Age is a Number


Minwoo just wants to see Donghyun happy.


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Pinkunicornsrainbows #1
Chapter 1: Awww it's so cute ^^ i saw it on tumblr too ^^
Chapter 1: This will sound harsh but I swear it's not.
I don't understand it fully at the end but it's not meant to be.
I can't understand their sleepless minds and why they suddenly kissed for no reason although their relationship was so innocent (or was it) but hell I'm in love with Donghyun's insecurities that he finds so hard to let on and Minwoo who can't decide if he wants to deal with it or not.
And it feels like a crazy spur of the moment thing that they'd regret the next morning with flushed face and avoiding eyes but secretly smile at their little secret exchange.

No one else came closer to them then each other did.

...sequel? :3