When you and your friend likes the same person, like a classmate, would you let go for her?

  • A) Yes, because I might hurt her if me and our crush became a couple.   (8 votes)
  • B) No, I will consider my needs too, I will not be too nice.   (5 votes)
  • C) It depends, If she can understand me, OK, But if she can't ,OK too.   (13 votes)
  • D) I can't tell, I cannot visualize the situation.   (4 votes)
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How good of a friend is she? If you guys are super close, then both of you guys should let go of your feelings for that guy to save your friendship. Even if you let go for the sake of her, it will still hurt you to see your friend and that guy get together in the future (if they do) and make your friendship with her awkward as hell.
This had happened to me and my "best friend" before. I liked him first (like 3-4 months before her) and was about to confess but she began to like him so we agreed to let go of our feelings for him to save our friendship. A week later, she began dating him. Needless to say, I lost my trust in her and we don't talk anymore.
Trust me, if you guys are really good friends, then just talk it out and agree that both of you should let your feelings go for him. But if you have the tiniest bit of doubt that she'll still go after him even after you guys talk it out, then trust your feelings and pursue the guy. "All is fair in love and war."
mysoulisstarving #2
it depends., this happened to me in elementary school but you know, we fangirled together and even had a secret codename for him and such