Do you find it weird when non-Asians like kpop?

  • A) ...Yes...   (10 votes)
  • B) Uh, no, why would I?   (162 votes)
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Asians, non-Asians, aliens... anyone can like K-pop!
What's wrong with humans liking K-POP? We are still the same species anyway
yogurt96 #3
Depends on the person. If I hate the person then its weird. If its someone weird, then we'd automatically be best friends
Kpop is worlwide :) Asians, Non-Asians are one! If not, how come Kpop can spread out sooooooo widely at Non-Asians country? Just an opinion ;)
Actually i know many, maaaany asians, and none of them likes kpop. While many of my non-asian friends like it. Still, why would it be weird for non-asians to like kpop?
I'm asian, but no, I don't find it weird for non-asians to like K-Pop. :)