Hunting Mirror


Stuck in a world where people will never find her out. Couldn't reach for help and could only be rescued by herself.

The floor is made of shining marble, and the wall is made of glass and crystals. All the curtains are from silk. The castle is bright and shining. The town is pretty and clean, with majestic art all around the city. But, the only problem for Hana was it was not her world.

"Let me go back to my world!" Kim Hana screamed at the tall fine man in front of her.

"You failed our plan. Now, you just need to wait for the prince's wrath." 

"Find your own way back home. My people and I will never help you," The prince muttered after a witty grin appeared on his face. 


Her journey in another world started when she encountered death. "I will not imprison you, but you will feel more pain than what you will feel when in prison," The prince muttered as he walked out of the chamber. The rule that she must adhere to is to be at the palace right before dawn and leave the palace right before dusk. Living like a prisoner even when she was free to go anywhere. She was not treated like a human. Nobody could give her a hand to help. Key the go back to her world was, she needs to find a mirror. Not just any mirror, a mirror that can reflect a human.


Kim Jongin

One of the princes in Exodus represents the prince of peace. His ancestor instructed him to keep the peace between Exodus and the human world. He needs to follow the prophecy that was passed to him. His siblings are all boys, and all represent different things.


Kim Hana

A typical jobless 23 years old girl wandering around the city for a job. She had a little 16 years old sister that her whole family treasured because of her brilliant brain and good look. Hana never graduated from high school as she had trouble at school and was kicked out by the school discipline board.


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