing feeling of being under watch was just too much for Seulgi to bear.


Abruptly, she stands, and Joohyun looks at her boggled when she picks up her notebook and bag.




“Can’t concentrate, he’s bothering me,” Seulgi tries to explain in one breath as she makes her way around the table to the same side where Joohyun sat. She waved her hand, motioning for the elder to switch seats. “Move over, all the way to the wall.”


Confused, Joohyun complies due to Seulgi’s impatience and shifts all of her belongings to the seat near the wall, the very end of the table. Seulgi follows, taking the seat adjacent of her tutor and settles in, hanging her bag on the back of her chair and laying her notebook on the table.


“There,” Seulgi grins at the girl beside her, satisfied. The latter raised a brow, shooting a quick glance behind her, shifting a bit to see the boy past the bookshelf behind them still trying to eyeball her.


“You know, he can still stare if he wanted to,” Joohyun says.


“Yeah, but he’s going to have to try a lot harder. This bookshelf is in the way.”


Joohyun shakes her head and stifles a small laugh, though Seulgi wasn’t sure what was so funny. She was, by all means, serious. With both the bookshelf and herself obscuring Joohyun, that boy, Minho, would have to start concentrating on his work instead of her tutor.


“Alright, let’s get started on this problem,” Seulgi exclaims enthusiastically.


“Okay, so…”


And the words begin to drown out, muffled and distant, like being submerged underwater as Seulgi finally notices the close proximity between them. Inches, merely inches apart and more than within reach. If she wanted to, if she could, Seulgi could tuck that fallen strand of hair behind Jooyhun’s ear. If she wanted to, she could touch her cheek and caress it so gently as if it were delicate porcelain.


Picture perfect porcelain--that was exactly what Joohyun was.


Her heart beats a bit faster, a loud drumming in her ear. How did she miss it?


The soft eraser tip of a pencil presses against her nose and Seulgi is snapped back to reality as she notices Joohyun looking right at her with the widest grin she’s ever seen.


“Now, who’s the one staring too much?”


And Seulgi blushes madly, as a new heat within her chest begins to stir.




Days pass and finally it’s time.


“Do you think you’re ready?” Joohyun asks as they walk side by side to their first morning class.  


Seulgi coincidentally met up with her earlier at the school gate, except it wasn’t a coincidence. To the younger girl’s surprise, Joohyun had been waiting for her. She wanted to give her ‘support’ she said. Seulgi merely laughed, noting how cute the thought was. Though the other girl was entirely serious and punched Seulgi’s arm for laughing at her before linking it with her own.


Seulgi shrugs, “As ready as I’ll ever be.”


Her eyes wandered down the hall, glancing over the passing students, waving to those she recognized and despite not looking at Joohyun, she can feel the glare being shot at her.


“I was expecting more confidence from you. Are you saying I’m a bad tutor?” Joohyun teases, her voice sweet and cutting at the same time. Seulgi’s not sure if she should be afraid or if she can push this joke a little further.


But being who she is, ‘push’ is the answer.


She tries to hold it in, but as she looks over at Joohyun, a smile cracks through, “Would you like a serious answer to that question? Because--”


“Kang Seulgi--”


“I’m just kidding,” Seulgi quickly cuts in before things could get out of hand. For a second, she saw death in those eyes--her death. “Don’t worry, you were the best tutor I could’ve asked for.”


A sudden pull on her arm yanks her down to equal eye level and she can see the skeptical look on Joohyun’s face.


She did that a lot.


That face.


Most of the time it was whenever Seulgi said something. It made Seulgi wonder if she sounded so unbelievable or if Joohyun was just an extremely doubtful person at times. In either case, Seulgi would need to fix that.


Because Joohyun should believe the truth.  


“What? I’m not lying,” Seulgi reassures.


And Joohyun stares at her like she always does, so close and intent as she gradually leans in, searching every contour of Seulgi’s face before honing in on her eyes and peering into them.


Watching. Observing. Waiting.


It’s this brief moment of silence that always kills Seulgi as she holds her breath, trying to ignore the deafening pulse in her ears as it gets louder and louder,  faster and faster. Her face nearly burns crimson when Joohyun finally pulls back a bit and relief washes over her.


Joohyun sighs as she redirects her eyes forward, “Sometimes you say things and I wonder if you’re just smooth-talking me.”


“I’m just being honest,” Seulgi openly admits.


Soon, they arrive at room 210, Seulgi’s homeroom. Joohyun pulls away, unlocking their arms as she moves to stand in front of Seulgi, blocking the doorway. The latter looks at her tutor quizzically until she raises a loosely closed fist with her pinky out. The gesture brings a smile to Seulgi’s face. It was surprisingly childish of Joohyun, yet, it was very much her.


“You better pass.”


And Seulgi clasps her pinky together with Joohyun’s. There’s no way she was going to fail.


“I’ll make you proud.”




“Oh, Joohyun!” Seulgi waves when she notices the golden haired girl near the lockers outside her classroom. She looks around. “Who are you waiting for?”




Astonished, Seulgi points to herself. Perhaps, she heard wrong.




Joohyun simply nods.


“Why? I just took the midterm earlier and I’m not planning on going to tutoring today.”


“Neither am I.”


Confused, Seulgi’s brows knit together as she tries to figure out what was going on. Not to say she wasn’t ecstatic that Joohyun came to see her. She just didn’t expect they would see each so soon or as much anymore. After all, Seulgi didn’t need anymore tutoring. All she was waiting for now was her grade--a passing one, she hopes. But that didn’t mean she didn’t want to see Joohyun. Actually, she was hoping for it.


“What do you mean, ‘Neither am I’?”


With tiny steps, Joohyun eventually makes her way beside Seulgi. The latter watches warily and to her bewilderment, the elder pokes her cheek softly. The cold touch causes her to shiver slightly.


“I think I deserve a break. I did spend the last three weeks tutoring a certain student, day and night. So, I’m feeling a little burnt out,” Joohyun confesses.


“Is that so?” Seulgi laughs. “Well, in that case, want to go get some ice cream? My treat.”


Suddenly, she’s pulled along at the mercy of Bae Joohyun whose face lit up the same way a child’s did when given a new toy.


Like sunshine that warmed her heart.   




Some days they’d eat out after school. Usually it was pizza or ice cream. Other days, Seulgi would visit Joohyun at the library while she was tutoring. During that time, Seulgi sat on the side, either drawing or studying on her own. Depending on which it was, Joohyun would either scold her or praise her when she finally had the free time to sit down and chat.


“What’s the point of coming to the library when you’re not even going to study?”


“Because you’re here.”


It’s too late when she finally realizes what she said and Seulgi’s face flashes red when she catches a sly grin appear on Joohyun’s face.


“I-I mean, I just got used to coming here after school,” Seulgi reasons, unconvincing. “So….yeah...”




And Joohyun walks off to another student who required her assistance.


Seulgi bites her lip, inwardly cursing at herself. She had to be more careful. But that was easier said than done when there’s this burning in her chest, both exciting and frightening, and day by day, it only grows fiercer. Completely inescapable and ceaseless. All because of one person. And she could hardly bear it.


She cradles her head in her hands.


“Ugh, idiot…” she sighs.




“Joohyun! Joohyun!” Seulgi shouts, running down the empty hall as she tries to find her target on her way to the library.


The elder turns around, wide-eyed, and clearly perplexed by the way Seulgi was rushing towards her, jumping and waving her arms about. She’s sure she looked crazy but there’s no way Seulgi could keep calm. Joohyun was the first person she had to tell.




“I passed!” Seulgi cheers, ecstatic and presents her test to Joohyun, a little too close and more forcefully than needed.


The latter pulls her head back and blinks. Her jaw drops, utterly astonished.


“Oh my God?! You got a 97!” Joohyun exclaims, holding onto Seulgi’s wrists as they both jump in unison. “Congrats!”


“And I couldn’t have done it without you!” Seulgi proclaims, pulling Joohyun into a hug, twirling her around within her embrace.  Then, when Seulgi lets go she does something both shocking and unexpected to herself, when she cups Joohyun’s face and pecks her on the lips.


It was all in the blink of an eye and Seulgi’s mind went into chaos as her heart threatened to leap out of her chest.


Seulgi stands there gaping. Amazed at what she did. Frightened at what she did.  Failing to comprehend what she just did. Because she shouldn’t have done that. She searches for the right thing to say but how can she explain? There’s no way around it. And she remains at a loss for words as she stares at Joohyun’s blank expression that induced her with so much fear her body went cold.


It’s ruined.


Seulgi’s ruined things again. It’s not the first time it’s happened. But how--how could she have messed up again?


She has to say something, she can’t let this go. Salvaging their friendship is all she could do now.


“J-Joohyun, I didn’t mean to--I can explain--I’m s-so sorry--”


Suddenly, she’s forced to silence when her chin is directed downwards and Joohyun raises herself on her toes, capturing Seulgi’s lips.  A fleeting warmth that had her dizzy and petrified, but when Joohyun parts from her, she immediately misses the feeling. Yet again, she’s at a loss for words as she begins to stammer.  




“You’re very easy to read, you know that? ” Joohyun laughs, interlocking their arms together.


For once, Seulgi didn’t wreck it all.




“We are experiencing a bit of turbulence. Please remain seated and fasten your seatbelts for the time being until the signal goes off. Thank you.”


Seulgi did as instructed before she returned to her book. Feeling a bit parched, she waved a nearby attendant over.


“Yes, may I help you ma’am?”


“Could I have some water, please?”


“Of course, one moment,” the attendant bows and heads for the back, quickly returning with a small plastic cup. “Here you are, ma’am.”


“Thank you,” Seulgi smiles. “Also, how much longer until we reach our destination?”


“We should arrive on time in about one more hour. Anything else, ma’am?”


She shakes her head, “That’s it. Thank you.”


Seulgi downs her drink all in one gulp, setting the cup aside on the pull out table, and goes back to reading. Minutes pass and she finds her attention constantly wandering. Unable to focus, she bookmarks her spot and closes the book.


One more hour.


When she thought about it, one hour seemed like forever.  


She stuffs her hands into her coat pockets and smiles. Maybe a nap would do her some good.


A nap sounded nice.



a/n: hi guys~ i was recently inspired and had to write this asap. apparently i at keeping track of how much i write and this ended up being longer than i thought so i broke it into two parts, with part I being the very beginning. so with that said, for those who read my other fic Smoke and Peppermint, i'm currently writing my update for that and the last part of this oneshot as well. sorry i'm so slow lol but i hope to update again soon. =] thanks to all who read, subscribe, and/or comment. i didn't get to respond to any of the comments on my other fic but i'll be going there now to do some replies and give my appreciation.

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433 streak #1
Chapter 2: Loved that this was told through flashbacks although ngl i was worried what exactly was seulgi coming back to. Glad it wasn't anything bad 😂
Luvylynn #2
Chapter 2: I love everything about this. The tension, the uncertainty, and the expectation. Everything is perfect. I was bracing my heart for a heartbreak but glad that you ended this with such ending. It gave the idea that there's a happy ending for them (which seulrene definitely deserved).
And I admired your way of writing authornim. Love this!
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #3
Chapter 1: I never get tired of crying because of this 😭🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 2: Love the ending 🥹 I thought it was too late but I'm glad that they had a second chance at everything. Thank you for writing! 🤍
Kylie_123 #5
Chapter 2: Ang ganda ganda 😭Author, you know that i love you, right?? ❤️
Chapter 2: Damn i cried a lot more than i’d like to admit (((‘: this was sooooo beautifully written, the pacing was great!1!1 I love angst with a happy/bittersweet ending but with those fics i often see authors overdo their endings, not this one tho- this is just perfect, very fitting. Thank you for writing this! <3
Chapter 2: thank God they met again 😭
Chapter 2: i’m so glad it didn’t end off in a sad way, would have became another tragic love story. i love happy endings :)))
Yeo_hong_hwa #9
Chapter 2: When I say I was bawling thinking this is gonna end in a tragedy!!! But the ending made me cry harder because of how happy I was. You have such a talent of putting raw emotions into words that it makes the reader feel. This is going to the list of my top 10 fics ever!
mammt_ #10
Chapter 2: DAMN I WAS DESPERATE..I THOUGHT THIS WOULD'VE ENDED BAD. i literally started crying and when I read the final part i cried harder