Can someone donate 600 karma points to me??
I really want to change my username! )":
I would really appreciate it if you did! Please.
10 months ago
i want to change my un too :(
[deactivated] 3 years ago
@Hemanjani Np!!!!!!
[deactivated] 3 years ago
@12Moonlight Thank you 😊
[deactivated] 3 years ago
@Hemanjani Just create a new account and later bind it to your current email you are using, that is if you are bound to one.
[deactivated] 3 years ago
Me too. I wanna change my username.
mastermind 3 years ago
8 years ago
okay honestly what is up with people bashing the writer of this post? for the past few weeks, ive seen at least five posts like this one and i saw tonnes of kind people donating karma points and not even one single rude word... then i come to read this post expecting to see more kind users and whatnot but instead i see a bunch of people ganging up on someone. yes, i agree that 600 is a lot of karma points to ask for and even i was surprised but like come on, spread the love <3 if you dont want to donate then kindly leave the page without saying anything like i did the first time i saw this post when it was still new. also please do not respond to my comment with nasty insults and stuff for i am simply trying to stick up for someone who may feel like she is alone with everyone against her ._.

@blxckwte, as a fellow AFF user, im sorry that you had to go through this. i dont know you at all and i personally think your username is fine as it is but i will absolutely not stand for bullying and that is what i think i see here so i came to your defense. if i had karma points to spare, i would probably donate some to you because why not help a friend in need? thats what AFF is truly about, isnt it? friendship <3 i hope youll be able to collect enough points in time (commenting or writing a story will take a while so why not enter a contest or even host your own one? c:) and if not, making a new account with your desired username wont hurt c: fighting~
blxckwte 8 years ago
@OurCrimsonSky Nobody likes losing their belongings, I know that very well. But if it was for a good cause, like helping someone in need, I believe those kinds of people deserves something in return. Losing 600 karma points is a big thing. If they were willing to lose that much in the first place to some complete stranger with nothing in return, maybe I can still have hope in humanity. Don't you like surprises?
I won't argue with you on that one, since I believe everyone has different beliefs.
Anywho, I appreciate you for stating your point earlier. Maybe you were wrong about that but you weren't wrong with your point.
[deactivated] 8 years ago
@blxckwte Aha, I see. But then the remaining 100 is still from the same person.
Well I think everyone is still as selfish as I think. It's just weird to give a complete stranger your things, your belongings.

And here I was thinking you were just another of those new members begging for karma, guess I was wrong.
blxckwte 8 years ago
@chocolatefitbar Sure, I'll try that. Thanks.
blxckwte 8 years ago
@OurCrimsonSky Of course I'm well aware of everything you just stated. I asked for 600 because after I recieved the 500 I need, I'll donate that 100 back to the owner for their kindness. It's not much, but at least I get to know there are still some kind people on AFF. I would beg to differ on your third statement though. Not everyone is as selfish as you think.
Again, I only posted this for those kinds of people. My chances are low, but nothing is impossible. It was a nice try though. Loosen up, mate. I wouldn't make such a post if I weren't aware of everything you just stated.
blxckwte 8 years ago
@BaekYeol_FTW I only posted this for those who would be kind enough to donate me some karma points. I'm aware my chances are low but it wouldn't hurt to ask, alright. Thanks for your opinion though.
blxckwte 8 years ago
@BaekYeol_FTW Don't you think I'm aware of that?
[deactivated] 8 years ago
First off. This is weird, someone's gotta tell you. secondly, you don't need 600 karma points to change your username, you need 500. Third, face it, no one will likely give you '600' karma points because they all earned it themselves. If you really are so fed up with your name, go make a new account, if you don't want that, then it means you still love your account more than changing your name because you wouldn't go to such far lengths to have a different name. Point stated.
8 years ago
haha yeah, you need to at least work hard for your karma points. :)
[deactivated] 8 years ago

what about commenting 10 blogs and stories everyday for 60 days? you'll get 600 kps in quite a short time compared to others.
8 years ago
I think your username is perfectly fine btw :)
8 years ago
@BaekYeol_FTW Took the words right from my mouth :)

600 is a lot, when I first started out, it took me almost a year to earn 600 points XD
8 years ago
I mean, every account here deserved their earned karma points so I don't think anyone would give you that much. Just saying.
8 years ago
That's pretty much a high price, don't you think?