Why do some people have such a strong desire for karma points?

When I first made my account in Jan. 2016, there were only about 2 stories and 2 blogs that asked people to comment on daily to gain karma. Now, there's multiple stories and blogs that allow other users to comment on just so they can "earn" easy karma. Isn't that like cheating though? Is it really that hard to read a story, and comment on each chapter, or to read a blog that isn't even 1K words long and leave a comment?

I get it if you're an advertiser/reviewer/beta-reader/graphic designer and you ask for kp in return for your service(s), but commenting 25 times on a story and blog to get 50kp within an hour everyday seems kind of unfair to me.

Idk. Is it just me? Is everyone else cool with this? If yes, then sorry. Don't mind me....

Oh yeah, I remember reading that there used to be karma shops, but they were all taken down. I have no idea how those karma shops worked, so if anyone could explain to me, I'd appreciate it.
10 months ago
i need to change my username huuhu
Flurpee 3 years ago
I don't know about others, but I'm just trying to get 5 points so I can upvote stories I like
6 years ago
hmnnn some people need the karma points to change their username though
[deactivated] 6 years ago
I'm looking for karma points because it somehow motivates me...? Like, I have something as my goal to be achieved here and that would be increasing my kp to 500 points (my current goal now) Idk, but I did it for the thrills

Also, it may help if I want to purchase layout or poster in the future so yeahh :D
[deactivated] 6 years ago
kp are like money-they look good accumulated
[deactivated] 6 years ago
Karma helps you to get your stuff advertised, if you have enough you can bid to have it featured somewhere on the site. And you have already mentioned other services that help make stories better.
It's always better to have it than to not have it lol

I don't mind people who comment a lot to get their karma - and as someone already said, it's possible to stop them by downvoting a comment if they start overdoing it.
I mean, who cares?
Plus the users here have been complaining and begging for more comments and this is one way to inspire people to actually do comment.

Karma shops were something like banks, I guess? Once I went to one just to give it a try.
Basically, you send say 20kp to the owner of the karma shop and after a month or two (by some math, I dont remember anymore), you have 50kp. And the more you give them, the more karma you will be able to get after a while.
I think they're pretty useful.
mysoulisstarving 6 years ago
I don't use karma shops... the karma I have now is from being on the site for years and I use it for graphics. its really nothing.
[deactivated] 6 years ago
I just don't mind it. Also they took down the stories which is good, and if you downvote a comment done by one of these commenters, that person won't be able to get any kps by commenting on your content so yeah, things are being handled very well in my opinion.
6 years ago
If both parties agree to it then I don't see why it can't happen. Not sure if it's considered unfair since technically the user does have a right to gain 25 karma per day. Of course, it's still pretty fishy but there's always the report button available if it really troubles you.