
Just a Coffee Shop Story

160131 Sunday

Byun Baekhyun is such a cutie.

“Byun Baekhyun is such a cutie.” Chanyeol says, sighing as he stares into the distance. Over at said distance, a quiet boy is sitting by himself in the cafeteria, eating his lunch soundlessly, invisible to the people around him.

“If you think he’s so cute, why don’t you just go and talk to him already.” Kyungsoo, his best friend, grumbles next to him. When Chanyeol reluctantly breaks his gaze from his long-term crush, he finds his friend rolling his huge eyes before putting a spoonful of salad to his heart-shaped lips.

“It’s…It’s not easy, okay?!” Chanyeol says defensively, twisting his head to look at his crush once again. “Besides, what if I intimidate him?”

“You? Intimidate anyone?” Kyungsoo doesn’t smile but sends him a pointed look. Ignoring his best friend, Chanyeol lets out a longing sigh.  All around him, girls and boys alike are squealing ‘Chanyeol~’, wanting him to look at them. But he only has eyes for one person.

“I only have eyes for one person.” He says. Kyungsoo rolls his eyes again, grabs his tray of food, and stands up.

“Can you be any grosser…” Kyungsoo mutters, sending him a glare before walking away. Chanyeol, uncaring, only sighs again as he rests his face in his hands, looking at that mysterious boy on the other side of the cafeteria.

Byun Baekhyun just has to be the cutest person in the world.

“He just has to be the cutest person in the world…” Chanyeol sighs again, eyes becoming hearts as he stares at the oblivious boy in the corner of the cafeteria, seemingly invisible to everyone but him.


















Walking down the hallways to his next class, Baekhyun doesn’t even need to see him to know he’s there.

A crowd of girls and a few boys surround someone. Baekhyun doesn’t even need to crane his neck to see who it is, because he’s so tall everyone will be able to see him from far away. Immediately at the moment of seeing the most popular boy in his school, Baekhyun ducks down low, trying to hurry away to his next class. That’s when he realises he needs to walk through the crowd to get to his next class.

He avoids Park Chanyeol, the most popular guy in the entire school, for a reason. It’s not because he’s jealous of Park Chanyeol. It’s not because he hates Park Chanyeol.

It’s because he has a crush on Park Chanyeol.

Flushing, Baekhyun lowers the upper half of his body, holding his books close to his thigh as he tries to wade through Chanyeol’s fans, frowning at just how many there are (and trying to ignore the fact that he is close to being one too). Maybe his desire for Chanyeol is unable to control itself, because he lifts his head up slightly to peek at his crush, and amongst the fangirls and fanboys, he meets gazes with him.

It breaks the moment he sees those large eyes staring at him, because Baekhyun is too afraid and he’s too embarrassed. He hurries away.

When he slips into his new class, he heaves out a sigh of relief, holding his cold hands to his face. His heart is racing so fast so he lets out a huge, shaky breath. Meeting Chanyeol’s eyes just then was not the only time that happened. In fact, it happened so often that sometimes Baekhyun wonders if it’s just a coincidence. Maybe he stares at Chanyeol too often. Either way, having Chanyeol know of his existence never does good to his heart, because it would always beat so fast.

“Hey, Baek.” Baekhyun’s best friend, Jongin, appears, wearing large square-rimmed glasses as he hurries over to take a seat. Baekhyun huffs again, then greets him half-heartedly. “What’s up? Not enough study?” Jongin chuckles at his own joke.

“You know I don’t like studying, Jongin.” Baekhyun mumbles as he throws his arm towards Jongin, hitting him on the shoulder. The younger yelps and flinches away slightly. “Only you do, you geek.” Jongin pushes up his glasses, annoyed.

“Just because studying is fun doesn’t mean I’m a geek!” Jongin huffs, taking out a new, thick book out of his bag to read. Sighing, Baekhyun resumes thinking about Park Chanyeol and how flawless he looks.

It’s not that he’s afraid of talking to Park Chanyeol. It’s not that he’s insecure of his looks or his personality or his worth. It’s just that he’s afraid of being rejected.

After all, Baekhyun is quite good looking if he does say so himself. He just doesn’t like the attention, and he doesn’t like it even more if people reject him. It hurts his man pride.

If he’s honest with himself, he can talk and befriend Park Chanyeol if he wanted to. He could talk and befriend the entire popular group if he wanted to (after all, he’s someone who tends to get what he wants), but he doesn’t, because no matter how good looking or how perfect he might be (and he’s sure he’s quite close to being one), there will always be people who reject him.

And to be rejected by the person he wants most, is something Baekhyun can’t take.

Byun Baekhyun is someone who likes to count. He likes to weigh the benefits against the doubts, and he’s someone who prefers not to take risks.

So even if Park Chanyeol might have an ounce of interest in him, Byun Baekhyun won’t take up the offer.

“Let’s try a different approach, why don’t we?” Jongin whispers to Baekhyun. “I want to try sitting up at the front for once. So I can listen to the teacher more and see the board clearer.”

Baekhyun weighs the options.

Too risky. The teacher might pick him to answer questions more frequently.

“No.” Baekhyun replies, ignoring when his best friend whines and complains.

















This is going to be Chanyeol’s very first job.

Excited, Chanyeol is bouncy all day, flying around to show off to all his best friends that he’s going to have his first day working in a coffee shop during the weekend. Grinning from ear to ear, he had pestered Sehun and Kyungsoo until they sent him glares and walked away from him, in which he had to turn to his ‘fangirls’ and ‘fanboys’ and express to them his excitements.

On a Saturday morning, Chanyeol takes a deep breath as he stands before the small coffee shop in the corner of town, called ‘Viva Polo’. Smiling, he pushes open the door and walks inside. He bows to the first person he sees, trying to contain his excitement. The man turns out to be the boss as he leads him through the café and towards the back into a small room.

“This is your uniform.” The boss, whose name is Kim Minseok, passes him the clothes to wear, then gestures to another door. “Go there and put your things. You can also change in there.” The smaller man leads him towards the door and opens it.

Chanyeol stands aside patiently as he waits for his boss to open the door, then follows after him. Inside is another small room, but this time, someone else is in it.

All the confidence seeps out of Chanyeol when he sees Byun Baekhyun fixing up his white collar on the far side of the room.

“Baekhyun, this is our new worker, Chanyeol.” At his name, Baekhyun looks up. Their eyes meet not for the first time. Chanyeol feels his breath catch in his throat at how patient those eyes seem to be. Then the smaller looks back down. “Since you’re the most experienced, I’ll leave you the responsibility to show him around and teach him things.” Minseok smiles. “Also, you guys should be around the same age, so I’m sure you’ll make good friends.” He pats Chanyeol on the back, then leaves the room and closes the door behind him.

Uh…Chanyeol looks towards Baekhyun, who seems to have no interest at all in him. He finds this uncomfortable, since no one has ever truly ignored his presence before. They might’ve felt awkward or might’ve disliked him, but they’ve never ever pretended he’s not there before.

“Uh …” Chanyeol gulps. He’s never felt this speechless towards someone, even towards complete strangers. Baekhyun doesn’t reply, doesn’t even react, as he tightens his apron and closes his locker. Then he walks towards Chanyeol.

Chanyeol can hardly breathe.

Then he realises that Baekhyun is walking towards the door, which is right next to him. He deflates. The smaller hasn’t even given one glance towards him as he opens his door and steps out. But then he stays there, like time has stopped. Chanyeol stares at him, heart in his throat as he watches his crush stand there, frozen.

Is this what all waiters do? Stand there for a few seconds to contain their bad feelings and let out their good ones so they can start the day smiling at customers?

“Are you coming?” Baekhyun’s soft voice sounds in the air. It takes Chanyeol a few seconds to realise that he’s talking to him. He jumps a little upon realising. Nodding profusely, Chanyeol follows and tries not to think about how cute Baekhyun’s voice sounds because he knows he’ll voice out his thoughts if he lets them form into words.
























Baekhyun had never expected Park Chanyeol to work there.

So when he looks up and sees his very crush standing so close to him (even though they are on the other ends of the room), he is frozen on his spot.

Panicking, he looks down, flushing upon feeling Chanyeol’s gaze on him. Briefly in his mind he wonders if Chanyeol knows of his existence, or if all the other times their eyes had met had just been Chanyeol looking around the room too much. Maybe he had looked at plenty of other people, too. Trying not to think too much about it, he doesn’t realise until too late that Minseok had left them alone.

We’re alone.

Heart racing, he hears warning signs in his mind, screaming ‘RISKY, RISKY, RISKY’, because he can see his future – if he befriends Chanyeol, he is putting himself out there to be hurt and rejected.

But what can he do? He can’t avoid this now, because his boss had told him to help this new worker, and if he doesn’t, then he’ll have heavier consequences.

Sighing inwardly to himself, and not exactly knowing how to start talking to his long-time crush, Baekhyun shuffles out of the room, expecting the taller to follow him. But the other just stands there dumbly, confused and lost.

“Are you coming?” He asks, hoping he doesn’t sound too mean or forced because that’s what he tends to sound like towards people who don’t know him well.  Chanyeol slips out of his daydream and jerks a little before stuttering, then follows closely behind him. Baekhyun tries not to let that get to him, and every time Chanyeol gets too close behind him, he rushes faster forward, afraid of his racing heart. Sooner or later, Chanyeol will understand and he’ll slow his steps a little to give Baekhyun some personal space.

Eventually, Chanyeol does realise, because he steps back a bit and slows his pace significantly. Baekhyun shows him around first, introducing with almost whispers, eyes refusing to meet Chanyeol’s huge ones just to be on the safe side. After showing him around, Baekhyun starts showing him how to do things.

“That’s where you make the drinks.” Baekhyun says as he points to the corner of the counter. He sees (out of the corner of his eyes) Chanyeol’s large eyes roaming over the machines, eyes full of wonder and excitement. “You only get to do that once you’re used to the other jobs.”

“Here …” Baekhyun gestures to the front of the counter where there is food on display. “…is where the customers can order their food. There’re cakes and sandwiches and muffins and such. The easiest is to just stand here and take orders from customers. All you really need to do is to work out the cash register.” Chanyeol nods enthusiastically. Bearing no emotion, Baekhyun tells him that that’s enough for him to know today before he shows him how to use the cash register, then tells him it’s time for him to meet the other workers.

Chanyeol instantly charms everyone. All the girls seem to have hearts in their eyes when they greet Chanyeol, even the older women, and all the boys and men seem interested in trying to befriend him, since he has such a handsome and friendly grin. Baekhyun can only stand in the darkest corner of the meeting room and watch quietly.

Baekhyun has never really seen Chanyeol’s personality before. Maybe he had chances to, but he never really gave himself the opportunity. Even so, looking at him now, Baekhyun can see that Chanyeol doesn’t seem to have a horrible personality – in fact, he seems really friendly and easy to talk to, flashing his grin everywhere just to make things more comfortable. Somehow, Baekhyun doesn’t like this side of his crush, but rather, he dreads it, because he knows personalities like these will be worth more than just looks, and Baekhyun will be in deep, deep trouble if he befriends Park Chanyeol. More risks. More chance of falling in love, and more chance of getting hurt, getting rejected.

Baekhyun weighs the options in his mind, then shakes his head. It’s not worth it.

Everyone leaves to work, because the coffee shop has opened. Chanyeol stays behind, blinking innocently at Baekhyun and waiting for him to tell him what to do.

“…I’ll teach you how to use the cash register.” Baekhyun decides, turning around to head towards the counter. Chanyeol follows like a puppy.

Baekhyun shows him how to use it first, then watches as Chanyeol tries to repeat what he said. Chanyeol is not only good-looking, popular, and friendly, but he is also quite smart, getting things quite quickly. Baekhyun frowns, danger signals going off in his head, corresponding to the beating of his heart.

“Your job is to wash dishes at the back today.” Baekhyun says. “I’ll help you.” Chanyeol, for the first time, smiles at him, and nods eagerly. Baekhyun tries to ignore it when his heart skips a beat.

At first, they work in silence, and when Baekhyun dares sneaks a glance towards his crush, the taller would be concentrated on his work, eyes focused, hands fast. Baekhyun dislikes it, because he dislikes the risks that Chanyeol brings, and Chanyeol seems to be bringing more and more the longer Baekhyun stays with him.

“I’m Chanyeol.” Chanyeol finally speaks, so suddenly that at first Baekhyun thinks he’s talking to someone else, probably one of the waitresses that might have entered to dump the dirty dishes. But then Chanyeol twists his head and looks down at him, face split into a grin. Baekhyun, not expecting it, hitches his breath, eyes wide with surprise as he stares straight into Chanyeol’s dark brown ones. His heart nearly stops.

He doesn’t reply, heart in his throat as he stares back at Chanyeol’s face, which is inches away from his because Chanyeol had leaned down so close. Chanyeol doesn’t seem to relent, probably keen on making friends with every single person he crosses paths with, and stays like that even though it’s clear that he’s breaching Baekhyun’s personal space.

“…My name is Baekhyun.” He whispers in reply, wanting to slap himself for sounding so obvious. If Chanyeol notices, he doesn’t react to show it, because he grins widely, removing himself from Baekhyun’s vision.

“You’re quiet.” Chanyeol observes. Somehow, Baekhyun predicts where this is all going. People always say that to him when they first meet him, asking him questions like ‘Why don’t you talk more?’ and ‘It must be really hard to make friends, right?’ and ‘You’re really shy’, where they even go to lengths to keep chatting just so they think they can open Baekhyun up more. Frankly, it’s tiring and annoying, especially when people assume it’s hard for Baekhyun to talk just because he doesn’t talk much. No one ever considers the fact that he might not want to talk, or that he has nothing in common with them, so there’s nothing to talk about. Somehow, they are more afraid of silence than meaningless conversations. Baekhyun relieves himself, telling himself that if Chanyeol is like everyone else, then the danger signs will go away and his feelings for the most popular boy in the school might fade away with it.

“…It’s cool, to be quiet.” Chanyeol continues as he rubs the dishes clean with the brush. Baekhyun jerks slightly and turns to him in surprise. Chanyeol isn’t looking at him this time, but he’s smiling at the dishes. “You’ll look mysterious, and then everyone would wanna talk to you because they want to be the one to solve your secrets and they want to see what your true self is beneath all your cool.”

Interested, and mood slightly lifted, Baekhyun sneaks a glance over at his crush, heart thumping when Chanyeol chuckles softly. He watches the way the corners of Chanyeol’s eyes crease when he smiles. He can’t even hear the ‘danger’ signs in his mind anymore. At least for now.

“I’ve always wanted to be cool and mysterious.” Chanyeol continues. “That way, I can get people to try and guess my personality and they’ll never be right! I’d never be able to react to what they say but inside I’ll be cackling evilly …” Chanyeol trails off, chuckling. Baekhyun almost smiles. It’s surprisingly fun and easy to listen to Park Chanyeol talk.

“Sorry…I must be really annoying, aren’t I?” Chanyeol whispers. “I must be breaking your peace and quiet…”

“It’s fine.” Baekhyun whispers, so softly that Chanyeol doesn’t hear it.


“It’s fine.” Baekhyun repeats, this time forcing it to be a little louder. Danger signs go off in his head, sirens blaring, but somehow he’s so used to it he can’t hear it now. He twists his head to look at Chanyeol’s, whose eyes are wide and blinking with pleasant surprise. He smiles slightly.

Chanyeol grins back stupidly.










“That way, I can get people to try and guess my personality and they’ll never be right! I’d never be able to react to what they say but inside I’ll be cackling evilly …” What am I saying? This is so stupid! I’m probably annoying him … Chanyeol blames it on his nervousness. He’s never felt so nervous around someone before. He never knew being nervous could make someone sprout out nonsense!

Baekhyun whispers something. Chanyeol’s breath almost stops. Is Baekhyun telling him to stop?

“It’s fine.” Baekhyun’s voice is so tiny, so soft, that he can barely hear the answer. At that, his heart soars. He watches his crush, watches as the slightest curve appears at the corners of Baekhyun’s lips. It’s the first time he’s seen Baekhyun smile.

Chanyeol has a goal for today – he’s going to try and squeeze out as many smiles as he can from his crush.

It proves to be uneasy, because the smaller is very neutral-faced. He has to be the most reserved person Chanyeol has ever known, not that he knows Baekhyun too well yet. Maybe Baekhyun is just really shy. Or maybe he’s really intimidated by Chanyeol.

Chanyeol doesn’t want that to happen.

“So … uh … this reminded me of one time where …” Chanyeol wants to keep his embarrassing moments to himself, but at this point he thinks it’s necessary to share them. “Where once my older sis told me that if I ever break anything, then monsters will come out and eat me.

“So I think once my mother went out and I wanted to seem like an adult, so I decided to help wash the dishes. I was … five around that time, and I just finished lunch, so I tried to put the plate in the sink, then stand on a chair and wash the dishes. Just when I got there, I accidentally let go of the dish and it fell out of my hands and broke onto the floor. I was so scared I actually screamed and ran around the house, trying to get someone to save me from the monsters, but I tripped and I fell onto the floor and I thought they were coming … Then my dad returned and he asked me what was wrong, and I told him monsters were coming to eat me because I broke something, and I remember my dad was laughing and I was still crying and my sister came and started laughing and then my mother came home and started laughing and I was the only one crying and they didn’t understand … I got so angry at them that I told them I’d rather be eaten by the monsters than live with them!” Chanyeol laughs at the thought. Somehow, even though he feels nervous around Baekhyun, he also feels calm, as if Baekhyun will never judge his past. He sneaks a glance over at the smaller, but the smaller doesn’t react. Chanyeol chuckles awkwardly to himself, once again hoping he didn’t scare or annoy his crush.

In the end, Baekhyun speaks, but it’s so soft that Chanyeol can’t hear it. The taller leans down a little, wishing he had better hearing.


“Maybe your sister believed in that too, when she was younger.” Baekhyun repeats, this time a little louder, but still so soft. “Otherwise, where’d she get the idea from?”

“True.” Chanyeol muses thoughtfully … Or that’s what it looks like from the outside. Inside, he’s jumping excitedly because this is the longest sentence he’s heard Baekhyun speak. And his voice is still so soft, like cotton candy. Maybe if he continued talking about his embarrassing stories, Baekhyun will talk to him more.

“There was also this other time where …”

And the stories start.

























By the end of the day, Baekhyun only smiles one other time.

And that’s when Chanyeol had rushed to put the clean dishes back on the shelves and slipped, nearly falling onto the ground. Luckily he caught his feet just in time, long arms hugging the dishes, wide eyes looking around like deer caught in the headlights. Baekhyun’s smile had been wider than it was before.

Chanyeol finds that Baekhyun seems most interested when he talks about funny stuff or does funny things, even though his most interested state seems like most other people’s common disinterested state. If Baekhyun finds anything less than boring, he wouldn’t react at all.

As Chanyeol goes home for the day, he smiles to himself. Baekhyun is really mysterious (and somehow really shy as well, like he imagined), hiding his laughs and voice behind that neutral face of his. Chanyeol’s sure Baekhyun has a mountain of personalities waiting for him to discover.

And he’s willing to take that challenge.




















Sunday comes and Chanyeol has work again. He hopes Baekhyun will be there. After all, he hasn’t asked when his crush had his shifts.

Heart racing, he arrives at the coffee shop half an hour earlier than he needs to, and he finds his colleagues there with him. They all greet him enthusiastically, and he does the same. Soon, they engage in conversation together.

Even though he likes his new friends, his heart is aching for Baekhyun. Where is he?

“Where’s Baekhyun?” Chanyeol asks, heart flying because he said his crush’s name aloud in front of so many people. They all point to the closed door of the changing room.

“He’s in there.” One of them say, shrugging. Chanyeol frowns. Why do they look so …

“You shouldn’t look for him too much.” One of the girls say, taking out her phone, personality suddenly standoffish.

“Yeah, he’s not very nice.” Someone else adds.

“Why … Why not?” Chanyeol asks, tilting his head to the side in confusion.

“He won’t talk to you.”

“He gives off that arrogant vibe.” At that, the room agrees quietly.

“Just because he’s the most experienced.” Someone mutters. Chanyeol suddenly feels hurt, because what they’re saying is unfair.

“Wait … has he ignored you guys before?” Surprised, many hesitate as they think about it, then shake their heads. “Has he ever done anything on purpose to hurt you?” Shake.

“It’s because he doesn’t want to talk to us.” Someone points out. “Like he thinks he’s better than us.”

“Let’s not assume that.” Chanyeol says. “Not everyone likes to be sociable. Maybe Baekhyun is shy or he’s just someone who doesn’t talk much.” Everyone suddenly looks uncomfortable, as if they realise how bad they made themselves look in front of this new, handsome worker.

“Anyway, he’s fun to talk to!” Chanyeol smiles at everyone as he reaches for the doorknob to the dressing room. “You guys should try some time. Tell him something funny that happened to you, and he’s sure to show some interest!” With that, Chanyeol waves at everybody, hoping he convinced them how Baekhyun really is, then sneaks in the room, closing the door behind him.

Baekhyun is in his own corner again, earphones in his ears as he watches something on his phone. Heart racing, Chanyeol takes a deep breath and tiptoes over to where his crush is. He looks over Baekhyun’s shoulder, and he finds that Baekhyun is watching funny videos. Of course. After all, Baekhyun loves funny things. Chanyeol smiles as he watches with the smaller. He watched this one before, so many times that he can almost repeat their lines.

Even without sound, the people in the videos have the funniest expressions, and Chanyeol tries not to chuckle because he doesn’t want to scare the smaller. He finds it endearing how even at the funniest moments, Baekhyun can only do as much as crack a small smile. Byun Baekhyun really doesn’t smile much.

“Interesting, isn’t it?” Chanyeol grins once the video finishes. Baekhyun jumps a little, then looks up.

This angle is adorable.

Chanyeol moves backwards, chuckling, at the same time trying to calm his heart. Baekhyun is back to his indifferent self as he puts his phone and earphones in his pocket.

“Y-You can show me how you are at the cash register today.” Baekhyun mutters, eyes refusing to meet Chanyeol’s as he walks out. Maybe Chanyeol scared him too badly. Feeling guilty, the taller follows out, ignoring the eyes of all the other workers outside watching the two of them.

Chanyeol walks out, tripping over his own large feet, trying not to curse for always embarrassing himself in front of his crush. Baekhyun waits patiently next to the cash register, waiting to listen to what Chanyeol has remembered from the day before. Chanyeol, once again, recites the functions and names perfectly, so Baekhyun allows him to try out at the cash register today. The smaller stands a few feet away from him, wiping the glass and the table of the counter just as the first customer walks in.

“I’d like to buy this, this, and this please.” The woman says to Baekhyun. Baekhyun shakes his head and turns to Chanyeol. If Chanyeol didn’t know better, he’d say Baekhyun looks like a new worker who doesn’t know anything. Maybe that’s how he seems in the woman’s eyes, because naturally the woman begins talking to Chanyeol. Chanyeol flashes a charming smile and takes the food for her, making small talk as he does so. He smoothly finishes his first mission successfully, and has even been charming to the point where the woman had given a few notes in their ‘Tip’ box.

“I… was good, wasn’t I?” Chanyeol asks as he turns to look at Baekhyun, cheeks flushed. Baekhyun blames it on the pleasure of doing so well on his first time. So far, Chanyeol has been perfect in Baekhyun’s eyes, for having such a handsome smile, a friendly personality, a smart brain, and somehow adorably clumsy body, and the sirens are blaring so loud in his ears that he’s going deaf. He nods gently.

“No one’s ever been this good before.” He admits quietly. “I think I’ll give you this job for the rest of the day.” Chanyeol nods, pleased with himself. There isn’t another customer for at least forty-five minutes, and Chanyeol spends the time asking Baekhyun around for the things that he’s unsure of, to make sure he is confident by the time another customer comes. Baekhyun is patient with him, mostly because Chanyeol is probably the easiest person he has talked with, someone who doesn’t try to break his peace and quiet unless he really needs to, someone who doesn’t force conversations on him, who doesn’t ask him questions and impose on his personal life, and is someone who would rather make jokes and embarrass himself just to make Baekhyun feel more at ease. He feels comfortable.

For the rest of the day, Baekhyun cleans at the counter and makes sure the food looks good. He also makes the drinks as Chanyeol takes the orders and takes the food from the display counter. Baekhyun finds that he really doesn’t need to do anything to help Chanyeol because Chanyeol can handle it so well. Whenever he makes a mistake, Chanyeol would apologise and explain his situation that it’s his second day working, and all the customers would feel so charmed that they don’t mind it one bit.

During breaks, Chanyeol would hang out with him, eating snacks and lunch with him despite the calls of the other workers trying to have him talk to them. Chanyeol had politely and light-heartedly refused, saying he can’t be bothered moving his tired legs, so they left him be. Then, when he’s sure no one’s listening, he had leaned towards Baekhyun, as if whispering a secret in his ear.

“I just gotta take a break from crowds sometimes, you feel?” Chanyeol pulls away, smiling cheekily. It looks so goofy. Baekhyun bites into his sandwich, hiding his smile under the bread. He agrees and he understands wholeheartedly.

During the second break, the group had called him again, this time telling Baekhyun to join them too. Chanyeol pulls his crush’s sleeve gently, trying not to intimidate the smaller. “C’mon.” he says. Baekhyun shakes his head, pulling back his arm, then shakes his head again.

“You can go if you want.” He says so quietly that it can pass as a whisper.

“Why can’t you come with me?” Chanyeol frowns. He feels a little concerned because Baekhyun is purposely isolating himself from everyone else. Baekhyun doesn’t reply as he puts a biscuit into his mouth, crunching quietly.

“You can tell me.” Chanyeol leans in a little closer, expression gentle and patient. Baekhyun turns away a little as he looks up at the ceiling, biting down on his food thoughtfully.

“They don’t like me.” He says eventually. There is no hurt in his tone nor resentment, nor hatred. Baekhyun says it like it’s a matter of fact, and he can do nothing about it. He kind of expects Chanyeol to deny it and lie, and maybe that’s why he almost refused to tell the taller in the first place (because he hates listening to lies and he hates people pitying him), but he doesn’t.

“Well …” Chanyeol plants his next to Baekhyun and takes a biscuit out from Baekhyun’s packet. Shocked, Baekhyun turns to him with widened eyes. Chanyeol is grinning. “I don’t like people who dislike others because they don’t understand them. It’s not fair.” He reaches down to grab another biscuit from Baekhyun’s hands, but this time Baekhyun moves it out of his reach.

“Get your own.” Baekhyun mutters almost playfully, but what’s truly prizewinning is the smile that etches across Baekhyun’s face.


























On Wednesday, Baekhyun is getting ready to work his evening shift.

“Hey, Baekkie.” Tao greets, grinning as he dresses up.

“You’re late, you dumbo.” Baekhyun says, trying to sound annoyed and disapproving. Tao chuckles, throwing the apron over his head.

“I’m always late. What’re you gonna do about it?”

“Of the week, you work three nights. Three nights only, and you’re still late?” Baekhyun rolls his eyes. “It doesn’t hurt to be punctual.”

“I still do things effectively!” Tao defends himself. Baekhyun sighs. He has a point. Suddenly, the door to the room opens and someone very tall enters.

“Hi!” Chanyeol says, smiling brightly, eyes widening a little in surprise when he sees Tao. Baekhyun’s eyes widen too. Not expecting Chanyeol to be here, he straightens himself, unable to stop the flush from spreading to his cheeks.

“I know I have no shifts tonight … But I thought I’d check up on you!” Chanyeol grins. “After all, I gotta learn more things!” Naturally, he turns to Tao and stretches out his hand. “We haven’t met. I’m the new worker, Park Chanyeol! Nice to meet you.” Tao, lips slightly apart in shock, stretches out his hand as he lets Chanyeol shake it.

“Well …” Baekhyun looks around, trying to find an excuse to make Chanyeol go away.

“Don’t worry!” Chanyeol turns back to Baekhyun. “I already told the Boss beforehand, so he allowed me. I told him I don’t need to be paid, I volunteered to come here more often to work harder!”

“Wow, he sure is into this…” Tao mutters. Baekhyun silently agrees.

“Oh…” Baekhyun trails off. He’s usually someone who likes to prepare things before hand and do things by his schedule. This was not planned. Also, it seems very risky to spend more time with his crush.

“I-I can watch!” Chanyeol continues, huge eyes blinking eagerly at him. “Or I can…help you work! Anything! Just let me follow you.” The taller grins.

“Oh, well, I’ll just go now…” Tao mutters, ready to leave, but out of panic, Baekhyun grabs him and pulls him back.

“No, you have to stay.” Baekhyun hisses. Tao, taken aback, stares wide-eyed at the smaller. Chanyeol does too, eyes wider with surprise and confusion.

“Uh…follow me.” Baekhyun says quietly as he walks out of the dressing room, letting the younger ones follow suit. He brings them to the counter. There are already three people there, three of which, Chanyeol is sure, dislikes Baekhyun.

“Sunny, Jonghyun, please go to the back and wash dishes today, and help serve the dishes.” Baekhyun tells them quietly. Two of them glare at him not-so-subtly, and one of them, called Tiffany, even has the guts to disagree.

“Says who? You’re not the boss.” She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. “I was assigned here, I don’t want to go anywhere el –”

“You were assigned here by Baekhyun, you .” Tao sneers, pushing Baekhyun behind him with his arm, shielding him from her vicious words. “And now you’re assigned somewhere else. Go like a good pet, why don’t you?” Shocked, her jaw drops open. That’s when the three of them see Chanyeol. Not wanting to make things worse, he quickly points to the door, telling them that they have no choice with his hands, smiling sheepishly to make things more light-hearted. Obviously charmed by him, the three workers slink out silently, closing the door behind them.

“I hate how they treat you.” Tao mutters, reaching down to grab Baekhyun’s wrist protectively. Chanyeol feels his throat go dry upon seeing that. Baekhyun pulls away quickly, as if burned. From Tao’s shocked expression, Chanyeol can tell Baekhyun doesn’t usually pull away like that. So why does he do it now?

“It’s fine, Tao.” Baekhyun replies.  “Tao, I want you to make the drinks for the customers. Chanyeol …” He refuses to meet Chanyeol’s eyes. “You can try at the cash register again.” Tao seems as if he wants to protest, as if he wants to complain more about those bastards that had just glared at Baekhyun, but in the end he slumps, dragging his feet over to the coffee machines. Every now and then, Tao looks back to check up on Baekhyun, who’s wiping the glass. Chanyeol knows this because he does the same.

About halfway through the night, when fewer customers are present and it’s time for them to clean some of the machines, Baekhyun had taken some machines and moved to the back. Tao sneaks over to Chanyeol, pretending to memorise the names of the food on display.

“Most of the people here are , especially to Baekhyun.” Tao mutters to Chanyeol. “It’s best not get close to them.” Chanyeol says nothing, not wanting to badmouth other people.

“If you become one of them, I will ing hurt you.” Tao continues, but he doesn’t sound threatening at all in Chanyeol’s eyes, even with his intimidating glare.

“I won’t.” Chanyeol replies, voice bouncy. Tao blinks in surprise at Chanyeol’s tone. “Why would I hurt him? All he does is watch funny videos by himself at the back.” The deathly aura from Tao is completely gone and he can only stare at Chanyeol with wide eyes.

“How do you know that?”

“I saw him, of course.” The taller chuckles. “He won’t harm a soul.”

“Exactly!” Tao whispers fiercely. “He’d never hurt anyone! Those bastards are just jealous that he’s the Boss’s favourite employee.”

“Why are you so defensive of him?” Chanyeol asks. He wants to find out what relationship Tao has with Baekhyun.

“Baekhyun is protective of me, what are you talking about?” Tao stares at Chanyeol like he’s stupid. “This was my first job and I didn’t know how to work at first. At that time, Baekhyun wasn’t Minseok’s favourite yet, it was someone else, but no one was willing to teach me because they were too scared of me. I was a shy person but I came off as intimidating. Baekhyun volunteered to help me himself.” Huh? Chanyeol is struck dumb. He thought Baekhyun would be too shy to do something like that.

“He was so easy to talk to! He struck up conversation with me so easily I forgot I was talking to a stranger.” Tao continues. “I think he knew I was really shy, so he smiled at me a lot to encourage me, and –”

“Wait, he smiled at you a lot?” Chanyeol cuts in. Tao frowns.

“Are you really that dumb? Isn’t that what I said?” Tao rolls his eyes. “Anyway, he would tell me a lot of jokes and say that he got them from videos. He would make funny faces just to make me feel comfortable.” What … “And I quickly got used to this place. That’s when I realised a lot of people here actually disliked him because they were jealous of him.”

“Isn’t it … Isn’t it because he’s shy and doesn’t talk much? That’s why they dislike him?” Chanyeol’s eyes are wide. Tao sends him a pointed look.

“Just because someone is quiet doesn’t mean they’re shy.” Tao says. “Baekhyun was never shy. He just chose not to talk much.” At that moment, Baekhyun pops out and requests for Tao to help him. Tao follows like a little puppy eager to find someone to play with, leaving Chanyeol leaning his weight onto the counter.

Baekhyun isn’t shy. Baekhyun was never shy.

He just chose not to talk.

Somehow…Chanyeol doesn’t mind that, doesn’t mind the fact that the cute, shy bunny Baekhyun is destroyed in his mind. What makes him sad, though, is that he wanted to be the one to break down Baekhyun’s secrets one by one. He wanted to be the one to discover Byun Baekhyun.

And yet, he wasn’t the first one to do it. Tao was.





















Chanyeol is not giving up.

In fact, knowing that now has him feeling even more psyched to get to know his crush. After all, if he can show himself so easily to a stranger, then he’ll do the same for him!

Turns out … it’s not as easy as he thinks.

Baekhyun only starts approaching him one week after they meet (instead of always waiting for the other to approach him instead), and he only starts initiating conversation with him one month after that. He still refuses to have eye contact with him, as if Chanyeol has lasers shooting out from his eyeballs. He also doesn’t smile much around Chanyeol as much as he does around Tao, which makes Chanyeol feel even more motivated to break Baekhyun’s cold walls.

On Children’s Day, with nothing else to do, Chanyeol once again pops up at Viva Polo, wanting to get a look of his crush. He greets everyone who works there, setting his bag down in the dressing room, looking around in confusion. If Baekhyun isn’t at the front doing things, then he would be in the dressing room, but he’s nowhere to be found. Chanyeol walks out of the dressing room, and just as he closes the door behind him, he hears Baekhyun’s voice.

“Please help unload the boxes.” Comes Baekhyun’s soft voice. Chanyeol turns, thinking that Baekhyun is talking to him, but instead he is met with three workers who are sitting there playing with their phones, not doing work when it is clearly their shift. Baekhyun is looking towards them, holding two large and heavy-looking boxes on his arms. The three of them, this time being Sunny, Taemin and Key, pretend he hasn’t talked. Baekhyun seems to be struggling with the load so he doesn’t say anything else and instead moves towards the kitchen to unload the things. The moment he leaves, the three of them huff in annoyance, rolling their eyes as they complain about how bossy Baekhyun is. Wordlessly, Chanyeol leaves and follows Baekhyun.

“Hey!” Chanyeol greets enthusiastically. “I’ll help you!”

“It’s okay.” Baekhyun replies quietly. Sweat beads down his forehead. He’s panting softly. “It’s not your day anyway.”

“I came here to get more experience!” Chanyeol urges, following Baekhyun like a puppy. “So let me help you, or else I’m wasting my time!” Baekhyun says nothing, but he leads Chanyeol to the back of the shop and to a truck.

“Just take these to the kitchen.” Baekhyun says as Chanyeol gapes at everything.

“Wow, what are these for?”

“Special treat today.” Baekhyun replies. “Boss loves children, and he wants to give ice creams out for free.” Panting, Baekhyun sits down on the truck, legs dangling, as he wipes sweat from his brow. Chanyeol sits next to him. He should be more forceful.

“You should be more forceful.” Chanyeol says softly. “This is also their responsibility.” Baekhyun says nothing, and instead looks outwards at the sky, huffing a sigh.

“I should.” Baekhyun eventually voices out. “Because if Boss ever sees them, they’ll get fired for sure.”

“That’s your only reason?” Chanyeol widens his eyes. Baekhyun shrugs.

“I can do things myself.” He says. “I don’t really need anyone to help me.”

“They really aren’t acting fair.” Chanyeol insists. Usually, he avoids disputes like this and usually acts as the mediator, or he just avoids it overall. Never once has he sided with someone before, and never had he cared so much about an issue like this. “You should do something about them.”

“They’re not my problem.” Baekhyun replies. He’s stubborn, and Chanyeol can see that. Baekhyun stands and starts unloading once again, giving Chanyeol no more chance to talk.

When Tao arrives (that idiot is late again), Chanyeol has a chance to speak with him.

“Doesn’t Baekhyun ever…get hurt by how the others treat him?” Chanyeol whispers, worried as he sets the boxes down. They’re nearly finished. Soon after that, Baekhyun says they have to go outside and be the ones to give it out.

“Nope.” Tao replies. “As if he cares. They’re like flies buzzing around.”

















Baekhyun’s colleagues are like flies.

Sometimes they try to intimidate him, or annoy him, or hurt him, but Baekhyun has no time for their .

He doesn’t know why they dislike him, and he doesn’t care too much really. Even though it’s not risky to try and really talk to them, it’s rather bothersome, so Baekhyun doesn’t bother.

Chanyeol, however, is extremely risky, always setting off sirens in his mind. He’s also extremely bothersome.

And yet, why does Baekhyun still talk to him?





















“Baekhyun~” Tao whines, stomping his foot as he holds a box of ice cream in his arms. “Come with me!”

“You’re not a baby anymore.” Baekhyun remarks. “I need to take care of Chanyeol.” Hearing that, Chanyeol’s heart skips a beat. Sighing, Tao gives up and walks away. Baekhyun walks the other direction, and Chanyeol follows.

“Just give them out to the children.” Baekhyun says. “Along with a flyer to Viva Polo, of course.” Chanyeol nods, eager to make Baekhyun proud.

They arrive at a park with many kids, and Baekhyun watches as Chanyeol flies over there and crouches down, box of ice cream in his arms. Soon enough, children surround him, waiting to get an ice cream. When Baekhyun arrives by Chanyeol’s side, he sees his crush grinning handsomely.

“How much do we have to pay?” A little kid asks. Chanyeol laughs.

“Hm…I don’t know, how much can you give me?” The taller asks teasingly. The child looks around hesitantly, biting on his finger.

“I only have myself to give.” He replies hesitantly. “I’d give you my clothes too, but mummy tells me to always wear them in public.” Chanyeol laughs again, his laugh hearty and deep. Warning signs go off in Baekhyun’s head, but his heart skips a beat anyway.

“C’mere.” He gestures, and the boy walks towards him, letting himself be encased in Chanyeol’s arm. “Give me a hug and I’ll give you an ice cream, how’s that?” The boy nods and hugs Chanyeol hesitantly. Chanyeol hugs back tightly, then carries out his promise along with giving him a flyer to Viva Polo. The boy’s face splits into a wide smile as he thanks Chanyeol and rushes off, pleased. Now all the children have their hands outstretched, waiting to jump into Chanyeol’s arms.

Baekhyun leans against the street lamp. At this heart-warming scene, Baekhyun smiles.

“WHOEVER GIVES ME A KISS WILL GET TO PICK THEIR OWN FLAVOUR!” Chanyeol shouts. The children burst into squeals and shouts, trying to get closer to Chanyeol. The giant greedily pulls all of them into a huge hug, laughing as some children start kissing him. In a matter of minutes, all the ice cream is gone and Chanyeol is left alone, sitting on the ground, panting. Chuckling, Baekhyun walks over to the taller, watching how sweaty the other is from the activity. He bends down, taking out a tissue from his pocket and then hands it to his crush, despite his heart telling him how risky it is for him to do so.

Chanyeol sees him and understands what his intentions are, but he stretches out his hands helplessly – they are sticky and covered with ice cream and grass and dirt.

DANGER. DANGER. DANGER. Baekhyun’s mind says, but he ignores it, heart racing as he lifts his hand and dabs at Chanyeol’s face. His breath is hitching and he can hardly breathe, but he keeps his cool as he wipes the sweat from that handsome face. Chanyeol’s eyes are wide with surprise as he stares at Baekhyun, and the smaller flushes even more under his gaze, unused to being looked at so intensely. Eventually, he takes out even more tissues and hands it for the older to wipe, cursing at himself for being so stupid – he should’ve let Chanyeol wipe his hands first so he can wipe his face himself.

“Thanks.” Chanyeol says, grinning. Baekhyun sees that his face is red, and he stands, telling him that they’re heading back to get more ice creams, hoping that Chanyeol hasn’t worn himself out too much.

“You know…” Chanyeol starts, keeping pace with Baekhyun. “A little boy called me girly for wanting kisses.”

Surprisingly, Baekhyun laughs. It’s soft, but such a nice thing to hear.

“Well, it is kind of girly.” Baekhyun says thoughtfully.



















After an afternoon’s worth of walking all over town to give out ice creams and flyers, Chanyeol had been so spent that he said he wanted to rest in the dressing room for the rest of the day, so Baekhyun hadn’t bothered him. Baekhyun actually hadn’t had time to bother him, instead rushing around to serve food to the customers. When Baekhyun finally has a break, he drags his feet to the dressing room, hoping that, in the half hour that he gets, his legs would be rested enough for the rest of the night.

He stops when he sees Chanyeol. Chanyeol is sleeping soundly on the benches, head resting on his arms and face turned to the side. RISKY. RISKY. His head is telling him, warning him that it’s not worth it to get closer to Chanyeol just because he feels a little curious.

Somehow, Baekhyun feels daring.

He steps closer and crouches down in front of Chanyeol’s face, watching the way his body heaves up and down when he breathes. Chanyeol’s lips are slightly parted, as if he breathes from his mouth, and even like this, he looks so handsome.

“You worked hard today.” Baekhyun whispers, smiling gently at the sleeping boy. “I wish I could reward you with something.” Ignoring the racing of his heart and the dawning of the fact that he might be liking this boy more and more (which is VERY EXTREMELY DANGEROUSLY risky), Baekhyun stands and walks out of the dressing room, his legs regenerated from watching his crush sleep.

He doesn’t know that just his existence is already the best reward Chanyeol can have.





















Should I go say hi?

“Should I go say hi?” Chanyeol mumbles, looking longingly towards a certain quiet boy studying in the corner of the library. Kyungsoo rolls his eyes.

“You said you know him already, so what does it hurt?”

“Do you think he knows that I go to his school?” Chanyeol asks. “After all, I-I never told him…”

“Of course he does! The whole school knows of your existence.” Kyungsoo snaps, gets out of his seat, then pushes Chanyeol. “Hurry up! I want to study. Don’t bother me.” Having no other choice, Chanyeol stumbles towards the other side of the library. The good thing about the library is if you talk too loudly, the librarians will kick you out, so right now Chanyeol has no ‘fans’ to disturb what he wants to do. Gulping, he inches towards the smaller, who’s studying quietly, eyes concentrated. Grinning dumbly to himself, Chanyeol sums up all his energy not to shake and stutter, and then he sits next to the smaller.

At first, the smaller doesn’t realise.

“Hi.” Chanyeol whispers. Baekhyun jumps a little in his seat, then turns to Chanyeol with wide eyes.

Baekhyun seems to be shocked speechless.

Chanyeol doesn’t really know what to do.

“D-Did you know we went to the same school?” Chanyeol smiles sheepishly. “T-That was why I stuck to you, because I-I’ve seen you around.” That sounds stalkerish. “That sounds stalkerish. Uh…I wasn’t, you know, purposely following you or anything…” Baekhyun laughs. Chanyeol’s heart skips a beat.

“Of course I know you go to my school.” He says, smiling, eyes daring to move upwards to look into Chanyeol’s. The taller almost stops breathing. “Everyone knows you here.”

“O-Oh.” Chanyeol flushes in embarrassment, but also in pleasure. So at least Baekhyun knew of his existence before they met.

“I have to study now.” Baekhyun brushes him off almost coldly, looking back down at his workbook. Chanyeol feels embarrassed for disturbing, but then the smaller looks up at him again, his eyes looking so patiently gentle. “If you don’t mind.”

“Of course not!” Chanyeol says a little too loudly, then covers his mouth, wide eyes looking around the library. Everyone in the room chuckles at him. He shrinks down onto his chair, and even Baekhyun looks amused. “Uh…I just w-wanted to say that…I hope we’re able to say hi to each other in school too…you know, maybe hang out as well.” He flushes, hoping he didn’t sound too obvious. He probably didn’t.

“You can study with me if you want.” Baekhyun whispers, fingers moving up to move his bangs from his eyes. Chanyeol in his breath – Baekhyun’s fingers are so pretty.

“Your fingers are – O-Oh, of course!” Chanyeol stutters, grinning madly. “I-I’ll be right back. I promise I won’t disturb you!” Then he runs away. Baekhyun strains his neck curiously, watching as Chanyeol grabs his stuff and leaves his glaring best friend just to return here. Once again, there are warning signals blaring in his mind, but now he’s too deaf to hear them.

He only moves books away to give Chanyeol more space.




















This is Chanyeol’s first day serving food.

He had avoided it like the plague, knowing he’s so clumsy that he would trip over his own feet, but Baekhyun had made him do it, telling him he has to know all the roles in the coffee shop just in case one day they need more people to do a particular job.

“You’ll be fine.” Baekhyun says, his only display of comfort. He watches as someone passes him a plate of toast and another plate of salad for table 6. Baekhyun sends him a small smile, sending him on his way.

It was successful. Even though he had been scared that he would mess up, he had done it and quite easily too. He arrives back, grinning widely at Baekhyun, who is smiling encouragingly.

“I can actually do it!” Chanyeol whispers fiercely, and Baekhyun nods.

Once again, Chanyeol doesn’t need any more help learning something new. Baekhyun isn’t even worried anymore, and instead he goes about doing his own thing.

“You think you’re so great, huh…” Tiffany confronts when he’s sweeping the floor in the meeting room. Baekhyun looks up, finding Tiffany glaring at him. Finding her very bothersome to his work, and also not knowing how to reply, he looks back down and continues sweeping.

“I know your type…” She continues. “You’re using Chanyeol and you’re twisting his mind to make him believe that we’re the bad guys.” Baekhyun says nothing. How immature. He thinks. At that moment, Key walks in.

“Key, he’s ignoring me!” She says, annoyed.

“Don’t worry, Chanyeol will see sense soon.” He says.

“You’re so poisonous.” Tiffany sneers, and the two of them walk away. Even though Baekhyun isn’t hurt, they always leave a horrible taste in his mouth. When he finishes sweeping, he walks out again to check if there’s anything else he needs to do.

He finds Chanyeol grabbing two drinks from the counter. He’s already up to that? Baekhyun thinks to himself. Drinks are so hard to hold. He watches as Chanyeol rushes over to a table, setting down a cup in front of the woman, then moving over to a grumpy looking man, and from Chanyeol’s posture, Baekhyun senses danger.

Chanyeol accidentally trips over his feet, and even though he catches himself, the coffee spills. It spills over the grumpy man’s shirt.

Baekhyun can see Chanyeol’s face freeze.

The man’s scowl deepens as he sits up a little, looking down at his shirt. Chanyeol is apologising profusely, but the man doesn’t look happy. In the end, Tiffany has to help control the situation, and because she is naturally good with people, she handled the situation well. Chanyeol bows ninety degrees and excuses himself, shoulder slumped as he heads towards the back where Baekhyun is. Baekhyun slinks behind the shadows, watching as Chanyeol drags his feet over to the dressing room, and he silently follows. He finds the taller sitting down on the bench, sighing. He walks over and sits down next to him, daring himself to look into Chanyeol’s eyes.

“It’s okay.” He says softly. Chanyeol doesn’t say anything. “You know…when I just started, I was worse.” Surprised, Chanyeol looks up at Baekhyun, who is holding his gaze gently. “I couldn’t hold anything steady. I always tipped food over and I broke a million plates.” Baekhyun hates showing weaknesses, so he doesn’t know why he’s doing this for Chanyeol. Is it because…he thinks Chanyeol will never exploit them?

Chanyeol grins.

“Now that I’ve proven to you that my waiter skills , are you going to give me another job?”

“Sure.” Baekhyun replies, standing up. “You can stick to charming customers at the counter.”

Chanyeol mumbles something.

“Huh?” Baekhyun asks. Chanyeol mumbles to himself a lot, as if he speaks his mind. The taller flushes and is about to deny saying anything, just like he has so many other times, but then he hesitates.

“I was saying how…um…” Chanyeol is flushing. Somehow, it makes Baekhyun chuckle. It’s a sweet thing. He never imagined the most popular boy in school would be like this. “I was saying how…I wanted to stick by you.”

Not expecting that, Baekhyun flushes.

“I-Is that okay?” Chanyeol’s cheeks are pink. Baekhyun is terrified of rejection, so he can understand how that feels.

“Sure.” He smiles.















From that moment on, Baekhyun talks much more and smiles much more, as if it talking about himself and having Chanyeol express his thoughts have opened him up much more. Chanyeol learns that Baekhyun likes to count, whereas Baekhyun finds that Chanyeol speaks his thoughts. Baekhyun doesn’t like going out of his way to do things, which explains why he doesn’t bother to talk to the other colleagues and why he doesn’t bother arguing or defending himself when they attack him.

“The Boss has to leave early today. He’s going on a vacation for a few weeks, so I have to watch the shop.” Baekhyun says on a Friday night when he has not many customers to serve. “So I’m going to stay back.”

“Me too!” Chanyeol cuts in so quickly that it startles the smaller. “Oh…Y-Yeah…” Chanyeol rubs his head sheepishly, apologising for speaking out his thoughts so quickly again.

“It’s going to be a little late.” Baekhyun says softly.

“That’s okay! I’ll just tell my dad to pick me up later!” Chanyeol grins. Satisfied with the answer, Baekhyun lets him.

Little by little, customers begin to leave and eventually so do the workers. Chanyeol heaves out a sigh as he wipes the tables, trying to keep his eyes open. He’s never stayed back this late before, mostly because he could never think up of a good reason to. There is also the fact that everyone has left early just because the Boss isn’t here, so they have to clean up after them.

It’s midnight when they’re cleaning the coffee machines. At this time, Chanyeol wonders why Baekhyun works so much.

“Why do you work so much?” He asks. “I mean, you work every day of the week, don’t you?”

“Yeah.” Baekhyun replies, pretty fingers running over the metal of the machine with a cloth. “I just need enough money to support myself, I guess.”

“Huh?” Chanyeol asks dumbly, stopping his work to stare at Baekhyun in confusion.

“I live alone.” Baekhyun explains. “I never liked depending on people.”

“Oh.” Chanyeol trails off. How cool! Baekhyun’s facing the world alone and there he is, still trailing after his parents. Baekhyun chuckles at that, and Chanyeol realises he had spoken his words aloud.

“So this job is really important to me.” Baekhyun continues softly. “I can’t lose this job.”

“I’m sure you won’t.” Chanyeol grins. “After all, you’re Minseok’s favourite!”

“And Sunny can’t lose the job either.” Baekhyun continues. “I heard from the Boss that she’s a single mother and has a five-year old child at home.”

“What?!” Chanyeol blinks in surprise. “B-But she’s-”

“Twenty, yeah.” Baekhyun stops talking for a while. “I don’t think I should be talking about people like this.”

“But it’s the truth though…” Chanyeol says. “What’s also the truth is she doesn’t work half as hard as you do.”

“She must be tired, doing everything by herself.” Baekhyun whispers. You must be, too.

“You must be, too.” Chanyeol says quietly. When Baekhyun turns to look at him with those patiently gentle eyes, he straightens his back. “You should…come to my house some time. If you’re ever hungry or anything, and don’t have time to cook for your house, just come by, okay? …Wait, I take that back. You’re coming to my house when you have no food, and I won’t take no for an answer.”

“Thank you.” Baekhyun smiles. Their hands accidentally brush, and Chanyeol, out of instinct, grabs them. Baekhyun seems to freeze for a moment, but then he pulls away.

“Sorry.” Chanyeol mutters, face hot.

“It’s okay.” Baekhyun replies softly.

“Are we…friends?” Chanyeol asks bashfully. After all, he doesn’t want Baekhyun to think he’s only some colleague at work. Baekhyun laughs.

“Are we not?” Baekhyun doesn’t look at him, but he’s smiling.

“Y-Yeah, we are.” Chanyeol stutters, face pink with pleasure. “It’s just that…You never really look at me when you talk…” Baekhyun mutters something under his breath.


“I said…” Baekhyun sets the coffee machine down and turns to Chanyeol, this time holding his gaze steadily. His eyes are unwavering as they stare into Chanyeol’s eyes. “It’s risky, looking at you.”

Chanyeol’s heart is racing, because right now Baekhyun is looking at him like he’s the most interesting thing in the world. He never knew Baekhyun could stare so intensely.

“Is that…bad?” Chanyeol breathes. Baekhyun tilts his head, eyes still very much staring into Chanyeol’s, as if he can read his heart.

“Mm, not necessarily.” He replies, voice quiet, but not in a nervous or shy way. Baekhyun’s voice had always been quiet because that was how he is. At least, towards Chanyeol. And when Baekhyun steps closer, Chanyeol can hardly breathe. “But to me, you’re bad. You’re very bad.”

Then the distance between them lengthens and Baekhyun is back to doing his own work, as if that had never happened. Chanyeol takes a few seconds to calm himself down, staring at Baekhyun with wide, wide eyes. Surprisingly, Baekhyun turns and sends him a genuine, wide smile. The very first one.

“Only teasing.” He says, smiling widely such that his eyes disappear. “Scared you, didn’t I?”

“So not funny…” Chanyeol flushes. Baekhyun laughs even more, grabs the machines, and places them back where they are. Chanyeol copies. Baekhyun turns to him.

“Let’s go home.”


























Chanyeol watches dumbly as Baekhyun locks the coffee shop. The night air is a little chilly and he hugs himself even more.

“How’re you going to get home?” Chanyeol asks. Baekhyun at first doesn’t reply.

“Walk.” He eventually says. Chanyeol gulps.

“Do you do this every night?” He looks around at how dark and scary the streets look. “It’s dangerous. You should take a bus, at least.”

“It’s only around half an hour walk. It’s not worth it to take a bus.” Baekhyun dismisses Chanyeol. “Go home.”

“No.” Chanyeol insists. “My dad will drive you home. Come on, or else I’ll follow you home.” Chanyeol gestures wildly with his arm. Baekhyun, after weighing his options, sighs and follows, eventually climbing in Chanyeol’s car.

“Hey dad.” Chanyeol says while Baekhyun is giving directions to his house.

“What, son?”

“Can we drive Baekhyun home every night from now on?” Baekhyun’s eyes widen in shock and he turns to Chanyeol, shaking his head, but it’s too late. Mr Park lets out a huge, hearty laugh, one that is similar to Chanyeol’s.

“My boy’s turning into a man!” Mr Park says loudly. “Being a gentleman and driving boys and girls home, aren’t ya?”

“Dad…” Chanyeol flushes, embarrassed.

“Ain’t my son a gentleman, boy?” Mr Park looks backwards at Baekhyun, who nods, amusement in his eyes. “Atta boy! So honest! Now we know why my son here wants to take you home!” Chanyeol covers his face in his hands, wishing his dad wouldn’t sound so embarrassing.

“Dad, I wish you weren’t so embarrassing.” He moans. His father pretends he hasn’t heard a thing.

“Too bad you can’t drive, eh, Chanyeol?” Mr Park grins a huge, toothy grin. “I’m sure it’d be more romantic, without me around.”

“Dad!” Chanyeol hisses, face flushed, but his father is laughing loudly, and if he had a hint how much he is embarrassing his son, he doesn’t show it.

When they arrive five minutes later, Chanyeol gets out with Baekhyun, making sure to walk him to the front door of his house. It’s a huge building, because Baekhyun lives in an apartment a few levels above ground, so Chanyeol takes him up. On the elevator, the both of them are quiet.

“Sorry about my dad.” Chanyeol says. “He always does that.”

“Does what? Think it’s romantic between you and every other friend of yours he sees?” Baekhyun’s voice is teasing.

“Uh, no…” Chanyeol trails off. There is silence. Then Chanyeol blurts out: “You’re the first one.” After that, he looks a little embarrassed, as if wondering why he had said that in the first place. He also has no more chance to see what Baekhyun thinks about this, because the elevator door opens. Chanyeol stumbles after Baekhyun, as if he’s the one who’s being accompanied home, and not long after, Baekhyun stops in front of a door, turning back to him.

“Goodnight.” He says. Somehow, the day has ended too quickly, the day where Chanyeol had spent hours alone with Baekhyun, a day where he’s sure he’s gotten much closer to his crush, the crush that he’s starting to like more and more as each day passes. Baekhyun waves subtly, the smallest smile on his lips, then he turns around to unlock his door.

At that moment, Chanyeol doesn’t know what comes over him. All he knows is that he had taken a step forward and wrapped his arms around the smaller, pulling him close. So close that he’s sure Baekhyun can hear his heartbeat.

“Goodnight, Baekhyun.” Chanyeol whispers, pulling him closer. “My friend.” I really like you.

Then he lets go and rushes away, afraid of what Baekhyun would say, but more terrified of what would blurt out of his mouth if he stayed a moment longer.























From that day on, Chanyeol always drives him home, making sure he’s inside the building before driving off. Never again has he allowed himself to accompany Baekhyun up the building, and he’s sure Baekhyun wouldn’t have let him anyway. He’s afraid that if he’s truly, truly alone with Baekhyun, he’ll confess his thoughts, and he doesn’t want that.

Because even the most popular boy in the school is afraid of rejection.

Of course, they still talk like normal, as if nothing had happened between them.

Sometimes Chanyeol thinks that maybe it really was nothing after all to the smaller.

“You really don’t have to do this.” Baekhyun says as he locks up the shop. Actually, Baekhyun hasn’t really looked him in the eyes after the day he hugged him. Maybe…Baekhyun does care, to some degree?

Chanyeol just wants Baekhyun to look at him, dammit!

“I just want you to loo – Uh, right. You’re helping me, don’t you see that?” Chanyeol flushes, hoping he didn’t sound too obvious. Baekhyun seems too distracted with what Chanyeol said afterwards and doesn’t seem to notice. “My dad wants me to be a gentleman, and this is the only way to show him that I’m one! Don’t you think?” Baekhyun muses.

“You’re just trying to make me feel better.” Baekhyun points out.

“No I’m not!” Chanyeol replies hotly. “It’s true! He’s always wanted me to be more of a man!” Baekhyun says nothing, but for the first time in a long time, he looks into Chanyeol’s eyes, searching him. Sometimes Chanyeol thinks that the smaller has a power with those eyes that can stare into someone’s soul, and maybe that’s why he doesn’t look into people’s eyes very much.

“Okay.” Baekhyun eventually replies, smiling. Chanyeol loves the way he looks at him. “Thanks.”

Chanyeol grins, gesturing for his crush. “Come on, then.”

When Chanyeol watches Baekhyun disappear into the building, he throws his head back onto the seat, groaning. Why is Baekhyun always on his mind?

“Why is he always on my mind?” Chanyeol mumbles, sighing.

“You’re so in, son.” Mr Park interrupts his thoughts, making him flinch. “When I was your age, I’d walk your mother home every night, even though I hated walking.”

“Dad…” Chanyeol wants to punch himself. His dad is always talking about his parents’ love lives. It’s so gross…but it’s something that he’s starting to envy… “I’m starting to env…uh, nothing.” The taller flushes, embarrassed. His father laughs his deep, hearty laugh.

“Speak your mind, son!” Mr Park encourages, grinning madly. “Your mother was always so honest. That’s what I fell in love with.” Chanyeol groans. It’s more like a curse!


















“I’m so bored…” Chanyeol mumbles as he walks around, doing nothing. Baekhyun is serving food today, giving Chanyeol no chance to talk to him. The taller sighs as he watches the smaller pass the food to the customers with a small smile on his face. He looks so handsome like that.

“He looks so handsome like that…” Chanyeol sighs.

“Who?” Tao pops out from behind him and asks. Chanyeol jumps, twisting around to stare wide-eyed at the younger.

“N-No one…” Chanyeol mumbles, flushing and trying to look anywhere but Baekhyun. Tao has a cheeky smirk on his face.

“I know already.” Tao’s grin widens. “It’s so damn obvious, gosh, Chanyeol, get over yourself!”

“W-What?” Chanyeol stutters dumbly, pretending he doesn’t understand what the hell Tao is talking about, still looking at anywhere but Baekhyun. In the end, Baekhyun is so good looking that Chanyeol has to use his hand to shield his gaze away. Tao laughs and puts an arm around him.

“Please, Baekhyun is irresistible.” Tao grins. Chanyeol splutters and chokes. “I think everyone can see how you feel about him.”

“What? I have n-no idea what you’re t-talking ab-” Chanyeol catches himself, turning to Tao. “Wait, what does that mean? You like Baekhyun too?”

“’Too’? So you admit it?” Tao’s grin is so wide now he looks like a Cheshire cat. Chanyeol blushes even more and shakes his head, covering his cheeks with his fingers. “Aw, Chanyeol, you’re so cute.”

“That’s not funny, Tao!” Chanyeol tries to sound angry and threatening, but he doesn’t feel like that. Then again, he hardly feels angry. Instead, he feels embarrassed. Tao is cackling his high-pitched cackle.

“It’s okay, Chanyeol.” Tao pulls him closer. “I don’t like him that way.” Trying to calm himself down, Chanyeol grabs a cup of water and takes a sip, hoping Tao can’t feel the way he’s shaking. Tao keeps talking, as if he doesn’t feel a thing. “I gotta admit, he’s got a nice .”

Chanyeol splutters out his drink.

“A-A-A-…” Chanyeol mumbles, face beet red. Tao is laughing his head off now, enjoying the time of his life trolling the hell out of Chanyeol. “I n-never…” As if on cue, he looks up at Baekhyun, looking at the way his crush is serving coffee to a table not far away, back facing them. His eyes trail down… “N-N-No…” He covers his eyes.

“Gosh, look at you.” Tao is giggling like mad now. “I can’t believe you haven’t checked out his before!”

“I n-never…” Chanyeol peeks through his fingers at Tao. I only wanted to look into his eyes. “I only wanted to look into his eyes…uh, pretend I said nothing…” Chanyeol turns away and begins walking off, but Tao catches him.

“Man, you are precious!” Tao cackles, pulling him back again. “Look at you, spouting all that romantic nonsense! Imagine how the whole world would feel if they saw their oppa in a mess like this, all because of a small crush.” It’s not a small crush!

“It’s not a small crush!” Chanyeol hisses, face still red. “I-I mean, it’s not nonsense! I-I mean –”

“Yeah, yeah, I get it.” Tao chuckles, patting him on the shoulder. “I’ll leave you to your thoughts now. I’ve had my share of annoying you.” Still chuckling, he walks away like this will amuse him for the rest of his life. Almost immediately after he leaves, Baekhyun approaches the counter, resting his elbows on the top, face in his hands.

“What are you talking about, to have Tao laughing like such an idiot?” Baekhyun asks softly, tilting his head, a small smile on his lips. He’s looking right into Chanyeol’s eyes. Damn …

“Damn … Oh! Uh…nothing much…” Chanyeol laughs nervously. Baekhyun is in such a posture that Chanyeol can see his collarbones peeking out from his work shirt, the sleeves riding down his lower arms, revealing slender limbs. “Do you have a break now?”

“Yeah.” Baekhyun replies, opening the counter door and sliding in. “Just a short one.”

“D-Do you wanna go somewhere?” Chanyeol’s heart is thumping and he hopes his cheeks aren’t too red and obvious. “Get…coffee, or something?” Baekhyun laughs.

“We have coffee here.”

“O-Oh…right…” Chanyeol trails off, wanting to punch himself. “Gosh, you are so dumb, Park Chanyeol…”

“What was that?”


“Chanyeol, there’s nothing for you to do today, so have a break and go roam the streets today.” Baekhyun points outwards as if to emphasise. Chanyeol is about to protest, but Baekhyun seems to have predicted that. “Don’t worry, it’s just for a short while. I’m not going to go anywhere.”

“Can’t you come –”

“My break’s nearly up, so I might look for you if I can be bothered.” A cheeky smile lifts the corners of Baekhyun’s lips.

“Oh…uh, okay…” Chanyeol hesitantly heads towards the door, opening the counter and sliding out of it, turning back to shoot one more look at Baekhyun. Baekhyun gestures encouragingly, and eventually, Chanyeol is out.

Wondering why the taller is always here even though he doesn’t do anything, Baekhyun is called by an older colleague to send the coffees to the table and also some food from the kitchens. Baekhyun immediately complies, taking the two drinks in one hand and slipping behind the counter to grab two plates from the chefs, mumbling a quiet ‘thanks’ on his way out.

Maybe he rushes too fast, because the moment he’s at the exit, he’s toppling over, liquid flying about and salads thrown into the air just as he’s falling down. He lands with a dull thud that’s loud enough for all of the coffee shop to hear, even with its quiet classical background music. Something lands on his head and he hears something break.

When he opens his eyes that he didn’t know he closed, he realises that there is now salad in his hair and coffee staining his white dress shirt. There is broken ceramic all around him and his skin is burning. Most of all, his face is burning. From shame.

Immediately he gets up to his knees, trying to clean the mess up with his hands. Customers are staring at him weirdly and he feels so humiliated to having grabbed attention so suddenly and in such a horrible way. That’s when he hears quiet sniggers from the back.

He turns back out of instinct, and finds Sunny and Jonghyun snickering to themselves. There is no doubt that one of them had stuck a leg out for him to trip over.

Face hot, he turns back to pick up the broken pieces of cups and plates. His heart is beating crazily fast from the humiliation, such that he almost doesn’t notice when someone slides beside him and passes him a small brush and bin.

“Are you okay?” Tao asks, brushing the lettuce from his bangs as he cleans up the mess he made. The middle-aged colleagues are muttering complaints on how clumsy he is and how they now have to make a customer wait as they make another set of coffee and short meals. Baekhyun feels guilty even though he knows he’s not in the wrong. He feels Tao’s large eyes on him and he nods feebly. He’s never had such an embarrassing thing happen to him before, and for the first time, he’s glad Chanyeol’s not here to witness it.

“You’re not hurt, are you?” When the mess is cleaned up, Tao grabs Baekhyun by the arm and pulls him towards the back, to the dressing room. Baekhyun sits there, refusing to look at anyone in the eye. More than half the workers have smirks on their faces and whenever they have time, they had laughed and muttered about his accident. Baekhyun pushes the hair out of his eyes, looking down at his fingers.

“Let’s get you cleaned up.” Tao says kindly. “You can’t work like this.” He wraps an arm around Baekhyun, as if knowing the smaller is feeling dejected.

Baekhyun wants to sit here and not move. Suddenly he just doesn’t want to work anymore. Suddenly he has an urge to quit the job, even if it means he can’t support himself. Suddenly he has a horrible thought that, maybe being a homeless beggar on the streets is better than this.

“Hey –” At the perfect moment, Chanyeol walks in. “What happened?” Feeling even more humiliated, Baekhyun turns and buries his face in Tao’s shirt, not wanting Chanyeol to see what a mess he is.

“Baekhyun tripped.” Tao explains briefly, not wanting to go into the details for fear it might humiliate Baekhyun even more. Baekhyun doesn’t hear anything else, and he’s afraid to lift his head. Eventually, he hears shifting next to him as Chanyeol sits down.

“Said they tripped him…” Chanyeol mutters, so softly that Baekhyun can barely hear it.

“Huh?” Tao asks dumbly.

“I heard…” Chanyeol’s voice is louder now. “I heard someone talk about how Jonghyun tripped him.”

“What?!” Tao’s voice is angry now. He moves to stand, but Chanyeol stops him. Baekhyun can feel him stop him, because Chanyeol’s arm moves right over his body to grab hold of Tao’s shoulders, pressing his chest close to Baekhyun’s back to have a firmer hold on the youngest. Even at a situation like this, Baekhyun’s heart is racing.

“No, Tao.” Chanyeol’s voice is strangely calm. “That’s not wise. Don’t start a ruckus.”

“That !” Tao spits. “I will ing kill him if it’s the last thing I do!”

“Don’t say things like that.” Chanyeol’s voice is sharp. Baekhyun’s breath hitches. “That’s not nice.”

“Is what they did to Baekhyun nice?” Tao is going crazy. “What the hell is wrong with them? They don’t leave him alone. They just want to continue to pester him until he’s out of this job. They want to get him fired.

“Don’t…assume things like that.” Chanyeol doesn’t sound so sure now.

“This is not fair, Chanyeol.” Tao isn’t angry now, but more frustrated. His voice sounds like he’s close to tears. Baekhyun feels someone hold him tightly, pulling him close to his chest. Baekhyun wants to push him away and tell Tao that he’s okay, but Tao won’t let him go. “This isn’t just some game. This is bullying.

Chanyeol says nothing. Baekhyun doesn’t know how he’s reacting to this. After all, Chanyeol had always been someone who saw the best in others. It would be natural for the taller to just ignore something like this. Part of him wants Chanyeol to forget this ever happened.

“I’m fine.” Baekhyun says when he’s unable to take it anymore. With all his strength, he pushes Tao away. Even so, his heart feels heavy. He never knew enduring this much would make him feel like this. He thought he was immune. “I’m fine.” He refuses to look at Chanyeol. Maybe a part of him is disappointed with Chanyeol’s reaction, as if Chanyeol didn’t care about what happened at all.

It brings his mind back to that night when Chanyeol hugged him. It seemed like he cared. It seemed like he had feelings for him.

“Go back to work, Tao.” Baekhyun says quietly. “I’ll shower and I’ll be right out.” He attempts to walk past Chanyeol, looking so hard at the ground that he can’t see above Chanyeol’s hip. Somehow, Chanyeol being here makes everything worse. He’s sure he would’ve been able to handle it if Chanyeol wasn’t here. As he leaves, someone catches his arm.

“Quit this job, Baekhyun.” Chanyeol says, his grip firm. Even though his heart skips a beat, Baekhyun doesn’t move and doesn’t turn his head. “Quit this job and live with me.”

This is so unexpected that Baekhyun almost looks at him to see if he’s lying. He doesn’t, because the humiliation is still gnawing at him. He had always been someone with a lot of pride, and this is something his pride can’t take.

“We’re not economically unstable, so don’t worry. We’re much better off than others.” Chanyeol explains. “You can come live with us. We’ll do everything for you –” Baekhyun pulls away harshly, feeling offended, his pride even more wounded.

“No.” Baekhyun replies quietly. “I don’t need your pity. This is something I can handle by myself.” He walks away, feeling angrier than he ever had been for a long time.






















Baekhyun doesn’t ignore him, but he stops smiling at Chanyeol, and he stops looking into Chanyeol’s eyes.

Chanyeol feels nervous around Baekhyun now because the smaller is acting distant. Chanyeol feels guilty. Even when Chanyeol apologised, Baekhyun had forgiven him but stayed the same throughout.

“You sure made Baekhyun angry.” Tao remarks as he watches Baekhyun instruct Chanyeol what to do then walk away. Chanyeol looks like a kicked puppy. “You know he has a lot of pride, right? What you said absolutely killed him.”

“Oh…” Chanyeol trails off, looking guiltier than ever. “Then how do I redeem myself?”

“Uh, you can’t?” Tao laughs when Chanyeol looks even more dejected. “You just gotta give him time. He’ll recover soon. You can’t really do anything about it.”

“Oh…” Chanyeol looks longingly towards Baekhyun, who’s currently taking orders from a customer, his eyes gentle and patient, just like the rest of him. Just then, he hears a crash from behind the counter of the shop. Tao and Chanyeol look backwards, then at each other. Tao shrugs, not caring about anything that doesn’t have to do with Baekhyun, while Chanyeol, concerned, slips onto the back to find what happened. Sunny is cleaning up her mess on the floor, looking dishevelled and distracted.

“Whatever happened today, that’s got nothing to do with work, all right?!” Tiffany hisses. “Get yourself together.”

“Are you okay?” Chanyeol asks, bending down to help Sunny. She looks distressed.

“Had a bad day.” She replies. Chanyeol smiles at her, and even though she’s mean to Baekhyun, Chanyeol’s sure that she’s not a bad person in general.

“Here, I’ll help you clean up, you can have a rest.” Chanyeol says gently, taking the brush from her.

“You’re such a sweetheart.” She lets out a stressed smile and leaves, Tiffany trailing after her. A while later, Tiffany returns.

“So you and he had a falling out, huh?” Tiffany asks, crossing her arms as she watches Chanyeol clean up the mess. The taller blinks, confused.


“You and him.” Tiffany says. Around that time, Jonghyun and Key walk in, having their break. Immediately they join Tiffany. Even though they’re not attacking him, Chanyeol somehow feels threatened. Is this how Baekhyun felt? “I always knew what kind of person he was. Glad you got into your senses.”

“What are you talking about?” Chanyeol stands, the mess below him forgotten as he stares at the three of them. He’s taller than all of them, and they shrink back instinctively. “You never got the chance to know him.”

“Of course I do!” Tiffany hollers. “Sunny should’ve gotten his role. After all, she worked here twice as long as he did. He stole it from her.” She sneers. Jonghyun and Key agree.

“What, so this was always about his position?” Chanyeol finds it so unfair because they don’t know anything. “You don’t know anything. Baekhyun works twice as hard as she did, so he deserved it more than she does.”

“Are you insulting her –”

“I’m only stating the fact.” Chanyeol says calmly. “I understand she has her problems, but Baekhyun has his own too. Just because he’s younger and worked here not as long as she did, doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserve the position. Minseok was right to see people with potential, people who worked hard. Talent shouldn’t be recognised by age, and positions shouldn’t be assigned by the length of their stay.” They stare at him, crossing their arms and huffing. Obviously they can’t get angry at him, because after all, he doesn’t sound biased and nor does he sound accusing or angry. He sounds as if he’s only telling the truth.

“You guys are both my friends, and from my point of view, I have to say Baekhyun works harder than Sunny.” Chanyeol continues. “So please stop bothering him. He’s done nothing to you. I’m saying this, as his friend and as yours.” They are speechless, trying to detect the resentment in his voice – they detect none.

Tiffany huffs and turns away. “I’m going to talk to Sunny.” Then she walks off, with the other two following close behind her.

Chanyeol cleans up the mess, crouching there and thinking to himself. Why do the quietest people have to be the most misunderstood? Is it because they don’t defend themselves? The thing with humans, Chanyeol realises, is that people tend to fear the things that they aren’t familiar with. Just like with Baekhyun, the type of person that not many encounter, the type of person that is completely different because he’s not the normal type of friendly, and nor does he bother to try to please you, and nor does he care if you dislike him. People tend to find that off-putting, merely because they don’t know how to deal with it, and, as easily as that, the fear turns into resentment and hatred.

Just because they never bothered to try and understand Baekhyun.

Sighing, Chanyeol walks out of there, watching as Sunny takes yet another plate and approaches another table. Baekhyun is making conversation with an elderly woman, and from the looks of it, it seems as if she really likes him. Chanyeol leans against the wall, sighing. What can I do to make you forgive me?

“What can I do to make you forgive me…” He mutters. Anyone can see that they’ve grown a little distant, even if he still drives him home every night.

At that moment, he hears shouting from the other side of the room. He turns his head and finds Sunny bowing profusely to a man who’s wearing an expensive suit – whose expensive suit is stained with coffee.

“HOW ARE YOU GONNA REPAY THIS, HUH?!” He shouts. Chanyeol walks closer to see what’s happening.

“I’m r-really sorry, sir…” Sunny mumbles. “I’ll clean it up for you –”


“I-I’m…” Sunny looks like she’s about to cry. All the colleagues are watching, but an elderly worker tells them to keep working because they still need to serve other customers. Tiffany looks as if she’s about to stomp up to them and punch the hell out of the guy, but Jonghyun holds her back, warning her not to make things worse.

“You little poor !” The rich man continues to shout. “I WANT TO BE PAID BACK TWICE THE AMOUNT!”

“B-but sir, I don’t-”

“YOU DARE TALK BACK TO ME?!” To Chanyeol, he looks like someone who wants the attention to show off. Honestly in Chanyeol’s eyes, the suit doesn’t cost that much. “You clumsy idiot, I’M GOING TO SUE YOU!”

“Please don’t…”

“I’M GOING TO MAKE SURE YOU LOSE YOUR JOB, OR ELSE I’LL CLOSE THIS SHOP DOWN!” He shakes his head. Sunny is crying now. Furious, the man raises his hand, about to bring it down on Sunny.

Just then, Baekhyun pops up, grabbing Sunny’s arm and pulling her behind him. Her tear-stained eyes widen in shock.

“And who the are you?” The arrogant man glares at him.

“I’m Baekhyun, another worker here.” Baekhyun says calmly. “Sir, we’ll do whatever it takes to restore your suit –”

“I don’t want this one anymore. I want a new one.” The man stubbornly says.

“Sir, it is our mistake and we will do anything to account for it.” Baekhyun continues. “We can help get your suit cleaned, but we cannot get you a new one.”

“You think you have a right to talk back to me?” The man snarls. “I’M A ING CUSTOMER! YOU’RE NOTHING BUT A LOWLY WORKER.”

“Indeed, we are.” Baekhyun says, head bowed. “We understand your loss and we want to do everything in our power to make you happy.” The man is crossing his arms, having deflated a little because he’s expecting more sweet words.

“However, what we do not tolerate is when you insult our fellow colleagues.” The man’s eyes widen into a whole new deadly level as he glares at Baekhyun. Sunny looks surprised. Chanyeol realises the entire coffee shop has quietened just to hear this. “We have as much rights as you do, sir, and you had no right to insult her for a small mistake.” Baekhyun straightens his back, this time looking down at the man. Chanyeol can’t see what expression he holds, but he can see the man’s – fury etched with humiliation.

“So, sir, while we will do everything in our power and our rights to repay back for our mistake, please leave this coffee shop. You have degraded a person in this shop and you have disturbed our customers, and that is against our views and values.” Baekhyun’s voice is quiet, but it rings throughout the entire room.


“What did you say?!” The man snarls as he stands up so quickly the chair tips over. Nearby customers flinch in shock, but Baekhyun doesn’t move a muscle. “I NEVER LIKED THIS ING SHOP ANYWAY.” He stomps towards the door, then looks back, pointing an accusing finger at Baekhyun. “I WILL SUE THIS SHOP IF YOU DON’T ING QUIT THE NIG JOB.” Then he stomps out, slamming the door behind him.

Silence again.

Baekhyun mutters something to Sunny and she hurries towards the back. He follows silently after her. When they disappear, the shop is still silent.

Then Tao starts clapping loudly. Everyone stares at him, shocked. Chanyeol follows suit, his claps loud and sharper in the air, and everyone turns to him. Maybe they see how handsome he is. Maybe he just has an influence over people, because then, one by one, the customers start clapping with them. People even start cheering once they realise what had happened. The whole coffee shop burst into chatters as they talk about what happened. Baekhyun doesn’t appear for the rest of the day, but stays at the back. Chanyeol doesn’t know what he’s doing, but ever since that ruckus, the coffee shop seems to be busier than ever. It seems as if people have passed the message around and some say that someone had recorded the scene down and now many people have watched it, wanting to come here because of Baekhyun. As Chanyeol works at the counter, a lot of them have wanted to take a look at Baekhyun and asked speak to him.

“I totally agree with what that boy said.” An elderly woman comes up to the counter, putting a $50 note into the ‘Tip’ box. “If he ever sues you, I want to help you pay for it. That man was wrong.” Many people have done the same thing, putting a lot of money in the ‘Tip’ box, as if this lawsuit really will carry out. Frankly, Chanyeol’s not too fussed because after all, he comes from a rich family, and he could payback the suit if the situation ever calls for it.

“He was so brave!” A few girls giggle as they slide in a few coins inside the ‘Tips’ box. “We’re definitely coming back again.” One of the girls winks at Chanyeol and they rush off.

The coffee shop becomes so busy that Chanyeol has no time to check up on Baekhyun. It’s only they begin to run out of food do they decide to close it down early for a day. Chanyeol hears that the video of Baekhyun had gone viral, and that was why so many people were here. Apparently, someone in the room was really popular on social media and they uploaded it, which was why so many people came to check the coffee shop out. Even if they don’t eat, they would pop in and put notes in the ‘Tip’ box, then fly off again. In the end, Tao locks the door and heaves out a sigh of relief. He turns to Chanyeol, who looks just as worn out.

“We’re having a meeting at the back.” Tao says. Chanyeol follows suit, hoping to see how Baekhyun is.

Everyone is crowded around the meeting room, faces pulled down into a frown. Sunny looks the worst, her eyes red. Chanyeol sees Baekhyun in free dress, placing his uniform onto the chairs as well as his badge.

“Baekhyun, what are you doing?!” Tao shouts, eyes wide with shock.

“I’m quitting.” Baekhyun says calmly. What?

“What?” Chanyeol blinks dumbly. He walks over to where Baekhyun is, wanting to catch hold of his arm and stop him. Baekhyun looks up at him, for the first time in days looking into his eyes.

“I don’t want to give Viva Polo any trouble.” He says softly, eyes gentle. “I’ll find another job.”

“That’s not fair!” Tao shouts, pointing to Sunny, who looks guilty and horrified. “It was her fault! Why do you have to do it? If anything, she should be the one to leave!” Tiffany opens , wanting to shoot something back, but Chanyeol is there first.

“Tao, it wasn’t anyone’s fault here.” He says calmly. Tao turns to Chanyeol, looking mad.

“Whose ing side are you on?” He roars. “This entire time you’ve never been by Baekhyun’s side. What the is your problem? Are you even his friend?” Every word feels like a slap to Chanyeol’s face. “You act like a goddamn saint trying to get in everyone’s good books, but in the end, if you’re not loyal, you’re going to end up alone.”

“Tao.” Baekhyun calls softly. Tao is near tears, and he looks so frustrated.

“Don’t leave, Baekhyun…” Tao sobs. Baekhyun stands and brushes past Chanyeol, reaching out to pull Tao in his arms. Chanyeol feels stung for some reason at the cold action. “Why do you have to sacrifice yourself for them? They’ve never done anything for you…” When Chanyeol looks up, everyone is looking away. They feel guilty.

“You don’t have to leave, Baekhyun.” Chanyeol says, trying to make up to things. Why does everyone always have to fight? It’s something he can’t understand. He’d rather let his enemy have his own way then fight for what he wants. “We can work this out.”

“Yeah. He might be lying…” Taemin says, looking awkward. Baekhyun turns to everyone, expression soft. As if they hadn’t spent their entire time here bullying him, isolating him. As if they had never talked about him behind his back. As if they had never humiliated him in front of so many people.

“Even so, I don’t want Viva Polo to have a bad name.” Baekhyun explains. “Minseok has done everything for me. I don’t want to ruin things for him.”

“It wasn’t your fault though, Baek –” Tao says, but Baekhyun pulls him away.

“Don’t you get it, Tao?” There is sorrow in his tone. “No one cares if it was my fault or not. If he’s rich, he can do anything. He can shut down this coffee shop if he wants to.” Tao shuts up, wide eyes staring at Baekhyun – Baekhyun has never taken things out on him before. Baekhyun turns to everyone else, who’re looking uncomfortable and serious.

“Tiffany, I want you to be in charge of things, at least until Minseok comes back.” Baekhyun says. Tiffany looks angry, as if she’s about to refuse, but in the end, she nods. He surveys the room for a bit with a serious expression on his face, for the first time daring to lift his head up and let everyone see his eyes. Then he smiles – it’s a genuine smile, a smile made to comfort. Most of all, it’s a beautiful smile, a smile that Chanyeol knows has captured everyone’s hearts, just as it had captured Chanyeol’s.

If only you smiled like that when you first met them.

“Take care.” He says softly to everyone, then twists his head to look at Tao. He looks at Tao for a long time. Then he turns and leaves. Everyone is frozen in their spots, even Tao, for a long, long time. Eventually, Tao runs out, tearing after Baekhyun. Once again, the room is silent. Chanyeol is left wanting to go after Baekhyun too, but he doesn’t. He doesn’t have the same closeness to Baekhyun as Tao does. When Baekhyun had spoken to everyone, he hadn’t even glanced once at Chanyeol. Chanyeol has no place in his heart, and with what Tao has said about him, then he rightly deserves it.

“We…we weren’t fair to him…We were wrong about him.” Sunny mumbles. Jonghyun and Key agree mutely with a nod of their heads, mumbling on how they should’ve apologised. Tiffany looks stubborn. “We shouldn’t have done all those things to him…”

“Let’s make up to him.” Taemin says.

“We can buy him gifts.” Key continues.

“And visit him a lot.” Jonghyun adds. They all turn to Tiffany, who’s looking away from them. Eventually, she sighs.

“I should apologise for being such a .” She mutters, and everyone laughs as they reach up and pull her in their arms. She smiles too.

Chanyeol grins at the heart-warming scene. Trying to talk sense into them was never the best way to go. Chanyeol had always been sure that, if he tried to tell them that Baekhyun was actually a nice person, they would never believe him. Baekhyun had won their hearts by proving them wrong.

Just like that, Baekhyun had gained their utmost respect.


















And maybe Chanyeol doesn’t feel too bad, because he knows he can do something to help his crush.



























When Baekhyun had seen the scene between Sunny and that old fart unfold before him, his mind had been thumping, because the warning signs were loud. ‘RISKY, RISKY, RISKY’ had been screaming in his mind. He has nothing to do with this. He didn’t have to go and handle the situation. After all, Sunny and her groupies had always been pestering him, trying to get him out of the coffee shop. His legs had been stiff and reluctant as he walked towards the scene, his heart threatening to burst out of his chest. He had been so afraid because he had never done it before, had never risked anything before, much less for someone else.

So why did he do it?

Maybe a part of him wanted to prove them wrong, to prove that they shouldn’t judge someone so harshly and so easily.

Maybe a part of him felt wronged, because the man wasn’t treating her right, and whether she bullied him or not, the fact stands that she doesn’t deserve something like this.

Maybe a part of him felt like this was his duty as someone of the highest position in Viva Polo (with the Boss absent). To take care of his fellow workers, no matter how much they continue to resent him.

Maybe a part of him wanted to see how it feels like to put himself at risk. Maybe part of him wanted to feel the thrill of doing something out of his comfort zone.

Maybe…Maybe a part of him wanted to defend and stand up for someone, just like how a deep part of him wanted to be defended when he was in that position, that very day where he had been tripped and humiliated in front of so many people.

Baekhyun closes his eyes and slows to a stop. His mind is all Park Chanyeol. He feels frustrated because Park Chanyeol hadn’t sided with him, and had felt like this for days now, merely because Park Chanyeol was someone who disliked siding. He laughs quietly to himself – who was he to expect Chanyeol to side with him?

Chanyeol isn’t that kind of person.

Chanyeol hates fights. Chanyeol hates disputes, and he hates having to side with someone merely because he thinks this is not his fight. Even if it was his fight, he wouldn’t fight anyway. He would want to please everyone, and he expects everyone to do the same.

Baekhyun doesn’t even know why he’s blaming Chanyeol for this. Heaving a sigh, he continues walking, and soon reaches his apartment building.

As he enters the elevator, he feels as if his heart is a lot lighter than it was before. He used to never understand why people risked themselves for someone else, but now he sort of does. It’s a good feeling.

Even though the stress of having to find another job as good as this one is already stressing him out, he feels contented for a short while, because he had stepped out of his comfort zone and tried something he never thought he’d ever dare touch.

The elevator doors open and he steps out, finding his apartment before unlocking it, stepping inside. The only loss he feels is that he won’t ever be close to Park Chanyeol again.

Baekhyun understands now why Park Chanyeol never tries to involve himself in other people’s disputes. It’s because he might make things worse, just as Baekhyun had. He might make people misunderstand, and he might accidentally hurt people. Even so, Baekhyun doesn’t regret it.

Baekhyun decides to cook something for himself, but when he checks the fridge, it’s empty. He realises that he was supposed to go grocery shopping today. Sighing, he shuffles towards the door to open it.

When he does, he is met with a giant.

“Baekhyun…” Chanyeol’s eyes are wide, and Baekhyun’s heart skips a beat. They are so close and warning signs go off in Baekhyun’s head, but the smaller doesn’t care about that. Not anymore.


“I was…I’m…Can I come in?” Chanyeol asks. Wordlessly, Baekhyun steps inside, letting his crush enter his house.

Baekhyun leads Chanyeol towards the living room. “I’m sorry, there’s no couch.” In fact, the apartment is nearly empty.

“You have nothing in here, Baekhyun.” Chanyeol’s eyes are wide as he looks around. Baekhyun feels a little embarrassed, but he says nothing. “How do you sit down?”

“On the floor.” Baekhyun says simply. “Oh, you can sit on my bed.” He leads Chanyeol towards his bedroom. When Chanyeol enters, his mouth drops open.

“That’s…That’s not a bed, Baekhyun, that’s a thin mattress.”

“It’s fine. I bought everything here using my own money.”

“Wait…that means you once slept on the floor?” Baekhyun nods. “Baekhyun…”

“I’m fine.”

“I…” Chanyeol trails off, looking as if he’s wondering if he should say it. Baekhyun waits patiently, feeling much better about things for the first time in days. “I respect you though. For being able to do so much by yourself.”

Baekhyun flushes.

“S-S-Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you…” Chanyeol says quickly. “I was th-thinking how it’s c-cool…”

“It’s fine.” Baekhyun cuts in, smiling widely. Chanyeol’s heart is racing so fast. “Thank you.” He sits on his bed, gesturing for Chanyeol to follow. The taller hesitantly sits down.

“So why did you come here?” Baekhyun asks, and even though he looks calm outside, his heart is fluttering.

“Oh! R-Right…” Chanyeol looks a little flustered and embarrassed. “I wanted to say that you could live in my house for a while.”

Baekhyun blinks.


“As in…live in my house, Baekhyun. Live with me.” Chanyeol says. “I-It doesn’t mean anything. I just wanted…uh…”

“It’s okay, Chanyeol.” Baekhyun says softly. “I don’t need –”

“My pity, I know.” Chanyeol interrupts. “I was j-just…I respect you for what you did before. Really!” Baekhyun continues to look at him, right in the eyes. Chanyeol’s breath hitches in his throat. “A-And for that, I think y-y-you deserve to at least stay in my house, at least until y-you find a new job.”

“And why do I ‘deserve to’ stay in your house?” Baekhyun tilts his head, smile widening.

“B-Because we’re friends.” Chanyeol blurts. “We’re friends, and friends are supposed to help each other out.” Chanyeol throws his hands out, trying to stop Baekhyun from saying anything.

"Also, if you refuse, I’ll just come by here every day and check up on you and help you buy food and stuff.” Chanyeol continues. “I-I’ll quit my job too.” Baekhyun’s smile slips off his face into a frown.


“Please.” Chanyeol begs. “I’m putting our friendship on the line here.” Baekhyun doesn’t say anything, but Chanyeol swears he feels something dark passes over the smaller’s face. I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry… threatens to burst out of his mouth, but he shuts it tight. In the end, he has to hold his lips with his fingers to keep his mouth shut. Baekhyun sees that and he chuckles.

“All right.” He says. Once again, that smile is bright. “Thank you, Chanyeol.”



















At work, Tao is constantly in a bad mood. Baekhyun doesn’t dare visit Viva Polo, for fear they might assume he’s still working there, just in case that man decides to pop in and check. Chanyeol tries to talk to him, but Tao brushes him off, sending him annoyed glares. They decide to let him wash dishes at the back so he doesn’t affect the customers.

Chanyeol would like to say that his mood is affected by Tao, but in truth, he’s dejected for the same reason. Everyone at work seems to be solemn and serious, as if Baekhyun’s absence has also influenced them the same way. Even when they’re in a good mood, they don’t dare joke around, merely because of their newfound respect for Baekhyun, the worker who left.

Chanyeol’s family had welcomed Baekhyun with open arms, mostly because they all know of Chanyeol’s crush on him (after all, Chanyeol can’t shut his big fat mouth), such that even Baekhyun had been shocked. Baekhyun had to sleep in Chanyeol’s room and when Chanyeol’s not at work, he feels blessed.

“I thought you go to Viva Polo often to gain more experience?” Baekhyun teases one day as he helps Chanyeol’s mother chop potatoes. Chanyeol flushes.

“I went there for you.” Chanyeol mumbles. Baekhyun seems to be a little preoccupied with the potatoes. He looks up at Chanyeol, meeting his gaze.


“I went Viva Polo…” Chanyeol repeats, this time voice much louder. “…For you.”

Baekhyun blinks. Chanyeol’s mother is giggling to herself. Chanyeol is red.

“My son is growing up My son is growing up…” His mother whispers to herself gleefully as she slips away. Sometimes, Chanyeol blames her for his big fat mouth. Actually, all the time.

“I’ve been watching you for years, Baekhyun.” Chanyeol declares, trying to speak louder than his thumping heart. “You’d be lying if you said our eyes never met before my very first day in Viva Polo.”

Baekhyun is looking up at him, eyes wide.

“I-I thought I was being obvious enough.” Chanyeol continues. “I-I-I mean, I would help any friend out when they’re in t-trouble, but I-I’ve never really sided with anyone before during their arguments.”

“I-I-I mean, I didn’t even know what c-came over me when I told them to stop bothering you, a-as in…hahhahahahaha…” Chanyeol scratches his head, sounding panicky. “A-And I could always see both sides of the argument, but for your case I couldn’t really…”

“You tried, didn’t you?” Baekhyun asks softly.

“Yeah…” Chanyeol sighs. “I-I’m sorry for not completely siding with you.” Baekhyun smiles in reply. Date me.

“Date me.” Chanyeol blurts. Baekhyun blinks. “I-I-I mean, p-please…W-Would you date me, please?”

“Too risky.” Baekhyun mutters. It isn’t really a rejection, at least, not a refusal to Chanyeol as a person. Somehow, he understands that now, after spending months with him. Summoning up his courage, he grabs a hold of Baekhyun’s hand, linking their fingers together.

“What about this?” He whispers. “Is this too risky?” Baekhyun looks down at their hands, then looks back up.

He grins.

“No, but it’s risky.” Baekhyun says. Chanyeol’s heart is racing when Baekhyun squeezes his hand. “I’m willing to take up that challenge though.”



















“Who is that?”

“Whose hand is he holding?”

“Isn’t that Byun Baekhyun?”

“Who’s that?”

“Some guy that’s in my class.”

Byun Baekhyun is not invisible anymore.

“Chanyeol, isn’t this a bit…” Baekhyun whispers. Chanyeol laughs and squeezes his hand, pulling him closer.

“I know you might not like the attention, Baekhyun…” Chanyeol leans down to whisper in his ear. “But I just wanted everyone to know you’re mine.” Baekhyun frowns at him. “I-I meant, your hand is mine.” Baekhyun smiles.

“Shouldn’t you be mine, because I risked myself for you?” Baekhyun teases, and amongst more screams, he hides against Chanyeol’s arm, burying his face against Chanyeol’s shirt.

“Of course, of course.” Chanyeol squeezes Baekhyun’s hand.

“Who does he think he is, holding Chanyeol’s hand?”

“Hey!” Chanyeol looks backwards and twists around, confronting the person who said that. “Watch what you’re saying, because he’s my crush!”

“Chanyeol …” Baekhyun mutters, a little surprised and very flattered. Chanyeol looks over at everyone else.

“I don’t want to hear you talking about him.” He declares, grinning at everyone. “Unless you’re talking about how good we look together.”

“What are you saying?” Baekhyun hisses quietly, and Chanyeol only smiles down at him and bends down to his ear.

“I found that you’re worth fighting for.” He whispers, his grin bright. In the distance, Kyungsoo and Sehun watch the scene.

“Hey, he really did get that cold prince Byun Baekhyun!” Sehun whispers fiercely as he slaps Kyungsoo on the back. “Wow, he really can do things!”




















Whenever they have no homework or actual work to do, they would watch funny videos on YouTube. Chanyeol would laugh his off and Baekhyun would smile often, letting out a chuckle every now and then. Even though Chanyeol speaks his mind a lot, most of his thoughts are adorable and endearing and funny, something that Baekhyun likes a lot.  Even though Baekhyun doesn’t love to laugh, he loves to smile inside, so he always looks for the most amusing things to watch.

It was worth taking the risk to let Chanyeol hold his hand, because all these amazing feelings that come afterwards makes him feel so nice. It’s a good feeling. And the closeness he shares with Chanyeol, it’s something he can’t describe. Their intimacy only increases as time passes, and even though this means that he will get hurt someday, and more than he ever will be if he stayed away, he finds that it might not be too bad after all.

“Can I kiss you now?” Chanyeol mumbles one day, when they’re taking an evening walk together, hands linked. “Or is that too risky?”

“Too risky.” Baekhyun mumbles softly. He shivers into his thin hoodie. “It’s cold.”

“Baekhyun…” Chanyeol whispers. “On the cheek? Kiss on the cheek? Is that too risky?” Baekhyun laughs, bringing his hand up to his mouth.

“You’re so insistent…” Baekhyun says, grinning up at Chanyeol. The taller flushes, heart racing. He loves it when Baekhyun looks him in the eyes. “Yes, Chanyeol, it’s risky.”

“But you’re okay with it?” Chanyeol asks hopefully.

“Yeah.” Baekhyun smiles. He doesn’t even think Chanyeol can react so fast until he feels something warm press against his cheek. His heart is going haywire and he turns to stare at Chanyeol, whose cheeks are flushed.

“Risky.” Baekhyun mumbles. Chanyeol looks shy for a moment, but then he laughs.

“Maybe you’re taking after me.” He says as he continues pulling Baekhyun along the sidewalk. “You’re speaking your mind?”

“Whatever.” The smaller mutters, pushing against him playfully with his body. Eventually, after they fall into silence, Baekhyun looks around.

“We’ve been walking for quite a while…” Baekhyun points out softly, then turns to Chanyeol. “Are we going somewhere?”

“No, this is just a long, long walk for our hearts to be closer.” Chanyeol replies, grinning. Baekhyun finds that suspicious, but he doesn’t say anything. Eventually, the more they walk, the more familiar the place looks.

“Is this-” Baekhyun doesn’t get to finish, because Chanyeol surprises him by picking him up in his arms in a bridal style. Then the taller starts to run.

“Hahaha!” Chanyeol laughs against the wind, holding Baekhyun in his arms securely.

“Chanyeol!” Baekhyun gasps, holding onto him for fear he might fall. “I told you I didn’t want to come back here!”

“You’ll understand.” The taller grins down at him handsomely as he continues sprinting. He turns the corner, runs a bit more, and then enters the coffee shop. Then he sets Baekhyun down. The smaller glares at him half-heartedly.

“Everyone misses you.” Chanyeol says gently. “Especially the Boss.”

“He’s back?” Baekhyun asks, blinking in surprise.

“You betcha I’m back.” As if on cue, Kim Minseok walks out of the staffroom door, crossing his arms, face etched in annoyance. “Who the hell gave you permission to quit?”

Baekhyun doesn’t understand why Chanyeol is grinning.

“M-Me…” He mutters, staring at his feet.

“You’re in big trouble, young man.” Minseok walks towards Baekhyun, fury etched onto his face. “First, you go and scold one of our customers and kick him out of our shop. Next, you decide of your own accord to assign Tiffany in charge. Finally, you quit your goddamn job without even telling me.”

“I’m sorry…” Baekhyun mumbles, keeping his head bowed. He didn’t know Minseok would react like this. He thought he was doing the right thing.

“But you defended one of your own people, and I think that’s worth more than gold.” Minseok says softly. At his tone, Baekhyun looks up in surprise, and he sees a warm smile flit across the older’s face. “Byun Baekhyun, for that act alone, I appoint you as the Assistant Boss.”

Baekhyun stares at him blankly.

“It means, you’re now just about an equal rank with me, except, of course, I’m the boss of it all.” Minseok grins. “A true worker gives the customer whatever they want, but a true leader protects his people.”

“Also, what you did went viral on the internet.” Key says as he appears from behind the door, smiling.

“And now we have more customers than ever.” Jonghyun adds, grinning.

“I think that’s the Boss’s reason why he wants you back.” Sunny laughs.

“It’s because everyone wants to see you.” Tiffany says. Just like that, all the workers appear from behind the door, all watching Baekhyun with respect in their eyes. The smaller’s eyes are wide with surprise. Chanyeol can see that he’s smiling inside.

“BAEKHYUN, HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME?!” Tao shouts as he pushes past all of them to the front, tears in his eyes. Baekhyun chuckles and stretches out his hands. Tao rushes forward, letting Baekhyun hug him. And just like that, the entire group rushes forward too, all of them hugging together like colleagues, like family.

“Don’t you ever quit for a crap reason.” Minseok says once he pushes everyone away, not liking physical contact with others. “Or else I’ll fire you a hundred times.”

“Got it.” Baekhyun smiles.

“What are we gonna do about that old fart?” Tao asks. Everyone immerses into whispers, worried expressions on their faces.

“Oh, I dealt with that.” Chanyeol says as he steps in, grinning widely. “Turns out he’s not as rich as he looks. He stole that suit from his sister’s husband and wanted to look good in front of everyone. Apparently one of his family members saw the video and showed it to his sister’s husband, who dealt with him. His sister’s husband then apologised to us for his attitude.” Chanyeol passes a crumpled piece of paper to Baekhyun, gesturing for Sunny to come. “This is phone number. He wants to meet up with you some time, to make up for what that man did.”

The coffee shop erupts into cheers, and they spend the next ten minutes complaining about that man who really was a fake after all. At one side, Chanyeol sees Sunny pull Baekhyun towards the walls.

“Thank you for doing that for me.” She whispers. “But you shouldn’t have risked yourself like that.”

“You needed this job more than me, I –”

“No, I didn’t.” She shakes her head. “I have my father helping me supporting my child.” Baekhyun blinks in surprise. “We were all in this together, you know? You’re all alone, though…”

“I’m not.” Baekhyun cuts in, surprising Sunny. “Not anymore.”

“What does that mean?” She asks, confused.

“It means…” Baekhyun grins, gesturing for Chanyeol, who’s pointing to himself dumbly. Mildly annoyed, Baekhyun grabs his arm and pulls him over. “…that Chanyeol is my boyfriend.”

“Huh?” Sunny blinks.

“Huh?” Chanyeol blinks.

“HUH?” Everyone blinks. The room falls silent. Baekhyun reddens at the unwanted attention, and turns his face away.

“What…did he just say?” Minseok asks, eyes narrowed as he takes a step towards them. Everyone else’s eyes are wide as they stare at Chanyeol, waiting for a response.

Chanyeol’s too happy to care.

“HE SAID I’M HIS BOYFRIEND!” Chanyeol shouts, then picks Baekhyun up and kisses him on the cheek. “I’M HIS BOYFRIEND!”

Everyone cheers again, clapping loudly. The coffee shop is hot and warm, and Baekhyun has never felt happier in someone’s arms. When Chanyeol sets him down, he kisses his new boyfriend sloppily, this time on the forehead.

“Oh, uh, s-sorry…” Chanyeol laughs sheepishly. “You only said cheek –” Baekhyun can’t be bothered waiting for him the finish, so he tiptoes and captures Chanyeol’s lips into his own. Shocked, Chanyeol stays frozen, staring as his now-boyfriend pulls away and grins cheekily.

“W-What happened to ‘Highly Risky’?” Chanyeol asks dumbly. The smaller rolls his eyes and wraps his arms around Chanyeol’s neck, pulling him down until their foreheads are pressed together.

“I learned that there are good risks and bad risks.” Baekhyun whispers softly. “You taught me that. I just have to know which ones are worth it.”

“And how do you know that?” Chanyeol breathes. Baekhyun smiles.

“By taking a risk, of course.”















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Chapter 1: This story is purely amazing!!!! 🥺❤️
Chapter 1: Awwwwwww
This was a cute story!!!
Chapter 1: MY HEART!! i cant take the adorableness aa
Baek_lyn #5
Chapter 1: So cute
Chapter 1: I wished thr was more of it
Moonbyulgay #7
Chapter 1: This is so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 1: So cuteeeeee
1113 streak #9
Chapter 1: Reading this for the millionth time.
i loved this!